User talk:Tito (CIS-A2K)/sandbox12
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[edit]Generally, impact reports should contain several sections:
[edit]Overview is a section that summarises the entire impact report, focusing the best work/impact made (or possibly in an ideal report focusing at least one terrible failure, and what we learnt from the failure). This "overview" section should be written after writing the entire report. The overview section should contain around 250-300 words.
Program name
[edit]Program overview: reminder of program objective, one sentence or two about program main activities/achievements/successes/learning points.
Activity narration
[edit]This is the main part of the report. There ought to be several sections that narrate an activity conducted, and especially its impact. You must follow Manual of Style. An activity narration must contain these points:
- What? What was the event?
- When? When did it take place?
- Where? Where did it take place?
- How? This narrates the event details including topics discussed/taught, agenda etc.
- Impact made: What was the impact? Note: impact must not be too vague such as many Wikimedians were delighted. Generally speaking, if you dig up two wells in a village, that's an activity, and the impact of this should be something like these two wells provided access to water to 200 families. (humor: BTW, we don't dig up wells). Verbatim quotations from participants of an event are often useful to show impact, but only recording quotations is not the best way to show impact. Ideally, an impact should capture three things a) clear narration of what was the impact, which should be b) supported by metrics, and c) participants' comments. To further clarify it, let's think of an example:
We conducted a Wikidata workshop, where 12 Wikimedians from 5 language communities participated. . . . . .(explain the activity in more details) and after this workshop 5 of the participants started using OpenRefine tool, we saw an increase of Wikidata activity for 4 users (cite this with metric report). One editor proposed 4 new properties. Please be specific which properties, add Wikilinks to properties and property proposals. We also got some feedback about this workshop, User:ILikedIt told that (link it) "the workshop was quite useful for me as I learnt OpenRefine, and structure of properties here, which I am using now." We should also note that User:ButThereIsABut felt (link it): The workshop was fantastic, but, the pace of the training was sometimes too fast, and in my OS I could not install "A" software because of slow internet. |
- Followup plan: What is the follow-up plan? Or what followups you have made already? Note: Don't write follow-up plans just to make the report look/feel good. There must be strong reasons and rationals of believing that the follow-up activities would take place.
- Learning: What did you learn after conducting the event/activity? Think from a program person's point of view, and please don't say "I learnt markdown/Regex during this event." What is the learning you have that can make the next iteration of the program better. If you have good learning to share, consider writing a learning pattern on Meta-Wiki. Or if you have any super-exciting event, learning, with output, consider writing a case study.