Latest comment: 2 years ago2 comments2 people in discussion
Thanks for experimenting with Meta. Your test has worked, and has now been reverted or removed.
Please use the sandbox for any other tests you want to do, since testing in other pages will be reverted quickly. Please see the introduction page if you would like to learn more about contributing to our project and also read about Meta's Inclusion policy on what is and isn't allowed on Meta. Thanks.
Tak fordi du eksperimenterede med Meta. Din test virkede og er nu blevet enten tilbagerullet eller fjernet.
Brug venligst sandkassen for alle andre tests du kunne finde på at udføre, eftersom testning på andre sider vil blive fjernet hurtigt. Tag endelig gerne også et kig på introduktions siden hvis du vil lære mere om hvordan du kan bidrage til vores projekt læs også om Metas inkluderingspolitik for at lære om hvad der er og hvad der ikke er tilladt på Meta. Mange tak.
Danke, dass du das Meta-Wiki ausprobiert hast. Dein Test hat funktioniert, wurde aber jetzt entfernt oder rückgängig gemacht.
Bitte benutze die Spielwiese für weitere Tests, die Du durchführen möchtest, da solche Versuche auf anderen Seiten sofort rückgängig gemacht werden. Bitte lies die Einführungsseite, wenn Du mehr darüber erfahren möchtest, was man in diesem Projekt beitragen kann und lies bitte auch die Regeln, was auf Meta erlaubt ist und was nicht. Danke.
Ευχαριστώ για τον πειραματισμό σου Meta. Ο πειραματισμός σου δούλεψε, και έχει αναστραφεί ή αφαιρεθεί.
Χρησιμοποίησε σε παρακαλώ το αμμοδοχείο για όποιο άλλο πείραμα θέλεις να κάνεις, καθώς ο πειραματισμός σε άλλες σελίδες θα αναστραφεί γρήγορα. Ρίξε μια ματιά στην εισαγωγική σελίδα αν θες να μάθεις περισσότερα για το πως να συνεισφέρεις στο εγχείρημά μας καθώς και να διαβάσεις την πολιτική συμπερίληψης του Meta για το τι επιτρέπεται και τι όχι στο Meta. Ευχαριστώ.
Gracias por experimentar con Meta. Tu prueba funcionó, y ahora ha sido revertida o eliminada.
Por favor usa la zona de pruebas para otro tipo de pruebas que desees realizar dado que los experimentos en otras páginas serán revertidos rápidamente. Mira la página de introducción si quieres saber más acerca de cómo contribuir al proyecto y también la política de inclusión acerca de lo que está y no está permitido en Meta. Gracias.
Kiitos että kokeilit Metassa. Testisi toimi, ja nyt se on palautettu tai poistettu.
Ole hyvä ja käytä hiekkalaatikkoa testataksesi mitä tahansa, sillä testaaminen muilla sivuilla palautetaan nopeasti. Katso esittelysivu jos haluat saada lisätietoja projektiimme osallistumisesta. Lue myös sisältökäytäntömme saadaksesi tietää mikä on ja mikä ei ole sallittua Metassa. Kiitos.
Merci d'avoir testé Meta. Votre test a fonctionné et a maintenant été annulé ou supprimé.
Veuillez utiliser le bac à sable pour tous les autres tests que vous souhaitez faire, car les tests dans d'autres pages seront annulés rapidement. Veuillez consulter la page d'introduction si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la contribution à notre projet et également lire la politique d'inclusion de Meta sur ce qui est autorisé et ce qui n'est pas autorisé sur Meta. Merci.
Tank foar jo eksperimint mei Meta. Jo test is slagge en is no weromdraaid of fuorthelle.
Brûk foar oare eksperiminten asjebleaft de sânbak, want wizigings yn oare siden sille gau fuorthelle wurde. At jo dat nijsgjirrich fine kinne jo op de yntroduksjeside mear lêze oer meidwaan oan dit projekt. Op dizze side stiet mear ynformaasje oer wat wol en net op Meta tastien is.
תודה שנסית ב במטה-ויקי. נסויך הצליח, וכבר נחזר או הוסר.
אנא השתמש בארגז חול לנסויים אחרים שאתה רוצה לעשות שניסוי בדפים אחרים ייחזר במהירות. אנא עיין בדף המבוא אם אתה רוצה ללמוד יותר על תרומה לפרויקט שלנו, וגם קרוא את מדיניות ההכלה של מטה-ויקי על מה הוא ואינו מותר במטה. תודה.
Terima kasih telah uji coba Meta. Uji coba Anda berhasil, dan sekarang telah dikembalikan atau dihapus.
Silakan gunakan bak pasir untuk uji coba yang ingin Anda lakukan selanjutnya, karena uji coba di halaman lain akan segera dikembalikan. Silakan lihat halaman perkenalan jika Anda ingin belajar lebih lanjut mengenai cara berkontribusi di proyek kami dan juga membaca tentang kebijakan Meta tentang apa yang diperbolehkan atau tidak diperbolehkan di Meta. Terima kasih.
Grazie per aver sperimentato con Meta. Il tuo test è riuscito, e adesso è stato annullato o rimosso.
Per favore, usa la pagina delle prove per ogni altro test che tu voglia compiere, dato che i test nelle altre pagine verranno annullati subito. Leggi per cortesia la pagina introduttiva se vuol saperne di più su come contribuire al nostro progetto, e anche la policy di inclusione, che spiega che cosa è permesso e che cosa no su Meta. Grazie.
გმადლობთ მეტაში თქვენი ტესტირებისათვის. ტესტირებამ წარმატებით ჩაიარა, თუმცა ის გაუქმებულ იქნა.
გთხოვთ გამოიყენეთ მეტას სავარჯიშო ასეთი ტესტირებებისათვის, სხვა გვერდზე კი ის წაიშლება. გთხოვთ იხილეთ მეტას აღწერა, თუ გსურთ გაიგოთ უფრო მეტი ჩვენი პროექტის შესახებ, ასევე გაეცანით მეტას წესებს და შეიტყვეთ რა არის და რა არ არის დაშვებული მეტაზე. გმადლობთ.
Bedankt voor uw experiment op Meta. Uw test is geslaagd en is nu teruggedraaid of verwijderd.
Maak voor andere experimenten alstublieft gebruik van de zandbak, want wijzigingen op andere pagina's zullen snel worden teruggedraaid. Als u daarin geïnteresseerd bent, vindt u op de introductiepagina meer informatie over bijdragen aan dit project. U kunt hier meer lezen over wat wel en niet op Meta is toegestaan.
Obrigado por experimentar Meta. Seu teste funcionou e agora foi revertido ou eliminado.
Por favor, use a página de testes para outros tipos de testes que deseje realizar dado que os experimentos em outras páginas serão revertidos rapidamente. Veja a página de introdução se quer saber mais sobre como contribuir com o projeto e também a política de inclusão sobre o que está e não está permitido no Meta. Obrigado.
Obrigado por experimentar Meta. Seu teste funcionou e agora foi revertido ou eliminado.
Por favor, use a página de testes para outros tipos de testes que deseje realizar dado que os experimentos em outras páginas serão revertidos rapidamente. Veja a página de introdução se quer saber mais sobre como contribuir com o projeto e também a política de inclusão sobre o que está e não está permitido no Meta. Obrigado.
Спасибо за ваши эксперименты с Мета-Вики. Всё отлично работает, однако эти изменения пришлось отменить или удалить.
Для тестирования возможностей вики предназначена песочница — используйте, пожалуйста, её для своих экспериментов; любые подобные правки на других страницах будут очень быстро отменены. Чтобы узнать больше о возможностях участия в нашем проекте, прочтите, пожалуйста, вводный обзор; также полезно ознакомиться с правилами включения материалов Мета-Вики, где рассказано, какие материалы допустимы на Мета, а какие — нет. Спасибо за понимание.
வணக்கம், மற்றும் Thanks for experimenting with Meta. எல்லோரும் பங்களிக்க வரவேற்படுகின்றனர், ஆனால் தாங்கள் மிக சமீபத்தில் செய்தா மாற்றங்கள் பயனற்றவை, மற்றும் ஆவை நிறாகரிக்க படுகின்ரன.
Please use the sandbox for any other tests you want to do, since testing in other pages will be reverted quickly. Please see the introduction page if you would like to learn more about contributing to our project and also read about Meta's Inclusion policy on what is and isn't allowed on Meta. Thanks.
Latest comment: 1 year ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Wikimedia LGBT+ User Group and the organizing team of Queering Wikipedia is delivering the Queering Wikipedia 2023 Conference for LGBT+ Wikimedians and allies, as a hybrid, bilingual and trans-local event. It is online on 12, 14 and 17 May, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia #IDAHOBIT, with offline events at around 10 locations on 5 continents in the 5-day span as QW2023 Nodes.
The online program is delivered as a series of keynotes, panels, presentations, workshops, lightning talks and creative interventions, starting on Friday noon (UTC) with the first keynote of Dr Nishant Shah entitled: I spy, with my little AI — Wikiway as a means to disrupt the ‘dirty queer’ impulses of emergent AI platforms. Second keynote is at Sunday’s closure by Esra’a Al Shafei, Wikimedia Foundation’s Board of Trustees vice chair, entitled: Digital Public Spaces for Queer Communities.
If you have been an active Wikimedian or enthusiast, supporting LGBT+ activities or if you identify as part of the larger LGBT+ community and allies in Wikimedia, please join us in advancing this thematic work. We encourage you to join online or in person with fellow Wikimedians if it is easy and safe to do so. Our working languages are English and Spanish, with possible local language support at sites of Nodes.
Registration for the online event is free and is open until Wednesday May 10th at 18:00 UTC, for safety protocol. Late event registration approval and event access denial is at the discretion of organizers.
More information, and registration details, may be found on Meta at QW2023
Latest comment: 1 year ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Time: May 21
Thank you for celebrating Year Ten! with Art+Feminism. To close out our live event celebrations we're hosting a virtual meetup with Wiki Advocates Philippines User Group on May 21.
Grab your lunch and join us on Friday, 18 August at Wikimania in Room 324 at 12:45 - 13:15 for an opportunity to meet with the Art+Feminism Community. If you're a long-time Art+Feminism community member or if our mission, vision, and values resonate with you - we'd love to see you there! There will be limited Art+Feminism swag, brief remarks from the organization, and most importantly, an opportunity to connect with fellow Art+Feminism community members.
Latest comment: 1 year ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Art+Feminism Virtual Tables campaign illustration
We have some exciting events coming up that we’d love to share with you!
At Art+Feminism, we believe that as feminist editors, our strength is in collective action. When we edit together, we share resources, knowledge, and skills; in doing so, we form a defense against harassment within the Wikiverse and beyond. Alongside our initiatives to close diversity gaps and create a safer Wikipedia, Art+Feminism remains committed to doing our part. This year that includes creating more virtual spaces for us to connect with one another, share knowledge, and edit together.
If you’d like to join the campaign by hosting your own A+F event but haven’t yet, it’s not too late! You can view our campaign resources here and send us an email to let us know you’re joining.
Latest comment: 10 days ago1 comment1 person in discussion
The 2025 Art+Feminism Virtual Editing Tables (VET) are here! The VETs help take a deeper look into our 2025-2026 campaign, asking: What would a truly feminist internet look like? These sessions are a space to connect, collaborate, and edit together. Together, we’ll envision and create a digital future that centers equity, representation, and justice. More information can be found here.
Art+Feminism VET: A Call for Feminist Artists: How Images Can Change the Internet