User talk:Stryn/Archive 6
Add topicKäyttäjä:Flow-keskustelusivukäsittelijä
[edit]Saatko käyttäjältä w:fi:Käyttäjä:Flow-keskustelusivukäsittelijä fi-wikissä oikeudet "botti ja Flow'n botti" pois? Ei tuota käyttäjää ole edes olemassa, vaan joku on suomentanut vissiin translatewikissä tai jossain botin nimen "Flow talk page manager", ja nyt on haamukäyttäjä bottina. Olisi kiva saada tunnus bottilistoilta pois. --Pxos (talk) 17:41, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
- Laitoin suoraan Phabricatoriin jonkun muun tehtäväksi siivota sotkut. --Stryn (talk) 18:26, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
Tech News
[edit]As the year, at least according to the calendar used by Tech News, is drawing to end, I wanted to say thanks for the Tech News translations – both as a person writing Tech News and a Wikimedia editor who cares about the movement. It’s difficult enough to keep track of what’s happening if one speaks English. I’m happy there’s one place to get a weekly update of what’s happening if one doesn’t. The one true international language is translation. I know you haven't been happy with how the translation memory has (or hasn't) been working for some things, but thank you for the translations you've done. /Johan (WMF) (talk) 13:52, 16 December 2015 (UTC)
- You're welcome. Thanks to you also for writing those tech news, there are often very useful information. I will try to translate those again next year. --Stryn (talk) 16:12, 16 December 2015 (UTC)
Small Tech News change
[edit]Hi, I noticed you are in progress of the translation, so I thought I should let you know that I just changed one of the items. I hope that doesn't confuse the translation software into causing problems. That's all. :-) Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 20:15, 17 December 2015 (UTC)
- Thanks for informing :-) --Stryn (talk) 20:17, 17 December 2015 (UTC)
HotCat-miestä tarvitaan
[edit]Löysin tällaisen. Voisitko globaalihippinä tulla myös suomenkieliseen Wikisitaatteihin asentamaan sinnekin HotCat-laitteen? Sille olisi ollut tarvetta jo aiemmin, mutta uskon, että tarve jatkuu. Vieläkin suurempi tarve HotCatille olisi Wikiopistossa, mutta se paikka on niin kaamea sekasotku, että en ole vielä kyennyt siivoamaan siellä mitään, kun keskityn yhteen sivuprojektiin kerrallaan. --Pxos (talk) 22:15, 18 December 2015 (UTC)
- Jättäisin mieluusti paikallisten ylläpitäjien tehtäväksi. Enkä muutenkaan ehdi, sen verran kiireitä. Stryn (talk) 06:33, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
- Löysinkin helpot ohjeet helposti, joten ilmeisesti onnistuin kopioimaan oikeat järjestelmäviestit. Ei ollutkaan niin vaikea juttu. --Pxos (talk) 10:56, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
- No hyvä, meinasin jo sanoa, että taitaisin sittenkin ehtiä tekemään vaikka tänään. Ei ole niin vaativaa tosiaan kuin voisi kuvitella. --Stryn (talk) 11:02, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: 2015 Community Wishlist Survey
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu 2015 Community Wishlist Survey on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 13:04, 21 December 2015 (UTC)Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #6—2015
Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the last issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter for 2015, which will be widely delivered on Thursday (end of the day in Europe). Despite being a bit shorter than usual, it does feature important announcements, like the one about the single edit tab system, which people can already test and give feedback about. Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 14:15, 21 December 2015 (UTC)
- PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Android app is a Google Play Best App of 2015
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Blog/Drafts/Android app is a Google Play Best App of 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 21:41, 21 December 2015 (UTC)Help
[edit]Hello, many picture uploaded by new users on Wikipedia or other project. sometimes I confused with that matter. which pictures are in copyrighted. How can I justify that which files are copyrighted.★ Sethtalk 04:40, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
- It largely depends of the project. If fair use is accepted in the project it's fine to upload some pictures. You can check from Non-free content is a fair use allowed on a certain project. See also wmf:Resolution:Licensing policy. More info about non-free content. --Stryn (talk) 09:10, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
[edit]I haven't vandalized anything — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
- Hi, you can edit when you log in. I had to block the range because of vandalism, and your IP belongs to that range. The block will last 1 week and then you will be able to edit also using your IP address. --Stryn (talk) 13:20, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
- Changing things so the original names come first is not vandalism — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
- Can you clarify? And please sign your comments. --Stryn (talk) 14:58, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
The anime was dubbed in English and the English names were put first and the original names were put second. — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
- As I have said, you can edit if you have an account. If you don't have an account, stewards can create you one; just send us email to and tell us the name of account you want. Unfortunately I can't unblock the IP range that you use because of large amount of vandalism coming out from there. --Stryn (talk) 17:13, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
- Large amount? How is editing like twice a large amount — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
- Vandalism as how its used here does not neccasarly imply it always happens with anonymous users. In this case (and I know this because I was dealing with this matter too (not as steward though)) a user abused this IP netblock to create a lot of accounts to evade his block. Due to this abuse Stryn cannot unblock it right away, as the vandal would continue where left off. If you really want to contribute to Wikipedia or its sisterprojects, I would highly suggest you send a request for an account to the email address above. Kind regards, Wiki13 talk 23:30, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
- Large amount? How is editing like twice a large amount — The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk)
Merry Christmas and happy new year
[edit]- @Grind24: Thank you very much for your warm message! I wish you Merry Christmas and happy new year as well. --Stryn (talk) 15:55, 25 December 2015 (UTC)
File transfer
[edit]Hello, How can I file transfer from English Wikipedia to Bengali Wikipedia?? this help me my work. please respone `★ Sethtalk15:17, 29 December 2015 (UTC)
- I think that there's not any tool to do the work. You have to save the file to your computer first and then upload it to Bengali Wikipedia. --Stryn (talk) 15:19, 29 December 2015 (UTC)
Stewardien päätösvalta
[edit]En jaksa etsiä, niin kerropa minulle, missä lukee se käytäntö, missä ylivalvojat itse päättävät, kuinka pitkäksi aikaa määräaikaiset yp-oikeudet myönnetään ja milloin erilaiset oikeudet pitää pyytää, jotta ne hyväksytään. Jos väliaikaisten oikeuksien hakemisesta on ilmoitettu paikalliselle yhteisölle, missä vaiheessa päätöksenteko on valunut keskitetysti jonkun satunnaisen ylivalvojan käsiin, joka voi tehdä vaikka miten hullunkurisia päätöksiä. Haluan siis lukea sen käytäntösivun tai keskustelun, jossa asia on näin päätetty. --Pxos (talk) 19:49, 6 January 2016 (UTC)
- Steward_handbook#Administrator_and_bureaucrat_rights: "If the wiki has no community, or if it has too few active users to hold a meaningful discussion of the issue, it is probably advisable to grant temporary rather than permanent rights. Three months is a common period for temporary rights" sekä "The precise duration is a matter of discretion; three months and six months appear to be the most common." Sinulla on väliaikaisen ylläpitäjän oikeudet helmikuun loppuun saakka Wikiopistossa, koska oikeudet myönnettiin kolmeksi kuukaudeksi. Ennen kuin kolme kuukautta täyttyy, kannattaa pyytää jatkoaikaa (paikallisen ilmoituksen tekemisen jälkeen), jolloin myönnetään joko 3kk tai 6kk jatkoaika. Ylläpitäjyyden määräaikaisuutta ei ole tapana pidentää kesken määräaikaisuuden, vaan juuri ennen määräaikaisuuden loppumista tai sen jälkeen. --Stryn (talk) 16:16, 7 January 2016 (UTC)
- Ei tuossa ole mitään mieltä. Jos olisin hakenut alun perin kuutta kuukautta, olisiko myönnetty kuusi vai kolme. Aiemmin kai myönnettiin vuodeksi, mutta nyt aika on lyhentynyt. Yritän sanoa, että olen itse päättänyt hakea kolmea kuukautta mutta huomaan nyt, että se on liian vähän, koska Wikiopisto on niin sekaisin ja koska en aio.... Äh, antaa olla. On helvetin hienoa, että useissa pikkuprojekteissa on meillä vielä paikallinen byrokraatti TJ virassa. Ilman häntä olisi kyllä tosi vaikeaa. --Pxos (talk) 20:23, 7 January 2016 (UTC)
- Ja vielä: Ohjeet asiasta ovat Ylivalvojien Käsikirjassa, eli siinä ohjeessa, joka opastaa ylivalvojia. Niitä ei siis ole yleisesti saatavilla oikeuksien pyytäjiä varten ollenkaan. Olisipa syytä kirjoittaa nuo "temp admin" ohjeet johonkin näkyvään paikkaan. Käsikirja ei ole riittävä paikka. Juttele ylikavereiden kanssa ja tehkää parannus. --Pxos (talk) 20:25, 7 January 2016 (UTC)
[edit]Hi! Can help with this userbox, please? It should change "English Wiktionary" into Dutch Wiktionary, for example, if you put {{User_Wiktionary_admin|lang_code=nl}}, but it does not. I tried to fix, but I am not very good in coding :( --Ochilov (talk) 18:56, 9 January 2016 (UTC)
- I have already fixed myself. --Ochilov (talk) 08:38, 10 January 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Template:StrategyButton2016/editintro/Communities
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Template:StrategyButton2016/editintro/Communities on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2016-01-18.
- Text should be stable at this point. I've just made what I hope will be the last modification to those pages!
- Thank you for all you do, and I hope you will not only assist in translation (if you are able) but also take part in the consultation. Your input will be very welcome.
- Questions or concerns? Please let me know at Thanks! Maggie
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 02:06, 12 January 2016 (UTC)luri lrc wikipedia admin
[edit]I'm mike mogoei my user name is mogoeilor and I'm luri lrc test admin for six month past and it was expired I renewed this request in this link [1] and I know six months for lrc wikipedia is very short please help me to be administrator of luri lrc for more time as like as 2 year and in my rights in past years I couldn't have to protect luri lrc wiki page please help me to fix this problem and could you help me to be admin of luri lrc again?.
best wisheslrc lori (talk) 04:13, 15 January 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, December 2015 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 22:51, 25 January 2016 (UTC)Future IdeaLab Campaigns results
Last December, I invited you to help determine future ideaLab campaigns by submitting and voting on different possible topics. I'm happy to announce the results of your participation, and encourage you to review them and our next steps for implementing those campaigns this year. Thank you to everyone who volunteered time to participate and submit ideas.
With great thanks,
I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 23:56, 26 January 2016 (UTC)
my Steward candidacy disqualification challenged
[edit]@Stryn: Dear, I have sysop rights on SdWiki Sindhi Wikipedia, so you said i have no sysop rights no not it all I have sysop rights on SdWiki and soon I shall get on English wikipedia too, If I am given steward rights besides sysop rights on SdWiki as well as global rights I may work better, dear kindly open your broaden cogitaion gates for me for steward candidacy so I can work even more easily and perform well on sdwiki, SdWiki needs me, see my contributions on user page sdwiki, contributions on sdwiki and global contributions, these elections happen after so long time and I can't wait for too much time which can creates hurdles for me and Sdwiki for its success, kindly rethink your decision. expecting postive and dignified role from you. tHanks....--Jogi don (talk) 11:06, 28 January 2016 (UTC)
Thank you!
[edit]For managing the user rights for the 2016 Ombudsman Committee. Much appreciated, Patrick Earley (WMF) (talk) 18:55, 1 February 2016 (UTC)
- No problem, for the record, it was requested by User:Kbrown (WMF) :) --Stryn (talk) 18:56, 1 February 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Admin activity review/Notice to communities
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Admin activity review/Notice to communities on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 15:58, 8 February 2016 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Admin activity review/Notice to inactive right holders
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Admin activity review/Notice to inactive right holders on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 16:01, 8 February 2016 (UTC)Why
[edit]You sign my vote with "not eligible". Why? --This unsigned article written by: User:Aguzer 20:27, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
- Hi, because you didn't fulfil the requirements for the voting:
- have made at least 600 edits globally (on all Wikimedia wikis) before 01 November 2015; It's ok
- have made at least 50 edits globally (on all Wikimedia wikis) between 01 August 2015 and 31 January 2016. It's not ok
- You made only 3 edits between that time per the tool.
- --Stryn (talk) 20:31, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
- Hmm.. Ok. Sorry for this.. --This unsigned article written by: User:Aguzer 20:34, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
I think the bot has some prob
[edit]with my name!? :P --عثمان منصور انصاري (talk) 21:42, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
- No, you just didn't add the template fully formatted here, and your vote will be marked as eligible soon. --Stryn (talk) 21:44, 8 February 2016 (UTC)
luri lrc protect pages
I'm luri lrc admin and I can't protect the pages of this wiki please help me to fix this problem.
lrc lori (talk) 17:52, 10 February 2016 (UTC)
- Hi, why you can't protect the pages there? Maybe you should read mw:Help:Protecting and unprotecting pages. --Stryn (talk) 17:56, 10 February 2016 (UTC)
so thanks this problem is related to the time of protects the pages when i want to protect the page i got the error of that says time of expire is not valid.lrc lori (talk) 04:23, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
- Select the expiry time from the drop-down menu. If you want to set the expiry time by writing it on the field, see acceptable formats at --Stryn (talk) 08:17, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
so thanks I select the expiry time from the drop-down menu but that error was repeat and i cant fix this problem i choose all of times but that error was repeat.lrc lori (talk) 11:12, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
- Ok, I can confirm the problem. Reported at Phab:T126599. --Stryn (talk) 12:02, 11 February 2016 (UTC)
- so thanks for your help best wishes.lrc lori (talk) 18:12, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
Re: Please fix your signature
[edit]Fix it. Thanks! --Dimitrij Kášëv 21:06, 18 February 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, January 2016
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, January 2016 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 19:47, 22 February 2016 (UTC)Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #1—2016
Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the upcoming issue of the multilingual newsletter for the visual editor, which will be widely delivered as usual on Friday (end of the day in Europe). This time it features, among other things, updates about tables and about the single edit tab system (if you're looking for more translation opportunities, please consider the related overview). Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 21:37, 22 February 2016 (UTC)
- PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.
Stewards elections
[edit]Any hints how to treat votes by users like User:Violetova who is eligible under her another account w:mk: Корисник:Виолетова? According to the guidelines eligibility is asigned to a person, not to an account, but unsure how to mark such cases on the eligibility chacking page. Ankry (talk) 12:37, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- Hi, thanks for your message. I think that we should not accept votes from Violetova as this account is not eligible to vote. She should use her account Виолетова to vote. @Shanmugamp7: what do you think? --Stryn (talk) 12:54, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- In the past year votes from Philippe were accepted despite him being merely eligible under his work account. --Vogone (talk) 13:20, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- Not last year, but 2014. --Vogone (talk) 13:23, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- For reference, see User talk:Philippe#SE2014. --Vogone (talk) 13:24, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- I think we can accept if we can confirm that both the accounts are from same person, i also remembered that incident while seeing this Vogone, thought of replying bit later but forgot--Shanmugamp7 (talk) 16:13, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- I think that Philippe and other staff are exemption, because we can't except them to use their work account to vote. Though, I'm not against approval of Violetova's vote. --Stryn (talk) 17:41, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- The other user mentioned there is not staff … --Vogone (talk) 17:46, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- I think there is no doubt that both accounts are operated by the same person: they are clearly linked in few wikis in both directions. Ankry (talk) 19:56, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- I think that Philippe and other staff are exemption, because we can't except them to use their work account to vote. Though, I'm not against approval of Violetova's vote. --Stryn (talk) 17:41, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
- I think we can accept if we can confirm that both the accounts are from same person, i also remembered that incident while seeing this Vogone, thought of replying bit later but forgot--Shanmugamp7 (talk) 16:13, 23 February 2016 (UTC)
Intresting situation, I didn't read here and I was just cheacking as a simple pastime, although I did stop to check the SUL profile of some voters (I left some Welcome message somwhere too). To me it really looked like a simple non eligible account. I thought that the other account linked in the profile was just a transliteration obtained with a redirect or something. if you prefer to consider the vote eligible, fine with me. Although I think she should have used the other account. For the future maybe a warning should be put at the beginning of the page (like they do in some dewiki election page, I think it was there) so people can check their situation directly before voting. This should reduce the cases of mistakes from long-term users.
This strategy in any case does not solve the well-known problem of the maintenance of duplicates and accepted sockpuppets in SUL.I keep saying that we need a clear way to self-declare related accounts in the SUL interface.--Alexmar983 (talk) 01:04, 24 February 2016 (UTC)
- This case seems to be irrelevant, however. The user voted again using her eligible account. Just a case for discussion how to treat such accidents in future. Ankry (talk) 14:26, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
About new administrator canditate in Armenian Wikipedia
[edit]Hi Stryn, please look this. --Vadgt (talk) 20:24, 27 February 2016 (UTC)
Thank you
Thank you for keenly observing and silently doing your part in a number of activities including the just concluded Steward elections.
I hope you will continue doing your best in the maintenance of the Wikimedia projects!!
In particular, I've always been concerned about South Asian language projects and I hope your best cooperation with regard to them!!!--Muzammil (talk) 19:06, 28 February 2016 (UTC)
Should FuzzyBot remove all potentially outdated translations?
[edit]Hello, thanks for adding multiple new translations in your language here at Meta-Wiki in recent years. Please join the discussion with your opinion: Should FuzzyBot automatically remove all potentially outdated translations?. Nemo (talk) 12:00, 1 March 2016 (UTC)
- Thanks, I saw already the discussion started by you and will probably answer later. --Stryn (talk) 12:03, 1 March 2016 (UTC)
85.76 avaruusesto Fi-Wikipediassa
[edit]Hei. Tulin valittamaan avaruusestosta tänne sen verran, että jossain kohtaa oli puhetta, että jos pannaan mobiiliverkko (esim. jäähylle, jätetään oikeus luoda käyttäjätunnus ja mahdollisuus muokata omaa keskustelusivua. Nyt 85.76 on täysin estetty äärimmäisen ankarilla estoasetuksilla niin, ettei noita oikeuksia ole. Minä tosiaan ehdottaisin väärinkäyttösuodatinta 85.76:lle, jottei tarvitsisi olla jatkuvasti täysin estettynä. Ainakin pyytäisin palauttamaan tunnustenluontioikeuden, jotteivät 65535 syytöntä joutuisi kärsimään.-- 14:51, 1 March 2016 (UTC)
CU statistics
[edit][2] Are you sure? I got the data from January both from the script and manual count, and, for example, RadiX did indeed performed 200+ CU actions there, and not just the 40 the script gave to me. Best regards. —MarcoAurelio 16:06, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Indeed. I don't know how did I get so different results, I will check them again... --Stryn (talk) 16:09, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
- Ok, different numbers were because of RadiX were renamed so the tool couldn't handle it correctly. And other number changes for January looks like to be because of different time zones used when counting (I used now and last year UTC time). --Stryn (talk) 16:20, 3 March 2016 (UTC)
Confirmation discussions
[edit]Dear Stryn,
As you probably know, the confirmation discussions for Stewards have been closed. In order to determine the outcome of these discussions, you are invited to comment on Talk:Stewards/Confirm/2016 before scheduled closure of the confirmation section "one week after the appointment of the newly elected stewards" (Sunday 6th of March, 17:22 UTC), though the closing time might be extended at the ElectCom's discretion for an extra week if it is believed "further input is required before concluding". All stewards are welcome to comment, including those newly elected.
For those who ran for confirmation, consider revising comments regarding you, and replying to those where appropriate. Savhñ 08:01, 4 March 2016 (UTC)
[edit]can you delete --İnternion (talk) 19:14, 4 March 2016 (UTC)
- Deleted User:İnternion/EditCounterGlobalOptIn.js. --Stryn (talk) 19:16, 4 March 2016 (UTC)
- Thank you --İnternion (talk) 19:18, 4 March 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: User:CKoerner (WMF)/Work/Completion Suggester inital rollout
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu User:CKoerner (WMF)/Work/Completion Suggester inital rollout on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on matala. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2016-03-07.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 19:55, 4 March 2016 (UTC)Enable the block on Finnsh Wikipedia
[edit]See the w:fi:special:Abuselog changed filter, requests enable blocks. 06:34, 5 March 2016 (UTC).
- Use [3] not yet tasks Wikimedia Phabricator. 06:34, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- What are you doing ? Stryn (talk) 07:15, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- It's just User:Никита-Родин-2002, global block evading, simply block him. OneLittleMouse (talk) 09:56, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
- Thanks. I also thought so, locked. --Stryn (talk) 10:00, 5 March 2016 (UTC)
Kabyle Wikipedia administration request
[edit]Hi, could you see my admin request here. Cordially, Issimo 15 (talk) 17:15, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
- Replied there. --Stryn (talk) 17:19, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikipedia
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikipedia on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 02:14, 12 March 2016 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, February 2016
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, February 2016 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 19:20, 18 March 2016 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Tech/Server switch 2016
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Tech/Server switch 2016 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Tämän sivun tärkeysaste on korkea. Tämä sivu tulisi kääntää viimeistään 2016-04-07.
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 18:34, 23 March 2016 (UTC)unblock
[edit]Unblocked my pageNorthon123
- Stop vandalizing or you will be blocked indefinitely. --Stryn (talk) 10:25, 25 March 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Interface editors
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Interface editors on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 12:46, 29 March 2016 (UTC)Open Call for Individual Engagement Grants
Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) program is accepting proposals until April 12th to fund new tools, research, outreach efforts, and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), IEGs can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.
- Submit a grant request or draft your proposal in IdeaLab
- Get help with your proposal in an upcoming Hangout session
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants
With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 15:57, 31 March 2016 (UTC)
Re: Global renamer access removed
[edit]Dear Stryn,
I just wanted to inform that I was not very active in this last year: when I noticed that a rename was needed I have realized that another renamer was faster than me; after some failed attempts to be useful I have understood that my frequency in activity was not up to the general expectation. I deeply thank you for giving me the chance to manage some renames: I feel very honoured and proud.
When I become more active I am going to ask for another chance to serve the WikiMedia community. - εΔω 20:28, 10 April 2016 (UTC)
Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, March 2016 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 19:21, 13 April 2016 (UTC)Ilmoitus käännöksestä: Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016
[edit]Saat tämän ilmoituksen, koska olet ilmoittautunut kielen suomi kääntäjäksi sivustolla Meta. Sivu Wikimedia Highlights, April 2016 on saatavilla käännettäväksi. Voit kääntää sen täällä:
Apuasi arvostetaan. Sinuntapaisesi kääntäjät pitävät sivuston Meta toiminnassa monikielisenä yhteisönä.
Sivuston Meta käännösvastaavat, 20:45, 17 May 2016 (UTC)
Wikimania 2016 is almost here! Mjohnson (WMF) and I are running two workshops for IdeaLab during the conference, and you are invited to join us for either (or both!)
If you have a proposal or idea you are thinking about, and would like a space to work on it on your own or with others, please consider joining us for either the Thursday or Saturday sessions. We'll discuss a little about IdeaLab and how it works, and the rest of the time is space for idea building. You can also use this session to ask questions about Wikimedia Foundation grants that are available if your proposal or idea may need funding. Thanks, and see you at the conference! I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 20:45, 19 June 2016 (UTC)