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User talk:Socoljam/DynamicArticleList (enhanced)

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I have thos error with mediawiki 1.7.1 (it seems it works fine under 1.6.7

Database error
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A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:

    (SQL query hidden)

from within function "". MySQL returned error "1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER by rc_id DESC LIMIT 5' at line 9 (localhost)".
title=New Articles

And it works fine if i skip categoryRoot

Any Idea ? --Ctof 18:15, 24 July 2006 (UTC) Answered on your talk page. Cheers. --Jimmy 23:17, 24 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

Slow Updating


I installed it two days ago, but it hasn't updated since then -- the list of recent articles is now 3 days old. Do I have to do something to trigger it to refresh? Thanks for any help.--Matt 14:21, 7 August 2006 (UTC)

Two options: either add a link to the page that has &action=purge on it, or just type that on the end. DAL doesn't seem to turn off caching on the pages it's on. Jimmy 18:20, 10 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

Patch to skip error when category is not existing


Hello, i have Modifiy your version to have no error when category has not been saved at least one time. I also skip the where clause concerning the namespace (search by default on all namespace)

   * Purpose: Dynamic Output of Article List (Main Page always not in list)
   * Note: Currently support four types (new, hot, update, discussion).
   * new => Newly Posted Articles
   * update => Recently Updated Articles
   * hot => Most Popular Articles
   * discussion => Recently Updated Discussion
   * @author: Zeng Ji (zengji@gmail.com)
   * To install, add following to LocalSettings.php
   * require_once ("extensions/DynamicArticleList.php");

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfDynamicArticleList";

function wfDynamicArticleList() {
  global $wgParser;
  $wgParser->setHook( "DynamicArticleList", "DynamicArticleList" );

// The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function DynamicArticleList( $input, $getOpts, &$parser ) {
  require_once ('CategoryUtil.php');
  $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
  global $wgTitle;
  // Default Values
  $listTitle = false;
  $listType = 'new';
  $listCount = 5;
  $categoryRoot = false;
  $options = array('showeditor' => 1,
		   'showtimestamp' => 1,
		   'showviews' => 1,
		   'cat' => '-' );
  foreach ( $getOpts as $k => $v ) {
    $parseTest = $parser->parse($v, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions, false, false);
    $options[$k] = $parseTest->getText();
  // ###### PARSE PARAMETERS ######
  $aParams = explode("\n", $input);
  foreach($aParams as $sParam) {
    $aParam = explode("=", $sParam);
    if( count( $aParam ) < 2 )
    $sType = trim($aParam[0]);
    $sArg = trim($aParam[1]);
    switch ($sType) {
    case 'title':
      $listTitle = $sArg;
    case 'type':
      if ( in_array($sArg, array('new','hot','update', 'discussion')) )
	$listType = $sArg;
    case 'count':
      $listCount = IntVal( $sArg );
    case 'categoryRoot':
      $categoryRoot = $sArg;

  // ###### CHECKS ON PARAMETERS ######
  if ($listTitle!=false && strlen($listTitle)==0) {
} else {
  $parseTitle = $parser->parse($listTitle, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions, false, false);
  $listTitle = $parseTitle->getText();

// ###### BUILD SQL QUERY ######
echo 'cat: [' . $options['cat'] . " - " .$options. "]<br />";
$sql = genSQL($listType, $listCount, $categoryRoot);
echo 'QUERY: [' . $sql . "]<br />";

// ###### PROCESS SQL QUERY ######
global $wgUser;
global $wgLang;
global $wgContLang;

$res = $dbr->query($sql);
$sk =& $wgUser->getSkin();

if ($dbr->numRows( $res ) != 0) {
  while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject ( $res ) ) {
    $title = Title::makeTitle( $row->namespace, $row->title);
    if ($listType == 'discussion')
      $sLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, $wgContLang->convertHtml($title->getText()), '', '', 'Discussion: ');
      $sLink = $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, $wgContLang->convertHtml($title->getText()));
    // Generate 'View Count' String (for 'hot')
    if ($listType == 'hot')
      $aViews[] = ' - ( ' . $row->count . ' views ) ';
      $aViews = false;
    // Generate 'Time' String (for 'new', 'update', 'discussion')
    if ($listType != 'hot') {
      $aDates[] = ' - [ ' . $wgLang->timeanddate($row->timestamp, true) . ' ] ';
      $editorID = $row->user;
      if ($editorID == 0) {
	$editor = wfMsg('anonymous');
	$aEditors[] = ' (' . $editor . ')';
      } else {
	$editor = User::whoIs($editorID);
	$aEditors[] = ' ( ' . $sk->makeLink($wgContLang->getNsText(NS_USER) . ':' . $editor, htmlspecialchars($editor)) . ' )';
    } else {
      $aDates = false;
      $aEditors = false;
    $aArticles[] = $sLink;
$dbr->freeResult( $res );

// ###### GENERATE OUTPUT ######
return OutputList($aArticles, $aEditors, $aDates, $aViews, $listTitle, $options);

function genSQL( $type, $count, $categoryRoot=false ) {

  $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
  $sPageTable = $dbr->tableName( 'page' );
  $sRevisionTable = $dbr->tableName( 'revision' );
  $sRecentChangesTable = $dbr->tableName( 'recentchanges' );
  $sCategoryLinksTable = $dbr->tableName( 'categorylinks' );
  $categoryUtil = new CategoryUtil();
  $sql = '';

  if ($type == 'hot') {
    if ($categoryRoot != false) {
      // page_namespace=".NS_MAIN." AND 
      // page_namespace AS namespace,
      $cNameList = $categoryUtil->getCNameList($categoryRoot);
      if ($cNameList == ')')
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to='".$categoryRoot."' ";
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to IN ".$cNameList." ";
      $sql = "
                        SELECT DISTINCT
                        page_title as title,
			page_namespace AS namespace,
                        page_counter as count
                        FROM $sPageTable
                        INNER JOIN $sCategoryLinksTable ON page_id=cl_from
                        WHERE page_is_redirect=0 AND page_id!=1 ".$cNameListSql."
                        ORDER by count DESC
                        LIMIT $count
    } else {
      $sql = "
                        SELECT DISTINCT
                        page_title as title,
                        page_namespace AS namespace,
                        page_counter as count
                        FROM $sPageTable
                        WHERE page_namespace=".NS_MAIN." AND page_is_redirect=0 AND page_id!=1
                        ORDER by count DESC
                        LIMIT $count
  } elseif ($type == 'update') {
    // Step 1: Get revision list order by rev_id
    // AND page_namespace=0 
    if ($categoryRoot != false) {
      $cNameList = $categoryUtil->getCNameList($categoryRoot);
      if ($cNameList == ')')
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to='".$categoryRoot."' ";
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to IN ".$cNameList." ";
      $sql = "
                        MAX(rev_id) AS max_rev_id
                        FROM $sPageTable
                        INNER JOIN $sRevisionTable ON page_id=rev_page
                        INNER JOIN $sCategoryLinksTable ON page_id=cl_from
                        WHERE page_is_new!=1 AND page_is_redirect=0 AND page_id!=1 ".$cNameListSql."
                        GROUP BY page_id
                        ORDER by max_rev_id DESC
                        LIMIT $count
    } else {
      $sql = "
                        MAX(rev_id) AS max_rev_id
                        FROM $sPageTable
                        INNER JOIN $sRevisionTable ON page_id=rev_page
                        WHERE page_is_new!=1 AND page_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect=0 AND page_id!=1
                        GROUP BY page_id
                        ORDER by max_rev_id DESC
                        LIMIT $count
    // Step 2: According to revision list, generate SQL to retrieve article page information.
    $res = $dbr->query($sql);
    $inClause = '';
    if ($dbr->numRows( $res ) == 0) {
      $inClause = "-1";
    } else {
      while( $obj = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
	if( isset( $obj->max_rev_id ) ) {
	  $inClause .= $obj->max_rev_id . ',';
      $inClause = substr($inClause, 0, strlen($inClause)-1); //delete tailing ','
    $dbr->freeResult( $res );
    $sql = "
                page_title AS title,
                page_namespace AS namespace,
                rev_user AS user,
                rev_timestamp AS timestamp
                FROM $sRevisionTable, $sPageTable
                WHERE rev_page=page_id AND rev_id IN (". $inClause . ")
                ORDER BY rev_id DESC";
  } elseif ($type == 'discussion') {
    // Step 1: Get revision list order by rev_id.
    if ($categoryRoot != false) {
      $cNameList = $categoryUtil->getCNameList($categoryRoot);
      echo 'cNameList: [' . $cNameList . "]<br />";
      if ($cNameList == ')')
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to='".$categoryRoot."' ";
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to IN ".$cNameList." ";
      $sql = "
                MAX(rev_id) AS max_rev_id
                FROM $sPageTable AS p1
                INNER JOIN $sPageTable AS p2 ON p1.page_title=p2.page_title
                INNER JOIN $sRevisionTable ON p1.page_id=rev_page
                INNER JOIN $sCategoryLinksTable ON p2.page_id=cl_from
                WHERE p1.page_is_redirect=0 AND p1.page_namespace=1 AND p2.page_namespace=0 ".$cNameListSql."
                GROUP BY rev_page
                ORDER by max_rev_id DESC
                LIMIT $count
    } else {
      $sql = "
                MAX(rev_id) AS max_rev_id
                FROM $sPageTable AS p1
                INNER JOIN $sRevisionTable ON p1.page_id=rev_page
                WHERE p1.page_is_redirect=0 AND p1.page_namespace=1
                GROUP BY rev_page
                ORDER by max_rev_id DESC
                LIMIT $count
    // Step 2: According to revision list, generate SQL to retrieve discussion page information.
    $res = $dbr->query($sql);
    $inClause = '';
    if ($dbr->numRows( $res ) == 0) {
      $inClause = "-1";
    } else {
      while( $obj = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
	if( isset( $obj->max_rev_id ) ) {
	  $inClause .= $obj->max_rev_id . ',';
      $inClause = substr($inClause, 0, strlen($inClause)-1); //delete tailing ','
    $dbr->freeResult( $res );
    $sql = "
                page_title AS title,
                page_namespace AS namespace,
                rev_user AS user,
                rev_timestamp AS timestamp
                FROM $sRevisionTable, $sPageTable
                WHERE rev_page=page_id AND rev_id IN (". $inClause . ")
                ORDER BY rev_id DESC";
  } else { // default type is 'new'
    if ($categoryRoot != false) {
      // AND rc_namespace=0 
      // page_namespace AS namespace,
      $cNameList = $categoryUtil->getCNameList($categoryRoot);
      echo 'cNameList: [' . $cNameList . "]<br />";
      if ($cNameList == ')')
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to='".$categoryRoot."' ";
	$cNameListSql=" AND cl_to IN ".$cNameList." ";
      $sql = "
                        SELECT DISTINCT
                        page_title AS title,
                        rc_user AS user,
			page_namespace AS namespace,
                        rc_timestamp AS timestamp
                        FROM $sPageTable
                        INNER JOIN $sRecentChangesTable ON page_id=rc_cur_id
                        INNER JOIN $sCategoryLinksTable ON page_id=cl_from
                        WHERE rc_new=1 AND page_is_redirect=0 AND page_id!=1 ".$cNameListSql."
                        ORDER by rc_id DESC
                        LIMIT $count
    } else {
      $sql = "
                        SELECT DISTINCT
                        page_title AS title,
                        page_namespace AS namespace,
                        rc_user AS user,
                        rc_timestamp AS timestamp
                        FROM $sPageTable
                        INNER JOIN $sRecentChangesTable ON page_id=rc_cur_id
                        WHERE rc_new=1 AND rc_namespace=0 AND page_is_redirect=0 AND page_id!=1
                        ORDER by rc_id DESC
                        LIMIT $count
  return $sql;

function OutputList ( $aArticles, $aEditors, $aDates, $aViews, $listTitle, $options ) {
  if ($listTitle != false) {
    $r .= " <h3>" . $listTitle . "</h3>\n";
    $r .= " <hr/>\n";

  $sStartList = '<ul>';
  $sEndList = '</ul>';
  $sStartItem = '<li>';
  $sEndItem = '</li>';

  $r .= $sStartList . "\n";

  for ($i=0; $i<count($aArticles); $i++) {
    $editorString = "";
    $dateString = "";
    $viewString = "";

    if (($options['showeditor'] != 0)&&($aEditors != false))
      $editorString = "<font size=-2>" . $aEditors[$i] . "</font>";

    if (($options['showtimestamp'] != 0)&&($aDates != false))
      $dateString = "<font size=-2>" . $aDates[$i] . "</font>";

    if (($options['showviews'] !=0)&&($aViews != false))
      $viewString = "<font size=-2>" . $aViews[$i] . "</font>";

    $r .= $sStartItem . $aArticles[$i] . $editorString . $dateString . $viewString . $sEndItem . "\n";

  $r .= $sEndList . "\n";

  return $r;



Thank you. I had been intending to do this but never had the time. I'm sure we will all appreciate this patch. Jimmy 21:22, 7 September 2006 (UTC)Reply