User talk:Sj/2
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Beck Foundation
[edit]Hello SJ,
I noticed you changed the link to "beck foundation" on wikimediafoundation:Benefactors#October_2004. Could you change the text for that link to "John and Frances Beck Foundation" (if that is correct). The URL you give ( doesn't seem to work right now; Google last cached it on July 202005. The contact information on that cached page is given as:
The Beck Foundation
C/O Catherine M. Ryan
Bank of America
231 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60697
--SV Resolution(Talk) 23:15, 24 September 2005 (UTC)
Authorization request to Mr. Padula Perkins
[edit]Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:26:14 +0200 Subject: La poesía de Borges en un sello postal y Wikipedia To:
Estimado Sr. Padula Perkins:
Me han solicitado, de la lista info-en@wikimedia, donde Ud. ha generosamente ofrecido su artículo "Breve historia de la poesía de Borges en un sello postal" para su publicación en Wikipedia, que le aclarara los términos de la licencia con que se publicaría éste, ya que allí no hablan bien castellano.
Los artículos de Wikipedia son publicados bajo la Licencia de Documentación Libre de GNU, conocida como GFDL. Se puede leer la versión original en inglés en y una traducción no oficial al castellano en Si Ud. quiere podemos dejar una nota explicativa ("Texto reproducido con la autorización de autor" y un enlace al original), pero la libertad de copia, utilización (incluso comercial) y modificación es imprescindible.
Aclarado este punto, esperamos que no quiera Ud. revocar su permiso.
Agradeciéndole su atención, saluda a Ud. atentamente
--es:Usuario:Angus 21:38, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
Autorización para reproducir artículo sobre Borges y filatelia.
[edit]Estoy de acuerdo con vuestra propuesta. Pueden publicar y disponer del contenido del artículo con mi autorización, siempre que cuando se utilice se cite la fuente. Pueden hacerlo también con la versión en inglés hecha por la traductora pública Paula Camargo,que se encuentra en :
y la versión en español que se halla en:
Jorge Eduardo Padula Perkins
- Fantastico, gracias... I will find a way to upload this later in the month. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+
Nefles, et al
[edit]Hi Samuel, I did think to go to Wikimania before I was informed I was appointed to a new position, in Normandy, from Sept. 1st. So that I spent my time packing my stuff and moving to Lisieux, where I'll be living in a few days. I'm fine, I think - normal people never are totally sure they're fine, right ? The best they can do is to hope they're fine. So, I hope I'm fine, even though I could be depressed too :) I'm really curious to know what you've kept aside for me. I still hope I get enough time to visit New-York next fall, but this new position, it could be later again. Take care, villy ♦ ✎ 09:41, 25 August 2005 (UTC)
ja: statistics
[edit]Thank you for your message on my ja:note. Response is very long, thus I send mail to you. Regards, --Diagraph01 04:42, 3 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Hello sj,
first of all, congratulations for successfull application for Wikimania 2006!
I removed your request to merge the "Usability" page with the "Usability design group". I intend the Usability page to contain pointers to the different efforts to improve the usability of the Wikimedia projects, whereas the Usability design group seems to be a group of people interested in some aspects of it, similar to the WikiProject Usability on the English Wikipedia.
Anyway, you might be interested in this report on finding information in the German Wikipedia:
Best regards from Freiburg ... --zeno 10:39, 11 November 2005 (UTC)
- thanks, zeno, I saw you working on it! Thats pretty neat... wonder if there are updates available. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 17:46, 13 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Ciao, ho trovato pagine annunci in alcune paroli... well like Announcements. I think such pages are more effetive on local wiki and/or Foundation Site (we must update "Latest news" section). Perhaps it could be better for us to make one such announcements and reports page on meta and have its translation platform. Or do you have any idea on those pages? --Aphaia | WQ2翻訳中 | talk 05:44, 11 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- Ahh yes, I think having it on meta, and being its translation platform, makes sense. Then it can be moved to other ssites, email, etc. +sj+
Quarto (inetd)
[edit]SJ, sorry. But now I haven't time for help with Quarto translation.
- No worries. I wasn't asking about translation, though; you had signed your name under 'Scheduling', so I thought you might be interested in coordinating timelines for the next Quarto.
[edit]I started to rewrite User:Sj/proxyscanning. Please have a look -- Duesentrieb 18:51, 29 Mar 2005 (UTC)
WQ2 release
[edit]Hello, I'm a bit puzzled so I've got some issues about WQ2 release:
- Is it already released or not yet?
- Where should I watch the official announcement about it (on Quarto-l?)?
- Is it released when placed on WMF wiki or maybe it's released when the translation is done?
Corrections to WMF wiki:
- now we have the PL cover instead of EN (@Wikimedia_Quarto/2/Pl-1)
- Wikimedia_Quarto/2/Pl-2 is rather PL-rest, because all pages (from 2 to 8) are here =}
- Wikimedia_Quarto/2/Pl-2 has PT page titles (Bem-vindo, Fundador... etc) - instead of PL, and links to PT pages
- 'Missing image 788px-Misc_pollen.jpg' in 'Praca na temat Wikipedii' (pg 7@Pl-2) - En-7 has no trace of any image in 'Thesis on Wikipedia'
- Squid oraz Memcached links nowhere on WMF, so Squid oraz Memcached should be used instead (pg 3@Pl-2)
Thanks for cooperation. =} -- kocio 22:41, 31 Mar 2005 (UTC)
- One more broken link: nagrodę ("Zlot w Japonii" @ pg. 7) should rather be nagrodę to be properly linked on WMF wiki. BTW: when do you plan to correct these things? Just asking, no offence. -- kocio 00:37, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Embassy help
[edit]No problem SJ, I'd be glad to help. Just pass on the email and I'll have a look. Ta Craigy144 22:15, 7 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Translations for Wikimania
[edit]Hi Sj, my husband is now working so there's no chance to be in Frankfurt this year, but I can grant a certain number of lines a day for the translation of press releases and other stuff in this period. And again: could you please re-send me your latest mails? Thank you!!! Ciao! --Sabine 13:26, 9 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- Of course. +sj | Translate the Quarto | + 23:40, 19 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Helping with the Quarto
[edit]From SJ: The new Quarto is coming out this week; would love your input on some new icons. And we need design ideas for the Retrospective section. And there's a Wikipen project opening up soon where you could put fiction like those Ardvark stories!
Drop me a line on-wiki ( if you think you'll have time to tweak the Quarto a bit. Should be a fantastic issue
- Hi SJ,
- I'm interested in helping, but I'll be honest that I've been a bit confused by the Quarto's process and progress. That said, I know we're just getting rolling with it so I completely understand, but mind helping me clear up a few quick questions?
- Is the "new" Quarto issue 2 or issue 3?
- I'd love to help with icons, but was confused as to where to find the relevant discussion
- Wikipen sounds neat - is there a beta site? I'm afraid I was a bit dissapointed in ourmedia.
- Glitch010101 04:49, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
WQ 3
[edit]Hi, how can I help? Gbiten 13:07, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- Huhu ;-) I have a question where we are better to put questiosn on WQ3 or Translation requests/WQ/3/En? It isn't available on its header (at least for me): Talk:Translation requests/WQ/3 is the place? --Aphaia | Translate Election | ++ 22:22, 6 May 2005 (UTC)
Wikipedia Signpost
[edit]You've got a message on your English Wikipedia page. --en:User:MacGyverMagic 17:42, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
Since you expressed a desire to keep this page, I moved it into your user space - do with it what you want ;-) --Elian 23:46, 14 May 2005 (UTC)
Maps from the French National Library
Here there are:

Best regards, Yann 07:40, 16 May 2005 (UTC)
Signpost article
With the help from some of the norwegian wikipedians, we have made a writeup of the situation. User:Wegge/Election_of_linkname_on_no
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. -- /Wegge 14:11, 2005 May 16 (UTC)
[edit]Why did you retire Keiki as a name for Wikijunior? Unlike every other retired name, which had more cons than pros, it had 6 pros to 1 or 2 cons. In fact, it had more 'points in favor' than any other name on the names page. Talk:Wikijunior_project_name#Keiki.2C_retired_April_20 -- +sj | Translate the Quarto | + 12:04, 16 May 2005 (UTC)
- In the actual discussion about the magazine character Keiki, or Kiki as she became known, there's been hits to the overall concept, simply because a 19th century nude model shared the name. We switched the character to Niki, there were two more nude models. With the whole concept of any sort of multi-issue linkage falling apart because of trivia, I took in my best wisdom to squash the name suggestion. I figured any lack of support for the magazine to be named Keiki would be twisted by the "anti-cartoonists" as even more reason to kill the character. I was simply acting in defence of my character ideas.
- Anyway, I've returned the magazine name suggestion back to the nominee list. Frankly, I wish I didn't have to randomly "wack" name ideas, but it was a failed attempt to draw back interest in the project. Considering we have no more than six months to turn this all around, or loose the grant, I'm getting mighty worried and discouraged. I had expected by now that we'd have "hired" volunteer educators to review all the content, and I'd be laying out the magazine by now. Instead, essentially details like names are still undecided. Early tommorrow, I hope to have launched the voting page for the name. The upcoming round will be support/oppose/neutral, and narrow it down to the top 3. Then, there'll be a quick period of opinions for and against, and the final voting round. -- user:zanimum
Invitiation to join the Wikimedia Research Team
[edit]Hello Sj,
I'd like to invite you to join the Wikimedia Research Team which I'm building here on Meta with support from the Foundation Board of Trustees. Our goal is to work together to systematically analyze the needs of the projects, conduct research and collect empirical data, interview users, build relationships with outside developers, examine project proposals, and make recommendations to the Board for targeted software development.
I'm contacting you because of your interest in surveys, systemic biases, and academic research into Wikimedia. Your involvement wouldn't necessarily mean any further time commitment on your part, but it would be nice to see you at meetings, and share ideas on the present and future of the project with you. If you're interested, just add yourself to the list of Current Members, and I will inform you about all future developments.--Eloquence 16:23, 26 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Thanks for the addition of the Cologne picture to my user page. I can't say I recognised it though, since I've only seen the station and the Cathedral en route to Denklingen. :) Angela 12:48, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Ahah, I discovered my new user page today :-) Always funny to see it change by other people actions. Thanks :-) Love it.
On another topic, we need to talk. Quickly. Jimbo agreed yesterday that I take care of the list of people to get benefit of the recent donation for Wikimania. I already started a list and contacted some. I already was in discussion with some actually, as the issue was already discussed with them possible a month ago. Elian just told me you were also taking care of the matter. So, we need to organise ourselves. Anthere 15:03, 19 Jun 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Hi! Sorry, was offline for a long time. If you still need help re. travel to Wikimania please give me a shout at Frank Busch or 15:41, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Ok, I'll start with the "Welcome to Frankfurt" sheet. Although I don't live in Frankfurt I have spent some time there and know my way around. I think I'll need Login to Wikimania to have access to map pics etc. Can get a login from you or do I contact someone else? Thanks, brgds, FrankBusch 13:03, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)
quarto design
[edit]Relatively strong (and extremely reusuable) design, thumbs up to it. First thing I've noticed though is bleed. If there's ever going to be a print version of the print version, tons of the content is way to close to the edge to print. We could print a bleeding Quarto, but that would **at least** quadruple the price for a short-run. Anyway, here's some recommendations. Many actually lie with the articles themselves, not LockeShocke's design, but there's a little bit of everything.
- Adjusting text for print
- In Wikimania, one editor is protecting themselves from spambots with the I doubt spambots can harvest from PDFs, and the certainly can't harvest from print. The TIC article is just confusing, with the "The article was sent..." stuff.
- Notes on style
- Personally, I'd take away the indents on the first paragraphs of each article, make it more readable. The Cebit, which has --, should be changed to an em-dash. The *asteriks* (page 3) are of debatable relevance in offline publications, perhaps just italicise or bold the word. The end of Jimmy's editorial might benefit from a horizontal line before the bio bit. Also, that should read "Wikimedia", only one capital. Finally in this section, there's very little if anything you can actually do to fix it, but one line at the top of a column is usually a no-no for readability.
- Jimmy's pic
- That film negative looks is a perfect extra touch. However, I wonder how it would look on a 5 or 10 degree angle, if that would boost the effect to the next level of cool.
- Credit sources?
- Perhaps with these pictures in the design, we should credit the users that created them, and what Wikimedia project they uploaded to first, just for sake of personal and lingual pride.
- International Conferences
- Perhaps "Seveal conferences were attended during this trimester, as reported." or "Seveal conferences were attended during this trimester, reports follow."
- Also, I just registered an ISSN for a local community art group's newsletter, do we want one for Quarto? Do we have a definitive list of the languages for this edition?
There's a lot of grammatical things I want to change in general, from the contributors.
Is it too late for that sort of thing to get published?
I personally do think the pages have enough similarities to work as one; since they'll never been seen apart, I think the "feel" will develop into Quarto's look.
I've had bad experiences with transparent images, I'd avoid those as much as possible.
Otherwise, I'd say that LockeShocke should record all the fonts you used, sizes, colours, column placements, all that, and we can make that into not only the Wikimedia Quarto style guide, but the style guide for any publication (Wikijunior excluded) from our Foundation. I'd be more than glad to help you with that all.
Other than the minor bits about, it's all quite pleasing to the eye. I'd love to see some more pages, if they're in progress. -- user:zanimum PS I've CC'd LockeShocke
- Excellent. Thanks for the thorough comments. My imagined schedule: Friday, work out grammatical issues, remove a few updates that are from April (and move to WQ4), rebalance a few pages. Mats is finishing image redesign Fri and Sat. LockeShocke should have some time, but is busy much of Saturday. Sunday, have a cleaned up cover and balanced pages; rough pdf drafts of the first half. Translators get access to the whole thing. Get everyone together Mon or Tues to go over what to do better next time.
- ISSN: yes, that would be useful. Don't know the languages yet; maybe we can start by getting ISSNs for WQ2? +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 19:44, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Mats? Who's he? I thought it was all LockeShocke this issue... I don't know if I can get ISSNs for WQ2, as it's already published. What was the "publishing date" of the first issue? That's needed info. Also, where is The Wikimedia Foundation HQ'd from, on forms? As for other languages, I need to know if they're going to always publish when we (in English) publish (thus I can register them as tri-annually), or not (in which case I can list them as "irregular"). -- user:zanimum
- User:Mats Halldin. LockeShocke is handling the cover and pdf; Mats is handling the internal images and web-layout. The first issue was published in September 2004. The Wikimedia Foundation is headquartered in Florida. Everything should be quarterly. I'm not sure about the publishing dates of the other languages. French and German usually publish at the same time; sometimes other languages as well. There are 4 or 5 languages which publish every issue; just not always at the same moment. We could give them all the same publication date if that were useful. What is the difference w.r.t. ISSNs? +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 10:16, 28 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Quick summary of a paper in Chinese
[edit]Hi, User:Yongxinstudy help white summary: en:User:Yongxinstudy/Temp--Shizhao 07:45, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC), Quarto, Trillian
[edit]Hello Sj,
Sorry for my absence, I will be more active from now on again. As for the first two points you mentioned, I think they are not really up-to-date anymore.
About However, should something like that occure again (someone asking for help on either of the wikis I'm familiar with), you may of course redirect them to me.
About Quarto: I don't really see the point in translating Quarto into Hungarian, for the fraction of users that can be found there is tiny. But if you convince me of the opposite, I will of course help translate the next issue.
About Trillian: The idea of Instant Lookup came - just like a lot of very popular today's features - from one of our users, who proposed it in a forum on the Cerulean homepage. Since it was easy to code and a lot of people got excited about the idea in the forum, it was decided to give it a try, as a feature that can be (of course) optionally turned on.
Greetings, -- Totti ✉ 14:46, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Board elections
[edit]You ask voters in your candidate statement to vote for Anthere and Angela. If you receive more votes than either one of them, will you actaully serve in their place?--Eloquence 03:34, 28 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- It is a requirement of standing; although I doubt I could carry out that role as well as they have, I would be honored to, and would work like mad to fill such large shoes. I did not put myself up as candidate to replace either of them; I am certain that this will not happen. However, elections are a time to look forward; one of the few times that all of our projects pay attention to the same few pages — this seemed like the right time to draw attention to the growing divide between Foundation structures and community input. I hope that votes for me will serve as an indication of support for my very limited platform; which, in turn, I hope will influence the Board. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 05:56, 28 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Do you have any potential conflicts of interest? For example, any ties to Yahoo, Google, Microsoft or other potential competitors or donors? 08:05, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- An interesting question. I have no ties to any competitors or donors that I can think of. +sj 09:03, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
What is your position on the issue with Chinese Wikinews? Specifically, do you think that it is acceptable to compromise NPOV on such a site in order to avoid the wrath of the PRC government? 10:15, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC).
- This is a situation where Wikimedia can afford to stand on principle, with community support. Chinese Wikimedians seem generally in favor of taking this stand; early Opposition was largely general opposition to the notion of Wikinews. The NPOV of such a site should not be compromised (I think we all agree about that). If the PRC were to respond by blocking all of our sites for any significant length of time...
- It would validate that Zh: Wikinews was providing a useful service
- Our support for mirrors ensures that Wikipedia content would still available in the PRC
- This would produce a lot of negative publicity for the PRC government. zh.wikipedia currently accounts for 3% of all traffic (according to Alexa); that's over a million pageviews a day. +sj+
Book burning
[edit]How do you feel about people who destroy information, simply because the rules allow them to do that. How do plan to make WikiMedia serve it's aims rather than as a crutch for it's members.--JIrate 13:02, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- I would like to see better feedback mechanisms surrounding deletions and massive content removal; and better interfaces for users, whether or not they are admins, to browse the collection of deleted pages and revisions. But these are my feelings as a community member, and the community has the power to change these things (and related policies). I do not see what this has to do with the Board. ~sj~
- What about when the information is valid and is not of disbuted value, but the rules of WikiPedia allow it to be removed and encourage that it not be reinstated. Such as a blocked users contribution.--JIrate 19:44, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Again, these rules are developed by the community, and have nothing to do with the Board. Personally, I think that information contributed by a blocked user is rarely "not of disputed value," and each community must decide whether or not to limit its time commitment to mentoring blocked users. sj
- What about when the information is valid and is not of disbuted value, but the rules of WikiPedia allow it to be removed and encourage that it not be reinstated. Such as a blocked users contribution.--JIrate 19:44, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- The removal of any data, other than for violation of the content rules is an important issue, using it as a tool for punishing a contributor a problem. I'll leave it as that then.--JIrate 20:55, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Very true. The usual case with blocked users, however, is that each edit by that user is in fact disputed by some other editors... I don't like the policy of "reverting any contributions by blocked users" but I think some qualification like "reverting contributions by blocked users, all of whose (non-zero) contributions in the past week have been disputed" is a useful way to save the sanity of other editors of the same topic. Sj
- The removal of any data, other than for violation of the content rules is an important issue, using it as a tool for punishing a contributor a problem. I'll leave it as that then.--JIrate 20:55, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
zh UI finished!
[edit]zh UI finished! Please help to update! --Vipuser 08:17, 2005 Jun 29 (UTC)
- zh election UI--Vipuser 08:19, 2005 Jun 29 (UTC)
- Now fixed. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 18:56, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Quarto 3 & 4
first of all -- thanks for your guidance; I'm not able to watch the WQ activity, so this gives me comfort for doing The Work (translation). I'll try to generally keep an eye on WQ3/Pl, and maybe this time all the translation will have a proofread by someone else than translator at least once -- who knows...
As for your request for papers from polish Wikimedia projects I passed it to the Message board on polish Wikipedia, so it won't go unnoticed. kocio ✉ 10:22, 29 Jun 2005 (UTC)
- Thank you for passing on the note. I think Ausir will be actively helping you this time. Let's make sure it gets translated before the next edition needs help! +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 10:00, 30 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Hm, I thought when article is ready for translation I can assume it won't chage, unless explicitly listed on updates page. Now I see they're changing without a note, which makes translating and correcting harder, since we have to constantly check if there's something new in newsletter, what exactly changed, and make additional rounds of translating and correcting. What can be done to fix this problem (or maybe it's just a small exception)? -- kocio ✉ 14:55, 2 Jul 2005 (UTC)
- Still ongoing. I left a note on the updates page, however. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+
Hello there! I am the Polish proofreader in this edition of Quarto 3 that Kocio mentioned above. As the 4th issue approaches :) and Q3 still remains a bit unstable (it seems to be not quite finished yet) and the translations go slower than expected as well, I would like to ask what is the deadline or advisory time of introducing translated edition of the bulletin? It would be also great to know when the Wiki-wide :) promotional action is expected. The necessary information actions on Polish Wikis will be performed then.
Thanks for the information in advance! Aegis Maelstrom 15:50, 24 July 2005 (UTC)
Hey there once more! :)
Polish first translation of WQ3 is in 99% ready, now (with a little help from my friends ;) I still hope) I am to finish the 2nd translation-proofread. So we may say that we dispose a quite stable beta version of WQ3. ;)
Kocio has informed our community about this fact, promoting Polish WQ3.
Forgive me my question if that's improper or treat it as a vanity or ego attack :) - however I wondered whether my nick could be placed among the other editors' ones in WQ3. Hard to say, but I would be quite happy to see it there. It has taken me quite a lot of time and effort and "will take surely another one". ;)
I don't like to honour myself (even this question is a lot) and I even don't know whether I am a translator or proofreader (well, in fact both probably :) as the proofreading of translation must be a 2nd translation - if conducted well). So that's my ask.
Greetings, :) Aegis Maelstrom 08:37, 28 July 2005 (UTC)
as we're at the very end of translating and proofreading, I'd like to ask about the cover (there's nothing yet and here is nothing new) and where should I talk about inconsistencies of a different kind in english-based version of WQ3?
BTW: are any language versions considered done and "official"? -- kocio ✉ 03:27, 30 July 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Why my Steward status canceled? --Shizhao 17:38, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)
- sorry to intrude, correct me if i'm wrong, see Requests_for_permissions#Stewards. oscar 19:16, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)
- Oscar got it right. Setting =sysop undid your steward flag by mistake; I'm still getting used to that system. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 21:58, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)
WQ3 layout
[edit]How's it going with that? Do you know how the designer's doing? -- user:zanimum
- LockeShocke has layout for everything but pgs 3 and 4; waiting for him to parse the new text and for me to cut down those pages so they will fit into 3-4 PDF pages. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 8 July 2005 01:44 (UTC)
Odd notes
[edit]rv'ed a funny note by the same IP that was leaving cutesy French messages for Jimbo on en:wp. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+
Wikimania 2005
[edit]Hi sj, sorry I took a long time to respond and I'm afraid I'll have to retract my offer for help. I won't be able to come to Frankfurt and help as I'll be moving to Australia in September. I'm trying to fit my life into boxes at the moment. So I ask your forgiveness and wish you all the best of luck and fun at Wikimania. Best regards, FrankBusch 07:33, 18 July 2005 (UTC)
About those .ra files...
[edit]I haven't forgotten about them.
I'm still waiting on the developer for ffmpegX, and there's no evidence of when that will come through. I've also been bugging the Vorbis mail list, and they have suggested finding a windows user:
- Thanks for all the suggestions for a solution. I will try to pass this volunteer job on to a Windows user.
- Amgine
- Martin Blackwell wrote:
- > Isn't this one of those rare occasions where Windows has plentiful, well used
solutions to a problem? vorbis tools (oggenc), rarewares OggDrop, foobar2000 ?
- > Ralph Giles wrote:
- >>>Should be possible to whip up an applescript wrapper for ffmpeg2theora
>>>if nothing else.
>>Or oggenc, I should say. The commandline encoder works fine on macos.
>> -r
I don't know if you've got someone who has windows machines available, but I don't. - Amgine/talk
[edit]Hello Sj,
Amgine has asked me to write an article about Wikinews (referring to de.wikinews) for Wikimedia Quarto 04/05. When should this article be finished? --SonicR 19:08, 3 August 2005 (UTC)
- I've written an article in german on my userpage. An english version will follow soon. --SonicR 20:47, 15 August 2005 (UTC)
Wikimania proceedings
[edit]Hi sj! Please give us a start and draft a letter to the speakers so we can finally finish proceedings! -- Nichtich 10:46, 29 August 2005 (UTC)
- Starting drafts at Wikimania:Letters. +sj | Translate the Quarto |+
WNL 0.1 talk
[edit]Hi Sj! I just wanted to let you know I'd responded to your query @ Talk:Wikinews/WIKINEWS_LICENSE_PROPOSAL_:_WNL_0.1#Yet_Another_Content_License, and am looking forward to your reply! - Amgine 08:06, 1 September 2005 (UTC)
More page madness
[edit]Translation requests spilling out of TR/ namespaces : best to move them to Translation: perhaps? Since MediaWiki doesn't like anything more than 4 layers deep... +sj | Translate the Quarto |+
Supporting team for Boston
[edit]WHere do these ghosts come from ;-)? notafish }<';> 22:12, 30 September 2005 (UTC)
- Berkman fans??? What are Berkman fans? a clueless notafish
Thank you for not interfering in the comments and starting debates within the page. And thank you for signing your comments on the talk page. As I stated plainly, this is not a poll, nor a vote. :P *hugs* notafish }<';> 21:22, 20 October 2005 (UTC)
- You're welcome :P. Clearly it is not a poll or a vote... Hopefully one of the outcomes of that page is that a few more people will be familiar with the arcane details of US immigration policy (and not only its caricature). +sj | Translate the Quarto |+ 22:47, 20 October 2005 (UTC)
[edit]These are Custom namespaces that Erik added as part of Wikimedia COTW/Help. Angela 01:39, 2 November 2005 (UTC)
Premature archival?
[edit]Premature archival Wikimania_2006/London? I mean, 2006 is still in the future? Anyway, we is on for 2007! LoopZilla 13:58, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
- Heh. Well, the bid for hosting Wikimania 2006 is past. The next possible live bid would be for 2007, yes. Sj
Request for bot status
[edit]Could you please take a look and resolve some requests: some are pending more then 2 weeks. Regards, --Klemen Kocjancic 11:25, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
Please, Mega Troll possibility needs to be looked at here
[edit]I am coming to you because there is nowhere else to go with this. I fear a mega troll (administrator) has been able to so firmly entrench himself within wikinews with meatpuppets and sockpuppets that he has obtained virtual control of the site. Now he is attempting to expand his power into Wiktionary. [1]. He simply uses his authority and extreme time availability to wear down and force contributors who are in his way off the site. He has also managed to drive a wedge between Admins and non-admins (basically forming a club-like clique among admins) to the point where a reasonable Rfda. [2] sits with 6 admins on one side and 8 non-admins on the other side of the Rfda. Amgine's dedication toward prioritizing group loyalty is manifest with this edit of his; "Your approach to Wikinews, in my opinion, is focused on articles. This is a common approach, but probably not the most valuable. I suggest you reconsider that Wikinews is not about articles, but about developing and maintaining an online community; the articles are secondary. - Amgine / talk 14:53, 23 October 2005 (UTC)". Amgine also uses multiple signatures leading to different sites and one that leads nowhere.Amgine Amgine[- Amgine 03:14, 9 November 2005 (UTC)]
The administrative abuses are historical fact and are listed below and although the "troll" accusation is based on circumstantial evidence; I am also showing it at the bottom. The section below is from [3]
- Here are the examples of administrative abuse. Amgine has had multiple long lasting disputes with many editors with Neutralizer being the most recent and intense. Amgine has not hesitated to abuse his admin powers by blocking/punishing editors like Neutralizer who disagree with him; even though wikinews guidelines clearly state that an admin should NOT block an editor with whom they are having a dispute (they should,instead, allow a different admin. to apply any necessary blocks to that editor). It now seems that the wikinews contributors can not get rid of Amgine no matter how hard they try; Amgine is able to deflect and explain away his misdeeds in a fashion that puts Shakespeare's "Artful Dodger" to shame. You may expect that he will become increasingly accusatory and employ vicious attack methods to get what he wants. Re Amgine; its a lot easier to get him in power than to get him out of power. Fair Warning !
- Amgine displayed his arrogance by summarily rejecting the resolution,suggestions of a mediator, Ilya (a wikinews Bureaucrat) after a mediation. "I do not accept your suggestion that I limit my administrative privilege use either to "vandalism or very clear violations of objective policies only, and to explicitly let some other admin deal with Neutralizer" or "submit a self-de-admin request." [6]
- Dan100's list.[7] of Amgine's "bullying and poor behaviour" (Dan100 is an admin.[8] in good standing at wikinews).
- Apparent vendetta blocks:
- A shows 4 of the spurious blocks Amgine levied against Neutralizer which were all later rescinded when other admins got involved [9].
- B shows the last block against Neutralizer done after Amgine and he clearly were in conflict
- 02:13, 6 November 2005 Amgine blocked "User:Neutralizer" with an expiry time of 6 months
- Admin abuse; blocking Ed Brown for 1 month [10] 04:27, 11 December 2005 Amgine blocked "User:Edbrown05" with an expiry time of 1 month ; Amgine soon withdrew that block as he claimed a "software problem" had been the cause of the unjustified block. This time selection of 1 month for a long standing good contributor like Edbrown shows an abusive use of blocking
- talk page blanked and frozen by Amgine ( in the middle of ongoing disputes with this same person) [11] This is especially interesting as he did it just one hour after the talk page was made to prioritize the question of whether Amgine and another admin. are the same person.[12] As you can see below (6); Amgine has no problem accusing others of being sockpuppets but when he stands accused? Hell; just delete the evidence.
- More Disruption by Amgine; not assuming good faith:
- Amgine accused vonbergm of being a sockpuppet; "I do not have reason to believe you are not a sockpuppet."[13]
- Just a few days ago he accused Edbrown of being a sockpuppet[14]
- Additional "Troll" indicators
- 1. Enigma = Amgine backwards
- 2. says “left the project”
- shows the opposite
Hi Sj
[edit]<grin> Now I see the reason for that msg. I should be available off and on over the holiday; I'll be available via IRC when I can, or e-mail, or try this talk page.
Neutralizer has chosen me as his personal project on Wikinews, one of several admins he has selected to ... oppose, among other things. He's been under the tutelage of a previous problem user (who had no account, just open proxies and the signature "cowicide".) Feel free to contact me for further information, and see my nomination on en.wiktionary and an RfdA (or two!) against me on Wikinews for further information. - Amgine 04:33, 17 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Hi Samuel, very good to have met you in person. Could we do the survey talk in 3 or 4 weeks from now? I'm not quite well now, and knowing myself I will want to follow-up on a meeting asap. Also I'm changing places in ten days, going to live together with my girlfriend, so busy organising things. Cheers, Erik Zachte 01:09, September 1, 2005 (UTC)
By coincidence I stumbled upon the aforementioned page almost a year after you created it. After fixing a link I noticed that the info on that page is not current at all, and I was wondering if you could provide me with how you came up with some of the numbers that are on that page so that I may be consistent with a greatly overdue update. If you prefer to do it yourself... no problem, just trying to be useful. --Robert Harrison 06:35, 24 October 2005 (UTC)
Re: vi fundraising
[edit]I'm not that great with translations; I just get the ball rolling so that the task of translating isn't so daunting for a native speaker. :^)
I was working on the translation when you messaged me. But thanks for your work coordinating the translations. – Minh Nguyễn (talk, blog) 05:01, 5 December 2005 (UTC)
If you can, please update the Foundation wiki version of the Translation requests/WMF/Fundraising pages/Quyên góp. It was already synchronized earlier this week, but I just fixed a broken link on that page. Thanks. – Minh Nguyễn (talk, blog) 01:24, 9 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit]Hi Sj,
I haven't been much on Meta recently but I can be if needed :) I'm available for any bit of translation into French you need, but I'm often too lazy to look at the translation requests. Is it for babel.wikimedia ? le Korrigan bla 22:54, 10 December 2005 (UTC)