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User talk:Seb35

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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Salut Seb, et merci de venir faire un tour ici. J'ai délaissé Méta récemment, je doute d'y revenir dans les prochaines semaines, donc tu as carte blanche ! Sur Discussion Aide:Contenu, tu trouveras une liste des pages dont la traduction n'est pas finie ou hasardeuse. Aide:Modèle est le plus gros morceau, en anglais il remplit deux pages franchement indigestes :-/ Je te conseille Aide:Guide pour le manuel et Aide:Principes éditoriaux. Regarde aussi les pages existantes pour voir comment les modèles fonctionnent, parfois c'est du joyeux bordel :)

Le principe : tu pars de Aide:Contenu, et chaque page est à traduire depuis son équivalent en anglais, et aussi à compléter d'après tes connaissances, les pages sur Wikipédia fr:, etc. mais l'aide est pour n'importe quel utilisateur de MediaWiki, donc a priori il faut éviter les exemples spécifiques aux projets Wikimedia.

Les parties lecteur et éditeur sont faites en grande partie (mais encore améliorables bien sûr) ; la partie "administration" est plus technique, et même en anglais c'est franchement le barouf (je crois d'ailleurs que le sommaire est à mettre à jour). Il faut aussi vérifier s'il y a de nouvelles pages en anglais qui ne sont pas encore dans Aide:Contenu (exemple : Help:CheckUser, toute récente). N'hésite pas à me demander si tu as besoin d'aide, que ce soit pour les aspects techniques ou rédactionnels. Merci ! le Korrigan bla 22:31, 6 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

J'oubliais : tu peux aussi surveiller les modifications récentes sur l'aide, charger des copies d'écran dans Commons:Category:Manuel de MediaWiki et les inclure dans les articles, corriger les liens un peu partout pour qu'ils pointent sur les pages en français, et vérifier mes centaines de fautse de frapppe, selon tes motivations :-)

==French Wikiquote==


French Wikiquote


N'oublie pas que ta voix ne sera pas prise en compte si elle n'est pas dans le paragraphe ===Support=== :) Solensean09:15, 14 April 2006 (UTC)Reply



Hello! Please support us at: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_new_languages#Belarusian_.28Orthography_Revision_of_1959.29_.2833_support_.2F_20_oppose.29 Thanks! Mienski 12:41, 28 August 2006 (UTC)Reply

À propos de Wikiversity




Thanks for your bit in the Steward elections and the wider meta by doing the translations. Appreciated. :-) billinghurst sDrewth 09:43, 25 January 2010 (UTC)Reply

Translator, We need you!


Dear Seb35,

You have helped us in previous years with translations and for that we are most grateful. Now we turn towards the 2011/12 fundraiser. It may seem forever away, but work has already begun getting everything ready to go. This year we want to have landing pages covering as many countries in as many languages as possible.

Right now, we want to figure out who is interested in translating for the fundraiser. This year we're hoping to have more of a solidified "core" group of translators that we can count on to have work done by a few key dates, but we'd also welcome help from people who are willing to just help out when they can.

If you would be interested please take a look at this little sign-up survey and fill it out http://survey.wikimedia.org/index.php?sid=13638&newtest=Y&lang=en. With that we can start building a list of people and filling any gaps in the languages we serve.

Many Thanks

Joseph Seddon (User:Jseddon (WMF))

Production Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Jseddon (WMF) 00:43, 9 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Merci !


Salut Seb, merci beaucoup for translating the rest of the image filter referendum pages into français! French is now 100% completed. :D Cbrown1023 talk



Hello. This is a message for all translators so sorry if it's already done. Thanks for your translation. Please note that this year's guidelines has changed, specifically this section that forbids all kind of comments in the voting page. Regards, -- Dferg 08:47, 16 August 2011 (UTC)Reply



Bonjour Seb, merci d'aider à la double redirection que j'ai créé avec le Rapport Annuel! -Pete F 18:47, 30 December 2011 (UTC)Reply

De rien ! Bien pour le français :) ~ Seb35 [^_^] 19:04, 30 December 2011 (UTC)Reply

Bravo au talentueux traducteur


Bonjour Seb35, J'apprécie votre relecture et votre talent. Cependant il y a une redondance qui a dû vous échapper : "Les "détails" sur le fonctionnement de ce programme sont "détaillés" in "Participation:Support/fr (line 4)". Cordialement--Cquoi (talk) 15:26, 16 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Merci pour votre message sur ma page, Seb35. Bonne soirée --Cquoi (talk) 18:58, 16 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your translations


Dear Seb35:

Thank you for helping to translate the WMF Grants program pages on Meta. Thanks to your efforts, these programs will be accessible to more people all over the world. We would like to send you something in appreciation of your work, so please contact us by Email at grants at wikimedia dot org with your name, shirt size (optional), address for delivery (not a PO Box), and telephone number (for delivery).

We would also like to let you know that our programs are growing and we will need to make some significant changes to these program pages in the next few weeks. When this happens, these pages may need to be retranslated, although much of the new text will be identical or similar to the text you've already translated: you've already translated this text, so you'd be able to copy and paste much from your existing translation. Please consider continuing to support the movement's work in this area, and please continue to let your multilingual friends and colleagues know that this support is still needed as our programs grow!

Please also let us know if you have any feedback for us: it's always welcome.

With appreciation,

Wolliff (talk) 16:55, 14 August 2012 (UTC) (on behalf of the Wikimedia Grants Team)Reply

Wikimedia Travel Guide: Naming poll open


Hi there,

You are receiving this message because you voiced your opinion at the Request for Comment on the Wikimedia Travel Guide.

The proposed naming poll opened a few days ago and you can vote for as many of the proposed names as you wish, if you are eligible. Please see Travel Guide/Naming Process for full details on voting eligibility and how the final name will be selected. Voting will last for 14 days, and will terminate on 16 October at 06:59:59 UTC.

Thanks, Thehelpfulone 22:08, 6 October 2012 (UTC)Reply

Paypal flow


Re: Talk:Fundraising_2012/Translation/Donor_information_pages

Ill get someone to take a look at that flow. It's either old or when it was originally written it was wrong. Thanks for pointing it out :) . Jseddon (WMF) (talk) 00:08, 12 October 2012 (UTC)Reply




Super ta trad du report of reports FDC. Si tu veux, pense à dégainer l’extension Translate pour ça − perso je trouve ça ’achement plus simple. :)

Tchô, Jean-Fred (talk) 10:08, 16 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please fill out our brief Participation Support Program survey


Hello, the Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback on the Participation Support Program! We have created a brief survey to help us better understand your experience participating in the program and how we can improve for the future. You are being selected to participate in our survey because you submitted or commented on Participation Support requests in the past.

Click here to be taken to the survey site.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. We really appreciate your feedback! And we hope to see you in the Participation Support Program again soon.

Happy editing,

Siko and Haitham, Grantmaking, Wikimedia Foundation.

This message was sent via Global message delivery on 21:46, 18 September 2013 (UTC)

Translation into French


Bonjour Seb35,

Merci d'avoir rectifié le lien vers les interviews, après t'avoir vu faire, je saurai comment pointer vers old à l'avenir !

Maintenant je n'ai pas trouvé comment ajouter ce lien dans la traduction en français. Te serait-il possible de le faire ? Merci de ton aide !

Bien amicalement, --Zyephyrus (talk) 19:57, 18 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

De rien ; plus généralement la liste exhaustive des préfixes est Special:Interwiki. Pour propager la modification vers le français, il faut qu’un administrateur de traduction valide le changement. En fait, je me suis posé la question si ta modif serait "acceptée" étant donnée qu’elle est faite après la publication officielle du rapport, il faudrait demander à guillom qui gère ça. ~ Seb35 [^_^] 20:14, 18 December 2013 (UTC)Reply
Je me garderai de déranger le beau bureau de Guillom -- Wikipedian, tu le connais sans doute ?  ;-) -- il a assez de travail sans que je lui en rajoute : ces liens peuvent se mettre dans le projet historique de Wikisource, ce sera plus simple et honorera autant les contributeurs qui ont répondu aux interviews. Merci Seb35 de ta rapidité, de tes explications, des liens. --Zyephyrus (talk) 22:14, 18 December 2013 (UTC)Reply

Translation adminship


Hello Seb, I've just closed your request as successful and granted you the necessary right. Have fun! -Barras talk 13:19, 14 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

Enfin ;-) Jean-Fred (talk) 14:50, 14 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

APG calendar


Hi! I'm not sure what you're doing with the APG calendar, but rather than end up losing some of your work can we talk first? I am not actually finished there. Thank you, heather walls (talk) 18:25, 15 January 2014 (UTC)Reply

The changes look good! Many of the aspects of translation are mysterious to me (and some of the template ideas were done on the fly). :) Thank you for all of the work to make it language-ready!

Annual Plan Grants Proposal Form is ready for translation!


Hi Seb, Hope you are doing well! I'm pleased to say that the Round 2 version of the proposal form is ready for translation, if you or other translators are able to translate it! Note that we've asked applicants, as always, to create the form with a special proposal creation tool, so no one will be using that form directly. That version is the version for this round, and modifications are always possible between rounds, so is that the best page for translation? Happy to talk about this more to figure out what makes most sense. As always, thanks for your work!! KLove (WMF) (talk) 05:19, 1 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Hi again, once you return from your travel, could you contact me over email to set up a time to talk? I'd look forward to it! Thanks again! KLove (WMF) (talk) 18:22, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

Upcoming IdeaLab Events: IEG Proposal Clinics

Idea Lab
Idea Lab
Idea Lab
Idea Lab

Hello, Seb35! We've added Events to IdeaLab, and you're invited :)

Upcoming events focus on turning ideas into Individual Engagement Grant proposals before the March 31 deadline. Need help or have questions about IEG? Join us at a Hangout:

  • Thursday, 13 March 2014, 1600 UTC
  • Wednesday, 19 March 2014, 1700 UTC
  • Saturday, 29 March 2014, 1700 UTC

Hope to see you there!

This message was delivered automatically to IEG and IdeaLab participants. To unsubscribe from any future IEG reminders, remove your name from this list

Request for feedback on my GSoC'14 proposal


Hi Seb35,

I am planning to work on the project titled "Tools for mass migration of legacy translated wiki content" this summer under Google Summer of Code. I have drafted a proposal for the same over the past few weeks. This project is going to help the translation adminstrators like you in a great way, as it would completely automate the tedious manual task of preparing a page for translation and then importing the translations into the Translate extension. You can check the proposal page for detailed information on how I plan to accomplish this.

As you would be an end user of this tool, it would be great if you could go through the proposal and provide feedback/suggestions. Your feedback would definitely help me improve the proposal as well help in creating an even better tool. You can do the same on the discussion page of the proposal or reply here, whichever is convenient for you. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!

P.S: I need to submit the proposal to Google by March 19, 2014.

BPositive (talk) 13:25, 13 March 2014 (UTC)Reply

WMMX's March report


Hi Seb35 I'm happy to read you in the discussion of our report. Regarding your question, I'm asking to @User:Correogsk, who gave that talk, for uploading the presentation. I'll tell you when is up. Regards! Salvador (WMMX) (talk) 02:52, 28 April 2014 (UTC)Reply

Rosetta barnstar

The Meta-Wiki Rosetta barnstar 2013
For being among the top 40 Meta-Wiki translators in 2013, with over 500 translation units edits! If I knew all the Wikimedia languages I'd also compliment you for how spot-on your translations are, but I must leave that to your language colleagues. :) Cheers, Nemo 21:51, 1 May 2014 (UTC)Reply

Community Engagement (Product)/Media Viewer consultation/fr



T'inquiète pas, en cas de modif a-posteriori, c'est marqué par une horloge sur fond jaune. Je suis en train de valider tes corrections.

Trizek from FR 15:18, 30 August 2014 (UTC)Reply

Signe $


Excusez moi pour ce désagrément,je croyais que les dollars($) ne devraient pas êtres incluse dans la traduction.C'est une erreur de ma part je vais corriger cela,Merci d'avoir annulé les modifications.Cordialement Startupevo1 (talk) 19:22, 4 October 2014 (UTC)Reply

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #9—2014


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the November's issue of the VisualEditor monthly newsletter, which will be widely delivered later this week. The previous bulletin was published in 10 languages, but the translation was completed only for three of them. Will we do better this month? We'd like to reach many more communities in their own language this time, as we're announcing interesting developments like the new ability to add tables and their elements. Thanks a lot for your help! Elitre (WMF) 21:27, 10 November 2014 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to receive a talk page message to be notified of future translations, please contact me directly.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #10—2014


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the December's issue of the VisualEditor monthly newsletter, which will be widely delivered later this week. The amazing translators' community has already found out about it prior to this announcement... But how is your language doing this time? Find out now and contribute! Thanks a lot for your help! Elitre (WMF) 07:35, 22 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to receive a talk page message to be notified of future translations, please contact me directly.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #1—2015


Hi! Apologies if you're reading this message more than once. This is an invitation to join translators working on the February's issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter. This time it features an important announcement about a series of meetings where VE tasks on Phabricator will be triaged live and publicly, starting next week. Since we want many people to be aware of this ASAP (especially volunteer developers!), we have a time constraint which means we'll deliver to the wikis on Thursday morning PST this week. Thanks a lot in advance, we know you'll do whatever it takes to keep your community up-to-date, and appreciate it a lot. m:User:Elitre (WMF), 22:08, 2 February 2015 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to receive a talk page message to be notified of future translations, please contact me directly.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #2—2015


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the April's issue of the VisualEditor monthly newsletter, which will be widely delivered towards the end of next week. The previous bulletin was published in 26 languages—the translation was completed only for ten of them. Will we do better this month? We'd like to reach many more communities in their own language this time, as VE recently became the main editor at other 50+ Wikipedias, and we're announcing interesting developments (auto-fill features for citations, improved special character inserter, drag and drop for categories, invisible templates now marked by a puzzle piece icon, and more). Thanks a lot for your help! Elitre (WMF) 22:38, 4 April 2015 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to change the page where you're notified of future translations, please contact me directly.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #3—2015


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the June's issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter, which will be widely delivered at the end of this workweek. You may have noticed that the bulletin is now getting published once every two months more or less, but we're keeping the length manageable ;) Thanks a lot for your help! — Elitre (WMF) 17:41, 8 June 2015 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. If you need further help or would like to change the page where you're notified of future translations, please contact me directly.

PPS: Also, watch out for announcements of the upcoming VE-translathon! Everybody getting this message will be particularly welcome to join that activity during Wikimania.

Early invitation: join VisualEditor's 2015 Translathon



You are invited to join the 2nd edition of the VisualEditor Translathon! It is a translation rally, focused on interface messages and help pages related to VisualEditor.

In order to participate, you need to sign up on the Translathon page. The top 3 contributors will each win a Wikipedia t-shirt of their choice from the Wikipedia store.[1] Translations made between July 15th and July 19th (CDT time zone) qualify.[2]

If you are attending Wikimania Mexico this year, you are also welcome to join a related sprint during the Hackathon in Workplace 1 - Don Américo, Thursday 16 July at 4:00 p.m (CDT) at the conference venue, so you can meet other fellow translators and get support if you need some.

Interface messages have the priority. You will need to create an account at translatewiki.net in order to work on them, if you don't have one. It is recommended to create the account ASAP, so that it can be manually confirmed in time.

You can also help translate documentation pages about VisualEditor on mediawiki.org. You can use your Wikipedia account there. You will find instructions, links and other details on the Translathon page.

Thanks for your attention, and happy translating! Elitre (WMF) 02:59, 11 July 2015 (UTC)Reply

  1. You can choose between any short-sleeve shirt, or other items for the same value.
  2. This means both new translations, and updates for messages in the "Outdated" tab of the translation interface.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #4—2015


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the August's issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter, which will be widely delivered at the end of this workweek. Among other things, this month it features the names of the top contributors for the recent VisualEditor 2nd Translathon. Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 16:49, 10 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones.
PPS: We are maintaining a list of editors who have worked on VE-related content (such as newsletters). We only use it to notify them of translation opportunities, to make sure they don't miss Translathons, etc. If you would like messages like this one to be delivered on your talk page at a different WMF project, need any help with translations related to VisualEditor or would like to remove your name from that list, please contact me directly.

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?


Hi! The Wikimedia Foundation would like your input on how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project.

After reading the Reimagining WMF grants idea, we ask you to complete this survey to help us improve the idea and learn more about your experience. When you complete the survey, you can enter to win one of five Wikimedia globe sweatshirts!

In addition to taking the the survey, you are welcome to participate in these ways:

This survey is in English, but feedback on the discussion page is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery. 01:24, 19 August 2015 (UTC)Reply

Last call for WMF grants feedback!


Hi, this is a reminder that the consultation about Reimagining WMF grants is closing on 8 September (0:00 UTC). We encourage you to complete the survey now, if you haven't yet done so, so that we can include your ideas.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery. 19:09, 4 September 2015 (UTC)Reply

This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are beginning the transition to the new policy.

An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.

The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that OTRS volunteers sign the new confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015 to retain their access. You are receiving this email because you have been identified as an OTRS volunteer and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy. If you do not sign the new confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015, you will lose your OTRS access. OTRS volunteers have a specific agreement available, if you have recently signed the general confidentiality agreement for another role (such as CheckUser or Oversight), you do not need to sign the general agreement again, but you will still need to sign the OTRS agreement.

Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign

If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me (gvarnum(_AT_)wikimedia.org). Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015 to retain your OTRS access. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.

Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:20, 28 September 2015 (UTC)TranslateGet helpReply

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #5—2015


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the October's issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter, which will be widely delivered at the end of this workweek. Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 18:00, 26 October 2015 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones.
PPS: We are maintaining a list of editors who have worked on VE-related content (such as newsletters). We only use it to notify them of translation opportunities, to make sure they don't miss Translathons, etc. If you would like messages like this one to be delivered on your talk page at a different WMF project, need any help with translations related to VisualEditor or would like to remove your name from that list, please contact me directly.




Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #6—2015


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the last issue of the VisualEditor multilingual newsletter for 2015, which will be widely delivered on Thursday (end of the day in Europe). Despite being a bit shorter than usual, it does feature important announcements, like the one about the single edit tab system, which people can already test and give feedback about. Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 14:15, 21 December 2015 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #1—2016


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the upcoming issue of the multilingual newsletter for the visual editor, which will be widely delivered as usual on Friday (end of the day in Europe). This time it features, among other things, updates about tables and about the single edit tab system (if you're looking for more translation opportunities, please consider the related overview). Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 21:37, 22 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.

Inspire Campaign on content curation & review


I've recently launched an Inspire Campaign to encourage new ideas focusing on content review and curation in Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia volunteers collaboratively manage vast repositories of knowledge, and we’re looking for your ideas about how to manage that knowledge to make it more meaningful and accessible. We invite you to participate and submit ideas, so please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 28th.

All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive feedback on ideas is welcome - your skills and experience can help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign to improve review and curation tasks so that we can make our content more meaningful and accessible! I JethroBT (WMF) 05:39, 29 February 2016 (UTC)Reply

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) through MediaWiki message delivery.

Should FuzzyBot remove all potentially outdated translations?


Hello, thanks for adding multiple new translations in your language here at Meta-Wiki in recent years. Please join the discussion with your opinion: Should FuzzyBot automatically remove all potentially outdated translations?. Nemo (talk) 12:00, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

Through June, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas focusing on addressing harassment toward Wikimedia contributors. The 2015 Harassment Survey has shown evidence that harassment in various forms - name calling, threats, discrimination, stalking, and impersonation, among others - is pervasive. Available methods and systems to deal with harassment are also considered to be ineffective. These behaviors are clearly harmful, and in addition, many individuals who experience or witness harassment participate less in Wikimedia projects or stop contributing entirely.

Proposals in any language are welcome during the campaign - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign so that we can work together to develop ideas around this important and difficult issue. With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 17:47, 31 May 2016 (UTC) (Opt-out instructions)Reply

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #2—2016


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the upcoming issue of the multilingual newsletter for the visual editor, which will be widely delivered this Sunday (end of the day in Europe). The "future changes" section is particularly interesting this time, and you're welcome to join and spread the word about the Community Taskforce. Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), 10:52, 30 June 2016 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.

Ready for translation: VisualEditor News #3—2016


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the upcoming issue of the multilingual newsletter for the visual editor, which will be widely delivered this weekend. The goal this time is getting translations in over 20 languages, maybe even 25! Thanks a lot for your support, as usual! Elitre (WMF), --08:55, 12 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.

Ready for translation: Editing News #1—2017


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the upcoming issue of the multilingual newsletter for the visual editor, which will be widely delivered when it's end of Friday in Central Europe, and that features, among other things, rumours about a much-desired syntax highlighting tool... Thanks for your help with this, it feels great to be back. --Elitre (WMF), 17:27, 8 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.

Gadgets in Git?


Hello! Are you a chap to ask about this idea that French Wikipedia is moving gadget development to Git repositories? Sounds interesting! Can you explain the workflow? I'm afraid I don't speak French so can't follow the discussions. Sam Wilson 22:43, 30 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

@Samwilson: Hello! The idea emerged during an open discussion in the WikiConvention Francophone in Strasbourg (general discussion about the State of technical things on the French Wikipedia) and we are now discussing there in French. We observed that the gadgets [in the French Wikipedia at least] are hardly maintained over time and a lot of gadgets are written in old-style JavaScript, likely to break in case of deprecation of some part of libraries and possibly with security concerns. The Git repository appears as a first step to engage more developers (non-administrators on the French Wikipedia), and is possibly a first step to then propose to other French wikis (Wikisource, Wikinews, etc.).
The transfers from Git to the wikis (French Wikipedia in a first time) would be done by a bot. There is an ongoing discussion about what to do if the local page is modified by someone else than the bot, because it would desynchronise the process. About the location where would be hosted the Git repository, there are oppositions about Gerrit (too complicated), GitHub is prefered, and I mentionned Phabricator Differential.
The current discussion has roots in a work by 0x010C during the hackathon in Vienna with this page. Also, during the discussion in Strasbourg, we discussed also about the extensive but old documentation about JavaScript on the French Wikipedia, and Trizek pointed out it that the documentation should be done centrally (e.g. on MediaWiki.org) instead of being spread out on each wiki (at least for non-specific documentation, which is often the case for technical things), resulting in a non-consistent and old documentation everywhere.
~ Seb35 [^_^] 09:33, 31 October 2017 (UTC)Reply
Very cool! Sounds good. Is there something that Community Tech could help with? The bot would be running as an admin user, I guess; has that brought up any issues? I agree that Gerrit is probably a pain for users not familiar with it, and if we're all to be moving to Differential one day (and arc?) then it makes sense to start as we mean to go on. Having proper code review of gadgets would be great. Do you have a list of gadgets you'd be starting with? Sam Wilson 00:06, 1 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
Sam and Seb, to give you a full context, the idea emerged during the 2017 hackathon in Vienna (phab:T159334). One of the possible options was to have an Extension with most used gadgets. There is a task a about that™ centralization: phab:T121470, but you are already aware of that with phab:T177674. Trizek (WMF) (talk) 11:22, 13 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
Well… I didn’t see I was subscribed to this last Phabricator task, I have too much Phab notifications, and I didn’t took the time yet to contribute in this task. ~ Seb35 [^_^] 23:05, 14 November 2017 (UTC)Reply
I've been adding some more info to T177674 about popular gadgets. Currently am working on Purge, and maybe MarkAdmins/markblocked. Sam Wilson 06:22, 15 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Ready for translation: Editing News #1—2018


Hi! This is an invitation to join translators working on the upcoming issue of the multilingual newsletter for the visual editor, which will be widely delivered when it's end of Friday in Central Europe. Thanks in advance for your help with this: getting to interact with fellows so skilled like the translators are is among my favorite things about my job :) Best, Elitre (WMF) 10:29, 27 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

PS: Here are some instructions. Please go to the translation page: your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've selected it, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or modify existing ones. Please let us know about difficulties you experience with the translation memory system.

Translation: VisualEditor newsletter October 2018


18:20, 24 October 2018 (UTC)

Community Wishlist Survey 2020



You are getting this message because you've previously participated in the Community Wishlist Survey, in either the Wikisource or Wiktionary categories. I wanted to let you know that this year's survey is now open for proposals. You can suggest technical changes until November 11. Unlike previous years, we are only accepting proposals for non-Wikipedia content projects with no dedicated teams (i.e., Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikiversity, Wikispecies, Wikivoyage, and Wikinews). You can learn more on the survey page.

You can vote on proposals from November 20 to December 2. To keep the number of messages at a reasonable level, I won't send out a separate reminder to you about that. We look forward to your participation. Thank you! IFried (WMF) (talk) 18:52, 22 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Community Wishlist Survey 2019 - Section Name in Diff



The Community Tech team (WMF) has officially started the project for Section Name in Diff, the #9 wish from the 2019 Community Wishlist Survey!

You previously voted for this wish, so we are now contacting you. We invite you to visit the project page, where you can read a project analysis and share your feedback.

We hope to see you on the project talk page, and thank you in advance!

-- IFried (WMF), 14:14, 9 March 2020 (UTC)Reply

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

18:25, 20 November 2020 (UTC)

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

16:09, 11 December 2020 (UTC)

I need the help of a translationadmin in moving a page


Dear Seb35,

How is your day going? I don't mean to take so much of your time. I raised a little issue on Babylon's Talk and would be so lucky to have you help out. Thank you Danidamiobi (talk) 22:21, 22 June 2022 (UTC)Reply