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Latest comment: 14 years ago by ITshnik in topic Your "Thank you!"

South Slavic Wikipedia


Original text on english language is: "Donate money so that largest online encyclopedia on the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Serbo-Croatian language remains free and without commercials".

Maybe nationalists on bosnian or croatian wikipedia will protest words because they are "foreign" (somebody will say that they are croatian others serbian.....), but everybody will understand this statement. This summer wikipedia project is having great edit war about south slavic languages !?

Bosnian Wikipedia


Donirajte novac kako bi najveća internetska enciklopedija na bosanskom jeziku ostala slobodna i bez reklama.

Croatian Wikipedia


Donirajte novac kako bi najveća internetska enciklopedija na hrvatskom jeziku ostala slobodna i bez reklama.

Serbian Wikipedia


Донирајте новац како би највећа интернетска енциклопедија на српском језику остала слободна и без реклама.

Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia


Donirajte novac kako bi najveća internetska enciklopedija na srpskohrvatskom jeziku ostala slobodna i bez reklama.

South Slavic Translation


Good points, thanks for the translations. I would encourage you to take these posts to your wiki communities to create more discussion and post them on Meta as well. Also, with the exception of SR and HR Meta, we are still looking for translators. So please pass the word along and let me know what I can do to help. Thanks! Schapman 23:54, 18 October 2010 (UTC)Reply



Can you please find somebody which can write interwiki bot for serbocroatian wikipedia ?--Rjecina2 18:32, 14 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Hmmm, an interwiki? I would suggest you ask either on [| Wikimedia_Forum] or at the English Wikipedias bot area [Wikipedia_talk:Bots] for help. Sam Chapman

Croatian translation


Translation of Template:2010/JimmyAppealClassic/en:

Danas tražim od Vas donaciju za pomoć Wikipediji.

Wikipediju sam započeo 2001., i u prošlih devet godina iznenadio sam se kada se stotine tisuća volentera pridružilo sa mnom u izgradnji najveće svjetske enciklopedije u ljudskoj povijesti.

Wikipedija nije komercijalna stranica. To je stranica koju je napravila zajednica, u potpunosti napravljena pomoću ljudi poput Vas. Više od 380 milijuna ljudi koristi Wikipediju mjesečno- gotovo trećina ljudi koja se koristi internetom. I Vi ste dio naše zajednice.

Vjerujem u nas. Vjerujem da mi postajemo sve bolji. To je i ideja. Jedna osoba napiše nešto, druga je ispravi i tijekom vremena postaje sve bolja. Ako je ovo korisno danas, zamislite koliko će biti korisno za 5, 10, 20 godina kada će sve biti arhivirano zajedno.

Wikipedija govori o snazi ljudi koji čine nevjerojatne stvari. Ljudi poput nas pišu Wikipediju, riječ po riječ. Ljudi poput nas su je napravili. To čini naš duh da kao zajednica možemo promjeniti svijet.

Moramo zaštiti svijet u kojem sve ovo radi. Moramo zaštiti Wikipediju. Moramo je zašiti od reklama i naplate pregledavanja. Želimo je zadržati otvorenu- možete koristiti svaku informaciju kako god želite. Želimo da i dalje raste, da se širi znanje svugdje, i pozivati svakoga da nam se pridruži.

Fondacija Wikimedie je neprofitna organizacija i mi želimo da ona raste i štiti Wikipediju. Za 20 milijuna dolara godišnje i s osobljem od oko 50 ljudi, mi vodimo jednu od stranica među pet najčitanijih u cijelom svijetu. Tražimo Vašu pomoć kako bi nastavili s radom.

Zamislite svijet u kojem svaka osoba na planeti ima slobodan pristup svoj količini ljudskog znanja. To je naš cilj. I s Vašom pomoći mi to možemo ostvariti.

Hvala Vam na korištenju Wikipedije. Vi ste dio ove priče, molimo Vas, donirajte sada.

Jimmy Wales

Osnivač Wikipedije

My username


Hi Sam!

I try to look at the text but I have not much time now. And one thing: my username is Cassandro (male), not Cassandra (female). ;-) Cassandro 20:49, 25 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

  • Szia Cassandro, thanks for the quick reply. I've noted the correct user name (sorry!). I hope you can find some time to translate and reach out to the Magyar Community, I would really appreciate it. Sam Chapman

Georgian Translation


I don't know, maybe you didn't notice, I have translated your message in Georgian Wiki's forum page at 22.10.2010. I don't require any thanks, just I've noticed you have added similar text to our admin's talk pages today. thanks for attention.--George Talk 06:58, 26 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

At the moment, I know only one active user, who has submitted bunners. If there are any changes, I will inform you. --George Talk 06:29, 28 October 2010 (UTC)Reply



Translation of that letter is on this page. Regards. mickit 07:13, 26 October 2010 (UTC)Reply



Hi! I'm quite busy these days with school and lots of other stuff, but maybe I can help, if the fundraising messages are short and there aren't many of them :) regards, Alensha 15:57, 26 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Albanian Wikipedia Translation


Hi, i am Mikullovci from the albanian wikipedia. Where can i help? --Mikullovci11 18:49, 26 October 2010 (UTC)Reply



Thank you for asking, but due to my other occupations, I cannot help you. Sorry for that. Bináris tell me 07:45, 27 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

Of course. Starting tomorrow morning from "Fundraising/FAQ" - as I 've seen it's still missing. Hope I'll help... --Ttzavaras 20:07, 27 October 2010 (UTC)

Thank you but I cannot help, though I will continue to edit wikipedia articles.--Lemur12 -- 14:54, 28 October 2010 (UTC)Reply



Hi Sam, sorry to bother, but when will the test banners turn on? Tnak's,--George M. 18:51, 5 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Ukrainian translation


Ukrainian traslation was done, but we see russian text of Jimmy appeal. It's not good. --Alex Blokha 18:01, 12 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Fundraising 2010/Appeal/el


Hi! Could you please update the Greek version of Jimbo's Appeal in wmf site, User:Thozi... did a great ce today. Thank you in advance. --Egmontaℨ 14:45, 13 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Thai Wikipedia


Hi, I am Taweetham, an admin from Thai Wikipedia. I need your help with these issues.

  1. Could you please update Fundraising_2010/Core_messages/th as soon as possible? There is a typo that needs to be corrected urgently. There are already three complaints and several vandalism on Jimmy page in Thai Wikipedia.
  2. Could you please check why the message went through without proofreading? Can we prevent further incident? (please see these links [1] [2] [3] for more details)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation --Taweetham (@Thai Wikipedia) 05:19, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

Armenian translation


Hello Shapman, I've seen your request on my talk page at hy:wp to translate messages from Jimbo. I'd try to translate those in coming 10 days, though I'm not sure it will give much if any in terms of increasing funds donated. --Xelgen 09:29, 16 November 2010 (UTC)Reply



Can you, please, update this page because I made some changes. Also, can you change sr banner:


Молимо прочитајте:
Лични апел
оснивача Википедије Џимија Вејлса

it should be:

Молимо Вас прочитајте:
лични апел
оснивача Википедије Џимија Вејлса

Thanks. mickit 09:53, 16 November 2010 (UTC)Reply

Translation template


Hi Sam,

You've created, accidentally I guess, 2 template pages:

It may be a bit confusing as first is directing to Fundraising 2010/Joa Gomà Appeal/xx, and the other one to Fundraising 2010/Joan Gomà/xx. I've changed the link at Fundraising 2010/Joan Gomà Appeal, because current source text page is Fundraising 2010/Joan Gomà/en.

Thanks, --Mikołka (talk) 10:36, 7 December 2010 (UTC)Reply



I guess it would have been a hard time placing messages on each translator page informing the about the new editor appeals. I believe most translators are aware about it, they just don't translate it... perhaps that's just me. Anyway, I would like to know what does it mean by "keep Wikipedia free". Has been reading that every time I use WP yet not knowing which free is it referring. "Free" as in free of charge or free from confinement, or free from ads? Or as in general free, which is freedom. I have completed translating all the appeals and they are now ready. --Diagramma Della Verita 12:25, 8 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

  • Thanks for your reply (and helping with translations of course). Regarding your question of what it means to "keep Wikipedia Free," I think all meanings of "free" to which you refer apply directly to Wikipedia, Wikimedia sister projects and the mission of the Foundation. Best wishes, Schapman 21:37, 9 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Re: Editor Appeals Need Translations


Hi Schapman, thank you for your message. A question: I translated the Jimbo's appeal in PMS, the appeal is in "published" state, but when I click the banner on the pms-wiki, a page in italian is displayed. Why? Maybe the browser language is prioritary? --Dragonòt 08:36, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

@Dragonòt. Anybody decided to link generally to the corresponding Wikipedia chapter, for Piemontese it is the Italian chapter which is in Italian. I have the same problem for Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. I see the page of the German Wikimedia chapter - in German. This is a problem for all minority languages. But now it is even worse - some days age it was possible to read the translated version behind the link "donate" in the sidebar (Doné! in the Piemontese WP). But now I see the German version behind this link as well. That would mean that the translation of Jimmy's appeal is useless!
@Schapman. Please link at least the Donate link to the translated text in the language version of the corresponding Wikipedia - if you can do that. Regards, --Michawiki 20:50, 10 December 2010 (UTC)Reply
OK, I understand  ;-( there was involved the IT Chapter ... We know them and specially LMO Wikipedia know them ... Anyway, I started a discussion on the list translators-l@lists.wikimedia.org and magically after few hours the translation come on. You should do the same. Thank you very much, --Dragonòt 21:23, 11 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Fundraising 2010/Jimmy appeal 2/uk


Hello! Thanks for marking the translation as published, yet it's just the first attempt, which I would like to be revised by other involved Wikipedians. Is it possible to change the summary to "needs proofreading" or anything like this until the final version is decided? I would also appreciate if you answer if there's a page for discussing these things among local communities. Or I need to ask for the revision right in ukwiki? --Microcell 20:31, 17 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Armenian translation (hy) was published


Hey Schapman, Armenian translation of Secon Jimmy's appeal, was published before it was proofread (http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Translation/Fundraising_2010/Jimmy_appeal_2&diff=2247707&oldid=2247692). It even conttained a couple of untraslated sentenced, which I didn't know how to Translate, and asked others to look to it. Can you please republish Armenian translation, using it's current text again? Thanks beforehand! --Xelgen 00:30, 19 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

UPD. Additionally Armenian translations of Sue's appeal and Core Messages were reviewed, and are now ready. --Xelgen 00:42, 19 December 2010 (UTC)Reply

Your "Thank you!"


Hello Sam, thank you for your "Thank you!" :-) for my translations to the fundraiser campaign 2010. I would have translated more but it was decided for this year that texts of minority languages, e.g. the appeals, are not used but only those that have been written in the official language of a country that is for me German. All fundraiser links in Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian Wikipedias link to pages of Wikimedia Germany, see also above: Re: Editor Appeals Need Translations. Regards, --Michawiki 21:37, 19 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

"Hello Sam, thank you for your "Thank you!"" :) I will be always glad to help community. But I think, I wasn't so active for thanks, that had it's own objective reasons. Thank you again for appreciation my little contributions.--George Talk 07:05, 20 January 2011 (UTC)Reply