User talk:Rightandlight
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Unblock request granted
This blocked user asked to be unblocked, and one or more administrators has reviewed and granted this request. Request reason: When I started editing IP a long time ago, it was a place I often went to in real life, but it was deleted by the administrator because editing by people involved in real life was related to privacy. At that time, I didn't check specifically what kind of editing it was, but even after hearing the reason, I thought it might be something to do with me, and I was worried that it could be seen by some administrators and others. I had a feeling. As the years passed, I felt that it would be okay because I had a lot of trust, but when I came across a post related to privacy outside by one of the administrators, I remembered what happened before like a flashback, and that person However, I was worried about having the privilege to see posts that are almost invisible on Wikipedia, so I created a real account with the meaning of "Illuminating correctly", and I created a new account to post to other people. Even though he was not a Wikipedia user, he submitted a comment request and was blocked. I now regret that I used it for other purposes, bringing in topics unrelated to Wikipedia, and caused strong anxiety to other users. I would like to never again use something like this for purposes unrelated to Wikipedia and cause strong anxiety to other users, and I would like to concentrate on article editing such as maintenance editing and illuminate Wikipedia with article editing. , please unblock me. だいぶ前にIP編集をし始めた時、リアルでよく行く場所で、リアル関係者による編集がプライバシーに関わることを理由に管理者が削除されました。その際は具体的にどんな編集だったのか確認してなかったのですが、その理由を聞いて、もしかして自分が関係する編集じゃないかと思い、一部管理者など限定とはいえ見られるのに不安な気持ちがありました。年数経つにつれ、多くの信頼があるから大丈夫だろうという気持ちもありましたが、一人の管理者の方による外部でのプライバシーに関わる投稿を見つけて、以前のことがフラッシュバックのごとく思い出して、その方がウィキペディアでほとんど見えなくなっている投稿を見ることができる権限を持つこと自体に不安を持ってしまったので、本アカウントである正しく「照らす」の意味を持つ本を作ってアカウント、その外部対象の投稿がウィキペディアの利用者でもなかったにも関わらず、コメント依頼に持ち込んでブロックされました。今ではウィキペディアと無関係な話題を持ち込む目的外利用、他の利用者に強い不安を与えてしまったと後悔しています。二度とこのようなウィキペディアと無関係な持ち込む目的外利用し、他の利用者に強い不安を与えるようなことをせず、またメンテナンス編集などの記事編集に専念してウィキペディアを記事編集で照らしたいので、ブロック解除をお願いします。 Yapparina, thank you for unlocking the talk page locally. Thanks to you, the global lock has been released, and although you cannot edit on the jawiki talk page, it has been changed to a global block and you can now appeal on the meta talk page., thank you for unlocking the talk page locally. Thanks to you, the global lock has been released, and although you cannot edit on the jawiki talk page, it has been changed to a global block and you can now appeal on the meta talk page. ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Rightandlight 解除 I requested the unblock here in order to make it clear on wikimedia that the comments made in the unblock came from me. If I was allowed to speak locally, I would have liked to do so, but since it has been globally blocked, I will request to unblock it here. Yapparinaさん、ローカルで会話ページロック解除していただき、ありがとうございます。おかげさまでグローバルロックは解除され、またjawikiでの会話ページでの編集はできませんが、グローバルブロックに変更されてmetaでの会話ページでのappealはできるようになりました。ja:Wikipedia:投稿ブロック依頼/Rightandlight 解除での発言は私本人からのものであることをwikimediaで明らかにするためにこちらでブロック解除依頼しました。ローカルでの発言が許されるならそうしたかったのですが、グローバルブロックのためこちらでブロック解除依頼をします。 Unblock reason: Given how long ago the past stuff happened and that the user has not been abusive at Meta, I am lifting the local block here. @Rightandlight: FYI, I have now exempted your global block at jawiki, so you should now be able to edit your jawiki talk page to make a local appeal. EPIC (talk) 09:12, 22 September 2024 (UTC) This template should be archived normally. English | español | français | italiano | 日本語 | 한국어 | Plattdüütsch | Nederlands | 中文 | edit |