Lots of discussions about certain properties and how they should be used. Current state is at d:Wikidata:List of properties and new ones are being discussed at [d:Wikidata:Property proposal]]
Rollout of phase 1 (language links) on all remaining Wikipedias is still planned for March 6
Next update on wikidata.org is also planned for March 6. This will have bugfixes and if all goes well string as a new available data type.
Proposal was made to the Hungarian, Hebrew and Italian Wikipedias to be the first batch to use phase 2 of Wikidata (infoboxes). Scheduled timeframe for this is end of March
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
More work on widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly without having to go to Wikidata
Bug fixes for Wikipedias, including:
don't show edit link when noexternallanglinks magic word suppresses Wikidata links (bugzilla:45037)
use Q## links instead of linking to Special:ItemByTitle for “edit links” link (bugzilla:44536)
preference for showing Wikidata edits by default in watchlist (bugzilla:44973)
Catching up on writing tests for untested functionality
More work on the Lua support for accessing data from the repository (wikidata.org) on the Wikipedias
Updated Wikidata’s Vagrant development machine
Created initial QueryStore interface
Created initial setup code for the SQL QueryStore
Discussed and created initial schema for the SQL QueryStore
Simplified code for client settings, including which namespaces can have Wikidata links. The default is now all namespaces, without needing to explicitly specify them in the settings
Improved code for sorting interwiki links in the clients, with step towards allowing the communities to specify custom sort orders per Wikipedia
Improved handling of deleted properties
Further work on replacement for current search box
More work on improving error reporting and edit summaries in the API
Tim and Aaron killed the mystery bug that caused corrupt login tokens (bugzilla:41586)
Asked the Italian, Hebrew and Hungarian Wikipedias if they want to be the first to use phase 2 (will ask a few more to join the first batch later today)
Is a specific bug report really important to you? If you have an account on bugs.wikimedia.org you can easily add yourself to the CC list of the bug and then receive updates about its status via email
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Design improvements to the SetClaim API module
More work on implementing the simple inclusion syntax that will be 1 way to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia
More work on Lua (the second way to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia)
Added parser page property to hold entity id in client. This fixes:
bugzilla:45037 - don’t show edit link if noexternallanglinks has suppressed all Wikidata links
bugzilla:44536 - have the edit link go directly to the Q### pages, instead of Special:ItemByTitle which shall make the link be more reliable and work for all namespaces
Selenium tests for deleted-property-handling
Selenium tests for multiline references
Selenium tests for add-sitelinks-from-client
Selenium tests for Entity-Selector-as-Searchbox
Selenium tests for language-table
Implemented in-process caching for entities
Lua support to access the repo data and implement getEntity (so you can use stuff like entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity("Q1459") in Lua modules)
rebuildTermSearchKey is now ready for production (this still needs to be run but once done it will make search case-insensitive)
Improved error reports from the API
Ground work for better edit summaries from the API
Added a table of content to item pages
Added debug functionality to be able to investigate why it takes longer than it should for Wikidata changes to show up on recent changes and watchlists on Wikipedia
Finished implementation of References-UI
Implemented GUID generator in JavaScript
Worked on fixing a bug related to deleted properties where the UI would display wrong information
Minor fixes/additions to the JS datamodel implementation
If you add a Babel box to your user page Wikidata will show you items and descriptions in other languages you speak as well without you having to switch the language
Want to know which items use a certain property? Try the “what links here” link on a property page
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Rolled out new code on wikidata.org. The new stuff you probably care about is:
Improved references. They can now have multiple lines. This should make references much more useful. You can now have one reference with for example values for each of the properties "book", "author", "page" to describe one source.
Widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly: added setting to enable/disable it per wiki and made it available for logged-in users only
Widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly: improved layout / size
Made it so that the “edit links” link on Wikipedia is also shown when the corresponding item only has a link to this one language and no other languages
Submitted improved Apache config patch to make wikidata.org always redirect to www.wikidata.org, which is awaiting code review and deployment.
Improved the script that is responsible for taking Wikidata changes to the Wikipedias
Added a few ways to better debug the script responsible for taking Wikidata changes to the Wikipedias. This should help with investigating why some changes take way to long to show up on the Wikipedias.
Started work on automatically adding edited items to the user’s watchlist (according to preferences)
Finished script for rebuilding search keys, so we can finally get case insensitive matches in a lot of places
Support for multi-line references in diff view
Selenium tests for inclusion syntax
Improved parser function (that will be used to access Wikidata data on the Wikipedias) to accept property ID or label
Increased isolation of data model component to increase clarity and visibility of bad dependencies
Worked on schema access in the SQLStore (of the query component)
When you edit a statement there is a little wheel in front of the text field. This lets you choose between “custom value”, “unknown value” and “no value”. “No value” means that we know that the given property has no value, e.g. Elizabeth I of England had no spouse. “Unknown value” means that the property has a value, but it is unknown which one -- e.g. Pope Linus most certainly had a year of birth, but it is unknown to us.
Worked on making properties accessible from the client using their label so you can use {{#property:executive director}} instead of {{#property:p169}} for example
Made qualifiers ready for the next deployment (Please test. See details further down.)
Selenium tests for qualifiers
Fixed some issues related to QUnit testing
Worked on improved handling and code design of multiple snak lists in the UI (qualifiers, references)
Denny wrote down how we’re planning to support queries on Wikidata. Feedback welcome.
Now that improvements for references have been deployed here’s a discussion on the best way to use them. (You can see an example of how it could be used in the source for “CAS registry number” on d:Q153)
We’re currently carefully monitoring performance after the deployment of phase 2 on the first 11 Wikipedias. There seem to be a few small issues. As soon as they are resolved we'll deploy on English Wikipedia. All other Wikipedias are planned to follow very soon after that.
Bye and a big thank you to Anja, Silke, Jens and John who are leaving the development team at the end of the month and will work on other cool things. You’ll be missed!
Ever had any doubt about the possibilities of Wikidata? Talk to Wiri!
We worked on reducing the time it takes for Wikidata edits to show up in the Wikipedias and made some progress. Daniel posted an analysis
We started running a script on the database in order to make search on Wikidata case-insensitive. This should be finished in a few days and then search should be more useful.
In addition to the above we have rolled out a new search box that suggests items. This should also make finding things on Wikidata a lot easier for you.
We’re making some progress with Internet Explorer 8 support but there are a lot of issues with it (some outside our control). It’s unclear at the moment how much we can improve it still without spending an unjustified amount of time on it. You can follow the progress at bugzilla:44228
Edits are now auto-confirmed for users with more than 50 edits and account age 4 days: bugzilla:46461
Do you need old-style interwiki links for a sister project for example? This is for you
The Wikimedia Foundation applied as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code again. We have proposed some Wikidata projects for students to take up if the Foundation is accepted again. At least 2 other organisations that applied also propose Wikidata ideas. More details on that once we know which organisations are accepted.
Denny hacked together a tree of life based on data from Wikidata
Did you file a bug report for Wikidata or did someone else do it for you? Please take a minute to check if it is still valid. (Thanks for filing it btw!)
Could I have 2 mins of your time? As I’ll be working on some other projects for Wikimedia Germany as well from now on the time I can spend on Wikidata will be reduced. This means I’ll have to figure out what is useful to spend time on. If you’re reading this could you let me know for example on this discussion page? Also if you have ideas how to improve the weekly summaries please post them. --Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) (talk)
Latest comment: 11 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Hey Putnik,
I wanted to ask for your help. As you may be aware we have been running banners on many language wikis. We have a lot of new content this year and I really want to conduct a thorough review of our translations. This is a combination of feedback from the community, readers, donors as well as those with professional translator experience. This will help us ensure the highest quality of translations used in our messaging.
To help us out with this I wonder if you would be willing to give us feedback for Russian using This Link
Simply follow the simple instructions on that page and if you have any questions feel free to contact me on my talk page.
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
The first year is over. Thank you everyone for being amazing and helping to build Wikidata and making it more than we could possibly have hoped for already. <3
Put a lot of work into improved support for Internet Explorer 8
Worked on improving recent changes code in client
Finished valueview refactoring. Created new extension “ValueView”
Deployment of phase 2 on English Wikipedia is currently planned for April 8. The remaining Wikipedias are scheduled for April 10. As usual this might change if we run into problems along the way.
There is now a page showing the current lag for changes propagating to the Wikipedias so they can show up in watchlists and recent changes for example. This should ideally be in the range of a few minutes. Right now it is higher because of some abnormally high bot activity but decreasing. Should be down to a few minutes soon.
There’s now a badge you can add to Wikipedia articles to indicate there is data about it on Wikidata
Based on feedback for last week’s call for comments we will continue this newsletter. However more community help will be needed. From now on they’ll be drafted at d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and your help is very welcome.
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Got some external professional review of our code and architecture and started working on their feedback
Worked on reducing the dispatch lag (the time it takes for changes on Wikidata to be sent to the Wikipedias for display in watchlist, recent changes and to purge affected pages)
Worked on using Redis for job queue to improve the lag situation even further
Created new Wikibase Query extension for phase 3 functionality
We need feedback from contributors working on references addition or having tried to add references to statements. Please comment about your problems or your trials at d:Help:Sources
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Deployment of phase 2 on the remaining Wikipedias was delayed because of a high lag of changes being propagated to the Wikipedias. The lag has been reduced considerably now and is going down even more. The new date for deployment will not be next week because there are other large changes on Wikimedia infrastructure scheduled that we do not want to interfere with. It will hopefully happen very soon after that though.
Next code update on wikidata.org is planned for Wednesday. This should include qualifiers and bugfixes.
There will probably be a short outage/read-only for wikidata.org on Tuesday (database is being switched to MariaDB)
Based on feedback for last week’s call for comments we will continue this newsletter. However more community help will be needed. From now on they’ll be drafted at d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and your help is very welcome.
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Dispatch lag is now down to 0 so changes should show up very quickly on the Wikipedias in watchlists and recent changes
wikidata.org now always redirects to www.wikidata.org. This should among other things solve the issue where people were not able to edit when on wikidata.org (bugzilla:45005)
Fixed weird blocked-user/protected-page handling in UI (bugzilla:45140)
Final meetings for the external professional review of our code and architecture. They were quite happy with the quality of the codebase and gave useful tips for improvements
Worked on automatic summaries for editing claims
Investigation of different JavaScript frameworks dealing with date and time
Worked on using Redis and the job queue for change notifications to clients
Deployment of phase 2 (infoboxes) on English Wikipedia is planned for April 22. All remaining Wikipedias are planned for April 24.
Qualifiers are available now. In the same update several bugs have been fixed mainly related to Internet Explorer 8. At the same time search has been made case-insensitive. More details here.
If fixing a particular bug is especially important for you then please consider voting for it in Bugzilla to help the development team prioritize. A list of all of the currently open ones is here.
Bugfixes were deployed on wikidata.org. The ones you probably care about are:
when clicking "edit links" on a Wikipedia article the user is automatically taken to the language links part of the item. Hopefully it is now more obvious how to change the links.
fixed a few cases where edit conflicts where detected in error
added automatic edit summaries for adding qualifiers and claims
Hungary report: Article writing contest about statistics and related sciences
Italy report: Wikipedia workshop; Editathon on women's biographies
Mexico report: Fotofestín activities; DIY scanner project progress and Winners of the Holy Week in Mexico photo contest at ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico
Netherlands report: GLAM WIKI UK; Wiki loves Sound; Wikipedian in Residence; Wiki loves Libraries; Wikipedia Training National Museum of Ethnology
Spain report: Longest edit-a-thon ever at Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona
Sweden report: GLAM handbook version 3; conferences; hackathons and Wiki Loves Public Art
Switzerland report: Swiss Federal Archives looking for a Wikipedian in Residence
Taiwan report: Taiwan Government Data Portal Launched
UK report: GLAM-Wiki; new and departing Wikipedians in Residence
USA report: First GLAM Boot Camp; Consortium meeting; GLAMout; plus workshops and editathon
Special story: Intersections between GLAM and Wikinews
I wasn't sure too :) But all of these meta tags are duplicated widely supported tags (<title>, <link rel="license">, <… lang="">). I don't think we lose something because of their removal. — putnik02:26, 12 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
As I see, all pages are valid, but many templates have big changes that I have not tested. You definitely may sync Wikivoyage now, but I don't know about another templates. — putnik18:23, 13 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Deployed new bugfixes on wikidata.org including a fix for pages not being added to the watchlist automatically plus the first version of the RDF exort
The ability to include data using the property label is planned to be deployed on English Wikipedia on Monday and all others on Wednesday (You can then for example use {{#property:logo image}} in addition to {{#property:P154}}.)
Did you know?
Newest properties: exclave of, enclave within, HURDAT identifier, ISO standard, home port, general manager, ISO 15924, Swedish county code, BNFC Thesaurus, cause of death, brother-in-law (sister's husband), honorific prefix, academic degree, birth name, interleaves with, state, phase, powerplant, interaction, part concerned, armament, scheduled service destination, type of orbit, temporal range start, temporal range end, Swedish municipality code, located on island, consists of
{{Property|123}} can be used on Wikidata to get the label of the given property (P123) in the readers language. {{label|Q123}} does the same for items.
Simplified the inclusion syntax (this is one way how you access data from Wikidata in a Wikipedia article - the other one is via Lua)
The time datatype can now be tested on the demosystem and should become available on Wikidata next week.
Did you know?
Newest properties: catalog code (P528), runway (P529), diplomatic relation (P530), diplomatic mission sent (P531), diplomatic mission sent (P531), port of registry (P532), target (P533), streak color (P534), Find a Grave (P535), ATP id (P536), twinning (P537), fracturing (P538), Museofile (P539)
d:Template:Constraint:Item allows to check if items using a given property also have other properties. To find items to fix, it links to one of Magnus' tools and to a daily report. Sample: items with property mother should also have main type (GND) with value person.
A lot of discussions and hacking at the MediaWiki hackathon on Amsterdam
Worked on content negotiation for the RDF export
Bugfixing for editing of time datatype
Added validation in the api for claim guids. This also resolves bug 48473, an exception being thrown in production, whenever a bot or api user requested a claim with an invalid claim guid
Improved error message popup bubbles to show HTML and parse the links correctly
Fixed bug 48679, to hide the view source tab for item and property pages
Newest properties: venue (P540), office contested (P541), officially opened by (P542), oath made by (P543), torch lit by (P545), docking port (P546), commemorates (P547), version type (P548), MGP ID (P549), chivalric order (P550), residence (P551), handedness (P552), social media account on (P553), social media address (P554), doubles record (P555), crystal system (P556), DiseasesDB (P557), unit symbol (P558), terminus (P559), direction (P560), NATO reporting name (P561), central bank/issuer (P562), ICD-O (P563), singles record (P564), crystal habit (P565)
Added MediaWiki setting wgLogAutopatrol to allow wikis the option to disable logging of autopatrol actions
Improved EntityPerPage rebuild script, which is needed to fix the situation where some Wikipedia articles can't access data from Wikidata (bugzilla:48506)
Fixed bug in SetQualifiers API module; Moved both SetQualifiers and RemoveQualifiers out of experimental mode
Newest properties: basionym (P566), hangingwall (P567), footwall (P568), date of birth (P569), date of death (P570), foundation/creation date (P571), date of scientific description (P574), discovery date (P575), date of dissolution (P576), date of publication (P577), Sandbox-TimeValue (P578), IMA status (P579), start date (P580), end date (P582), as of (P585), IPNI author ID (P586), MMSI (P587), coolant (P588), point group (P589), GNIS (P590), EC Number (P591), ChEMBL (P592), Homologene ID (P593), Ensembl ID (P594), IUPHAR ID (P595), in the direction of (P596), WTA ID (P597), commands (P598), ITF ID (P599), Wine AppDB-ID (P600), MedlinePlus ID (P604), NUTS (P605), first flight (P606)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes.
Recent software changes
(Not all changes will affect you.)
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf6) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on June 6, and to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 10. It will be enabled on all Wikipedias on June 13. [3]
Newest properties: battle/war (P607), exhibition history (P608), terminus location (P609), exhibition history (P608), terminus location (P609), highest point (P610), religious order (P611), mother house (P612), OS grid reference (P613), CHRC (P616), yard number (P617), source of energy (P618), spacecraft launch date (P619), spacecraft landing date (P620), spacecraft decay date (P621), spacecraft docking/undocking dates (P622), crew photo (P623), guidance system (P624), coordinate location (P625), Sandbox-GeoCoordinateValue (P626), IUCN-ID (P627)
If you're interested in a specific topic then the task forces are a good place to find like-minded people. Can't find one for your interest? Start one!
More progress on supporting links to sisterprojects
Fixing issues with geocoordinate datatype that popped up after deployment
Selenium tests for time and geocoordinate interface
Latest comment: 11 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
(Not all changes will affect you.)
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf7) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on June 13. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 17, and on all Wikipedias on June 20. [11]
VisualEditor was temporarily disabled on Wikipedia sites on June 14 due to an issue that inserted a lot of HTML code. The issue is now fixed and VisualEditor works as before.
Users can now use VisualEditor to add images and other media items from their local wikis and Wikimedia Commons. [13].
The new Disambiguator extension, which was previously part of MediaWiki itself, was enabled on test wikis. It adds the magic word __DISAMBIG__ to mark disambiguation pages. [15]
The newly enabled Campaigns extension allows Wikimedia Foundation data analysts to track account creations that result from a specific outreach campaign.
Future software changes
Universal Language Selector will be added to the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias on June 18. [16]
Starting on June 18, VisualEditor will be randomly enabled by default for half of newly created accounts on the English Wikipedia to test stability, performance and features. [17]
Two new webfonts (UnifrakturMaguntia and Linux Libertine) will be added to wikis that use Universal Language Selector. [18][19]
It will now be possible to hide the sidebar while using the Translate extension to reduce distractions (bug #45836). [20]
Newest properties: E number (P628), edition of (P629), Paris city digital code (P630), structural engineer (P631), cultural properties of Belarus reference number (P632), Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec identifier (P633), captain (P634), ISTAT ID (P635), route of administration (P636), Protein ID (P637), PDB ID (P638), RNA ID (P639), Léonore ID (P640), sport (P641), of (P642), Genloc Chr (P643), Genloc Start (P644), Genloc End (P645), Freebase identifier (P646), drafted by (P647), Open Library identifier (P648), NRHP (P649), RKDartists (P650), BPN (P651), UNII (P652), PubMed Health (P653), direction relative to location (P654)
Worked on site-link group editing to make it possible to link to sisterprojects
Further work on input validation
Further work on handling invalid data gracefully
Use Serializers for generating API results
Finished selenium tests for TimeUI and CoordinateUI
Changed globe coordinate value input to use backend coordinate parser
Fixed issues with data type definitions not being available in the frontend
Wrote a little hack so that on statements with a long list of values you will always be able to see the name of the property of the current section you are in (since the label moves when scrolling the page)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
(Not all changes will affect you.)
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf8) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on June 20. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 24, and on all Wikipedias on June 27. [22]
Universal Language Selectorwas successfully enabled on the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias. [23]
The new interface for account creation and log–in is now the default on all Wikimedia wikis. The old look is no longer available (bug #46333). [24]
It is now possible to synchronise local CSS and JavaScript files with the beta cluster. This should make it easier to test software features before they are enabled on live wikis. [28]
Future software changes
The default link to a help page on editing, visible below the editing window, will change on almost 600 Wikimedia wikis and will now link to MediaWiki.org (bug #45977). [29]
Universal Language Selector will be enabled on wikis without language versions (such as Wikisource and Wikispecies) on June 25. [30]
The AbuseFilter extension will allow filtering links and HTML code for page creations. [31]
d:User:Byrial is creating database reports that are useful to find issues in the current data
Denny created a map of all geocoordinates currently in Wikidata (normal and huge version - updated daily)
Did you know?
Newest properties: RTECS number (P657), RefSeq (P656), translator (P655)
The Wikidata bug report with the most votes was closed (bugzilla:36729 - updating the link on Wikidata automatically when a page on Wikipedia is moved)
Wikipedia pages will soon have a link named "Data item" in the toolbox section of the sidebar that links to the Wikidata item that is connected to the page (bugzilla:49105 - You can already see it on the main page of test2.wikipedia.org for example.)
Calendar names displayed for time values can now be translated (bugzilla:49080)
Added serializers for the Ask query language
Buuuugfixes and testing
Worked on better handling of bad values (= values that don't fit the datatype they should have)
Open Tasks for You
Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
(Not all changes will affect you.)
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf9) was added to test wikis on June 27. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 8, and on all Wikipedias on July 11.
On Wikisource, the canonical names of the "Index" and "Page" namespaces in the Proofread Page extension are no longer localized (bug #47596). Please check scripts that depend on $wgCanonicalNamespace. [37]
A JavaScript problem caused the "View history" and "Add topic" tabs in the Vector skin to be moved into the drop-down menu on right-to-left wikis. The issue is now fixed and links are visible as before (bug #50196). [38]
Tech news #26 incorrectly reported that audio transcoding was added to TimedMediaHandler; it was actually statistics about audio transcoding that were added. [46]
Continued work on validation and handling of partially invalid data
Breaking change for 'wbeditentity' in the API fixing (bugzilla:49526) - when creating new items the 'new' parameter must now be given
Improved handling of broken UTF-8 encoding
Made it possible to enter the direction in a geocoordinate also at the beginning now (for example 52°31′N 13°23′E can soon also be entered as N 52°31′ E 13°23′)
Introduced PropertyInfoStore for quick access to meta-info about properties
Deserialization of Description objects in Ask
Lots of bugfixing
Open Tasks for You
Update, expand and translate one of the help pages to make it easier for newcomers
Update and expand Wikidata:Contribute to provide more information for newcomers
VisualEditor deployment has been delayed by a week. It is now planned to enable the editor for logged–in editors on chosen Wikipedias on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 29.
A bug that made it impossible to save VisualEditor edits that triggered a CAPTCHA has been fixed. [47]
Uploading files has been restricted on Meta Wiki to administrators and the newly created uploader group. An exemption doctrine policy is being developed (bug #50287). [48]
Emergency priority CentralNotice banners will always be shown unless users have hidden them, ignoring cookies set for lower priority banners. [49]
Future software changes
MediaWiki will allow choosing a specific page of a PDF document or a thumbnail of a video file to show up inside the
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes(Not all changes will affect you.)
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf10) was added to test wikis on July 11. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 15, and on all Wikipedias on July 18. [56]
The Disambiguator extension was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis on July 9 (bug #50174). To use it, add the __DISAMBIG__ code to disambiguation templates (see example). [57]
A new version of the Single User Login system for global accounts will be enabled on July 17. Users will now automatically go back to the previous page instead of seeing the "Login success" page with logos. [59]
The software that resizes images on all wikis will change on July 18. Resizing of big images will be faster and more reliable, and the resolution limit for GIF, PNG and TIFF files (currently set at 50 megapixels) will be removed. [60]
Edit tags (mostly used by AbuseFilter) will now also be on diff pages. They include a link to Special:Tags before the edit summary. Wikis that use links in tag messages should remove them. [61][62]
Global edit filters are currently in testing and will be added to wikis later. [63]
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes(Not all changes will affect you.)
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf11) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on July 18. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 25. [66]
The schedule to add VisualEditor to non-English Wikipedias has been changed: the new editor will be available for logged-in users on the German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hebrew (he), Italian (it), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Russian (ru) and Swedish (sv) Wikipedias on July 24, and for all users on those wikis on July 29. [68]
A warning is now displayed if an edit made with VisualEditor matches an edit filter (bug #50472).
Top 20 items on Wikidata that are covered in a lot of Wikipedias? Here you go.
Did you know?
Newest properties: Dodis (P701), encoded by (P702), found in taxon (P703), Ensembl Transcript ID (P704), Ensembl Protein ID (P705), located on terrain feature (P706), Satellite bus (P707), diocese (P708), Historic Scotland ID (P709), participant (P710), Strunz 8 (P711), Strunz 9 (P712), Strunz 10 (P713), Dana 8th edition (P714), Drugbank ID (P715), JPL Small-Body Database identifier (P716), Minor Planet Center observatory code (P717), Canmore ID (P718), Notable Incident (P719)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes; not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf12) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on July 25. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 29, and on all Wikipedias on August 1. [73]
Wikivoyage was offline for around 40 minutes on July 24. [74]
The Notifications and Thanks extensions were added to Meta-Wiki on July 26; other wikis will get them soon. [76]
It is now possible to add edit summaries on Wikidata using the API; the feature will be added to user interface soon. [77]
The software that resizes large PNG images on all wikis was changed on July 25. Resizing of PNG files bigger than 35 megapixels should be faster and more reliable now. [78]
Three new webfonts (Gentium, Old Persian and Shapour) will be added to Universal Language Selector. [79], [80], [81]
Special:MIMESearch, which gives a list of files by type, will be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis with MediaWiki version 1.22/wmf12 (bug #13438). [82]
A mailing list to discuss multimedia features was started; users are encouraged to sign up.
On July 24, VisualEditor was added for logged-in users on the German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hebrew (he), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Russian (ru) and Swedish (sv) Wikipedias; it will be added for all users on those wikis on July 29. [83]
A preference to completely disable VisualEditor while it is in beta phase was added on July 24. [84]
The d:Wikidata:Global Economic Map task force is starting its property list. Please go there to propose important properties about economics for countries, regions or companies.
Wikimania continues! If you are around make sure you come and say Hi!
Wikidata meetup in the chapters village on Saturday at 1 PM at Wikimania.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Following numerous discussions we are happy to present the new version of the proposal that would lead to Wikidata supporting structured data for the Wiktionaries.
There are now only an estimated 1,000,000 articles remaining with inter language links, down from the previous 26,000,000!
Frequently used for cities and other places, P17 ("country") indicates the sovereign state an item relates to. There now at least 100 items for most present day sovereign states. Leading is China (Q148) with 607,817 items, followed by Iran (!794) with 105,875 items and the United States of America (Q30) with 99,243 items. China rose from just 5266 items a month ago.
Changeops implemented for all Api modules
All Api modules now have better auto comments and custom summaries
To support the inclusion of geographical coordinates in Wikidata, just about two months a new data type came available and d:Property:P625 "coordinate location" was created. Already 565,000 pairs of coordinates are now available on WikiData. Compare this to 870,000 coordinates on English Wikipedia or 1,500,000 items with d:Property:P17 "country", likely to have coordinates. Have a look at them on a map.
Did you know?
Newest properties: approved by (P790), ISIL ID (P791), chapter (P792), Key event (P793), as (P794), distance along (P795), geo datum (P796), executing authority (P797), mission design series designation (P798), air ministry specification (P799), work (P800), notable work (P801), student (P802), professorship (P803), GNIS Antarctica ID (P804), subject of (P805). Italian cadastre code (P806) In Addition new properties to describe mushrooms were created: hymenium type (P783), mushroom cap shape (P784), hymenium attachment (P785), stipe character (P786), spore print color (P787), mushroom ecological type (P789), edibility (P789). These will allow to build the data for a mushroom infobox (as w:Template:Mycomorphbox).
Check if some of the items on this and this list can be merged. But be careful to only merge if they are really about the same topic! Help about merging is at d:Help:Merge.
Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
Wikivoyage is still scheduled to get access to data on Wikidata (aka phase 2) on August 26.
Developers are working hard to also make the URL datatype available by August 26 but there are factors that are not in their hands so it might have to be delayed until the next deployment in 2 weeks. URL as a datatype will soon be available on test.wikidata.org. Please give it some thorough testing and report bugs.
Newest properties: separated from (P807), code Bien de Interés Cultural (P808), WPDA id (P809), academic minor (P811), academic major (P812), date retrieved (P813), IUCN protected areas category (P814), ITIS TSN (P815), decays to (P816), decay mode (P817)
Prepared deployment of phase 2 on Wikivoyage
Worked on ability to sort qualifiers and references inside a statement
Started work on an api module to merge items
Worked on special page to query for items with one specific property and value
Cleaned up code for handling recent change entries from Wikidata in the clients (Wikipedia/Wikivoyage)
Worked on generic script for populating sites table and better integration with WMF process for creating new wikis
Setup new git repo for WikibaseMobile skin and extension
Fixed SetClaim api module to properly mark bot edits in recent changes and advised pywikipedia maintainers about adding support for the module. SetClaim can be used to create claims with references in a single edit.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
The previous version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf13) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on August 15. It was enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 19, and on all Wikipedias on August 22. [91]
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf14) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on August 22. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 26, and on all Wikipedias on August 29. [92]
You can now use the <wbr> HTML5 tag to say where a word can be cut. (52468) [95]
Gadget authors: you can now use the wikipage.content hook, so that your scripts are re-run when a page is changed after the document-ready event (for example using Ajax). (30713) [96]
Problems fixed
There was a bug where file redirects didn't work when a file was renamed; it is now fixed. There is still an issue with purging, but it should be fixed soon. (52200)
Maintenance reports provided by special pages will now all be updated on each wiki every six months. This will for example give you recent information on uncategorized pages, unused templates and most wanted pages (see details).
There was a bug that caused false positives for anti-blanking edit filters; it is now fixed. (52077) [97]
The "edit" and "edit source" tabs and section edit links can now be changed more easily; for example, some wikis are using "edit source" for wikitext editing, and "edit beta" for VisualEditor. You can ask for the same change in bugzilla.
You can now edit references that are added inside a <references> block. (51741)
You can now test on mediawiki.org new basic tools to add and edit struck text (with the button for the <s> tag), lower text ( for <sub>), upper text ( for <sup>), underlined text ( for <u>), computer code ( for <code> and <tt>), math text ( for <math>), Egyptian hieroglyphs ( for <hiero>), and to say that text is in another language ( for lang="ar" dir="rtl"). (51609, 51612, 51611, 51590, 51610, 52352)
You can now use VisualEditor with the Opera browser. [98]
Starting on August 26, you will be able to use data from Wikidata on Wikivoyage sites. [99]
Starting on August 27, you will also get notifications on the mobile site if you're logged in to a wiki using notifications. [100]
Starting on August 28, all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. Some countries (like China) will not use HTTPS. If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on meta. [101]
Starting on August 29, you will get the code editor interface to edit JavaScript and CSS pages on all wikis. [102]
The plan to use Solr for search in MediaWiki was changed; instead, Elasticsearch is now planned. [103]
Deployment! Wikivoyage now has access to the wikidata dataset and various other bugs have also been fixed (including the copyright warning)!
Did you know?
Newest properties: interchange station (P833), public holiday (P832), parent club (P831), Encyclopedia of Life (P830), OEIS ID (P829), possible causes (P828), BBC programme identifier (P827), tonality (P826), dedicated to (P825), Meteoritical Bulletin Database ID (P824)
Newest properties: GSS code (2011) (P836), BioLib ID (P838), IMSLP ID (P839), narrative set in (P840), Paleobiology Database Identifier (P842), SIRUTA code (P843), UBIGEO code (P844). A set of properties to build calenders: public holiday (P832), day in year for periodic occurrence (P837) and feast day (P841). A proposal for "reoccurring date in machine readable format" is still under review.
mlazowik has put in more work to getting support for batches (featured article and so on) to Wikidata
Sourcerer gadget by Magnus to help you add URLs from Wikipedia articles for claims
Wikimedia Commons is scheduled to get interwiki links via Wikidata on 23rd of September
Did you know?
Newest properties: Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property identifier (P845), Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID (P846), United States Navy aircraft designation (P847), Japanese military aircraft designation (P849), World Register of Marine Species identifier (P850), ESRB rating (P852), CERO rating (P853), URL (P854), Sandbox-URL (P855), official website (P856), CNKI (P857), ESPN SCRUM ID (P858), sponsor (P859), e-archiv.li ID (P860), premiershiprugby.com ID (P861), Operational Requirement of the UK Air Ministry (P862), InPhO identifier (P863), ACM Digital Library author identifier (P864), BMLO (P865), Perlentaucher (P866), ROME Occupation Code (P867), foods traditionally associated (P868), instrumentation (P870), printed by (P872), phase point (P873), UN class (P874), UN code classification (P875), UN packaging group (P876), NFPA Other (P877), avionics (P878), pennant number (P879), CPU (P880), Variable type (P881), FIPS 6-4 (US counties) (P882), FIPS 5-2 (code for US states) (P883), State Water Register Code (Russia) (P884), origin of the watercourse (P885), LIR (P886), based on heuristic (P887), JSTOR (P888), Mathematical Reviews identifier (P889), Request for Comments number (IETF) (P892), Social Science Research Network (P893)
30 percent of all items are categorized in 6 large groups (main type (GND) (P107)). Most are items about geographic features (1.7 million items), some of these already have coordinates (0.5 million). Items about persons are fairly frequent too (1.3 million), many already with gender (0.9 million), a few with DOB (0.05 million) or DOD (0.04 million). Other groups include: creative works (305,000), terms, organizations, and events.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
Special:Listfiles can now display old versions of files a user has uploaded. A new link was also added (Special:AllMyFiles) that gives a list of all files the current user has ever uploaded (that haven't been deleted).
There is now an Android application to contribute to translatewiki.net from mobile devices. [104]
Finished initial version of the build tool (= tool that creates one tarball/git repository from all our extensions and their dependencies for deployment)
Continued work on numbers data type
Continued work on Formatters (for autosummaries, diffs, etc)
Fixed RDF serialization issue
Merged merge API module
Finished up database schema updating code
Added validation for precision in globe coordinate value
Note from Lydia about the future of the weekly summaries
I've been compiling the weekly summaries for Wikidata for the past 1.5 years. It is time to give this into the hands of a few capable community members now that I have moved on to product management. Starting next week I will not be compiling the weekly summaries anymore. I am happy to help anyone who wants to take over get up to speed of course. Please contact me if you'd like to take this over.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
You can now create and edit references inside media captions. [112]
You now need to press the "delete" key twice to delete a template, reference or image; the first time, they only become selected, to avoid accidental deletion of infoboxes and similar content. [113]
When you resize images, you will now still see them, and their size will also be seen in the center. [114][115]
MediaWiki 1.22wmf22 was added to test wikis on October 17. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 21 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 24 (calendar).
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
The "Toolbox" section in the site sidebar is now called "Tools" in English. You can do the same in your language by editing the interface text on translatewiki.net. Someone else may have already done it. [118]
On wikis with VisualEditor, you can now use it on pages in the File, Help and Category spaces. [119]
On October 22 (UTC), an error in the site settings caused *.wikimedia.org sites (like Meta-Wiki and Commons) to redirect to wikimediafoundation.org for a few hours. [120]
MediaWiki 1.23wmf1 was added to test wikis on October 24. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 28 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 31 (calendar).
In the next days, servers in San Francisco will start providing (cached) content to users located in Oceania. If you are in that area and notice problems, please tell us. [121]
You will soon be able to test new features easily using the "Beta Features" view. VisualEditor will be in the list on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. Another example is a set of changes in the article text style.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
The style and colors for warning boxes, error messages, and success messages in all skins of MediaWiki has been changed. [122]
You will soon be able to switch from editing in VisualEditor to editing wikitext directly without having to save the page. You can't yet switch from wikitext to VisualEditor but developers hope to make it possible in the future. [123]
There was a problem on October 31 during the activation of MediaWiki 1.22wmf2 on test wikis. mediawiki.org was also broken, and if you had problems logging in, it was probably because of this as well.
Because of the problem with MediaWiki 1.22wmf2, the calendar has changed. It will be added to mediawiki.org and non-Wikipedia sites on November 4, and all Wikipedia sites on November 7.
JavaScript / Gadget developers
Due to a recent change, gadgets and user scripts that use jQuery UI should explicitly load the appropriate modules, as they may not be loaded by default. [124]
Developers have started to remove long-deprecated methods. You should check the JavaScript console (in debug=true mode) and look for deprecation warnings and their stack trace. [125]
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
You can now use the "Autonym" font of the Universal Language Selector (ULS) to display the name of languages (for example in navigation templates) in their correct script. To do this, add the CSS class "autonym" to the elements that include language names. Note that this font only works for the name of languages, not for any other text. [126]
There was a problem with Parsoid (the program used by VisualEditor to convert wikitext to annotated HTML) on November 4, between 19:40 and 20:40 (UTC). Encoding issues caused non-ASCII characters (including those with diacritics, like "é") to be broken when converted to wikitext and saved to the page. [127]
The Beta Features tool is now available on Commons and Meta-Wiki. With it, you can test new features before they're added for everyone. The plan is to add this tool to all wikis on November 21. [128]
MediaWiki 1.23wmf3 was added to test wikis on November 7. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 12 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 14 (calendar). [129]
The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [130]
The button of the Search page will soon be changed to be blue and bigger (see the difference). [131]
You will soon be able to add a page name as parameter for {{REVISIONID}}, {{REVISIONUSER}} and {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} and similar functions, by writing for example {{REVISIONID:Apple}}. [132]
In the future, when you hide a CentralNotice banner on a wiki, it will also be hidden on other Wikimedia sites. [133]
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
There was a problem caused by too many requests to the database on November 14. [134]
MediaWiki 1.23wmf4 was added to test wikis on November 14. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 19 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 21 (calendar).
The new Search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added to *.wikimedia.org, Wikimania and Wikisource wikis on November 19, and Wiktionary wikis on November 21 (except where it's already available). Once it is added, you can test it by adding &srbackend=CirrusSearch to the address of the search results page. It will become the main search engine on Wikivoyage wikis on November 21. [135]
The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 19 instead of November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [136]
Fixed dependency injection issue in Wikibase Query
Started work on providing a new serialization library that does not have the design issues of the current data model serialization code and can be used as standalone PHP library
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
The Beta Features announced before are now available on all Wikimedia wikis. You can test new features easily by changing your Beta preferences. VisualEditor is one of those features on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. There is also a new media viewer and changes in the article text style. [137]
Tools developers can now create tools that use the OAuth protocol to connect to accounts on Wikimedia sites. As a user, you can use those tools to make edits and other changes with your account without giving the tool your password. [138]
Quantities got some more love (improved diff, added scientific notation and simple localisation and made it possible to show/not show + for positive values - bugzilla:54318)
Ordering of statement groups is nearing completion
Avoid loading all referenced items in EntityView to improve loading time of items
Finalizing the inclusion of data types in JSON output
Fixed 2 XML errors on test.wikidata.org ready for deployment
Started work on a Wikibase-independent serialization component for DataValues
Worked on making Lua arrays start with 1 instead of 0 (bugzilla:54324)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
The CommonsMetadata feature was added to all wikis. It creates metadata information about multimedia files (like their license) that can be read automatically by computer programs. It not only works for Commons, but for all wikis, and you can use it for files on your wiki by editing templates used to describe metadata. [140]
You can now paste formatted content copied from external sources (not just as plain text) into VisualEditor; this includes copy/pasting from other VisualEditor windows. [142]
You can now open VisualEditor by adding ?veaction=edit to the page URL, regardless of your user preferences. [143]
Many bugs have been fixed, and VisualEditor should also look faster, for example when you save a page. [144]
Due to issues, the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") was recently removed from wikis where it was enabled, then added again. [145]
MediaWiki 1.23wmf6 was added to test wikis on December 5. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 10 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 12 (calendar).
Deployed ordering, ranks and a table of contents and fixed issues with those after deployment (mainly performance-related)
Worked on preventing import of wikitext into item and property namespace
Started working on a new DataModel serialization component which will be usable loose from Wikibase. Both authors and people analysing dumps will thus finally have the deserialization task solved for them.
Started working on a version of DataModel that works with the new DataValues components
Open Tasks for You
Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
The toolbar is now simpler; all text styles (bold, italics, underline, subscript, etc.) are in the same menu, and the "More" menu is called "Insert". [149]
You can now use a basic tool to add special characters to your text. You can add more characters (useful in your language) by editing the MediaWiki interface on translatewiki.net.
The tool to add and edit mathematical text is now called "formula". [150]
There was a problem with the "Create a book" tool (Collection); books could only be exported to PDF format. The change has been undone. [151]
The log-in system for external tools ("OAuth") was broken on wikis that tested the new search tool. It was fixed last week. [152][153]
MediaWiki 1.23wmf7 was added to test wikis on December 12. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 17 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 19 (calendar).
You will soon be able to select the language of SVG images that have translations using a drop-down menu on the image page. (see example) [155]
GLAMToolset, a tool to help GLAM groups (like museums) upload many pictures to Commons, will be added to Commons on December 17. [156]
A Draft namespace will be added to the English Wikipedia to make it easier to create new pages. You will be able to use VisualEditor for drafts if you have enabled it. [157][158]
Fun Fact: The Mayan calendar (Q2012) did not correctly predict the end of the world nor the end of Q items as Wikidata (Q2013) went on to host Wikipedia links this year.
Happy Holidays from the dev team! Have a great time and continue being awesome ;-)
Improved and added a lot of tests
Worked on displaying qualifiers in the non-JavaScript UI
No longer displaying the table of contents from item/property pages if there would be less than 3 entries in it
Caching and database improvements
Worked on preventing the import of wikitext into the main and property namespace
More work on quantities UI
Open Tasks for You
Update, expand and translate d:Wikidata:Introduction to make it easier for newcomers to understand what Wikidata is all about.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf8) was added to test wikis and MediaWiki.org on December 19. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on December 31 and on all Wikipedia wikis on January 2, 2014 (calendar).
You can now test the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") on all Wikisource, Wiktionary and Wikimedia chapter wikis hosted on Foundation servers. Enable "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [160]
There was a bug where notifications were not sent when the signature of the user leaving the message linked to a translated namespace. The problem was fixed in the software and will soon be fixed on Wikimedia sites. [161][162]
You can now use the log-in system for external tools (OAuth) on all Wikimedia wikis that use the unified login. [163]
If your wiki adds stars or other icons to interwiki links for featured articles in other languages, you may need to change the JavaScript code. [164]
You can thank other users for their edits even if your browser does not have JavaScript. [165][166]
Add the file and translate namespaces to the list of namespaces excluded from Wikibase Client's linking functionality and enable the "Add links" dialog for pages without language links on commons. (#58903)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
You can now see the text of DjVu and PDF files in search results on wikis testing the new search tool (CirrusSearch). [180][181]
With the new version of the Wikibase DataModel extension, you can install it outside Wikimedia wikis. [182]
CirrusSearch will be added as the second search method for Spanish (es), French (fr), Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru) wikis on December 30. Wikimedia Commons, Wikispecies and Wikinews users will also be able to enable it in their Beta Features options.
Latest comment: 11 years ago1 comment1 person in discussion
Dear Putnik, I am contacting you to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Robell and I have recently joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a part of the fundraising team. My work will be focused to a large extent around translations. I am very interested in finding engaged Wikipedians, such as yourself, who would be interested in contributing with their time to translate shorter text from English to Russian. We have for example recently put up a 'Thank you letter' from the Wikimedia Foundation's ED Sue Gardner for translation, using the translation extension. You can find the letter here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Translate&group=page-Fundraising%2FTranslation%2FThank+you+email+20131202&language=ru&filter=translated&action=translate I would be most grateful to get your help to translate/proofread this letter in order to develop a quality translation in Russian.
Furthermore, in addition to using the translation extension, my aim is to develop a few personal contacts to whom I can reach out with potential questions regarding a particular word choice etc. As an engaged Wikipedia translator, I would be very interested in hearing your view on this.
Thank you very much for your support. I look forward to hearing from you.