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Movement Charter Drafting Committee's monthly newsletter
- Charter Ratification Methodology proposal conversations: The Movement Charter Drafting Committee recently held the first conversations regarding the ratification methodology for the Movement Charter. The MCDC has received valuable feedback from different communities and the Committees during the community input period. The report of the community input will be shared in May, while the updated version of the ratification methodology will be presented between September and November 2023.
- Communication evaluation: The Communications sub-committee of the MCDC together with the support staff conducted an evaluation of the communications. The Communications sub-committee appreciates the time and input of the community members who shared their opinions during the interviews. Several recommendations are going to be implemented in the upcoming period based on the valuable input.
- Learn about the MCDC’s work in April: The MCDC continues to draft additional chapters: The Global Council, Hubs, Decision-making and Roles & Responsibilities. Alongside the drafting work, the MCDC is planning their in-person meeting scheduled for 2-4 June in Utrecht, Netherlands with the aim of advancing the charter's content.
What’s coming up?
- Participants of the WikiNusantara 2023 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia are invited to join a session on the topics around Wikimedia Movement Strategy and community collaboration on May 20. Ramzy Muliawan will provide updates, share about the Movement Charter Ambassadors Program and answer the questions.
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Movement Charter Drafting Committee's monthly newsletter
This newsletter combines content from both June and July, due to a delay in sharing out the previous newsletter.
- New Movement Charter content published: The Committee published new draft chapters on the Global Council, Hubs and the Glossary. You are invited to share your feedback or ask any questions you may have to the Committee before September 1, 2023 on the following talk pages:
- Revised draft chapters published on Meta: The Committee has shared the revised draft chapters: Preamble, Values & Principles, and Roles & Responsibilities intentions statement. These revisions are based on the community feedback received in November-December 2022.
- Ratification Methodology community feedback: The summary of community feedback on the proposed methodology for the ratification of the Charter is on Diff.
- Listen to the WikiAfrica Hour #46: Africa and Movement Charter, where MCDC members Anass Sedrati and Georges Foudoup talk about Movement Charter, its aims and objectives, and the relevance to the African community.
- MCDC member’s are busy participating in various community events to discuss Movement Charter. Manavpreet Kaur, a member of the Global Council and Roles and Responsibilities Drafting Groups joined the EduWikiConference 2023. The MCDC support staff Ramzy Muliawan shared updates about the charter at WikiNustantara 2023 in Banjarmasin, Indonesia (@wikimediaid on Twitter). The Wikimedia communities in Indonesia were engaged by Movement Charter Ambassador Arcuscloud in the last round of community conversations.
- Learn about MCDC’s work in May & June: as usual, the update includes information about the meetings held by the Committee in this month, as well as about the work that was completed and the ongoing work & discussions.
What’s coming up?
- Join the live launch party: The Drafting Committee is hosting a launch party on July 30th at 14.00 UTC to celebrate the new drafts, introduce them to the community and give space for sharing thoughts and feedback. Register here to receive a Zoom link to the launch party.
- Movement Charter Community Conversation grants are open for individuals or groups who want to organize conversations about the Charter content. Talk to us if you need any support on the MS Forum! Apply for a grant before Jul 30, 2023.
- Wikimania 2023: Wikimania 2023: Members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee are excited to be attending Wikimania Singapore in August, to speak to and hear from you in person (and hybrid) about the four drafts and the Charter in general.
- Community events: MCDC members will be present in the CEE Meeting in September in Georgia to discuss the Charter content with the CEE and CA communities. In addition, the MCDC prioritizes participation in the conferences planned for 2023 to continue conversations on the content of the Charter with the communities: WikiConvention Francophone, WikiWomen Camp, WikiIndaba Morocco, WikiConference North America, GLAM Wiki Conference, among others.
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--12:25, 30 July 2023 (UTC).
Movement Charter Drafting Committee's monthly newsletter: August 2023
- Community consultation: The community consultation on the Global Council, Hubs, and the Glossary drafts is ongoing. We value your input, if you have not already, please take a moment to review the draft chapters and share your thoughts with the MCDC. We’ve posed open questions we would like your opinion on. Feel free to engage in a way that is most comfortable for you and your community. Learn more on our Diff blogs about the Global Council and Hubs.
- Launch Party: On July 30 we hosted a Launch Party to share the Global Council and Hubs draft chapters. It was an inspiring event where we had the opportunity to listen to your feedback and address some of your questions. If you missed it, you can catch the recording on YouTube.
- Community Conversations: We want to hear from as many people as possible. On July 16, the SWAN meeting opened its doors and offered an opportunity to interact with the MCDC members regarding the new drafts of the charter. Notes are available here. On July 28, a regional conversation with the Francophone community was held. Here comes a short summary here in English and French. Additionally, on August 2 we had a fruitful conversation with the LATAM region.
- MCDC’s Work in July: As usual, the update includes information about the meetings held by the Committee in this month, as well as about the work that was completed and the ongoing work & discussions.
- Join the MCDC at Wikimania: Whether you’ll be at Wikimania 2023 in person or joining virtually, there are a few events that we would like to invite you to. Please drop by for a casual conversation. We would love to connect to workshop any ideas together. Drop in, get a sweet treat, and share your thoughts with us! Register and see below for an overview of our time together:
- Tuesday, August 15
- Wednesday, August 16
- Thursday, 17 August
- : Movement Charter Content Discussions (Room 310)
- A regional call tailored for the MENA region will be conducted in Arabic on September 2 at 17.00 UTC. Kindly indicate your interest to attend this meeting.
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MCDC Support Team, 23:53, 14 August 2023 (UTC)