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Women Edit-a-thon 2016 starts in 24 hours


Namaste Everyone,

Thanks alot !! for signing up as a participant in the Women Edit-a-thon 2016; If not then hurry up. We want to inform you that this edit-a-thon will start in next 24 hours or so (2 March 0:00 UTC). Here are a few handy tips:

  • ⓵ Before starting you may check the rules of the edit-a-thon once again.
  • ⓶ Don't forget article must only be notable Women's related title.
  • ⓷ If you want to contact in social media sites then Please see here.
  • ⓸ If you are posting about this edit-a-thon- on Facebook or Twitter, you may use the hashtag #WEAT2016
  • ⓹ Do you have any question or comment? Do you want us to clarify something? Please ask it here (on talk page).

Thank you and happy editing. --Tulsi Bhagat (talk · contribs) sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:54, 1 March 2016 (UTC)Reply

Maithili Wikimedians Mission 10


Wikipedia Asian Month 2017 officially starts!


Dear WAM organizer,

I’m Erick Guan, the coordinator of WAM 2017. Welcome to Wikipedia Asian Month 2017. Here is some information about organizations of events at a national level.



The event lasts a month for the participants. As of the beginning of the event, please:

  • Invite previous participants to join. We have a template you may want to use.
  • Setup your WAM page in your local wikiproject if you haven’t done that.
  • Link your WAM page at Wikipedia Asian Month 2017. It’s important for others to understand and connect to your community! Remove the X when you done that. WAM is organized at national level. So I have to ask you to put your country in front of your name if you haven’t done that.
  • Publish a notification about WAM in site notice as well as village pump. Go public!
  • Connect with us. Generally send me an email so that we can reach you for future information!
  • Become the jury member in a campaign on Fountain which is an amazing tool for you to supervise participants’ articles. If you don’t have the campaign set up, please contact us! And put a link to your community’s campaign page for participants’ navigation.
  • Organize a off-site editathon event. A coffee bar, internet and laptops. Though it’s optional. If you want to do that, please contact me.

In the following days, you should answer the questions from your community and supervise the submissions. Hope you have fun!

Interesting articles


Have some interesting articles in your mind or from community? Drop us a line so that we can exchange the information to other communities.

Looking for help


At all times, please send me an email at erick@asianmonth.wiki--Fantasticfears (talk) 23:01, 1 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Mother Language Edit-a-thon — maiwiki



Thanks alot !! for signing up as a participant in the Mother Language Edit-a-thon 2018; If not then sign up. We want to inform you that this edit-a-thon has already started and organised for only 3 days (21 Feb. 2018 to 23 Feb. 2018) in auspicious occasion of International Mother Language Day to acquire specially the women's participation in the creative works. Here are a few handy tips:

  • ⓵ Before starting you may check the rules of the edit-a-thon once again.
  • ⓶ Don't forget article must only be notable Language's related title.
  • ⓷ If you want to contact in social media sites then Please see here.
  • ⓸ Do you have any question or comment? Do you want us to clarify something? Please ask it here (on talk page).

Thank you and happy editing. --Tulsi Bhagat (talk · contribs) sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:13, 21 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Mother Language Edit-a-thon — newiki


Hello, Thanks alot !! for signing up as a participant in the Mother Language Edit-a-thon 2018; If not then sign up. We want to inform you that this edit-a-thon has already started and organised for only 3 days (21 Feb. 2018 to 23 Feb. 2018) in auspicious occasion of International Mother Language Day to acquire specially the women's participation in the creative works. Here are a few handy tips:

  • ⓵ Before starting you may check the rules of the edit-a-thon once again.
  • ⓶ Don't forget article must only be notable Language's related title.
  • ⓷ Do you have any question or comment? Do you want us to clarify something? Please ask it here (on talk page).

Thank you and happy editing. --Tulsi Bhagat (talk · contribs) sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:22, 21 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

विकी कार्यशाला - नेपाल


जय श्री नरसिंह मैथिली विकिपिडियन मित्र !
विकी कार्यशाला नेपाल एक प्रस्तावित दुई दिनक आवाशीय कार्यशाला कार्यक्रम छी । ई कार्यशालाक मुख्य उद्देश्य नेपालमे रहल विभिन्न भाषाक विकिपिडियनसभकें विकिपिडिया सम्पादन कार्यमे कौशल प्रदान केनाए अछि । ई कार्यक्रमसँ नेपालमे विकिपिडियाक आवश्यकता आ विशेषता प्रस्ट होमएक आशा राखल गेल अछि । समुदायमे आपसी वार्तालापक बाद तिथि आ स्थान तय कएल जाइत ।

मैथिली विकि पर एतह होईत वार्तामे भागल अपन उपस्थिति जनावी आ अपन अमूल्य विचार, समर्थन तथा टिप्पणी प्रस्तुत करी । धन्यवाद ! तुल्सी भगत (वार्तालाप)MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:41, 22 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

विकी कार्यशाला नेपाल — नेपालीविकि


जय श्री नरसिंह नेपाली विकिपिडियन मित्र !
विकी कार्यशाला नेपाल एक प्रस्तावित दुई दिने आवाशीय कार्यशाला कार्यक्रम हो । यो कार्यशालाको मुख्य उद्देश्य नेपालमा भएका विभिन्न भाषाका विकिपिडियनहरूलाई विकिपिडिया सम्पादन कार्यमा कौशल प्रदान गर्नु रहेको छ । यस कार्यक्रमको आयोजनाले नेपालमा विकिपिडियाका आवश्यकता र विशेषता प्रस्ट हुने आशा राखिएको छ । समुदायमा रहेका प्रयोगकर्ताहरूको छलफल पछि यस कार्यक्रमको मिति र स्थान तय गरिनेछ ।

नेपालीविकिमा यहाँ हुदैँ वार्तामा भाग लिई आफ्नो उपस्थिति जनाउनुहोस् र आफ्नो अमूल्य विचार, समर्थन तथा टिप्पणी प्रस्तुत गरिदिनुहुन अनुरोध गर्द छु । धन्यवाद ! तुल्सी भगत (वार्तालाप)MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:54, 22 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

New community space for IdeaLab on Connect


Hi folks. If you're receiving this message, you've contributed to IdeaLab or an Inspire Campaign this year. Thanks for participating to develop ideas and review ones from other Wikimedians.

We are preparing some changes to IdeaLab and Inspire Campaigns. One of these changes is a new community space on Connect, where Wikimedians can find each other based on common activities or skills, and ask questions about the space. You are invited to join this community space for IdeaLab, especially if you would ever consider needing to find contributors with certain skills (like design or project management) or would like to offer your skills to others in our movement. To join, please proceed to Connect/IdeaLab and click on the "Add yourself" button on the right. Thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 19:53, 21 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

(Opt-out instructions)

Inspire Campaign on Measuring Community Health


Do you have an idea about how to measure the health of your community? Do you want to review ideas that others have submitted? Through August 10th, we are inviting ideas on how to capture the well-being of Wikimedia communities, in terms of matters like conflict resolution, effective content creation, and being able to contribute in a collaborative environment. Ideas can be focused on either quantitative techniques, such as gathering raw data, or qualitative techniques, like surveying contributors. If you are submitting an idea, guidance is available for how to move your idea into implementation, such as through a grant or starting a Phabricator task to engage with developers.

If you're interested, consider joining the Inspire Campaign. I JethroBT (WMF) 17:14, 13 July 2018 (UTC)Reply

(Opt-out instructions)

Wikicamp Nepal 2018 Participation Report


Hi there!

Thank you for your precious time with us and also for creating & submitting a participation report. Have a wonderful time ahead here in the Wikimedia movement. Stay in touch for upcoming event. Cheers, Bunch of thanks! for making the event a grand success. Kind regards, — TBhagat (contribs | talk) sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 07:51, 20 January 2019 (UTC)Reply

Invitation for SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal

SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal
SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal

It’s our pleasure to invite you to SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal which is going to be held on 16th March 2019 inside valley. We would like to request you to sign up for this workshop by signing on participation page. Stay tuned for venue and time. If you have any question(s), comment(s) or suggestion(s), Please feel free to put it here.

Many thanks,
Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal Organizing Team

SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal updates

SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal
SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal

You are heartily invited to our workshop. Here is a few updates and tips:

  1. Venue: Maitreya Technology, Old Baneshwor, Nepal
  2. Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (NPT)
  3. Date: Tomorrow, 16 March 2019
  4. If you have not joined till now, please join us as a participant by signing here.
  5. If you are posting about this workshop on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, you may use the hashtag #SVGTW2019inNepal
  6. Do you have any question or comment? Do you want us to clarify something? Please put it here.

Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
SVG Translation Workshop 2019 in Nepal Organizing Team

User Groups Affiliates Meeting


Hi, You may be interested in attending this meetup here. Please also spread the word.--Abhinav619 (talk) 01:20, 30 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Join Wiki Awareness Campaign in Nepal


I want to share about WACN with you. Let me tell you, WACN (Wiki Awareness Campaign in Nepal) is a campaign to improve recognition of Wikipedia and understanding of its uses among the different communities of Nepal. It aims to increase awareness of Wikipedia. Basically, we are focus on engaging new readers. It would be great if you can help us achieving our objectives/goals. Let's imagine a better community, better encyclopedia.

So, I would like to request you to join WACN by filling the membership form. Please see the detailed information at WACN/Members. Thank you for reading my request.

Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
Coordinator, WACN
-- Message sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:11, 2 April 2019 (UTC)Reply



Hi there! Can you please email me when you read this message? Appreciate it! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 13:36, 25 April 2019 (UTC)Reply

Upcoming 2019 Affiliate-selected trustee position on the Board of Wikimedia Foundation


Greetings Mr. Deo,

My name is Gerald Shields, also known as user:Geraldshields11. I am asking for your top rank vote for me in the election for one of two open trustee positions on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.

I am asking for your vote to help support emerging communities and promote an inclusive education environment on all wiki projects. Also, I plan to promote various other issues as I mention in my statement and answers to various questions. I ask that you show your support for the issues that need to be address by voting for me as one of your preferences.

My candidacy information page is Affiliate-selected Board seats/2019/Nominations/Gerald Shields on Meta or can be found at Gerald Shields candidate. As of the 7 May 2019 list of questions, I am the only candidate to have responded to all of the “Questions for all candidates - Questions for this individual candidate that do not apply to other candidates”. My answers give more details on why the Maithili Wikimedians should vote for me.

Thank you for your time, discussion, and consideration of my candidacy. I appreciate it.

My best regards,

Gerald Shields

Geraldshields11 (talk) 02:18, 9 May 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your organization's vote during the 2019 trustee election. With your organizations', Florida's, Igbo's, and AfroCrowd's votes, I was able to score better than expected. Geraldshields11 (talk) 20:54, 17 June 2019 (UTC)Reply

WAM2019 welcomes your support!



Thank you for joining us as a Wikipedia community organizer. We would appreciate your help to get the central banner localized in your language.

You can visit here and select your language (which language you want the contents to be translated into) and then translate it.

WAM2019 Team thanks you for your support.

Kind regards,
WAM2019 International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:53, 2 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Invitation to affiliate members to complete a survey about WMF wide Universal Code of Conduct


Hello; My name is Mervat, and I am helping the Trust and Safety team to reach out to affiliates in order to discuss the Universal Code of Conduct.  

There has been talks about the need for a global set of conduct rules in different communities over time, and finally, Wikimedia Foundation Board announced a Community Culture Statement, enacting new standards to address harassment and promote inclusivity across projects.Since the universal code of conduct that will be a binding minimum set of standards across all Wikimedia projects, will apply to all of us, staff and volunteers alike, all around the globe, and will impact our work as groups, individuals and projects, it’s of great importance that we all participate in expressing our opinions and thoughts about UCoC, its nature, what we think it should cover or include and what it shouldn’t include; how it may develop, drawback or help our groups.   This is the time to talk about it. As you are a valuable contributor to the Wikimedia movement, your voice counts.

Before starting to draft the code of conduct, we would like to hear from you; We invite you to devote some minutes to take this survey; your answers will help us create a safer environment for all on Wikimedia:

(English): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd36dNdU3C5shXEkKp9itJOhuCTx9hZE5AE-xflkxtfRMnZtg/viewform?usp=pp_url  

It’s possible that you are a member of more than one affiliate; hence you may receive this survey more than once, and you may have participated previously in the discussions or filled out a previous survey during the first round of consultations about UCoC which targeted wikipedia/wikimedia communities. We apologize for this; it is really difficult to identify if a wikimedian belongs to multiple groups that work to spread free knowledge.

Looking forward to your thoughts and opinions and hoping that you can respond within the next 2 weeks. If you have any questions about the surveys or difficulties accessing the link, please contact me by email (msalman-ctr@wikimedia.org).

Results will be considered during the drafting process for the UCoC.

Thank you for your participation

Mervat Salman Trust & Safety (Policy) Facilitator Wikimedia Foundation --Mervat (WMF) (talk) 15:31, 20 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Invitation to complete a survey regarding WPWP Campaign



Many thanks for participating in the WPWP campaign.

We are excited about the level of participation, this year and we are happy to inform you that over 90,000 articles were improved with photos in 272 languages Wikipedia.

We'd love to get your feedback. Your feedback will allow us to better meet your expectations for the campaign in the next editions.

Please complete a brief survey so that we may learn about your participation in the campaign, strengths, challenges and your expectations. This information will enable us to improve the next editions of the Campaign.

Follow this link to the Survey:

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

Thank you in advance for taking this survey. Stay safe!

Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat contribs | talk ]
Communication Manager, WPWP Campaign
-- Message sent using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:17, 23 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Problem with your custom signature

19:37, 6 April 2021 (UTC)

Join Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos 2021



Many thanks for participating in the maiden edition of Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos in 2020.

We are glad to inform you that the 2021 edition starts today (1st of July). You are invited to participate in the campaign again this year to help improve the quality of Wikipedia articles with photos. For more information, please visit the campaign page here.

If you have any questions or query please feel free to contact anyone from the Organizing Team of WPWP Campaign.

Kind regards,
Tulsi Bhagat contribs | talk ]
Communication Manager, WPWP Campaign
Message sent using --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 10:15, 1 July 2021 (UTC)Reply

South Asia Election Volunteers New Year Conversation Invitation


TL;DR: Signup to participate in the South Asia Election Volunteers New Year conversation & future plans on 23rd January 2022 (Sunday) at 7 PM IST (Your timezone - 1:30 pm UTC). Link - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022/Meetings/New_Year_Conversation_with_Election_Volunteers


As we are starting a new year, we hope that one of your goals for this year is to help ensure representation and participation of your community in very important discussions and processes such as elections, within the Wikimedia Movement.

If yes, we are inviting you to join the Election Volunteers program.

Election Volunteers should have a good understanding of their communities and have interest in activism work. The facilitation team sees Election Volunteers as doing the following:

  1. Promoting the upcoming board election in their communities’ channels
  2. Organizing discussions about the board election  in their communities
  3. Translating Board Election messages for their communities

If you want to be an Election Volunteer, please sign up here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022/Meetings/New_Year_Conversation_with_Election_Volunteers to attend the New Year Election Volunteers Conversation.

If you are unable to attend the conversations, please reach out to me directly for more details.

CSinha (WMF) (talk) 12:08, 20 January 2022 (UTC)Reply