User talk:Orf3us
Add topicLatest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
The Collaboration team is delighted to publish its first newsletter! Your feedback is welcome.
This quarter the team will focus on improving Special:RecentChanges and create a ReviewStream, a new feed designed to improve the edit-review process. Both are part of the new Edit Review Improvements project.
Notifications [ More information · Help pages ]
Recent changes
Documentation concerning Notifications types has been updated. That page is ready for translations. [1]
For developers, how to create a new Notification type has been updated. [2]
- Tools owners will be notified when OAuth app changes state. [3]
- When you edit text and mention a new username they are notified if you add your signature. Before this only happened under certain conditions. [4]
- Users are notified if they are mentioned in a section where you add your own signature even if you edit more than one section. Before, users were not notified if you edited more than one section in one edit. [5]
- Sometimes when you mention another user they don't get a notification. Now you can get a notification when you successfully send out a mention to someone or be told if they did not get a notification. This is an opt-in option in your preferences. [6][7]
- On Notifications, the badge is colored if you have some notifications. If you see these notifications, the badge will turn grey on all wikis instead of just the local one. [8]
- For some users, cross-wiki notifications haven't been working properly. The count has been wrong when only cross-wiki notifications were present. The cross-wiki bundle has been showing only the names of wikis and not the actual notifications. It has been fixed. [9][10]
- When a title was created with some wikitext inside of it, Notifications were not linking that title when they were mentioned. This is now fixed. [11]
Some Notifications messages were not supporting
. This is now fixed. [12]
Future changes
- On Special:Notifications, pages and counts related to disabled notification types will not be shown anymore. [13]
Flow [ More information · Help pages ]
Recent changes
- Flow is available as a Beta feature on Greek Wikipedia. [14]
- A satisfaction survey was conducted concerning Flow in September 2016. Results will be published in December 2016. [15]
- Wikitext interface for Flow is now using a monospaced font. [16]
- It is now possible to moderate a Flow topic that have been resolved without re-opening it. [17]
- It is now possible to watch and unwatch topics directly from the Notification panel. [18]
- It is not possible to enable or disable Flow as a Beta feature on wikis where that option is available. This is under investigation. [19]
Some Flow messages were not supporting
. This is now fixed. [20]
Future changes
- Communities that have Flow enabled manually on user talk pages will be asked to move on to a Beta feature activation to simplify the process. [21]
- Notifications related to Flow will be grouped on your Notifications preferences. It will be easier to choose which Notifications you want to have from Flow. [22]
Edit Review Improvements [ More information ]
Recent changes
Informations about Edit Review Improvements project have been published. That page is ready for translations. [23]
ReviewStream feed product description is available. ReviewStream is a machine-readable feed that’s designed to be used by a variety of edit-review tools.
Future changes
- Some improvements will be done to Special:RecentChanges, by adding new filters based on ORES.
- Some tests are done with users to refine the design of those filters. You can volunteer for such tests. [24]
- Communities that already have ORES
filters enabled will be contacted to try that change as a Beta feature. [25]
- On that newsletter, some particular items are highlighted by an icon, to ease reading. The
icon highlights items that may interest volunteer translators and the
icon highlights items that are relevant for readers with technical knowledge.
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Our quarterly goal is to add filters to the Recent Changes page, that show ORES good-faith and damaging tests and filters around new users. The work on this is proceeding mostly as planned. We hope it shall be available as a Beta feature (only on wikis where ORES is available as a Beta feature) before the end of the quarter.
Edit Review Improvements [More information]
Recent changes
- The filters design prototype for Special:RecentChanges is now stable. Development of these filters will now start. [26][27]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Notifications concerning Flow are no longer all grouped together in your preferences. The "Edits to my talk page" category will now include Flow notifications about your user talk page (if your user talk page uses Flow), and the "Mentions" category will now include mentions on Flow pages. Previously, all notifications related to Flow were grouped together in the "Structured Discussion" category. [28]
- The orange bar will now also be displayed when a message is posted on a your user talk page if your talk page uses Flow; previously, it was only displayed if you had a wikitext talk page. [29]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
16:32, 16 November 2016 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
A decision has been made about how the Recent Changes filtering scheme will affect current ORES beta feature users. When this new filtering system rolls out as part of the beta, it will replace the current ORES display on the Recent Changes page. That means the automatic color coding, the red “r” symbol and the “hide probably good edits” filter will go away, to be replaced by the new, more nuanced set of filters and user-defined color coding. All other pages that have ORES features, like Watchlist and Related Changes, will remain as they are now for ORES beta users. We think those pages could also benefit from the new filtering system. But we'll wait to see how users react to the beta test—and make any necessary changes—before we start spreading the new UI around. That's the plan as it currently stands. As always, please let us know if you have any thoughts, in any language.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
The Filters for Special:RecentChanges description page is now finished and ready for translation.
- On wikis that use ORES, new colors have been chosen for damaging changes displayed on a list of changes. [30]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
- Sometimes, after marking an important number of cross-wiki notifications as read, the counter remained at 1. This is now fixed. [31]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Due to a bug, it was not possible to activate Flow on user talk pages as a Beta feature. This is possible again for wikis that have that feature. [32]
- Flow boards can be moved without constraints. However, this requires the move-Flow-board right. [33]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
10:08, 19 December 2016 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Our goal to add filters to the Recent Changes page is going well. We will contact soon some communities - the ones where ORES is available as a Beta feature - to plan a possible trial.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
Edit Review Improvements' Glossary is ready for translation.
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
- Revert notifications were not received on Wikidata. This is now fixed. [35]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
- We plan to change Flow's URLs to make them more human readable. Your feedback is welcome.
- Communities which have allowed Flow trials with manual enabling (Hebrew Wikipedia, Persian Wikipedia, Arabic Wikipedia) will be asked if they want to switch to Beta feature activation. [36]
- A small maintenance on Flow database will happen during week 4. No impact is expected. [37]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
18:16, 23 January 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Flow satisfaction survey’s results are available. The survey provides useful data on what users like and don't like about Flow. This information will be helpful in discussions recently begun as part of the editing team's Annual Plan process. As the editing team investigates its priorities for next fiscal year (which begins in July), many ideas for improvements have been suggested, including projects to research the future of wiki discussions and to fix Flow's shortcomings.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
- Huggle users are asked to share their feedback concerning proposed improvements for Huggle.
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Flow notifications category in the Notification Preferences page will be changed from (in English) "Flow" to "Flow Discussion". Messages that have to be updated on TranslateWiki are echo-category-title-flow-discussion and echo-pref-tooltip-flow-discussion. [38]
- Mentions were not recognized when more than one section is added during the same edit or when an new section was added and a change (new message or deletion) was done in another section. This is now solved. [39]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
- Rich text mode is now the default in Flow replies. Some inconsistencies used to exist. Now the preference between visual mode and wikitext mode is updated when a content change is made in the selected editor, literally when it is typed in, not when it is saved or when the editor is switched. [40]
- We plan to change Flow's URLs to make them more human readable. Your feedback is still welcome, the conversation will be closed on February 28th.
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
09:40, 14 February 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
We have focused all our efforts on the New filters for edit review. You will discover these filters on your wiki soon (see below).
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
The documentation concerning the new filters for recent changes has been written and marked for translation.
Future changes
- We will release the ⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽ beta option on Portuguese and Polish Wikipedias March 28. This beta option adds powerful filtering and other tools as well as an improved filtering interface to the Recent Changes page (and Recent Changes Linked). To try out these new tools on these two wikis, go to the Beta tab of the Preferences page (after the 28th) and select ⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽.
- In the weeks following the initial release to Polish and Portuguese Wikipedias, the New Filters for Edit Review beta will go out to the following list of Wikipedias in waves (schedule to be done):
Flow [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
shortcuts are now working on Flow visual editing mode. Type a shortcut in the visual editing mode will open the control panel for the chosen option. [44]- Concerning
, footnotes will be automatically included at the end of the message, unless if they are displayed elsewhere in the message by the appropriate template.
- Concerning
- Flow has been removed from Metawiki. [45]
Future changes
- The way you switch between wikitext and the visual editors in the desktop view has changed. It will be a drop-down menu. This is the same as in the mobile view. [46]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
17:02, 20 March 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
The fourth fiscal quarter began the first of this month, and Collaboration Team has begun work on our new quarterly goals. In the coming months, we'll be working to release the New Filters for Edit Review beta on all wikis and then to improve the beta as much as possible based on user feedback. On that score, we're planning a round of user interviews on the new tools in May to get detailed information about usability and usefulness. If you've tried the new features and have thoughts, please share them with us in any language.
Our other focus right now is to look at what changes will be needed to spread the new filtering interface to other review pages, especially Watchlist. We're also exploring how to incorporate the tools we didn't include in the new interface in this round, like the Tag Filters, time-frame selector and Namespace filter.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- New Filters for Edit review are now available on Polish, Portuguese, Persian, Russian and Turkish Wikipedias as a Beta feature. French Wikipedia and Mediawikiwiki have the filters as a Beta feature too, but without the quality and intent filters. [47]
- Special:RecentChangesLinked now displays a message when no results are found for a given combination of filters. [48]
- Polish Wikipedia is experiencing an issue with predictions (quality and intent filters using ORES). The different predictions are in conflict. An edit can be considered as "good" and "bad" at the same time, and the filter levels are somewhat redundant. We have formulated a plan to address this and are working on a fix, which is deployed progressively on Polish Wikipedia. [49]
- The issue on Polish Wikipedia is shared by a few other wikis: Dutch, Czech and Hebrew, and Wikidata. The deployment for those wikis has been postponed to Tuesday, May 9. Wikis without this predictions problem have been deployed or will be deployed with no change on the schedule. [50]
- Interestingly, the "problem" with those wikis is that they perform better than we anticipated. Once the fix is in place, the tools will work with particular simplicity on these wikis.
Future changes
- English Wikipedia and all wikis without ORES prediction services will get the New Filters for Edit review on Monday, April 24. [51]
- All remaining wikis will get the New Filters for Edit review on Tuesday, May 9. [52]
- Wikidata edits will be added as a type of change on New Filters for Edit review. [53]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
- Notifications badges were overlapping other tabs on Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox 3.6, using MonoBook skin. This is now fixed. [54]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
- Flow is now available as a Beta feature on French Wikiversity. [55]
- All Flow documentation is now available on one page gathering all information, to help users to search for an information.
- Flow's AbuseFilter integration now allows blocking a particular user from participating on a talk page, or any topic within it. [56]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
13:04, 18 April 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- “New Filters for Edit Review” beta released: As of May 9, the New Filters for Edit Review beta has been released to all wikis. The beta lets users review edits on Recent Changes using an easier and more powerful interface and many new tools, including user-defined highlighting and, on some wikis, predictive filters powered by ORES, a machine-learning program. You must opt in to the beta to try it out.
- More features coming soon: The New Filters are still very much in development. In addition to fixing bugs and making adjustments (here’s our current to-do list), we’re actively adding new features, many at users’ request. A few notable additions you can look for this month: A cool tool for saving filter settings; a “Watchlisted pages” filter; a “Flagged Revisions” filter (for some wikis only); a “Last revision” filter.
- Tell us your ideas—but don’t wait: The team is focused right now in making changes to the New Filters beta. But in a few months, we’ll be moving on to other projects. So now is the time to give the new tools a try and then tell us what you think. What works well? What could make things better for you?
- In the medium-term: By the end of summer, we plan to complete a suite of improvements that will, among other things: incorporate all the remaining Recent Changes tools into the new filtering interface; create new ways for reviewers to move back and forth through the filter queue; implement a “Reverted” filter; and, finally, bring the New Filters UI and tools to Watchlist.
- Have time for a talk? We're looking for people we can interview about their experiences with the new beta. If you’re a regular user of Recent Changes and have tried the new features—and if you can spare an hour to chat in English with our design researcher—please email dchen with the subject line “user interview.” Let us know how to get in touch with you and what time zone (city, country...) you’re in.
- Wish you had ORES on your wiki? Some of the more interesting New Filters for Edit Review features are dependent on the machine-learning service ORES, which is available only on a small but growing list of wikis. For ORES to work on a wiki, volunteers from that wiki must train it by scoring some thousands of sample edits. Here’s a link that explains how the process works and how you can get it started on your wiki.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
Many Recent Changes pages have on top a list of links. We plan to integrate those links in a collapsible menu. You are invited to comment the 3 proposals we have drafted on Phabricator.
- On wikis where Flagged Revisions are used, an edit highlighted as bad by ORES will not be highlighted anymore when the edit is reviewed by someone. [57]
- You can highlight pages that are in your Watchlist in Recent Changes. 3 different filters are available: in watchlist, not in watchlist, new changes in watchlist. [58]
- Wikidata, Dutch, Czech, Hebrew, Estonian and Finnish Wikipedia now have the new filters available as a Beta feature, and ORES is enabled by default on those wikis. [59]
- All wikis now have the Recent changes Filters as a Beta feature. [60]
- Users are invited to opt in to the Recent changes Filters beta when they visit the Recent Changes page. [61]
- On wikis that have ORES predictions enabled by default, it is now possible to choose how to display the predictions in watchlist and recent changes pages. [62]
Future changes
- It will be possible soon to save and retreive your favorite filters combinations. [63]
- We are working on adding filter groups for last revisions, edits from Wikidata and reverted edits. [64][65][66]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- When an article you have created is linked to a Wikidata item, you can receive a notification. Wikidata and all the Wikivoyages have it since May 9th, other wikis will follow. [67]
- Special:Notifications tabs is now set to "Unread" if there are any unread messages. [68]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- You can enable Flow as a Beta feature on your talk page on Arabic Wikipedia and Catalan Wikiquote. [69][70]
- When you send more than 50 mentions on one Flow post, you are now warned you have hit the limit. [71]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
15:19, 16 May 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Integrated Filters
- The team is moving full speed ahead on a follow-up project to the New Filters for Edit Review beta dubbed "Integrated Filters." The name refers to the fact that we are integrating the Recent Changes tools that currently remain in the old user interface (like Namespace and Tag filters), along with some tools and capabilities from Watchlist and elsewhere, into the new Recent Changes interface.
- You can get an overview of the Integrated Filters projects, and the general release strategy, on the description page of the project Phabricator board. Among the more interesting new capabilities:
- Category filters: We'll be adding the ability to filter by category. This is a little tricky, since wiki categories often work in a somewhat counter-intuitive way, with the broadest categories returning the fewest results—because categories like "Science" or "Art" tend to contain not articles but other categories. So we're exploring solutions where a category search will crawl at least a layer or two down the category treat to, hopefully, bring back more useful results. [72]
- User filters: We're adding the ability to filter by any username, similar to what's available already on the the User Contributions page. [73]
- Live update: Users will have the ability to look at a more or less continuous flow of changes. This is a much requested feature that we expect will open up new possibilities for Recent Changes, especially for patrollers who want to see vandalism or other changes as they happen. While the updates won't truly be "live," the page updates will be frequent, similar to the way real-time tools (like RTRC or LiveRC) works. [74]
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Have time for a talk?
- We're looking for people we can interview about their experiences with the new beta. If you’re a regular user of Recent Changes and have tried the new features—and if you can spare an hour to chat in English with our design researcher—please email dchen with the subject line “user interview.” Let us know how to get in touch with you and what time zone (city, country...) you’re in.
Recent changes
- It is now possible to save your favorite filters sets by using bookmarks. [75]
This feature documentation can be translated.
- It is possible to filter only the last edits done on a page on the Recent Changes page. [76]
- ORES review tool has been deployed to French Wikipedia. This wiki can use predictions filters. To have the predictions filters on your wiki, you need to work on the labeling campaign for your wiki or request it. [77]
- There were some issues with loading highlighted results when the URL was copied and pasted. This is now fixed. [78]
- A "Watchlisted pages" filter group now lets reviewers use Recent Changes, and all its tools, to patrol changes to pages they've Watchlisted. If you have any feedback about how useful this is nor isn't—especially given that we plan to add the new filtering interface to the Watchlist page — let us know.
- There were issues with the tools still in the older filtering UI — like the Namespace filter and the number of results selectors. These have been fixed. [79]
Future changes
- Integration of new features on recent changes pages is planned. They will include menus to filter users, tagged edits, categories and namespaces. See the "What's new" section above for more information.
- Now that users can save filter settings, and declare any settings they want as the Recent Changes page default, we'll be reviewing the RC page Preferences with an eye to getting rid of as many as we can. For instance, if you want to hide minor edits or Category changes by default, you can now do that right on the RC page, instead of having to go to a separate page to manage defaults.
- On many Recent Changes Pages, the community has defined a large number of links that are displayed directly under the page name (example on Polish Wikipedia). Many of these links are unrelated or only peripherally related to Recent Changes, add informational complexity of the RC page. Research shows that they are used only rarely or never. We want to clarify RecentChanges page functionality, so we plan to put the links into a collapsible panel.
Should the panel default to open or closed? That is, should the default state (which users can change with one click) show the links as hidden or displayed? Let us know what you think.
- The most used links are shortcuts to certain type of edits, (Mobile, Newcomers...). Users can already save their favorite filter settings to the Saved Settings menu, which should make some of the existing links redundant. We plan to provide default bookmarks for the most used filters combinations. [80]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Future changes
- Wikimedia Deutschland have scheduled the notifications of Wikibase notifications to Wikimedia projects: all the Wikivoyages on May 3; all the Wikipedias except en, fr, de on May 30; all other projects on June 13 and Wikipedias en, fr, de on September 5. [81]
- It will be possible to restrict who can send you notifications. [82]
Flow [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Flow has been activated on all talk pages on Catalan Wikiquote. [83]
Future changes
- On the Beta feature page, the activation message has been review to emphase the fact that the unstructured wikitext page will be archived. [84]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
08:41, 23 June 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
The team is currently working on three main goals, which we expect to complete this summer or in September:
- Graduate New Filters for Edit Review core features out of beta:
- The core New Filters features slated to become standard parts of Recent Changes are the ones that have been out in beta for a while and fully road-tested by the community.
- These include the new filtering interface, the machine-learning filter groups “User Intent Predictions” and “Quality Predictions,” the highlighting tools, the ability to save your filter settings for later use, and the new filter groups: “Watchlisted pages,” “Last revision” and "User registration and experience."
- There’s a list of “blocker” tasks we need to complete before these features are ready to graduate out of beta.
- We expect to release those features by default in September. A more precise message will be sent to communities. If you have questions about it, you can write a message on, in any language.
- Extend the New Filters to Watchlist: The Watchlists of very active editors can include thousands of pages. To help these busy folks keep up with their work, we’re adding the New Filters UX and tools to Watchlist. The Watchlist and Recent Changes pages are similar, but there is some work involved in adapting the tools to their new setting. That work should be ready some time in late summer or early fall. Stay tuned for an announcement!
- Continuing work on “Integrated Filters”:
- While the New Filters for Edit Review beta brought probably 70% of the old-style Recent Changes features into the new user interface, it left some behind—like the Tag and Namespace filters and the controls for the number of days searched and number of results presented. As the name is meant to suggest, “Integrated filters” integrates those old-style tools into the new UI.
- It also adds some new tools users have asked for, such as:
- “Live updates” which provides a near real-time automatic refresh of the Recent Changes page.
- Category filters, which enable users to search by category.
- User filters, which let you define searches that include or exclude edits by particular users.
- We will put the community-defined related links that cluster at the top of most Recent Changes pages into a collapsible panel, in order to clarify the Recent Changes page.
We should note that it’s not certain these last two additions will make the cut for inclusion this year. If you want a make the case for either one, we want to hear from you.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Some styling adjustments are ongoing on the filters for recent changes. [85]
- RecentChanges with the Beta feature were very slow to load on Wikidata. It is now fixed. [86]
- In the Beta feature, you can try the Live Updates feature. Just add
at the end of the URL in Recent Changes page. [87]
Future changes
- ORES review tool will be deployed to Romanian and Albanian Wikipedia soon. These wikis will be able to use predictions filters. To have the predictions filters on your wiki, you need to work on the labeling campaign for your wiki or request it. [88]
- Sometimes the RecentChanges page were reloading before the filters have ended to be loaded. It is going to be fixed. [89]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- It is now possible to display the number of unread notifications in the browser title bar, using a gadget. [90]
Future changes
- It will be possible to restrict who can send you notifications on a wiki. This new feature will accessible in your preferences, in the Notifications tab, on Wednesday, July 26. [91]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
16:43, 24 July 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured Discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- This newsletter is the first for the Global Collaboration team!
- Global Collaboration team formed in July by merging the Language and Collaboration teams of the Wikimedia Foundation. The team is part of the Contributors department.
- The newsletter now includes updates about Content translation. The Global Collaboration team now have an extended report (in English), with more information and data about the different projects we take care of.
- Due to vacations and Wikimania, no newsletter has been written in August.
Major changes, with possibly an important impact on the wikis, are now marked with the star icon in the newsletter. Let us know if you like it.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
Filters for Recent Changes will be deployed by default on all wikis. [92]
- Some features for Recent Changes remain on Beta. See the list.
- The initial deployment was scheduled for September 26. It has been postponed after October 3 for performance issues. [93]
- The filters for Watchlists, as a Beta feature, have been deployed as a Beta feature on Sept. 19. [94]
- "User registration" and "experience level" groups have been unified. It is now possible to select only actions from logged-out users or from logged-in users. [95]
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Delete action on the list of translations is now more reachable. Now it's possible to open it on click, and easier as well, because active area is bigger. [96]
- Content Translation language selector is restyled to be more compact. [97]
Future changes
- The translation editor of Content Translation will be replaced by the visual editor. Work is ongoing. [98]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- For users who don't use JavaScript, a button has been added to Special:Notifications to mark all their notifications as read. [99]
- It is now possible to restrict who can send you notifications. [100]
Structured Discussions [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
Flow has been re-scoped to become Structured Discussions and the development has restarted. Phabricator projects and repositories have been renamed. [101]
- Administrators on wikis that use Structured Discussions as a beta feature or by default can now create and move Structured Discussions boards. [102]
Structured Discussions' help pages have been updated. Translations may require updates as well.
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
17:10, 29 September 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- The Global collaboration report for October is now available.
- All wikis now have the Filters for edit review as the default system on Recent Changes page.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Most recent changes
Filters for Watchlists are still on Beta. Please try them and give feedback before we release it for all users!
- Shortcuts to filter Namespaces and Tags are now more visible. [103]
- Discovery of the search bar has been improved. [104]
- If the Recent Changes page or the Watchlist fails to load or is time-outed, a message is now displayed. [105][106]
- The bookmark icon for creating a "Saved filter" is now grayed when it is not possible to save. Before it was not visible. Bookmarking is unavailable when, for example, the current filter set is already saved. [107]
Future changes
- Live updates on Recent changes will be moved out of beta and into the standard feature set by the end of the year. [108]
- Extension:Translate filters for RecentChanges are going to be integrated to the new filters. [109]
- Automatic edit summaries will be filtered as tags. [110]
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- List items (suggested items and in-progress/published translations) layout restyled to prevent overflows on small screen sizes.
- Search results for new translation dialog are now embedded, instead of being displayed in floating menu. Search results remain displayed when tabbed out and can be closed using ESC key.
- Missing pages are no longer shown when there is no match for search query. Message informing that there are no results is displayed instead.
- Embedded search results enabled to provide users with more translation opportunities. Articles user recently edited (in currently selected source language wiki) are surfaced when there is no input in search bar, with additional info if article is missing in user's currently selected target language.
- Long suggestion descriptions are limited to three lines, and the rest is truncated, which is indicated by ellipsis.
- Chart data representing user translation statistics in now showing all the months since user's first published translation. Months that went without translation are now displayed in chart as well.
- A loading indicator is shown while suggestions are loading.
- Button to discard dialog is now shown through the whole process of selecting article to translate.
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Edit-user-talk notifications are now expandable. [111]
Structured Discussions [More information • Help pages]
Future changes
- Some work is ongoing to store Structured Discussions contents from HTML to wikitext. That change will allow some specific templates and magic words to work properly on Structured Discussions. [112]
- Some tests are conducted in order to prepare the rewriting of Structured Discussions' interface. That rewriting will have no visible impact on users but it will ease future changes.
Other projects
- Compact Language Links has been deployed on German Wikipedia. [113]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
15:36, 21 November 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
The filters are now deployed as a default feature on all wikis on RecentChanges and RecentChangesLinked pages.
- The filters are still available as a Beta feature on all wikis on Watchlists. Please try them!
- LiveUpdates have been deployed as a default feature for all wikis.
- On wikis using Extension:Translate, translated messages can now be filtered. System messages can be filtered as well, on all wikis. [114]
- "View new changes since $1" link is now more prominent, to invite users to use that native feature to update the list of results. [115]
- Pagination and time period selectors are now combined and located on the right on left-to-right wikis. [116]
- When a user wanted to click outside of the filter menu to close it, it was possible to click on "revert" link by accident. It is not possible anymore. [117]
- It is now possible to filter the following events using the Tags menu: Making a page a redirect, Changing redirect target, Changing an existing redirect into a non-redirect, Blanking of the page, Removing more than 90% of a page content, Rolling back an edit. [118]
- Some design improvements have been done to Related Changes page to integrate the new filters. [119]
- "Save current filter settings" menu and legend overlapped the results. This is now fixed. [120]
- Some small design improvements have been done. [121]
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
- Now Content Translation prevents source and target language to be set to same language. [122]
- The dialog for selecting article to translate is standardized. It introduces a new component that is used for the selected page on both the "New translation" dialog and the "Suggested pages" list. [123]
- More space is given to the language filter, to increase responsiveness and show more language names without truncation. [124]
- While searching for a new page to translate, duplicates are not shown anymore for user search input. [125]
- Various PHP warnings and JavaScript errors have been fixed. [126][127]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
- It is now possible to use Special:Nuke on hidden Structured discussion topics. [128]
- The Reply button is not active anymore until something is typed. [129]
- For wikis that use ORES, preferences for ORES have been rationalized in Special:Preferences, on Recent Changes tab and Watchlist tab. [130]
- ORES will be deployed on Simple English Wikipedia. That wiki will be able to use the Prediction filters. [131]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
14:31, 19 December 2017 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- The Global Collaboration report for December is now available (in English).
- Filters are better integrated on Related Changes (see below).
- Structured discussions now use the 2017 wikitext editor (see below).
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Bug fixes
- When searching, a click on a filter capsule moved the list of filters. [132]
- On Related Changes page, the page name entry box didn't show the entirety of long page names. [133]
- Transcludeing Special:RelatedChanges on a page added unexpected parameters to the URL. [134]
- Filter menu was opening upwards. [135]
- ORES preferences on Recent Changes and Watchlist preferences pages have been rationalized. [136]
- Users are now prevented from clicking on a link when they click outside of the dropdown menu to close it. [137]
Work in progress
Filters on Related Changes page are better integrated and get new features, for instance: [138]
- The standard auto-completion mechanism is available when you search for a page to look at.
- It is more clear if you are looking to pages linked from the target page or to the target page.
- You no longer need to click the "Show" button; the page updates automatically when a page is positively identified via autocompletion.
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Further enhancement are made for list (Suggestions/In-progress/Published) items on mobile screens. Long titles no longer overflow or overlap with other interface elements. [139]
- Various changes to the "New translation" dialog and the selected page for translation have been made: [140]
- Longer titles of selected pages are displayed in smaller. Some space has been added around to increase readability.
- Language codes are not truncated by ellipsis anymore. Only full, autonym language names are subject to truncation.
- Minimal screen sizes and selected suggestion dialog have been revisited. They are more consistent in responding to screen size changes.
- Discard button is no longer shown on small screen sizes.
- Language filters no longer render wrong or non-existent language codes. [141]
- The "New translation" dialog now shows a loading indicator and doesn't display an error when you change the source language after an unsuccessful research. [142]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
Structured discussions now uses the 2017 wikitext editor instead of its old custom one. This works with your preference for wikitext or visual editor. [143][144]
The documentation has been updated and needs translations updates.
- Prométhée, from French Wikipedia, has created some gadgets to customise Structured discussions interface.
The documentation is ready to be translated.
Future changes
- Structured discussions does not always follow wiki's configurations concerning talk pages indexation. This will be fixed. [145]
- Hidden topics will not be indexed by search engines anymore. [146]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Bug fixes
- User rights change notifications were displaying a broken link. This is now fixed. [147]
- "Mark as read" buttons had a bad appearance for users who don't have JavaScript activated. [148]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
00:56, 25 January 2018 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Map improvements 2018, Notifications, Structured discussions and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- Collaboration and Language are now going their way separately. Updates about Content Translation are not included in this newsletter anymore. Please refer to the Language report.
- Collaboration has a new project: Map improvements 2018.
- The team’s engagement with maps is based on 2017 Community Wishlist proposal Kartographer Improvements, though the work won’t be restricted to items named there.
- The project is currently in its very early research and planning stages.
- It has a limited term that’s scheduled to conclude at the end of June 2018.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- es.wikipedia, es.wikibooks, sv.wikipedia, and simple.wikipedia get ORES predictions on Recent Changes (and on Watchlist through "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽" Beta feature). [149][150][151][152]
- The explanation of the abbreviations on the recent changes page could overlap with the list of changes. This has been fixed. [153][154]
- On Related changes it was not possible to use Saved filters for several articles. It has been fixed. [155]
- Transclude special:relatedchanges on a subpage removed #contentSub. This is now fixed. [156]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- The wording when you send a thanks message has changed. Instead of
it saysThank
. It is also now easier to understand that all thanks are public. [157] - A notification is now sent to account owner on multiple unsuccessful login attempts. [158]
- Between week 7 and 20 February, when you thanked someone for an edit, the thank went to the latest unthanked edit to that page. It didn't matter which edit you tried to give thanks for. This has been fixed. [159]
- Long page titles on Special:Notifications were not truncated. This is now fixed. [160]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- You can now press CTRL + ENTER to post a new message. [161]
- It wasn't possible to create a description of a Structured discussions board. This has been fixed. [162]
- On wikis using the Beta feature, it is not possible to enable or disable Structured discussion from the Beta page. However, admins can create and move the pages.
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:29, 5 March 2018 (UTC)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Map improvements 2018, Notifications, Structured discussions and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
The Collaboration team has announced the start of a new project: In-Context Help and Onboarding. The idea is to improve retention of new wiki editors by giving them short tutorials and other training experiences related to, and triggered by, their current activities on the wikis (that’s the “in context” part). The project follows from the conclusions of the New Editor Experiences research. The work is in its very early stages, but we’d like to hear from people with ideas on the subject—particularly if you have experience supporting or training new contributors.
Map improvements 2018 [More information]
- Maps using Maplink and Mapframe functions now include an extra zoom level (level 19). This is part of the Kartographer Improvements, the number one request of the 2017 Community Wishlist survey. [163]
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
- Number of edit to show in recent changes information text was incorrect in Special:Preferences. It has been rephrased. [164]
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- You can notify users in edit summaries. They will get a ping just as if they had been mentioned on a wiki page. That new feature has been documented. [165]
- Preferences panel on Special:Notifications was overlapping other elements. This has been fixed. [166]
Future changes
- An important work is under progress to allow thanks of log entry. This is done by the Community Tech team. [167]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Structured Discussions extension has been uninstalled from wikis not using it. However, it is still possible for a community to request a trial of Structured discussions. [168]
- It was not possible to opt-in and opt-out Structured discussions on wikis using it as a Beta feature. It is now fixed. [169]
Future changes
- The visual editor and 2017 wikitext editor interface is going to change for consistency. The toolbar, dialogs and menus will appear slightly bigger; some icons will look different. Content or functionality will not change. That change will apply to Structured Discussions as well. [170]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
12:25, 26 March 2018 (UTC)
Template Wizard script available for testing
[edit]Hello. I'm contacting you because you voted for the Infobox Wizard in the 2017 Community Wishlist Survey.
The Infobox Wizard has gotten an upgrade - it's now a Template Wizard which works for infoboxes and all other templates. The feature is being developed as an extension (which will allow for localization) but there is a prototype user script which works well.
The Wishlist Team would love it if you could take a few minutes to try the Template Wizard prototype script out and give us feedback on whether it lives up to your expectations. This feedback will help build the script into an extension. To get started, add the following to your Special:MyPage/common.js -
mw.loader.load( '' );
The Template Wizard will show up as a puzzle-piece icon in the 2010 WikiEditor. You can click on the icon to insert a template. Your thoughts are needed on whether it makes sense for the wizard to be available for all users by default or if there should be a preference for it. If it's a preference, what should the default be? Please leave your feedback here. Thank you! -- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 22:41, 28 March 2018 (UTC)
Latest message for Collaboration team newsletter; Growth team's newsletter invite
Sorry to use English if that's not your favorite language.
You are receiving this message because you were reading the Collaboration team newsletter.
The Collaboration team doesn't longer exists. That team was working on building features that encourage collaboration. This is the latest message for that newsletter.
The Growth Team, formed in July 2018, supports some former Collaboration projects. The Growth Team's main objective is to ease new editors' first steps on wikis, through software changes. You can discover all objectives and missions of the Growth team on its page.
If you wish to be informed about Growth team's updates about easing new users first steps, you can subscribe to the new list to get updates. The first message from Growth –with a call for feedback on a new project– will be posted in a few days!
If you have questions or you want to share experiences made on your wiki about new users' first steps, please post them on the team talk page, in any language.
On behalf of the Growth team, Trizek (WMF) (talk) 10:29, 22 August 2018 (UTC)
The Community Wishlist Survey
You get this message because you’ve previously participated in the Community Wishlist Survey. I just wanted to let you know that this year’s survey is now open for proposals. You can suggest technical changes until 11 November: Community Wishlist Survey 2019.
You can vote from November 16 to November 30. To keep the number of messages at a reasonable level, I won’t send out a separate reminder to you about that. /Johan (WMF) 11:24, 30 October 2018 (UTC)

The 2021 Community Wishlist Survey is now open! This survey is the process where communities decide what the Community Tech team should work on over the next year. We encourage everyone to submit proposals until the deadline on 30 November, or comment on other proposals to help make them better. The communities will vote on the proposals between 8 December and 21 December.
The Community Tech team is focused on tools for experienced Wikimedia editors. You can write proposals in any language, and we will translate them for you. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your proposals!
18:25, 20 November 2020 (UTC)
- Thank you. Orphée (talk) 21:24, 20 November 2020 (UTC)

We invite all registered users to vote on the 2021 Community Wishlist Survey. You can vote from now until 21 December for as many different wishes as you want.
In the Survey, wishes for new and improved tools for experienced editors are collected. After the voting, we will do our best to grant your wishes. We will start with the most popular ones.
We, the Community Tech, are one of the Wikimedia Foundation teams. We create and improve editing and wiki moderation tools. What we work on is decided based on results of the Community Wishlist Survey. Once a year, you can submit wishes. After two weeks, you can vote on the ones that you're most interested in. Next, we choose wishes from the survey to work on. Some of the wishes may be granted by volunteer developers or other teams.
We are waiting for your votes. Thank you!
16:09, 11 December 2020 (UTC)