User talk:Meursault2004
Add topicMersault, ik heb je verzoek voor een Oudjavaanse Wikipedia even naar boven verplaatst, want het stond in het "trollen"-hoekje tussen kindertaal en Sisseltong. Caesarion 12:45, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
Banyumasan Wikipedia
[edit]Hi Mersault!
At the Requests for new languages page, Slamet Serayu mentioned that you are a linguist and therefore proficient to give information õn the Banyumasan language. The Banyumasan request now has enough support both by native speakers as well as other Wikipedians and thus qualifies for being set up. Before that happens, i'd like to ask you for your opinion on two details:
1. Scope: some Wikipedians would rather like to see a Wikipedia for all Western Javanese dialects. Would that make sense or are the dialects too different?
2. Domain code: the request proposes "bdf" but also mentions "ban". AFAIK, "ban" is for Balinese, isn't it? Where does bdf come from? I can't find that code anywhere else. Another user suggests something like "map-bjb" or "map-bjk". This type of code ("Austronesian-Other") is usually taken if no individual iso code exists. And, lastly, what code should be used for a potential general Western Javanese WP? Thanks in advance! Arbeo 10:30, 2 October 2005 (UTC)
Is bew is for Bahasa Betawi Code? Azmi1995 09:06, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
Need you
[edit]I need you to fill in the details about this. Waktu itu sudah ada project in several languages, termasuk dalam dialek melayu yang terus diawut-awut sama si edmunwoods... Tolong dibetulkan lagi sesuai dengan upayanya dalam konteks wikimedia indonesia dan dialeknya dalam konteks bahasa dibawah teritori wikimedia indonesia di halaman terpisah - mungkin disini lebih cocok, sebagai bagian sendiri (languages projects?)
- Noted. Thank you.
Minta offline activities dengan media dong Rev, metro tv, kompas, majalah jawa... dan klip if possible. Ntar aku sendiri tambah interview ivan and I di trax fm.
- Metro TV snapshotnya aja, atau link ke Utube? Gambar mana lagi yang berhak cipta? Perasaan yang moto kita-kita juga. Yang kompas bisa diambil judulnya aja ngga usah semuanya, kalo udah berita public property lah - mosok berhak cipta, yang diberitain kan diri sendiri? Oh iya, media need a short description or link to their website. 07:31, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
+ I need help in translating the bylaws! It started to look like a two player instead of a team action. Ivan sakit, ngga bisa bantuin, and I know you can.
Deo Volente
[edit]Halo Revo, saya mau minta tolong karena kebetulan sedang tidak di Bisa minta tolong kepada Jagawana untuk mengarsipkan halaman pembicaraannya. Saya secara pribadi terkadang agak sulit untuk memberi tanggapan jika dia mengirim pesan. Sebenarnya bukan saya saja, Bennylin sudah pernah mengimbaunya. Terima Kasih sebelumnya. Deo Volente, Revo. Mikhailov Kusserow 05:27, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- Tidak masalahkan saya menyapa Anda Revo? Oh ya, foto Anda dan tim saya muat di halaman pengguna saya di Saya melihat dari Auranya, Anda terlihat orang yang rendah hati. Mikhailov Kusserow 05:29, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit] looks good but i think it should be somewhere how many javanese speakers there are in the world SatuSuro 04:03, 18 October 2008 (UTC)
I didnt see one but im not on meta that much - i might have misread the section SatuSuro 01:14, 21 October 2008 (UTC)
Javanese Wikipedia
[edit]Tolong dibantu Revo, mengapa ada Wikipedia Bahasa Jawa 1, 2, dan 3? Apa maksudnya ya? Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 04:56, 21 October 2008 (UTC)
- Bukankah sudah disetujui dengan adanya Mengapa perlu buat proposal lagi? Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:41, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
- Maksudnya saya beri suara di sana ya? Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:44, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
[edit]Bisa beri suara di sini? Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 04:54, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
- Terima Kasih. Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 03:11, 26 November 2008 (UTC)
Artikel Wikimedia Indonesia
[edit]Mengapa artikel Wikimedia Indonesia di Wikimedia Meta-Wiki tidak menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia? Wikimedia negara lainnya menggunakan bahasa ibunya. Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 05:06, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Vote Wikinews Malay
[edit]Bisa beri vote di sini? Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 03:30, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Revo, bisa tolong mengalihbahasakannya ke dalam Bahasa Jawa?
- Bisa lihat ini, Revo? Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 03:17, 10 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Tolong bantu lihat yang ini juga Revo. Terima Kasih. Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 09:23, 10 March 2009 (UTC)
[edit]Saya sudah kirim di id.wikibooks dan id.wikiquote di halaman pembicaraan Anda. — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 07:56, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
Calon pengurus Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia 2011
[edit]Saya ingin menarik perhatian Anda tentang calon pengurus yang sedang dalam pemungutan suara untuk menjadi Pengurus Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia. Bagaimana mungkin sejumlah calon (saya hitung ada setidaknya ada tiga (3) calon) yang tidak bisa netral dalam masalah ini bisa menjadi pengurus dari sebuah ensiklopedia yang harus bersifat netral nantinya? Saya menunggu jawaban Anda untuk hal ini? Terima Kasih. — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 02:52, 19 May 2011 (UTC)
- Saya menanti tanggapan Anda. — Mikhailov Kusserow (talk) 08:09, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
sang pengalah
[edit]Revo, menyambung perbincangan di Wikipedia bahasa Jawa (yang tentunya Anda dah tau sendiri dan bisa diliat sendiri) Saya agak keberatan dengan kalimat komentar Anda ini:
"Dewan pengurus sudah memutuskan untuk memblokir Anda selama 6 bulan. Sayapun tidak bisa memutar balik keputusan ini. Jadi sebaiknya diturutilah kata-kata mereka. Saya harap lain kali agak menahan diri."
Nah sekarang pertanyaannya, siapakah "dewan pengurus" tersebut ? Sang pemblokir Stephensuleeman ? Saya pikir tidak, seperti yang saya lihat di situs rujukan KBBI ini ==> bahwa:
"Dewan" adalah majelis atau badan yang terdiri atas beberapa orang anggota yang pekerjaannya memberi nasihat, memutuskan suatu hal, dsb dengan jalan berunding.
Itu berarti petingginya dari seluruh pengurus di WBI alias pengurus yang statusnya pengawas (seperti yang pernah dibilang oleh Wic2020 kepada saya) Nah, Andakan statusnya pengawas. Berarti Anda jika bisa memutuskan juga bisa menyambungkan(minimal) melakukan pertimbangan dan (maximal) mencabut keputusan itu donk.
Oh ya, coba deh liat 2 pranala ini :
serangan pribadi serta makian (dalam bahasa Inggris) 1
makian dalam bahasa Inggris 2
Yap, kedua pranala tersebut menunjukan makian kasar nggilani lan ngedani dalam bahasa inggris yang melebihi makian saya dari salah satu pengguna bernama Serenity. Serenity itu termasuk dalam pengguna lama dari WBI tapi masih berstatus pengguna WBI biasa namun setidaknya keseniorannya telah terkemuka mengingat ia salah satu pembangun Wikimedia Indonesia. Tapi betapa anehnya jika Anda dan saya melihat makian itu yang ternyata dibuat oleh seorang senior. Geleng geleng kepala saya. Saya liat log pemblokirannya ternyata lagi hanya pernah diblokir selama palingan 2 jam dalam 2X berturut-turut. Yalah mungkin karena dia kontributor WBI senior yang lagi stress jadi terpaksa dilakukan pemblokiran untuk ya palingan penenangan aja. Tapi bagaimana dengan saya yang juga udah WBIwan aktif diblokir sampai 6 bulan ? Yalah mungkin karena saya pernah diblokri karena melakukan hal keburukan yang sama sehingga segitu lamanya. Memang benar demikian. Dulu pernah diblokir selama seminggu dan sebulan. Tapi masak sih sebagai kontributor terpandang didemikiankan ? Kenapa tak 2 jam seperti si Serenity ? Apakah pendaftar tahun 2009 masih dianggap newbie bagi mereka ? Apakah mereka itu WikiVampir sehingga ngelakuin kelakuan kaya ginian ==> id:Wikipedia:Silakan hantam. Bukankah sudah diatur disini bahwa setiap pengguna harus dipikirkan secara positif bahwa mereka ingin berkontribusi yang baik untuk kemajuan di WBI. --Erik Evrest 10:12, 30 September 2011 (UTC)
- Saudara Erik, tolong deh saya jangan dipanggil Revo. Saya sebagai seorang yang sudah tua itu tidak suka dijangkar. Semestinya Anda yang orang Surabaya tahu hal seperti itu. Makanya saya juga memiliki nama pengguna. Yang saya maksud dengan dewan pengurus itu ialah sekelompok beberapa pengurus Wikipedia Indonesia. Mengenai Serenity saya kira ia sudah diperingatkan oleh beberapa pihak dan saya kira tidak ada hubungannya dengan hal Anda. Meursault2004 11:23, 1 October 2011 (UTC)
Mas Revo, I'm currently asking for a grant from WMF for Javanese script and its usage in the Javanese projects. Maybe you're interested in reading it and giving comments in the talk page. I know you're busy lately, so, please drop by if you have a time. Please see also mw:Groups/Proposals/Surakarta about another proposal I requested in relation to this grant request. Salam. ✒ Bennylin 17:12, 17 February 2013 (UTC)
Upcoming IdeaLab Events: IEG Proposal Clinics

Hello, Meursault2004! We've added Events to IdeaLab, and you're invited :)
Upcoming events focus on turning ideas into Individual Engagement Grant proposals before the March 31 deadline. Need help or have questions about IEG? Join us at a Hangout:
- Thursday, 13 March 2014, 1600 UTC
- Wednesday, 19 March 2014, 1700 UTC
- Saturday, 29 March 2014, 1700 UTC
Hope to see you there!
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Superprotect status
[edit]Dear Meursault2004, since you are an administrator on a wiki from which no user participated in this discussion, I'd like to make sure you are aware of some recent events which may alter what the Wikimedia Foundation lets you do on your wiki: Superprotect.
- Request for comment: Requests for comment/Superprotect rights
- An open letter about its implementation: Letter to Wikimedia Foundation: Superprotect and Media Viewer
Peteforsyth 09:33, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Global renamer
[edit]Hi, do you remember me? We spoke some months ago on jvwiki.
About the Global renamer flag, if you are still interested, I just wanted to inform you that in Steward_requests/Global_permissions#Requests_for_global_rename_permissions many candidates have been approved recently. Some of them showed limited language skills, cross-wiki activities or they didn't have any experience as local bureaucrats. So, if you want to try, you are a really qualified candidate.--Alexmar983 (talk) 20:40, 7 April 2015 (UTC)
Translation request
[edit]Hello, I see you speak .I was wondering if you can translate "Village in China", "Commune in Morocco", and "village in Indonesia". It is for updating Wikidata. Thanks in advance. --Artix Kreiger (Message Wall) 20:12, 4 March 2018 (UTC)
- Hi Artix Kreiger, it would be "Desa di Tiongkok", "Komune di Maroko", and "Desa di Indonesia" in Indonesian. In Javanese it would be "Désa ing Tyongkok", "Komune ing Maroko", and "Désa ing Indonésia". Cheers. Meursault2004 (talk) 20:16, 4 March 2018 (UTC)
- Hi, Thanks so much (I meant to say Javanese but I somehow didn't realize that). --Artix Kreiger (Message Wall) 00:10, 5 March 2018 (UTC)
- I noticed that "Tyongkok" is only used twice in the Javanese wiki and the page for China is called "Républik Rakyat Cina". Would "désa ing Républik Rakyat Cina" also work? - Nikki (talk) 13:04, 9 June 2018 (UTC)
- Hi [[user:Nikki|Nikki]. Yes it would, as a matter of fact the word Cina is more common than Tyongkok. However, Cina is not politically correct. Many Chinese Indonesians object the usage of the word Cina. Therefore it is preferable to use Tyongkok instead of Cina. But historically and vocabulary wise it is correct. Meursault2004 (talk) 15:09, 9 June 2018 (UTC)
The Affiliate-selected Board seats process welcomes your support
Hello. You are receiving this message because you kindly helped with affiliates-related translations in the past. The movement needs you again! The Nominations phase has started for the ongoing selection process of two Board members, and the timeline is quite tight.
A Translation Central is available to help keen translators like you figure out what's been covered and what's left to do. Over the course of the next few weeks, your attention on candidates' profiles is particularly welcome. While there are four languages that are especially relevant for multiple affiliates (namely Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish), you can also add others. If you can't help: please see if you know anyone in your circle who could, and spread the word :)
Thank you! Elitre (WMF) and Facilitators of ASBS 2019, 13:19, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
Translation request
Can you translate and upload these articles and templates in Javanese Wikipedia:
id:Templat:Presiden Azerbaijan,
id:Daftar Presiden Azerbaijan,
id:Daftar Perdana Menteri Azerbaijan,
id:Templat:Perdana Menteri Azerbaijan,
Yours sincerely, Sarvathi (talk) 10:37, 5 May 2019 (UTC)