User talk:Mattho69
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[edit]Hello, Mattho69. Welcome to the Wikimedia Meta-Wiki! This website is for coordinating and discussing all Wikimedia projects. You may find it useful to read our policy page. If you are interested in doing translations, visit Meta:Babylon. You can also leave a note on Meta:Babel or Wikimedia Forum (please read the instructions at the top of the page before posting there). Happy editing!
-- Meta-Wiki Welcome (talk) 00:30, 19 August 2012 (UTC)
The Wikinewsie Group provisional board selection meeting time
[edit]Hi. This is to inform you that the meeting for the provisional board selection meeting for The Wikinewsie Group will take place in #wikinews-groupconnect on May 4, 2013 at 13:00 UTC, which is 8:00 in Mexico City, 9:00 in New York City, 15:00 in Berlin and 23:00 in Sydney. If you are interested in being on the provisional board but cannot attend, please comment at Talk:The Wikinewsie Group/Meetings to let the community know. --LauraHale (talk) 21:36, 26 April 2013 (UTC)
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter - Edition 2, August 5, 2013
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter |
Key resources
- The Wikinewsie Group News
There is less to report, as the group spent time focusing on behind-the-scenes aspects of obtaining thematic organization recognition.
- Aff-Comm application status updates
- The Wikinewsie Group answered several questions from the Affiliations Committee at Talk:The Wikinewsie Group/Bylaws.
- Education and GLAM
- Members are working to create educational materials to use at training workshops in English and Spanish. Current print training materials include a one page guide to original sport reporting on English English Wikinews, a one page guide to conducting multilingual interviews, a guide to getting photo essays published and a guide to writing for English Wikinews.
- The University of Wollongong class participation on English Wikinews wound up as the semester ended, and a new class has started with the new semester. The instructor has created a presentation about the class on Wikinews that can be found at StudentsInWikinews.
- A member of The Wikinewsie Group met with a GLAM partner about the value of English Wikinews and Wikinoticias for freely sharing knowledge about culture.
- Technical updates
- Pi zero has moved to a new phase in the development of an improved reviewing tool for English Wikinews.
- Gryllida is working on the development of a tool to make translating material from one project to another easier. The new beta wmtrans translation tool here, which you can use to translate Wikipedia and Wikinews articles from one language to another. Its difference from the Meta translation tools is include the the ability to translate an article as a whole, per-paragraph, and add new paragraphs if desired; a dictionary box for you to look up geographical names without loading entire Wikipedia pages; and whole-page translation philosophy instead of translating by parts. The tool also features a multilingual interface; you can add new sections to data.ini to add your own. You are encouraged to send them, and bug reports, to Gryllida.
- Discussions have been going on behind the scenes about the potential for The Wikinewsie Group to support the technical aspects for Wikinews project development following suggestions on Wikimedia-l that this would be a place chapters could demonstrate leadership potential and work with the Foundation. There are currently a number of developers active in the Wikinews community.
- Research
- Given feedback by a member of the Wikimedia Foundation Board (Samuel Klien) that the English language project should consider content import from other free news sources as a way of increasing community participation, content output and traffic, research was done inside the community using another language project as a baseline to determine the potential impact in terms of achieving those goals. A copy of this research can be found at Research:Wikinews Content Import Analysis. In a nutshell, the findings are: content import did not result in increased community output or increased community size. Content import also resulted in fewer page views per published article. Content import was not successful at achieving a positive community or traffic related impact.
- A tiny piece of research done examining relative article popularity by year on English Wikinews can found at Article rank and article date. More in-depth research along these lines may produce interesting results.
- Across the languages
- Over on Italian Wikinews on July 25, they hit 30,000 total pages.
- English Wikinews completed elections for their Arbitration Committee. Brian McNeil, Pi zero, Mikemoral, LauraHale, RockerballAustralia, and William S. Saturn were elected to the one year position.
- Content work
- Laura Hale wrote a report : A report on the coverage of Spanish athletes at the 2013 IPC Athletic World Championship. The chance to interview athletes came about because of successfully covering the IPC Alpine Skiing World Championship earlier in the year.
- Brian McNeil — currently at the Edinburgh Fringe — is sharing a variety of video clips via English Wikinews' Facebook page. Copyright restrictions prevent most of these media files being uploaded to Commons; fair-use on Wikinews itself requires legal advice beforehand.
- Clips:
- Georgina Gordon at The Pear Tree
- Georgina Gordon at The Pear Tree
- Roy Henderson at The Pear Tree
- Roy Henderson at The Pear Tree
- Australian street artist, playing with fire, in Edinburgh's Grassmarket (Could go on Commons — if not for the fact that the 720p theora version of the clip exceeds the upload limit by 50%).
- Other news
- Two members of the The Wikinewsie Group provisional board attend the IRC meeting on July 26 for the Program Evaluation and Design as the board begins to think about and conducts its own evaluation of efforts to increase content and increase community participation. They observed the August 1 metrics meeting.
- Why Wikinews? Editorials on why people support and contribute to Wikinews projects
- (English) Why I love English Wikinews by Laura Hale
- (English) Why I love English Wikinews by Hawkeye7
- (English) Why I love English Wikinews by Pi zero
- Wikinews Original Reporting
The following is a list of all original reporting done on Wikinews projects from June 1, 2013 to July 31, 2013.
- Ukrainian
- See also: Авторський репортаж. The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.
- Визначені лауреати Премії імені академіка Петра Тронька (created by Perohanych) 2013-07-10
- ВздовжКарпатська експедиція 2013 (created by Antanana) 2013-07-09
- У Києві вперше виступив Кронос-квартет (created by Fed4ev) 2013-07-06
- Луганський обласний козачий кінний театр «Лугарі» показав звитягу на Дикому полі (created by Yakudza) 2013-07-05
- На Луганщині пройшов козацький фестиваль «Звитяги Дикого поля» (created by Yakudza) 2013-06-30
- Завершився 82-й чемпіонат України з шахів (created by Fed4ev) 2013-06-26
- Завершується 82-й чемпіонат України з шахів (created by Fed4ev) 2013-06-25
- Астрологічний прогноз: перехід Чорного Місяця в Знак Рака (created by Olena Zakharian) 2013-06-20
- «Сокіл» Бортнянського в університеті Грінченка (created by Antanana) 2013-06-12
- Документальний фільм «Відкритий доступ» вдруге було показано у Харкові (created by Kharkivian) 2013-06-12
- Виставка митців Одеської школи розпочинається в Києві (created by Olena Zakharian) 2013-06-12
- Нагороджено переможців конкурсу «Вікі любить Землю» (created by Olena Zakharian) 2013-06-10
- Вікімедіа РУ: перший конкурс із призами (created by Antanana) 2013-06-05
- Portuguese
- See also: Reportagens originais, Publicado. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Começam os Jogos Mundiais em Cali, Colômbia (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-07-28
- Spanish
- See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Finaliza el segundo día de competencias de disco volador en los Juegos Mundiales de 2013 (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-07-30
- Con un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales y baile se inauguran los Juegos Mundiales 2013 en Cali (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-07-26
- La selección mexicana de jiu-jitsu se declara lista para los Juegos Mundiales de 2013 (created by PetrohsW) 2013-07-25
- Inicia el Mundial de Taekwondo 2013 en Puebla, México (created by PetrohsW) 2013-07-25
- El Festival de Cine Creative Commons Ciudad de México busca fondos para su segunda edición (created by PetrohsW) 2013-07-20
- Un Boeing 777 de Asiana Airlines se estrella en el Aeropuerto Internacional de San Francisco (created by MadriCR) 2013-07-16
- Una caída generalizada de Facebook afecta millones de personas (created by MadriCR) 2013-06-25
- Una fiscalía de Costa Rica abre una investigación contra el ex presidente de Perú Alejandro Toledo (created by MadriCR) 2013-06-18
- Una fiscalía costarricense congela una cuenta bancaria del expresidente peruano Alejandro Toledo (created by MadriCR) 2013-06-18
- Russian
- See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Скончался архитектор Иван Борисович Пуришев (created by PereslavlFoto) 2013-07-31
- День рождения Андрея Сучилина в «Китайском лётчике Джао Да» (фоторепортаж) (created by Krassotkin) 2013-07-30
- Дмитрий Зворыкин: «Мы можем себе очень сильно помочь, выбрав Навального в мэры» (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-07-30
- Граждане России голосуют «За свободный интернет» (created by Krassotkin) 2013-07-29
- Григорий Степанов: «Я созрел голосовать за Навального ещё год или два назад» (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-07-26
- В русском Викигиде 2000 статей! (created by Brateevsky) 2013-07-26
- Выставка «Гений да Винчи» (фоторепортаж) (created by Krassotkin) 2013-07-05
- Канберра: день открытых дверей на плотине Коттер (created by Gryllida) 2013-06-26
- Восстановлен Памятный крест на Александровой горе (created by PereslavlFoto) 2013-06-24
- Переславский музей отменил дискриминацию иностранцев (created by Переславский музей-заповедник) 2013-06-23
- Рок-фестиваль «Остров» 2013 завершился. Ждём «Остров» 2014 (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich) 2013-06-17
- Башкирская Википедия посетила чемпионат мира по международным шашкам (created by Рөстәм Нурыев) 2013-06-17
- Рок-остров на Северной Двине (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich) 2013-06-15
- Ютуб-рекорды свердловского интернет-телевидения (created by Ssr) 2013-06-10
- 250 тысяч за написание статей в Википедии: Галерея Славы Юга России и Востока Украины (created by Krassotkin) 2013-06-04
- Состоялся первый конкурс «Краса Северодвинска» (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich) 2013-06-02
- Слуги народа продолжают издеваться над хозяевами (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich) (Not yet published)
- French
- See also: Reportage original, Article publié. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Grasse : concert I Muvrini (created by Copyleft) 2013-07-29
- Cyclisme : le trinidadien Emile Abraham remporte le Tour de Québec (created by Letartean) 2013-07-29
- Première journée du Forum mondial de la langue française (created by Design2012) 2013-07-23
- La Patrouille de France fête ses 60 ans d'existence au Bourget, en compagnie de l'Airbus A350 (created by Gfsas) 2013-06-21
- France : 11e édition de Planete PME (created by Copyleft) 2013-06-19
- Le cinquantième SIAE a ouvert ses portes au Bourget (created by Gfsas) 2013-06-18
- France : 8ème Global Conference à l'Unesco (created by Copyleft) 2013-06-10
- France : le CNRS organise une journée sur Wikipédia (created by Copyleft) 2013-06-07
- Besançon : conférence sur le climat en présence de Claude Lorius (created by Juraastro) 2013-06-04
- Québec : tout n'est pas que rose au Forum mondial de la langue française (created by Design2012) 2012-12-14
- Italian
- See also: Notizia originale, Pubblicati. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Viaggio umanitario del CIS in Senegal e Mali (created by 2013-06-04
- Milano: apre oggi il forum internazionale "Economia e società aperta" (created by Tooby) 2013-06-03
- Esperanto
- See also: Originalaj raportaĵoj, Publikigitaj artikoloj. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Finiĝas la dua tago de konkurado de Fluganta Telero ĉe la Mondaj Ludoj de 2013 (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-07-30
- Komenciĝas la 9-aj Mondaj Ludoj en Kalio, Kolombio (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-07-26
- Polish
- See also: Materiały autorskie. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Protesty ws. uboju rytualnego (created by Plogi) 2013-07-11
- Solidarna Polska o rządach komisarza w Oświęcimiu, który przegrał wybory (created by Plogi) 2013-07-11
- Jose Barroso po spotkaniu z Donaldem Tuskiem (created by Plogi) 2013-07-11
- PiS złoży projekt ustawy o ustanowieniu Krzyża Wschodniego (created by Plogi) 2013-07-11
- Niemcy: Nowe władze Związku Polaków w Niemczech zarejestrowane (created by Macia11) 2013-07-02
- Festiwal Ursynalia 2013 w Warszawie - fotoreportaż (created by Spens03) 2013-06-25
- Ogólnopolski Festiwal Projektów 2013 (created by Azymut) 2013-06-23
- Chór Les Petits Chanteurs de Passy w Polsce (created by Paterm) 2013-06-22
- W Kielcach rozpoczęły się targi SACROEXPO 2013 (created by Gagorski) 2013-06-17
- Noc Kupały 2013 w Polsce (created by Reguly) 2013-06-14
- English
- See also: Original reporting, Published. The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.
- Noosa get bonus point win against Nambour in round 18 of Sunshine Coast Rugby Union (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-07-30
- Ninth World Games open in Santiago de Cali, Colombia (created by User:) 2013-07-26
- Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-07-25
- Nineteenth Maccabiah Games open in Jerusalem (created by Maor X) 2013-07-21
- Noosa defeat Caloundra in Sunshine Coast Rugby Union round seventeen (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-07-21
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete David Casinos (created by LauraHale) 2013-07-19
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Elena Congost Mohedano (created by LauraHale) 2013-07-18
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Alberto Suárez Laso (created by LauraHale) 2013-07-17
- House of Lords approve same-sex marriage bill at third reading (created by Tom Morris) 2013-07-16
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic track and field athlete Gustavo Nieves Campello (created by LauraHale) 2013-07-16
- Moldovan premier invites Romanian counterpart to pipeline start (created by Calusarul) 2013-07-12
- Cricket: Northamptonshire defeat Warwickshire by 27 runs in Twenty20 match (created by Computron) 2013-07-08
- San Fermín de los Navarros church in Madrid celebrates patron day (created by LauraHale) 2013-07-06
- Wikinews interviews a Restore the Fourth organizer (created by KuduIO) 2013-07-03
- Pride in London 2013: in pictures (created by Tom Morris) 2013-07-01
- Canberrans flood Cotter Dam on open day (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-06-26
- Toowoomba, Brisbane City take out Roller Derby wins on Australia's Sunshine Coast (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-06-24
- Questions raised over Mosquito device ahead of New South Wales trial (created by Gem224) 2013-06-23
- Sunshine Coast Rugby Union, round twelve: Maroochydore defeat University at University (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-06-17
- Gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo comments on North Colorado proposal (created by William S. Saturn) 2013-06-15
- Australian Paralympians cycling around Fiji for people with disabilities (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-06-12
- Wikinews interviews biologist Chris Simon about periodical cicadas (created by Gryllida) 2013-06-12
- Man dies in North Uist, Outer Hebrides after being hit by car (created by Rayboy8) 2013-06-10
Ainsi va Wikipédia
[edit]They are many way to denounce problematics contributors without using this kind of picture ! And as you said "ce blog-notes est maintenant suffisamment connu et nombre de contributeurs sont abonnés aux flux RSS pour n'avoir plus besoin de la publicité de Planet Wikipédia." So I don't understand why you are so preoccupied by your reintroduction.
But, I agree this blog has some good publications but others are unfortunately inapropriate and very offensive to a lot of contributors on Wikipedia.
Best regards--Mattho69 (talk) 13:39, 26 August 2013 (UTC)
- Bonjour Mattho69
- Tu t'es juste trompé de page de discussion. Je te réponds donc ici.
- J'aimerais que tu m'expliques le problème.
- La photo donnée en lien est une saisie d'écran d'une émission publique, j'ai fait un mail à France 2 pour avoir l'autorisation de publication. Ce n'est pas moi qui est choisi de me montrer à 2,9 millions de téléspectateurs, c'est bien Jean-Jacques Georges. Ce n'est pas moi qui ait prononcé les phrases que j'ai strictement rapportées, c'est bien Jean-Jacques Georges.
- C'est donc me faire un mauvais procès en m'accusant de diffamation. Je rappelle que c'est me diffamer que de m'alléguer des faits que je n'ai pas commis.
- Pour le reste, mon blog-notes rempli les conditions d'agrégation à Wikimedia Planet, il n'y a donc aucune raison de vouloir m'en exclure sinon qu'un règlement de compte de SM qui en a discuter sur Twitter avec Pierrot le chroniqueur. Je demande simplement que l'on lise ce que j'écris et non de faire des extraits de texte sortis de leurs contextes.
- Maintenant je te laisse ta liberté de penser, comme j'ai ma liberté d'écriture et si mon blog-notes ne te convient pas, surtout ne le lit pas, rien ne t'y oblige. Je te rappellerais cette remarque de Coluche pleine de bon sens : "Si les gens n'aiment pas la télévision, ils n'ont qu'à appuyer sur le bouton stop."
- Cordialement -- • Hamelin [ de Guettelet ] • 18:47, 26 August 2013 (UTC)
Tout d'abord je précise que je n'ai jamais parlé de diffamation, pour la photo j'y vois une volonté de nuisance à l'égard de la personne concernée étant donné que cette capture présente défavorablement JJG et qu'en regardant attentivement le reportage d'Envoyé spécial il faut quasiment étudier seconde après seconde pour en extraire cette image précisément. Donc je doute qu'elle ait été prise au hasard. En ce qui concerne les phrases et propos tenus ils sont exacts et je ne les ai jamais remis en question.
Je déplore également un certain type d'acharnement sur quelques contributeurs dans tes précédents billets qui semblait devenir en quelque sorte ton fond de commerce - ce qui, je te l'accorde, me semble avoir fortement diminué dans tes derniers billets.
Comme tu le sais j'ai voté contre le maintien de ton blog dans fr:planet pour une raison simple, j'estime que le fait de jeter constamment de l'huile sur le feu n'arrange en rien les problèmes de Wikipédia et je trouve qu'il est également un peu facile de critiquer le comportement de certains contributeurs alors que soi-même on ne participe plus - ou revendique ne pas participer - à l'encyclopédie.
Il y a cependant, comme je l'ai déjà indiqué, sur ton blog un bon nombre de billets explicatifs et éclairants sur le fonctionnement de l'encyclopédie et c'est pour cette raison que je le lis encore. Mais à côté de cela se trouvent d'autres billets que je trouve pour ma part caricaturaux.
Je prends un exemple ce billet où deux points me paraissent caricaturaux et blessants pour les personnes qui sont visées.
- Tu le sais très bien la majorité des PàS créées font suite à la pose d'un bandeau d'admissibilité, c'est-à-dire que l'admissibilité de l'article n'est pas triviale et celui qui le pose estime que l'article nécessite une attention particulière car il ne rentre pas forcément dans les critères ou que la notoriété du sujet n'est pas acquise, il est donc normal que sur le total des conclusions de PàS il y ait plus de suppressions que de conservations puisque ces articles ont déjà été sélectionnés comme étant à la limite de l'admissible.
- Tu jettes en pâture notamment 3 contributeurs, prenons l'exemple de Chris a liege dont tu qualifies de recordman toutes catégories des interventions sur les PàS, là encore il serait bon de rappeler que Chris a liege ne part pas à la pêche pour créer au hasard des PàS, il vide les catégories de maintenance qui sont justement remplies par d'autres contributeurs qui ont eux apposer le bandeau d'admissibilité.
Alors sans doute tu me diras oui mais c'est mon POV, je suis d'accord, en revanche là où cela devient problématique c'est quand un contributeur reprend tes billets sur le bistro en les présentant comme la vérité absolue, sans doute manque-t-il un peu d'esprit critique, mais cette manière de jeter en pâture quelques contributeurs me dérange notamment quand je vois que d'autres ont au contraire ta bénédiction quand bien même ils présentent un esprit collaboratif faible voire nul.
Ce n'est pas tant le fait que tu dénonce certains agissements qui me dérange mais la vigueur avec laquelle tu fabriques tes billets tourne un peu à la méchanceté gratuite et à une exagération qui n'a pas lieu d'être.
Pour la clôture du vote sur ton rétablissement ou non dans le fr:planet, j'ai un autre problème, mais qui ne t'ai pas dû, les arguments et en particulier l'argumentation de Dereckson sur gerrit:80760 est ahurissante.
Une dernière chose, j'ai révoqué mon transfert de message car il était effectué sous IP et non car je ne le jugeais pas pertinent.
Cordialement, --Mattho69 (talk) 20:33, 26 August 2013 (UTC)
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter - Edition 3, September 1, 2013
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter |
Key resources
- The Wikinewsie Group News
- Edition 3, September 1, 2013
- Education and Research
- On English Wikinews, there is work to make some educational videos to assist users in understanding how the review process works, and how to write an article using screencast. Videos created so far include: A review of an English Wikinews article to let people see how that looks. , A walk through of an article being written for English Wikinews to let people see how one person writes an article., A walk through of creating an article on English Wikinews with a Doctor Who related news story as an example.
- A few of the provisional board members had intense discussions about the preferred research practices to inform key decision making in regards to developing the most effective programming with the goals of 1) working with educators to instill core journalistic values, 2) engage in quality original reporting that can be shared across projects, and 3) improve the diversity and quantity of the current contributor base to Wikinews projects. The ideal research often depends on context, but that in doing on project related work, action research is probably the ideal as it is an outcome improvement driven approach.
- In further regards to research methodologies, three of the provisional board members read The art, science and mystery of nonprofit news assessment by the Investigative Reporting Workshop. This document discusses some of the challenges non-profit related journalism sites have in assessment as it pertains to their own reporting. A discussion was also held regarding the issue of information anonymization when it comes to any research being conducted by The Wikinewsie Group using on Wikinews publicly accessible information, content and data. Sources looked at and discussed included Researching the public web and Forum Guide to Data Ethics. There is a feeling by some of the provisional board members that the WMF, through the Grants programs and the Program Evaluation and Design group need to provide greater guidance regarding what sort of information collection and analysis is expected, what privacy guidelines will be expected, what will be publicly expected, what will be privately expected, if these match and how to handle any discrepancy between these guidelines. At the same time, documentation for the WMF as it pertains to outcomes needs to be clear as to the audience and objectives in conducting the research. These issues become vitally important as increasing contributor output research differs from research focused on providing an environment to encourage best practices for journalists, with a goal of bringing more educators to the project to assist in accomplishing this goal.
- Brian Keegan talked about newswork on Wikipedia from a Wikipedia perspective (that ignores definitions of news) and failed to acknowledge the importance of original reporting and citizen driven journalism in his negative critique of Wikinews. At the same time, he failed to acknowledge the lack of investment by the Wikimedia Foundation in supporting Wikinews and other sister projects in strategically growing and supporting the Foundation's mission.
- Technology
- Given the issues with spying on government listening to communications, Scoop will be 'deprecated', and the recipients list trimmed back progressively have the membership list culled to make sure only reviewers and accredited reports have access to reporter notes for story verification. A new mailbox will be set up for incoming material that needs the attention of reviewers. [1]
- On English Wikinews, a draft has been started at Wikinews:Visual Editor to let the Visual Editor team know some of the issues involved in working on bringing VE live to the project. This is vitally important to be done right and that VE works with the only main entrance point to writing new articles, because if done without considering the gateway, it would create massive technical problems that would like make it impossible for article review for publication to be completed.
- On English Wikinews, efforts are underway to see about using DPL to sort images by date and to better highlight featured articles that appear in a category by calling them out seperately. This is likely to be a long term, wikignome type activity. [2]
- A bug was fixed in wmtran, the translation helper tool, to correct URLs of preview wiki-links. Relevant contact information is now also available at the tool page header.
- Reporting
- On English Wikinews, there has been a substantial amount of original reporting done in the past 18 months that involved the uploading both local multimedia and multimedia to Commons. An effort is underway to categorize these images locally better highlight the original reporting of the multimedia including type. It will also provide easier access for reporters to file photos for re-use in other articles. The major category work was done on 2012 Summer Paralympics.
- Following Jimmy Wales's speech at Wikimania, The Wikinewsie Group reached out to him via e-mail to see how we could work with to accomplish his stated aims in the context of our proposed organization. There are a number of shared goals, including making it possible for Wikinews contributors to do original reporting full time on the project. Susequently, he has been engaging in dialog with several English Wikinews reporters on his Wikinews talk page.
- A survey has been created to better understand the existing original reporting costs associated with current Wikinews production. Reporters across all languages who have contributed to original reporting on any language Wikinews project reported on in our newsletter have been pinged on their talk pages asking them to complete the survey. Three different language projects have been notified of the survey on Facebook. The survey has also been linked to on Twitter. The goal of the survey is to be able to understand the value of original reporting, where money is currently being spent and by whom, and to have data that will better enable The Wikinewsie Group and project volunteer reporters to apply for grants related to conducting more original reporting. Survey results are currently being processed with a plan of having some research published for reference in the next newsletter.
- Opinion pieces
For our next newsletter, we are encouraging Wikinewsies to define news and how Wikinews provides it.
- Original reporting
The following is a list of all original reporting done on Wikinews projects from August 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013. Includes a new language edition, Serbian Wikinews.
- Ukrainian
- See also: Авторський репортаж. The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.
- Першого вересня в Україні стартує найбільший світовий фотоконкурс! (created by Olena Zakharian) 2013-08-30
- Spanish
- See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- El Gobierno de Egipto autoriza el uso de municiones letales contra los manifestantes (created by MadriCR) 2013-08-26
- Deportivo Cali empata ante Boyacá Chicó en la segunda fecha de la Liga Postobón 2013-II (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-08-16
- Russian
- See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Анастасия Зотова: «Сейчас основной рычаг политической борьбы — мотивация людей, чтобы они активнее участвовали в выборах» (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-08-30
- Фестиваль Leo Records в Москве (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-08-17
- Митинг в защиту трудовых мигрантов: Нелегальных людей не бывает! (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-08-14
- Переславский музей подводит итоги полугодия (created by Переславский музей-заповедник) 2013-08-13
- Чемпионат мира по лёгкой атлетике в Москве (фоторепортаж) (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-08-12
- Петиция за отмену «антипиратского» закона набрала 100 тысяч голосов. Артём Козлюк: это лишь начало пути, придающее силы (created by Krassotkin) 2013-08-11
- Выборы губернатора Калифорнии 2014: интервью с кандидатом Синди Шихан (created by Gryllida) 2013-08-10
- Программист Александр: «Голосуйте за кого угодно, только не за Собянина» (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-08-09
- Кульминация романовских торжеств — 70-тысячное собрание в Екатеринбурге (created by Ssr) 2013-08-07
- Викимедиа РУ за свободное распространение знаний (created by Krassotkin) 2013-08-02
- Скорая помощь сгорела дотла (created by Schekinov Alexey Victorovich) 2013-08-02
- French
- See also: Reportage original, Article publié. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- France : seconde étape du Tour de l'Avenir, Alexis Gougeard toujours maillot jaune (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-08-27
- France : Romain Bardet remporte le 25e Tour de l'Ain (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-08-13
- France : Luis León Sánchez (Belkin) remporte la troisième étape du Tour de l'Ain à Lélex (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-08-12
- France : Fabio Felline prend le maillot jaune à l'issue de la seconde étape du Tour de l'Ain (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-08-11
- The following French original reporting news were also categorised this month:
- Tour de France : Lyon retrouve le Tour 10 ans après (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-07-13
- Caisse à savon : Miribel accueille le trentième championnat de France (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-06-30
- Neyron : le Parcours de la Mémoire s'arrête à la stèle rendant hommage à Victor Basch (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-06-25
- Critérium du Dauphiné 2013 : 4ème étape (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-06-05
- Hockey sur gazon : le club de Saint-Germain-en-Laye sacré champion de France masculin 2013 à Caluire-et-Cuire (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-06-02
- Serbian
- See also: Изворни извештај, Објављено. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Арапско пролеће, две и по године после (created by Laslovarga) 2013-08-24
- Vikimanija 2013. u Hong Kongu (created by BraneJ) 2013-08-18
- Wiki Loves Monuments - Serbia 2013. (created by Laslovarga) 2013-08-03
- The following Serbian original reporting news were also categorised this month:
- 15 милиона слободних медијских фајлова на Викимедијиној остави (created by Laslovarga) 2012-12-20
- Нови простор, стара идеја: Викимедија Србије отворила библиотеку (created by Julija Vojinovic) 2012-12-05
- Проглашене победничке фотографије Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 у Србији (created by Laslovarga) 2012-11-23
- Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 у Србији (created by Laslovarga) 2012-11-10
- Wiki Loves Monuments 2012, foto-konkurs na globalnom nivou (created by Laslovarga) 2012-08-25
- Сарадња Викимедије Србије и Музеја ваздухопловства - Београд (created by Laslovarga) 2012-08-24
- Почиње ГЛАМурама (created by Laslovarga) 2012-02-23
- Отворени вики пројекат ГЛАМ Србије (created by Laslovarga) 2012-01-04
- Викимедија Србије организује 4. Регионалну конференцију (created by MikyM) 2010-06-04
- Оснивачка скупштина Викимедије Србије и Црне Горе (created by Kaster) (Not yet published)
- Vikimedija u Petnici (created by Sanja pavlovic) (Not yet published)
- Italian
- See also: Notizia originale, Pubblicati. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Viaggio umanitario del CIS in Guinea (created by 2013-08-26
- Esperanto
- See also: Originalaj raportaĵoj, Publikigitaj artikoloj. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Finiĝas la 9-aj Mondaj Ludoj en Kalio, Kolombio (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-08-05
- Catalan
- See also: Reportatges originals, Notícies publicades. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- El Madrid guanya 2-1 al Real Betis a la primera jornada de la Lliga (created by Joan301009) 2013-08-18
- El Barça guanya 7-0 al Levante UD a la primera jornada de la Lliga (created by Joan301009) 2013-08-18
- El PCE i la UJCE de Madrid commemoren l'afusellament de les Tretze Roses (created by Joan301009) 2013-08-05
- El Barça guanya 8-0 contra el Santos al Trofeu Joan Gamper (created by Joan301009) 2013-08-02
- Polish
- See also: Materiały autorskie. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Gamescom 2013: Szef CD Projekt RED, Adam Badowski, rozmawia o nowej grze studia, Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon (created by Holek) 2013-08-28
- John Godson odchodzi z PO (created by Plogi) 2013-08-27
- PJN chce zwiększenia dopuszczalnych prędkości na drogach (created by Plogi) 2013-08-27
- Krzysztof Kwiatkowski - nowy szef Najwyższej Izby Kontroli - złożył przysięgę (created by Plogi) 2013-08-27
- Demonstracja służb mundurowych przed Sejmem (created by Plogi) 2013-08-27
- 17. Targi Książki w Krakowie (created by Basia sikora) 2013-08-21
- English
- See also: Original reporting, Published. The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.
- Maroochydore to play Noosa in 2013 Sunshine Coast Rugby Union Grand Final (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-08-24
- Noosa through to 2013 Sunshine Coast Rugby Union Grand Final (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-08-18
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic swimmer Deborah Font (created by LauraHale) 2013-08-15
- Uni defeat Nambor as 2013 Sunshine Coast Rugby Union season ends (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-08-11
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic swimmer Marta Gómez (created by LauraHale) 2013-08-11
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic swimmer María Delgado (created by LauraHale) 2013-08-10
- Wikinews interviews peace activist Cindy Sheehan, 2014 California gubernatorial candidate (created by William S. Saturn) 2013-08-08
- Sunshine Coast Rugby Union round 19: Fraser Coast score three tries in twenty minutes in loss to University (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-08-03
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic swimmer Omar Font (created by LauraHale) (Not yet published)
- Wikinews interviews physicists on finding Atlantic vortices similar to black holes (created by Blood Red Sandman) (Not yet published)
- Texas man arrested twice on same night (created by Bddpaux) (Not yet published)
- Wikinews interviews Spanish Paralympic swimmer Michelle Alonso (created by LauraHale) (Not yet published)
- German
- See also: Wikinews:Originalbericht, Veröffentlicht. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Kundgebung von „Bürgerbewegung pro Deutschland“ in Göttingen (created by Égalité1789) 2013-08-28
- Landesverband Sachsen der Piratenpartei Deutschland feiert seinen 5. Geburtstag (created by Conny) 2013-08-09
- Kleine und große Fehler im Journalismus (created by Itu) 2013-08-06
The Wikinewsie Group News : Edition 4, October 1, 2013
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter |
Key resources
- The Wikinewsie Group News
- Edition 4, October 1, 2013
- Aff-Comm
- Wikimedia Foundation
- There has been some talk[5] about reviving the Sister Projects Committee. Wikinewsies are encouraged to become involved.
- Research
- Wikinews original reporting value as a measure of news events was published. This is the first in a series of research pieces looking at the cost of original reporting done by Wikinews journalists.
- The second piece of research about Wikinews reporting was published, Itemizing the cost of Wikinews reporting. It was not published on the research namespace on meta because it has little application for chapters and thematic organizations as a whole, except possibly in trying to determine how to evaluate budgets submitted by Wikinews reporters for the purposes of grant making.
- Education
- On English Wikinews, supporters of The Wikinewsie Group requested the installation of the Education Program extension. This will facilitate having university courses participate on the project and make it easier for TWG to work with other groups like the Wiki Education Foundation.[6][7] The extension was installed and as an example and way to engage new contributors,a course for new reporters was created. Feedback on the course or anyone interested in running a high school or university course on Wikinews is encouraged to get in touch with The Wikinewsie Group.
- Original reporting
- Media accreditation has been attained for the 2014 Winter Paralympics. Planning is underway to insure the success of the original reporting event[8] and build on the success of the 2012 Summer Paralympics.[9] Success at the 2014 Winter Paralympics will go a long way towards helping The Wikinewsie Group secure accreditation for the 2016 Summer Olympics. If any individuals, chapters or thematic organizations are interested in assisting us with this and integrating it into existing outreach efforts to people with disabilities, please get in touch Laura Hale.
- Outreach
- A discussion took place on IRC about how Wikinews's definitions of journalism are very much tied into the workflow for Wikinews. [10] Thus, for many Wikinewsies, it is difficult to discuss the concept of what journalism is in a project context without it being seen as a fundamental discussion on project workflow. When people come in from the outside and offer advice, they are often seen as fundamentally criticizing the project's workflow without having any conceptualization they are doing that while fundamentally acting in good faith. In working with outsiders who are offering assistance, there needs to be a better method of articulating that the two, definition or journalism and Wikinews workflow, are one and the same. This could theoretically assist in less hostility, and enabling greater shared understanding that will allow participants to talk with each other instead of past each other.
- Wikimetrics may be useful for assisting people in measuring education program impact, GLAM related programming and other outreach endeavors. For projects with flagged revisions or where articles are deleted/userified if they do not get published, the only really useable current available metric is pages created. Any analysis using this tool should wait until all content has been delete/userified because of too many false positives that suggest content was published when it was not. Additional information can be found at Programs:Resources.
- Several language Wikinews projects which tweet out links other than to their news archives have started tagging their articles with the local language word for Wikinews. This makes it easier to find their reporting content, and for others to retweet their content. The Wikinewsie Group Twitter account made this request to better promote the work being done by local projects.
- Technical
- e-mail is being cleaned up. All e-mail boxes which are 100% full have been deleted. Users who have set their accounts to forward to "untrustworthy" sites have been cautioned against doing so or those rules have been modified and reset with random values by the server administrator for them. People are reminded they should not be forwarding their e-mails to Google or Yahoo accounts. A strong possibility exists that this implementation may have been overly zealous so if a user is experiencing difficulties, please get in touch.[11]
- Three potential technical projects for Wikinews were listed on the possible projects for mentorship programs on Mediawiki. They include a request for a mobile reporting tool, a mobile Wikinews application, and a machine assisted translation tool. [12]
- Server upgrades and fixes continue for the Wikinewsie server. Details available here.
- The wmtran tool has a new interface translation, to German, thanks to Huon.
- For reporters
- Reporters are encouraged to get an orcid, which can be displayed on their userpage. (Example) This could be useful in improving chances of getting grants, getting recognition for your reporting and promoting your work.
- The Wikinewsie Group is looking for New York City based Wikimedia contributors who would be interested in getting published on Wikinews with the goal of getting media accreditation to the United Nations.[13] Please get in touch with Laura Hale or pi zero if you would like more information.
All original reporting done across Wikinews between September 1 and October 1, 2013. If this list is incomplete, please report that to Gryllida. Thank you to all Wikinews reporters and translators who have done original reporting. Please continue your good work.
- Ukrainian
- See also: Авторський репортаж. The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.
- Український Тиждень Мистецтв сезону «Осінь 2013» (created by Antanana) 2013-09-08
- Конкурс Вікімедіа виявляє нові пам'ятки вірменської культури (created by Olena Zakharian) 2013-09-08
- Гравці «Артур М'юзік» — чемпіони України з пляжного футболу (created by Fed4ev) 2013-09-01
- Spanish
- See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Las tres ciudades candidatas a los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020 realizan su presentación al COI (created by Edslov) 2013-09-20
- Tokio gana la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos 2020 (created by MadriCR) 2013-09-20
- Andrés Manuel López Obrador llama a una movilización contra la reforma energética (created by ProtoplasmaKid) 2013-09-20
- Russian
- See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Интервью о поддержке Асада Китаем, Ираном и Россией (created by Kalan) 2013-09-29
- В польской Википедии миллион статей (created by Brateevsky) 2013-09-25
- Круглый стол по итогам выборов прошёл в Переславле (created by Виталий Пашков) 2013-09-23
- Сергей Митрохин: «Википедия — прекрасный ресурс» (created by Dmitry Rozhkov) 2013-09-06
- French
- See also: Reportage original, Article publié. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Médecine naturelle : interview du Docteur Jean-Pierre Willem (created by Copyleft) 2013-09-23
- Belgique : avant-projet de loi sur l'agrémentation des entreprises de sécurité (created by Dereckson) 2013-09-16
- Beynost : la maison Delorme ouverte au public pour la première fois (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-09-15
- Serbian
- See also: Изворни извештај, Објављено. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Канадска позоришна турнеја две Љиљане (created by Laslovarga) 2013-09-22
- Слободне жене балканске (created by Laslovarga) 2013-09-08
- 八月份中文维基百科浏览量增三分之一,历史性突破5亿 (created by Aoke1989) 2013-09-09
- Polish
- See also: Materiały autorskie. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Wystawa fotografii Wiki Lubi Zabytki we Wrześni (created by Azymut) 2013-09-26
- XVII Warszawski Festiwal Nauki: dzień drugi (created by Marek Mazurkiewicz) 2013-09-21
- Warszawskie Otwarte Wikispotkania (created by CLI) 2013-09-19
- Dożynki 2013 w Polsce (created by Reguly) 2013-09-17
- Gamescom 2013: Fotoreportaż (created by Holek) 2013-09-08
- English
- See also: Original reporting, Published. The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.
- Diego Costa scores Atlético Madrid's winning goal against Real Madrid (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-29
- Atlético de Madrid defeats Real Madrid 1-0 in 2013 derby (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-29
- Finnish female politicians highlighted by World Bank's 2012 gender report (created by Blood Red Sandman) 2013-09-29
- Fiji makes progress on gender roles according to 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-27
- 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development says US women have room for progress (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-27
- 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development credits Icelandic parental policy with 'hopeful' changes (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-26
- For Jamaica, 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development focuses on men (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-26
- 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development suggests Australian women are doing okay (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-26
- 2012 Report on Gender Equality and Development looks at women's issues in India (created by LauraHale) 2013-09-25
- 98th annual East Texas State Fair opens in Tyler, Texas (created by Bddpaux) 2013-09-23
- Wikinews interviews specialists on China, Iran, Russia support for al-Assad (created by Computron) 2013-09-23
- United States wins Wheelchair Rugby Tri-Nations Series in Sydney (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-09-20
- Wheelchair Rugby Tri-Nations Series begins in Sydney (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-09-20
- Australian solar racing team parades at Sydney campus send-off (created by Wikiwide) 2013-09-20
- Wikinews interviews Dr. Michael Mazilu on creating world's fastest spinning manmade object (created by Blood Red Sandman) 2013-09-13
- Haunted attractions in Texas prepare for 2013 Halloween season (created by Bddpaux) 2013-09-12
- Western Stars win Women's National Wheelchair Basketball League championship in a thriller (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-09-10
- Wikinews interviews Scott Lucas, Eyal Zisser, Majid Rafizadeh about risks of US military intervention in Syria (created by Computron) 2013-09-08
- Wikinews interviews Dr. Robert Kelly and Dr. Jim Gill regarding joint scientific venture in North Korea (created by Computron) 2013-09-08
- Coastal Assassins get wins at roller derby event on Australia's Sunshine Coast (created by RockerballAustralia) 2013-09-08
- Dungog, Australia residents celebrate continued protection of local forest (created by 2013-09-05
- Wikinews interviews Dr Thomas Scotto and Dr Steve Hewitt about potential US military intervention in Syria (created by Computron) 2013-09-04
The Wikinewsie Group News - Edition 5, November 8, 2013
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter |
Key resources
- The Wikinewsie Group News
- Edition 5, November 8, 2013
- Project news
- The Wikinewsie Group/Local Wikinews policies is the start of a guide that explains local Wikinews project policies with the goal of making it easier to recognise credentials across project, build on accumulated reputation from one project to another and facilitate translation work.
- Historical Czech Wikinews experiment is a blog entry by Okino that looks at the community impact of allowing writers to write Wikinews articles from a past perspective, IE writing a story about a historical battle as if you were a journalist writing that article the day after it happened. The purpose was to attempt to make Wikinews more collaborative in nature and avoid the time constraints of the immediacy of news reporting. Okino shows that while the reaction to the idea was positive, the true interest in writing the articles of this type was small as the vast majority of them were written by him.
- A conversation is taking place on Wikinoticias about allowing CC-BY-NC images to be locally uploaded.[14]
- A conversation is taking place on English Wikinews with a WMF staff member about the future of search and potential special search features for Wikinews projects.[15]
- Training materials
- A one page guide and a screencast were created that explain how to avoid plagiarism on Wikinews. Available data suggests this is somewhat of an issue for new and student reporters on English Wikinews, with roughly 10 to 20% of all submitted articles having some sort of copyright issue.
- Training materials were created to better support new reporters wanting to produce photo essays. They can be found at Photo Essays for Wikinews, Photojournalist worksheet, and Wikinews Photo Essay Formatting. Assistance is requested in translating these to other languages and localizing them to local project requirements. This would be very helpful ahead of the Sochi Paralympic Games, where there are expected to be a number of photo essays produced.
- Given the difficulty of new reporters being unable to get their first article published on Wikinews, a video was created to encourage these writers to stick with it. It can be found at The first time writing for Wikinews good.ogv. It is somewhat tongue in cheek, and tries to address the emotional implications of a not ready review. The problem of getting new reporters who are unsuccessful at getting their article published has been identified as a major area for work. It has a large impact on reporter retention.
- Of interest for journalists
- Copyright's Role in a Free Press is an article by Terry Hart of the copyright alliance on the issue of funding important investigative journalism.
- Education

- Provisional Chairperson LauraHale is made a presentation at the EduWiki Conference 2013 in Cardiff, Wales about educational efforts on English Wikinews. Findings she included that changes in reviewing practices between semester 1 and semester 2 for one university course saw similar improvements for new reporters. What is good for students is good for the whole community.
- With the Education Extension[16] installed successfully on English Wikinews, a portal was started at WN:EDU[17] to encourage and provide training for educators to use Wikinews in their coursework. This is something The Wikinewsie Group is hoping to expand upon in the future, and plans to try to get translated into other languages. Plans are also underway to create a student portal to provide training for students. Many things to Sage Ross for his assistance in setting up the educator portal.

- The major GLAM work being done by a Wikinewsie at the moment is a Wikimedian in Residency with the Comité Paralímpico Español. A report was created this month for CPE based on interviews done in August. It can be found here.
- Paralympic work being done with the US Olympic Committee is progressing.
- Original reporting - summary
Between May 1 and October 31, when The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter first began tracking original reporting taking place across all projects, 227 stories have been published by 78 reporters 14 different language Wikinews projects. The projects with the greatest number of reporters engaged in original reporting were English with 15, Russian with 14, Polish with 13 and French with 10. Beyond these, original there were one or more journalists engaging in original reporting on Catalan, Chinese, Esperanto, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish and Ukrainian. The peak month for reporting across all projects was May with 52 articles. It was followed by June with 49, August with 44, September with 43 and July with 39.

In the past four months, Spanish, Polish, French, Ukrainian, Russian and English have all produced over 20 total pieces of original reporting, with Russian Wikinews publishing 41 stories and English Wikinews publishing 60 stories.
LauraHale, RockerballAustralia, Antanana, Agamitsudo, Dmitry Rozhkov, Plogi, Krassotkin, Schekinov Alexey Victorovich, and MadriCR have each produced 5 or more pieces of original reporting in the past four months. Another group of users, Joan301009, Bddpaux, Computron, Laslovarga, Fed4ev and Yakudza, have produced four articles each.
For September, only three pieces of 43 original reports produced were translated from one language to another. They were Wikinews interviews specialists on China, Iran, Russia support for al-Assad, Wikinews interviews Dr Thomas Scotto and Dr Steve Hewitt about potential US military intervention in Syria, Atlético de Madrid defeats Real Madrid 1-0 in 2013 derby and Tokio gana la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos 2020. Original reporting is a major strength of Wikinews. It is one we should be playing to. The Wikinewsie Group would like to encourage everyone to assist translating Wikinews work into another language, or finding a local reporter to assist with translating a work from where it was originally published into that language. This will benefit all languages, promote more cooperation between projects, and expand news reach for our reporting which we can leverage to provide more opportunities for reporters.
- Original reporting output
- Ukrainian
- See also: Авторський репортаж. The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.
- Легенди «Титаніка» в Україні (created by OlgaKolomoets) 2013-10-21
- «Сокіл» Бортнянського в Дитячій академії мистецтв (created by A1) 2013-10-15
- Spanish
- See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Deportivo Cali venció a La Equidad y se clasificó anticipadamente a los cuadrangulares finales (created by Remux) 2013-10-27
- Presidenta de Costa Rica queda "atrapada" en aeropuerto panameño por falla de Copa Airlines (created by MadriCR) 2013-10-20
- Senado de Estados Unidos aprueba proyecto para reabrir el gobierno federal y elevar techo de la deuda (created by MadriCR) 2013-10-17
- Terremoto de 7,1 grados sacude Filipinas y deja cuantiosos daños materiales (created by MadriCR) 2013-10-15
- Hackean el sitio de Google Costa Rica (created by MadriCR) 2013-10-14
- Un inusual sismo de 4,5 se registra en la costa este de Estados Unidos (created by MadriCR) 2013-10-08
- Candidato presidencial de Costa Rica regresa a la campaña política dos días después de haber presentado su renuncia (created by MadriCR) 2013-10-05
- Russian
- See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Судьбу Ярославского музея-заповедника обсудили на Круглом столе (created by PereslavlFoto) 2013-10-28
- В проектах Викимедиа новый механизм уведомлений (created by Arbnos) 2013-10-23
- Сборная Боснии и Герцеговины впервые в истории вышла в финальную часть чемпионатов мира по футболу (created by Brateevsky) 2013-10-17
- French
- See also: Reportage original, Article publié. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Arménie : la seconde wikiconférence organisée à Erevan se termine aujourd'hui (created by Agamitsudo) 2013-10-06
- Championnat de France de rugby 2008-2009 : les résultats de la première journée (created by Grondin) 2012-12-14
- Championnat de France de rugby 2008-2009 : Perpignan remporte le bouclier de Brennus (created by Grondin) 2012-12-14
- Championnat de France de rugby 2007-2008 : Toulouse remporte son dix-septième titre (created by Grondin) 2012-12-14
- Serbian
- See also: Изворни извештај, Објављено. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Позив за нове доприносиоце на техничким пројектима Викимедије (created by Laslovarga) 2013-10-24
- ВикиПутовање има нови лого (created by Laslovarga) 2013-10-20
- Википедијин Едукативни програм се шири арапским светом (created by Laslovarga) 2013-10-20
- 维基媒体项目用户个人信息可能泄漏 (created by Aoke1989) 2013-10-05
- Polish
- See also: Materiały autorskie. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Otwarcie Nowych Ogrodów w Dobrzycy koło Koszalina - 27 września 2013 roku (created by Hortulus) 2013-10-29
- Prelekcja w Związku Esperantystów na temat Światowego Kongresu Esperanto w Reykjavíku (created by Marek Mazurkiewicz) 2013-10-16
- Prelekcja w Związku Esperantystów na temat Izraela (created by Marek Mazurkiewicz) 2013-10-08
- Międzynarodowe Targi Kolejowe TRAKO 2013 w Gdańsku (created by Travelarz) 2013-10-01
- English
- See also: Original reporting, Published. The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.
- Slow start to winter 2013/2014 flu season in USA (created by LauraHale) 2013-10-27
- Controversy brews surrounding small Texas church (created by Bddpaux) 2013-10-21
- Wikinews interviews Robert Sarvis, Libertarian Party nominee for Governor of Virginia (created by William S. Saturn) 2013-10-19
- Wikinews interviews meteorological experts on Cyclone Phalin (created by Computron) 2013-10-14
- 2013 Autumn Old and Antique Bookfair continues in Madrid (created by LauraHale) 2013-10-11
- Australia has mixed OECD rankings for literacy and numeracy amongst adults (created by LauraHale) 2013-10-11
- Spain sits near the bottom of OECD rankings on adult literacy and numeracy (created by LauraHale) 2013-10-10
- Japanese adults rank high in literacy and numeracy in OECD survey (created by LauraHale) 2013-10-09
- Wikinews interviews President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (created by Bddpaux) 2013-10-09
- CFPB records fewer complaints in early days of US government shutdown (created by LauraHale) 2013-10-08
- Wikinews interviews specialists on South Korea military parade (created by Computron) 2013-10-06
- Port Kembla, New South Wales residents keep faith in their region (created by Lbuow) (Not yet published)
- Lousiana State University's coach Les Miles laments his team's recent loss to Ole Miss (created by Bddpaux) (Not yet published)
- German
- See also: Wikinews:Originalbericht, Veröffentlicht. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Münchner Trachtenlauf 2013 (created by Usien) 2013-10-13
- Oliver Sebrantke zum dritten Mal Sieger beim Marathon in Bremen (created by House1630) 2013-10-07
- Heidi K. zu fünfeinhalb Jahren verurteilt – Innenansichten einer Gerichtsverhandlung (created by Itu) 2013-10-05
- Der Winter kommt: Deutschlands Städte bieten mehr Hilfe für Obdachlose (created by House1630) 2013-10-02
The Wikinewsie Group News : Edition 6, December 2, 2013
The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter |
Key resources
- The Wikinewsie Group News
- Edition 6, December 2, 2013
If you know anyone interested in Wikinews, journalism on Wikimedia projects or The Wikinewsie Group, please encourage them to subscribe to the newsletter by adding their name to the list.
- The Group
- Aff-comm recommended to the Wikimedia Foundation Board that The Wikinewsie Group be recognised as a thematic organization in early November.[18]
- Education
- Wikinews Education Program blog post was published on Wikimedia's official blog.
- Discussions were had on IRC and Skype about the possibility of installing the education extension on Ukrainian, Czech and Korean Wikinews. While these could be used to potentially re-invigorate the local communities and provide a cohort of new contributors, the limited contributor base at the moment makes it difficult to implement. Greater partnerships would need to be done with chapters to provide people to assist local projects in running any education initiative.
- What is news? handout was created to supplement existing training materials as this is an area where new contributors sometimes have issues on English Wikinews.
- Documenting your original sport reporting was created to supplement Wikinews Original Sport Reporting. Assistance is requested in translating these documents into Spanish and Ukrainian.
- Outreach
- LauraHale attended Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2013 in Slovakia representing The Wikinewsie Group. She had conversations with people from several chapters about the potential to do things with TWG including the Polish, Estonian, Serbian, Czech and Ukrainian chapters.
- Original reporting projects
- The paperwork was submitted at the end of the month to send five Wikinews reporters to the Sochi Paralympic Games.
- Attempts were made to secure media accreditation for the Commonwealth Games. The application was unsuccessful.
- Recent original reporting
- Ukrainian
- See also: Авторський репортаж. The wiki uses nothing for the publish process.
- Євромайдан (created by Sonja4na) 2013-11-22
- Стартувала Громадянська кампанія «Відкриваємо двері дітям» (created by Fed4ev) 2013-11-21
- Презентація книги «Людяність у нелюдяний час» (created by Fed4ev) 2013-11-20
- У Києві відбувся показ російської стрічки «Блеф, або З Новим роком!» (created by Fed4ev) 2013-11-16
- Spanish
- See also: Wikinoticias:Reportajes originales sin notas, Artículos publicados. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Selección juvenil mexicana de jiu-jitsu se prepara rumbo al mundial de Rumania (created by PYOT La web de los deportistas) 2013-11-22
- Wikinoticias entrevista al candidato presidencial costarricense José María Villalta (created by MadriCR) (Not yet published)
- Russian
- See also: Оригинальные репортажи, Опубликовано. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Национальный Суперкомпьютерный Форум открылся в Переславле-Залесском (created by PereslavlFoto) 2013-11-28
- Определились последние страны-участники Чемпионата мира по футболу 2014 (created by Brateevsky) 2013-11-23
- В Смоленске состоялась «Вики-конференция 2013» (фоторепортаж) (created by Krassotkin) 2013-11-15
- «Вики-конференция 2013» состоится в Смоленске (created by Krassotkin) 2013-11-06
- French
- See also: Reportage original, Article publié. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Les acheteurs américains attendent de longues heures avant l'ouverture des magasins lors du Black Friday (created by Bddpaux) 2013-11-29
- Italian
- See also: Notizia originale, Pubblicati. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Si fa sempre più dura la battaglia legale per la protezione del patrimonio di Varanasi (created by Rahulkepapa) 2013-11-15
- Esperanto
- See also: Originalaj raportaĵoj, Publikigitaj artikoloj. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Nova estraro de Kolombia Esperanto-Ligo elektita dum la 19-a Kolombia Kongreso de Esperanto (created by Sahaquiel9102) 2013-11-05
- Polish
- See also: Materiały autorskie. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- 21. Międzynarodowe Targi Wyposażenia Hoteli i Gastronomii HORECA 2013 w Krakowie (created by Travelarz) 2013-11-21
- Prelekcja w Związku Esperantystów poświęcona Remigiuszowi Mielcarkowi (created by Marek Mazurkiewicz) 2013-11-19
- English
- See also: Original reporting, Published. The wiki uses flagged revisions for the publish process.
Use of uninitialized value $dt2 in string at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2/ line 1780.
- Wikinews Interviews Australian wheelchair basketball player Caitlin de Wit (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-11-30
- US 'Black Friday' shoppers gather hours, even days before some stores' openings (created by Bddpaux) 2013-11-29
- Wikinews Interviews Australian wheelchair basketball player Georgia Inglis (created by Hawkeye7) 2013-11-28
- Public officials, experts discuss lessons learned during West, Texas explosion (created by Bddpaux) 2013-11-17
- Wikinews interviews academic Simon Ličen about attitudes towards US Paralympics (created by LauraHale) 2013-11-16
- ONCE defeats Getafe 86-36 in Spain's top level wheelchair basketball league (created by LauraHale) 2013-11-13
- US Congresswoman Jackie Speier comments about Obamacare, Paralympics (created by LauraHale) 2013-11-09
- Wikinews interviews Spanish shooter Paulo Fontán (created by LauraHale) 2013-11-06
- Wikinews interviews Spanish shooter Cristina Ortega (created by LauraHale) (Not yet published)
- Australian men, women win Asia-Oceania Wheelchair Basketball Championships (created by Hawkeye7) (Not yet published)
- Litigation for Varanasi Heritage intensifies (created by Rahulkepapa) (Not yet published)
- German
- See also: Wikinews:Originalbericht, Veröffentlicht. The wiki uses a category for the publish process.
- Diskussion um Zukunft des Bundeslandes Bremen (created by House1630) 2013-11-23
- China: Siebter nationaler Debattierwettbewerb für Germanistikstudierende (created by Drgkl) 2013-11-17
- China: Verschärfte Medienkontrolle (created by Drgkl) 2013-11-09
- Politische Irritationen bei den Bremer Grünen? (created by House1630) 2013-11-07
Presenting Community Engagement Insights survey report: Tuesday, October 10, 1600 UTC
[edit]Hi Mattho69,
I am reaching out to you because you signed up to receive updates about the Global Wikimedia survey.[1]
We will be hosting a public event online to present the data, a few examples on how teams will be using it for annual planning, and what are next steps for this project. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 10, at 9:00 am PST (1600 UTC), and the presentation will be in English. You can watch the livestream here, and ask question via IRC on #wikimedia-office.
If you are unable attend, you can also find the report on meta, and watch the recording of the event at a later time.
We hope to have you join us online! -- María Cruz 23:28, 2 October 2017 (UTC)