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Latest comment: 17 years ago by Maberdour in topic Update for Mediawiki 1.11.0

Thanks for the nice script. But I still have some problems with several feeds.

When I use this feed http://www.myfonts.com/rss/bestsellers.xml the special characters are messed up. Which is strange because both the RSS feed and my site are using UTF-8.

And in this feed http://www.typeoff.de/wp-rss2.php every line is stopped when a special character (like ä) appears.


By the way: Does anyone know how to make a RSS from any Wiki page, not ony RecentChanges?

Hi Ralf,

the two rss feeds you mentioned claim to be utf-8 encoded. However, this might not be true. When using charset=ISO-8859-1, more special characters are displayed but not all.

Mafs 17:08, 9 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Install for dummies


Hello Mafs

I'm very interested by the RSS extension you and others have coded but my php skills are much lower than my ambitions :-(

Unfortunately the install explanations are minimal, and I have some trouble getting the extension to work.

Here's what I've done, tell me if I'm wrong:

  • got magpierss from sourceforge and uploaded the folder in my extensions folder in mediawiki
  • made a rss.php file using your code and uploaded it to the same extensions folder
  • inserted include("extensions/rss.php"); a the end of my LocalSettings.php and uploaded the new file to the wiki.

But here's is the message i get on my wikipages after that (and of course no RSS):

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in ... wiki/extensions/rss.php on line 7

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in ... wiki/extensions/rss.php on line 38

Parse error: parse error in ... wiki/extensions/rss.php on line 39

ok, found the problem, i'm working on mac and my text editor wasn't saving in plain text as I assumed, stupid me.

It is said iconv is necessary but i have no idea how to use it in mediawiki (I'm currently running on mediawiki 1.4.7). I suspect this might be why my extension doesn't work. I looked around on the web and on meta.wikimedia, but haven't found anything helpfull.

Still haven't found what iconv is for

Could you possibly help me on this or consider writting a more detailled install process ? I'm sure a lot of people would be interested by this.


Lilious 19:41, 16 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Hi Lilious, iconv converts a string to requested character encoding for details see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.iconv.php . It should be part of your php-installation.
There are other points to consider:
  1. The script stores the fetched rss file in a cache, per default in /your_wiki_directory/cache/ . Try to create such a directory and make sure that your server has write access.
  2. If your server is placed within an intranet without direct access to the internet, then you have to specify the proxy settings in extensions/magpierss-0.71.1/extlib/Snoopy.class.inc.
Good luck Mafs 15:44, 18 September 2005 (UTC)Reply

Thank you


Great !

I finally will manage to insert last topics from the Bulletin Board in the wiki welcome page to help communities getting in touch.. s Thank you to all of you



I notice that sometimes the links produced from an rss feed are bad links (usually because their is an extra /directory/ or subdomain in the URL base). It'd be nice to be able to fix this problem by providing a URL-base option in the rss feed tags for all outgoing links produced by the rss feed. Just a suggestion. -- 19:59, 21 February 2007 (UTC)Reply

Update for Mediawiki 1.11.0


This extension causes a blank page when used in Mediawiki 1.11.0 (possibly also in 1.9 and above - I was upgrading from 1.6.3)
This is because it calls the obsolete wfStrencode function.
Around line 190, amend the if ($DisableCache) statement to the following:

if ($DisableCache) {
       global $wgVersion;
       $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
       # Do not cache this wiki page.
       # for details see http://public.kitware.com/Wiki/User:Barre/MediaWiki/Extensions
       global $wgTitle, $wgDBprefix;
       $ts = mktime();
       $now = gmdate("YmdHis", $ts +120);
       $ns = $wgTitle->getNamespace();
       $ti = $dbr->addQuotes($wgTitle->getDBkey());
       $version = preg_replace("/^([1-9]).([1-9]).*/", "\\1\\2", $wgVersion);
       $sql = "UPDATE $wgDBprefix" . "page SET page_touched='$now' WHERE page_namespace=$ns AND page_title=$ti";
       $dbr->query($sql, __METHOD__);

Thanks to Sven Wappler over at RSS (GISWiki) for this fix. Maberdour 10:36, 20 December 2007 (UTC)Reply