User talk:Mafs/RSS
Add topicThanks for the nice script. But I still have some problems with several feeds.
When I use this feed the special characters are messed up. Which is strange because both the RSS feed and my site are using UTF-8.
And in this feed every line is stopped when a special character (like ä) appears.
By the way: Does anyone know how to make a RSS from any Wiki page, not ony RecentChanges?
Hi Ralf,
the two rss feeds you mentioned claim to be utf-8 encoded. However, this might not be true. When using charset=ISO-8859-1, more special characters are displayed but not all.
Mafs 17:08, 9 September 2005 (UTC)
Install for dummies
[edit]Hello Mafs
I'm very interested by the RSS extension you and others have coded but my php skills are much lower than my ambitions :-(
Unfortunately the install explanations are minimal, and I have some trouble getting the extension to work.
Here's what I've done, tell me if I'm wrong:
- got magpierss from sourceforge and uploaded the folder in my extensions folder in mediawiki
- made a rss.php file using your code and uploaded it to the same extensions folder
- inserted include("extensions/rss.php"); a the end of my LocalSettings.php and uploaded the new file to the wiki.
But here's is the message i get on my wikipages after that (and of course no RSS):
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in ... wiki/extensions/rss.php on line 7
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in ... wiki/extensions/rss.php on line 38
Parse error: parse error in ... wiki/extensions/rss.php on line 39
ok, found the problem, i'm working on mac and my text editor wasn't saving in plain text as I assumed, stupid me.
It is said iconv is necessary but i have no idea how to use it in mediawiki (I'm currently running on mediawiki 1.4.7). I suspect this might be why my extension doesn't work. I looked around on the web and on meta.wikimedia, but haven't found anything helpfull.
Still haven't found what iconv is for
Could you possibly help me on this or consider writting a more detailled install process ? I'm sure a lot of people would be interested by this.
Lilious 19:41, 16 September 2005 (UTC)
- Answer:
- Hi Lilious, iconv converts a string to requested character encoding for details see . It should be part of your php-installation.
- There are other points to consider:
- The script stores the fetched rss file in a cache, per default in /your_wiki_directory/cache/ . Try to create such a directory and make sure that your server has write access.
- If your server is placed within an intranet without direct access to the internet, then you have to specify the proxy settings in extensions/magpierss-0.71.1/extlib/
- Good luck Mafs 15:44, 18 September 2005 (UTC)
Thank you
[edit]Great !
I finally will manage to insert last topics from the Bulletin Board in the wiki welcome page to help communities getting in touch.. s Thank you to all of you
Option to supply URL base for links from rss
[edit]I notice that sometimes the links produced from an rss feed are bad links (usually because their is an extra /directory/ or subdomain in the URL base). It'd be nice to be able to fix this problem by providing a URL-base option in the rss feed tags for all outgoing links produced by the rss feed. Just a suggestion. -- 19:59, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
Update for Mediawiki 1.11.0
[edit]This extension causes a blank page when used in Mediawiki 1.11.0 (possibly also in 1.9 and above - I was upgrading from 1.6.3)
This is because it calls the obsolete wfStrencode function.
Around line 190, amend the if ($DisableCache) statement to the following:
if ($DisableCache) { global $wgVersion; $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); # Do not cache this wiki page. # for details see global $wgTitle, $wgDBprefix; $ts = mktime(); $now = gmdate("YmdHis", $ts +120); $ns = $wgTitle->getNamespace(); $ti = $dbr->addQuotes($wgTitle->getDBkey()); $version = preg_replace("/^([1-9]).([1-9]).*/", "\\1\\2", $wgVersion); $sql = "UPDATE $wgDBprefix" . "page SET page_touched='$now' WHERE page_namespace=$ns AND page_title=$ti"; $dbr->query($sql, __METHOD__); }
Thanks to Sven Wappler over at RSS (GISWiki) for this fix. Maberdour 10:36, 20 December 2007 (UTC)