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User talk:Krinkle/Tools/Archive

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[SUGGESTION]: Link to personal patrol log

Type Suggestion
Setup Mac OS X/Firefox
Link Special:Log&type=patrol&user=XXX
  Hey Krinkle! Your new tool is absolutly great and helps to safe a lot of time. From time to time though it happens that I accidently mark a diff as patrolled. A link to the personal patrol log would make it easier to find them again. Regards -- myself488 talk 14:53, 17 June 2010 (UTC)
Hi myself488, I totally agree with you. In fact, I've made a small piece of code in my custom user .js file that did this for me for the reason you mention above, but I'll be sure to include it in the RTRC-core the very next revision since this is useful for everybody. Greets, –Krinkletalk 10:49, 20 June 2010 (UTC)
Done The [my patrol log ] has been added to the grey topbar next to [help] in version 0.7.6-beta. Please clear your cache and check that you are running this latest version. If it doesn't work properly or if you have further feedback on this, please let me know here. Otherwise I will mark this thread as Resolved and archive it next week. –Krinkletalk 01:41, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

toggleRevDel: issue and alternative

Hi, sorry for not using the suggested template since I wanted to talk about a couple of things. First, your toggleRevDel script (code) will break if you uncheck "Enable jump to accessibility links" in preferences->Appearances: the hidden (in most skins) div#jump-to-nav will disappear). Second, you might be interested in looking at the alternate approach, more CSS-oriented, which I added to our local ru:MediaWiki:Sysop.js. Something like this:

function sysopHideRevDel(){
 sysRevDelCSS = appendCSS('span.mw-revdelundel-link, #pagehistory input[type="checkbox"], button.mw-history-revisiondelete-button {display:none}')
 sysRevDelCSS = sysRevDelCSS.sheet || sysRevDelCSS
 addContentSubLink('javascript:sysRevDelCSS.disabled=!sysRevDelCSS.disabled;void 0','RevDel Interface')

if (/* conditions for: History page or Contributions or Logs */ ) sysopHideRevDel()

(The code requesres additional addContentSubLink() to put a link under the page title.) -AlexSm 16:20, 25 June 2010 (UTC)

Hi Alex,
toggleRevDel doesn't actually rely on div#jump-to-nav to work. I just needed a place to insert the CSS settings. I randomly choose div#jump-to-nav but I've changed it append to the always present body now. I use JavaScript to toggle a class but for speed efficiency I choose CSS for the actual visibility. (it's faster to add a class to the parant element then to add display:none to all list-items (which sysops can limit up to 5000 items)). With that in mind and the power of the 'cascading' in "Cascading Style Sheets" it works very speedy this way. Please let me know if it works now (refresh your cache and check that it's version 0.3 now). Thanks again, –Krinkletalk 23:33, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Yes it does, you missed another instance in the code. What I tried to explain above is that JavaScript gives you the power to disable appended CSS, so you don't need to add extra class. -AlexSm 03:42, 1 July 2010 (UTC)
I forgot to report back here, but two weeks ago I fixed the issue with div#jump-to-nav. Today I've further looked into the <link>'s "disable" attribute and updated the script. To work around this issue the way you described above. Also it will now work on history, log and contributions pages. Thanks a lot ! –Krinkletalk 02:20, 15 July 2010 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Add handy user-links to diff view and RC-output

Type Suggestion
Setup -
  Add links to WHOIS(anon-only) and Cross-wiki contribs tools + check if sysop and add links to deleted contributions.

These links should then be visible in the yet-to-create hover-optionx-box in the User-column to the RC output and when in diff-view also. But not in the diff-view if MagicDiff is enabled

If anyone else has suggestions for good toollinks which you often find yourself using when fighting vandalism and patrolling that would be handy to have just a click away right in the tool, please let me know below. –Krinkletalk 22:52, 14 July 2010 (UTC)

Done - Implemented in RTRC v0.7.8-beta. See also User:Krinkle/RTRC-docs#Usertools. –Krinkletalk 08:20, 15 August 2010 (UTC)

[BUG]: no patrol link, but RTRC shows it as unpatrolled

Type Bug
Setup Firefox 3.6.8 + Windows 7
Link http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Immigration_Reform_Leaders_Arrested_14.jpg&diff=next&oldid=40884521
  Hi, while patrolling I found that, which had no patrol link, but RTRC listed it as unpatrolled, I don't know if it is a MediaWiki bug or RTRC bug. --by Màñü飆¹5 talk 18:29, 31 July 2010 (UTC)
Hi, the edit is too old (after 30 days it expires from the patrol-database). If this happends again, let me know. –Krinkletalk 03:45, 15 August 2010 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Patroll all edits of a destinct IP within timeframe

Type Feature
Setup all
Link [no link]
  First of all, RTRC is really, really great!!! its fantastic! This is how all of commons should be. moving away from all this static stuff to more dynamic tools, reducing the amount of clicks to do very basic stuff! Great work! thank you! I have been using RTRC for a bit now and there would be one thing which could save lots of time. Often some IP's do about plus minus 30 good edits. After about patrolling 5 of them, I can tell that all the others will be okay too. So it would be really great if one could have an option to automatically patroll all edits from this IP for the next 2 hours (or so). Regards Amada44 (talk) 07:19, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
Hi Amada44,
A few years ago there was a toolserver tool called "vPopSpeed" by henna. It had the ability to mass-patrol all edits on a particular page after showing the difference between the last unpatrolled revision and the current revision. That tool got broken through the years and because of a change in the software can't be repaired in it's current form. I'm planning on making a tool similar to old vPopSpeed. The above feauture suggestion will most likely be realized in that tool. Once that's done I will look into making it usable externally for other tools to use. So that you can click a link within RTRC to that tool. Since you've requested this here I'll move this higher up my list. Thanks again, –Krinkletalk 08:41, 20 May 2010 (UTC)
Hi Krinkle,
that would be a big improvement and really great! But mostly an IP doesn't do more than 1 to 3 edits on one page. I meant something going a bit further. Often I see an IP which categorizes some stuff and does like 30 or more edits on different pages. It is very easy to see if an IP is a vandal or not. So it would be great to be able to define: this IP is not a vandal, mark all edits of this IP for the next two hours as patrolled. This would save soooooo much time! Amada44 (talk) 07:07, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
Sorry for the late response. The "vPopSpeed" tool would be to patrol all edits by anyone on a single page, this is handy when you know the latest version is good, but many stuff has been going on on a page and patrol it all in one go.
The feature you are suggesting in the reply above is actually a lot easier to implement I think. I'll come back on this one later. –Krinkletalk 14:29, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
That sounds,.... reaaaaallllly good *smile* I did a screenshot to show you what I mean. Amada44 (talk) 15:02, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
The first step towards this has been implemented in version 0.7.2 (clear your cache, check the version in the dark grey bar on top), enabling to query based on User. –Krinkletalk 20:56, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
cool! that is already really helpful! Amada44 (talk) 07:24, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
I agree that this would be really helpfull —The preceding unsigned comment was added by DieBuche (talk) 23:19, 9 June 2010
Done - Timeframing was already a feature but the Userfilter has been introduced in version 0.7.2; and MassPatrol has been introduced in version 0.8.0 enabling you to pick a user (optoinally a timeframe aswell) and while having MassPatrol enabled patrolling them all without moving in mussle. Thanks for your suggestions. –Krinkletalk 13:47, 8 September 2010 (UTC)

[OTHER]: Could you add translation?

Type Other
Setup Firefox/WinXP
Link no link
  Hello! Krinkle. I have made Japanese translation of RTRC. Is it possible to add it to your tool? Best regards.
    krRTRC_Msgs.ja = {
        'masspatrol_userfilterconfirm':'利用者フィルタをクリアしようとしています。大量パトロールが動作するには最低一つの利用者フィルタが必要です。利用者フィルタをクリアしますか? (フィルタをクリアした場合、大量パトロールは自動で無効化されます)',
        'masspatrol_autodiffneeded':'大量パトロールを有効化しようとしています。大量パトロールの動作には自動差分が必要です。自動差分を有効化しますか? (キャンセルした場合、大量パトロールは有効化されません)',
Was a bee 00:41, 15 September 2010 (UTC)
Done - Thanks a lot. –Krinkletalk 02:54, 15 September 2010 (UTC)
Thank you! --Was a bee 03:42, 16 September 2010 (UTC)

[BUG]: Problems with IE

Type Bug
Setup Vista/IE8.0 or 6.0/monobook skin
Link AjaxPatrolLinks
  The AjaxPatrol gadget breaks the monobook skin in the above environment. I'am aware that the gadget does not support IE, but it should not break it. Example of how it breaks the skin: Extra icons added above the editing window disappear, collapsed templates does not collapse. Sir48 10:16, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
Hi Sir48,
I've modified the script a little bit, could you try again ? In my IE8 install it no longer breaks the execution of othere scrips. –Krinkletalk 19:42, 14 September 2010 (UTC)

[RESOLVED]: Tool does not work in Simple English Wikipedia

Type Bug
Setup Google Chrome build 8
Tool Real Time Recent Changes
  I have tried your script on the Simple English Wikipedia. However, nothing happened on the page you specified. However, if I use it on the English Wikipedia, it works perfectly for me.

Hydriz 16:27, 17 December 2010 (UTC)

Update: Sorry, I forgot to bypass my browser's cache. Hydriz 16:30, 17 December 2010 (UTC)
Alright, no problem. Glad to hear it works fine on 'simple english' wikis too. I had some concerns about it. ie. the tool may be looking for 'simple' instead of 'en' when it comes to getting interface messages, but this is not a problem (anymore). –Krinkletalk 18:05, 17 December 2010 (UTC)

[BUG]: Namespaces in eswiki

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool OrphanTalk2
  "Thread" and "Summary" namespace don't exist in eswiki, but the tool lists them.

-- Màñü飆¹5 talk 08:18, 2 February 2011 (UTC)

Not done This is a bug in the toolserver database. Stay tuned at TS-BUG 928. –Krinkletalk 12:40, 2 February 2011 (UTC)

[BUG]: Secure server links

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool Real-Time Recent Changes
  If I acess this page using the script there is a "Documentation" link in the bottom of the page but it uses http instead of pointing to the secure server.

Helder 20:03, 25 July 2011 (UTC)

Done This was done in the 0.8.6 release of RTRC in October 2011. It's using protocol-relative urls everywhere now. Thanks! –Krinkletalk 22:00, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

[BUG]: Protocol relative URLs

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool AjaxPatrolLinks.js
  Could you remove the "http:" from the link to http://toolserver.org?

Helder 19:32, 8 October 2011 (UTC)

Done in version 0.2.0. Thanks! –Krinkletalk

[BUG]: UTF-8 Display Problem

Type Bug
Setup OS: Windows 7 Home Basic 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 X64; Browsers: Google Chrome 15.0.874.106 m, IE 8.0.7601.17514 64 bit and 32 bit(both), Firefox 6.0, Safari 5.0.3(7533.19.4), Opera 11.51(build 1087)
Tool BlankPages
  When viewing blank pages for indic scripts, the first character for the pages list doesn't render correctly even though the namespace names render correctly.

In chrome, I get three replacement characters (U+FFFD) followed by the diacritic which should be on the first character appearing as ित्र for example(should be चित्र correctly, note that even though the diacritic ि appears before the character च, it is written after the character itself).

In IE 64 bit, I get three substitute characters (U+2426) followed by the diacritic incorrectly applied to the second alphabet(third character). For चित्र, this becomes त्रि.

In Firefox, I get two replacement characters (U+FFFD) followed by ित्र as in chrome.

In Safari, I get two replacement characters (U+FFFD) followed by ित्र as in chrome.

In opera, I get two substitute characters (U+2426) followed by ित्र as in chrome.

But, opera is weirdest of all(different bug):

  • Shows the entire thing from namespaces to the results in 3 columns instead of just the namespaces in three columns(as other browsers do)
  • Eats up the A of the word "Author" in the last heading

Used Links

Devanagari script(non-exhaustive list):

  • Hindi wikipedia[1]
  • Hindi wiktionary[2]
  • Sanskrit wikipedia[3]
  • Bhojpuri wikipedia[4]
  • Marathi wikipedia[5]
  • Nepali wikipedia[6]
  • Newari/Nepal Bhasa wikipedia[7]
  • Pali wikipedia[8]

Other Indic scripts(list limited to 5, but there are other projects too):

  • Malayalam wikipedia[9]
  • Tamil wikipedia[10]
  • Gujarati wikipedia[11]
  • Eastern Punjabi wikipedia[12]
  • Oriya wikipedia[13]

Siddhartha Ghai 18:47, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

[BUG]: Protocol relative URLs in OrphanTalk2

Type BUG
Setup unknown
Tool OrphanTalk2
  Could you update the code of OrphanTalk2 to generate protocol relative links in the list of results? 21:12, 3 February 2012 (UTC) 21:12, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

Thanks, recorded as KRINKLE-7. –Krinkletalk 13:43, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
FixedKrinkletalk 14:15, 13 February 2012 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Style tag in body

Type Suggestion
Setup Google Chrome 17
Tool VectorSearchNav
  Chrome's Developer tools Auditor tools told me this:

CSS in the document body adversely impacts rendering performance.

1 style block(s) in the index.php body should be moved to the document head.

There is only one style in the body, and that is added by your tool. Can you fix this using mw.util.addCSS() or something like that? Locos epraix 07:14, 28 February 2012 (UTC)

[FEATURE REQUEST]: Rollback via ajax request

Type Feature Request
Setup unknown
Link http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gebruiker:Krinkle/RTRC
  Hi Krinkle, is het misschien een idee om het knopje [Terugdraaien] op dezelfde manier als [Markeren als gecontroleerd] te laten gaan via een Ajax request? Dat scheelt dan weer een open venster :) Geen idee hoeveel werk het is, maar het is ook maar een suggestie :) Verder een hele toffe tool! Ik hoor het wel! :) Gr, Freaky Fries 06:35, 8 September 2010 (UTC) Aanvulling: Ik zie nu pas dat we op Meta zitten. Ik kom hier eigenlijk nooit.
Ik zie nu ook dat dit al in de todo lijst staat. Laat maar zitten dan :P 13:51, 8 September 2010 (UTC)
Hi Freaky Fries,
Het staat bij deze op de todo-lijst voor versie 0.8.x. Komt in een paar dagen/weken aan de beurt. Bedankt voor de suggestie. –Krinkletalk 14:06, 8 September 2010 (UTC)
This feature request has been imported to the new issue tracker: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/1. –Krinkletalk 19:15, 11 July 2013 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Summary-maker in insertVectorButtons.js

Type Suggestion
Setup -
Link http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle/Scripts
  Implement a function for use in the callback that creates or appends to the wpSummary, since that is by far the most common usage of the callback function.

When appending check for krEmpty-ness and add comma + space ("content before, content appended").

function krSummary ( 
 newsum [string],
 append [bool] = false,
 devider = krSumDevider [string] = ", "
--Krinkle 10:45, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Sorting per category

Type suggestion
Setup Firefox
Link Real-Time Recent Changes
  There is this tool which makes it possible to select articles from just one category and the categories below. Is it possible to include that option into this tool as well?

Davin 07:59, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

Hi Davin,
I see how this can be handy in some cases, however it's not exactly the scope of RTRC which is to patrol new pages, edits or both. As new pages aren't categorized yet (or atleast they should be checked during patrol) it's hard to be able to use that. And for edits, it would be cool to have a list of recent changes to articles in a certain category but that's already in that tool. You may not know this but Erwin's tool has an option to hide patrolled edits with a checkbox. Ofcourse RTRC has the advantage of being on-the-fly and all it's features like the Usertools, MassPatrol and Userfilter; however it is due to technical limitations not possible at the moment to build in category support as this is this an option in the MediaWiki software.
On the toolserver these limitations don't exist, however the reason RTRC can't be on the toolserver is because patrolling requires one to be logged in and from the toolserver it is not allowed to let users login with their Wikimedia credentials.
So I'll have to mark this for Later. –Krinkletalk 21:22, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Clustering per article

Type suggestion
Setup Firefox
Link Real-Time Recent Changes
  When patrolling it is possible to cluster all edits made on one page. It gives i.e. the result "► Pagename (7 edits)". Is it possible to include that option into this tool as well? It would be great if they can be marked in a way "mass patrol" does (or all at once)

Davin 08:06, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

Hi Davin,
Yes that is possible. Although it's not perfected yet. Check out my Tools page. There you will find "Get Top RC Pages" and "SpeedPagePatrol". The first generates a list of pagenames on a wiki that have many unpatrolled edits. You can then click the link and patrol them all at once with "SpeedPagePatrol".
If you want to do it on a page that is not in the "Top" list you can try to edit the link:
http://toolserver.org/~krinkle/SpeedPagePatrol.php?wiki=wikishortname&title=pagetitle (without Namespace:)&namespace=namespace number
Example: http://toolserver.org/~krinkle/SpeedPagePatrol.php?wiki=commonswiki&title=Village_pump&namespace=4
In the future I will add this as a quicklink somewhere inside the RTRC patrol tool. –Krinkletalk 23:14, 26 September 2010 (UTC)
It's indeed a good idea to insert it RTRC, preferably with as least clicks possible. Thanks for developing all these tools!. Davin 09:17, 29 September 2010 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Clustering per user

Type suggestion
Setup Firefox
Link Real-Time Recent Changes
  With the tool it is possible to mass patrol the edits made by one person. If I notice such a trusted user though, it would be great to have his/her name in the "Userfilter" with one click. Is it possible to include that option into this tool as well?

Davin 08:09, 26 September 2010 (UTC)

Hi Davin, you can add a username to the Userfilter with a single click. To do so hover with your mouse over the username in the feed below and click "[+filter]". This will copy/past the numername to "Userfilter" and click "Apply" for you. –Krinkletalk 23:19, 26 September 2010 (UTC)
I don't succeed. I tried in FireFox, IE and Safari, but when the mouse arrow is above a username, I don't find a sign "[+filter]". Davin 09:47, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
See an example here: http://i.imgur.com/Jx3ew.png . Could you tell me which version of Firefox / Safari you're using ? –Krinkletalk 07:53, 30 September 2010 (UTC)
FireFox 3.6.10, Safari 5.0.1 - 75533.17.8 (FireFox is that I use usually). I was wondering if it could be that you have something in your monobook of another tool that I don't have? Just a thought. I use a PC not an Apple. Davin 15:19, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
I do have several other tools of which many I use myself, but this these tooltips are part of RTRC. I'll check this out on Windows in the weekend and see what my debugger tells me. –Krinkletalk 15:46, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
I've tried this myself on someones laptop in Chrome and in Firefox on Windows 7 but it worked fine. For what it's worth, I don't believe the computer (PC/Mac) or operating system (Windows XP, Win 7, Linux, Mac OS X) matter here. It's the browser that matters, and the script for these green tooltips, as is the rest of my tools, are supported in the WebKit engine and Mozilla engine (examples of browsers that use these engines are Chrome, Safari and Firefox). Are you still not seeing the tooltips ? Either case, which version do you see in the dark grey bar on the top at the moment ? It should read 0.8.2-beta. –Krinkletalk 21:20, 12 November 2010 (UTC)

[OTHER]: Questions about CUP

Type Other
Setup unknown
Tool Commons Upload Patrol
  I have several question about CUP. For example, in this edit, three changes were made. I don't understand the motivation behind any of them. The parts of the source that were edited were generated by Commons itself as part of the upload process. Why is CUP fixing code generated by Mediawiki itself? Shouldn't such fixes be filed as bugs against Mediawiki or, alternatively, have some sort of addition that makes these before before the first version is saved? Also, where can I see the translation associated with "int:filedesc" and "int:license-header"? They are used like templates but I cannot see them when I try to go to the URL for them. Thanks.

Jason Quinn 16:32, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

Except for Commons specific things everything you see is centrally localized in MediaWiki itself. Which can be followed on TranslateWiki. These messages are stored in the MediaWiki:-namespace. Unless a page with such name is manually created the default value from the software is used. This is the case for most messages. Think for example the links in the Sidebar, the text on buttons, the tabs, the labels on Special:Preferences etc., the entire interface is localized, check out Preferences with user language set to "de" (German). For example the label "Basisinformationen" is defined on MediaWiki:Prefs-info/de, from the English "Basic information"[14]. It is possible to use these labels and messages inside an article/page by calling "int" (internationalization) and passing the message key, which then returns the message in the current users' language. Another function that is called like this is "lc" (lowercase), {{lc:MeDiAWiKI}} => mediawiki.
Due to an ongoing discussion and a technical bug it is currently not possible to make the upload script put this on the page directly, which is why the clean up bots on Commons take these kind of things at the same time during other tasks (such as tagging uncategorized files or find/replacing something). Becuase as patroller we're on the page anyway and often find a mistake (like the wrong dateformat) then I edit the page fix the dateformat and the CUP-script replaces the headings and other commons translation things at the same time, example. See also the Commons:FAQKrinkletalk 02:31, 18 November 2010 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Ability to add callbacks in RTRC

Type Feature
Setup unknown
  Thanks to User:Matanya for suggesting this on IRC. The ability for callbacks in some of RTRC events would be nice.

For example the diff-event (to insert buttons like fancy rollback or user warnings).

/* In RTRC */
this.callHooks( 'diffLoad', [diffId, pageName, generalAppInfo] );

/* In third party script */
if ( typof RTRC !== 'undefined' ) {
	RTRC.addHooks( 'diffLoad', myFunction );

Note to self: This will be a feature for after version 1.1 since it requires a cleaner object oriented backend. –Krinkletalk 17:38, 31 January 2011 (UTC)

The refactoring has been completed, but I choose not to implement my own hooks interface. See mw-gadget-rtrc issue #9 for more information. –Krinkletalk 23:26, 2 October 2013 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Patrolling to stay on page

Type Feature
Setup Chrome 9.0.597.107 and FF 3.6.13 (Windows 7)
Tool AjaxPatrolLinks
  At enWS we have been using Splarka's ye olde ajax patroller en:s:MediaWiki:Gadget-LinkPatroller.js. When we use that, it patrols the page (removes link) and stays on the same page, rather than to progress to the "you have patrolled" page. At enWS as we have a lot of progressive edits for pages, it is quite useful behaviour for our site. Is there any means/thought/scope to replicating that behaviour in this script?

billinghurst sDrewth 23:41, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

Hi billinghurst,
I could misunderstand your question, but from what I understand I'm not sure what you're asking. AjaxPatrolLinks does exactly what you ask for (patrolling an edit while staying on the page you were, without this extra "Mark as patrolled" page). Have you tried it ? –Krinkletalk 08:36, 7 March 2011 (UTC)
Yes, I have tried it locally loading the script via monobook.js using the resource loader as per your instructions, and I have now set it up as a gadget en:s:Special:Preferences:#preftab-8 and I cannot get it to function by staying on the page, it keeps moving to the Marked as patrolled. Addendum. I tried from the secure and the standard login, from my two boxen that run Firefox, same result. Suggestions? billinghurst sDrewth 10:44, 7 March 2011 (UTC)
Resolved. Not sure what is different or why it happened. Happy that it has resolved. billinghurst sDrewth 00:37, 13 March 2011 (UTC)

[BUG]: Incomplete TOC

Type Bug
Setup Chromium 11.0.696.71 (86024) Ubuntu 11.04
Tool Wikimedia SVN Search
  In a recursive search for "preConvertPlural" on /trunk/phase3 the "Table of contents" of the displayed page was incomplete, having only the first 50 items. The files below "./resources/mediawiki.language/languages/cu.js" were displayed in the page content but not in the TOC. Could this be fixed?

Helder 15:03, 7 June 2011 (UTC)

Currently there's a fixed limit to avoid hanging/crashing the browser if searches return 100s of files (ie. a phrase that happened to be in the key of one or more interface messages and thus return matches from (number of languages * number of key matches) number of files.
The above scenario was described in an earlier bug ticket and as a temporary fix I hard-limited it to 50. Coming summer I will revise the wikimedia-svn-search tool from a proof-of-concept to something more solid. Especially now that the Ts-jobqueue can be accessed from webserver scripts directly.) and that TsIntuition is ready for use.
I'll look at this tonight and see if I can make it nicer for the time being, 50 is a low and annoying limit. –Krinkletalk 15:36, 7 June 2011 (UTC)
Limit was raised to 100 and a small note indicating when it was limited has been added. –Krinkletalk 21:56, 9 June 2011 (UTC)
Thank you! Helder 13:15, 10 June 2011 (UTC)

[FEATURE REQUEST]: Show only latest revisions

Type Feature request
Setup unknown
  It would be useful if RTRC had an option to show only edits that are the latest revisions to an article

MorganKevinJ(talk) 01:49, 7 April 2011 (UTC)

Hi Morgankevinj,
This kind of query is currently not supported in the mediawiki api software, as such I cannot implement it from within the RTRC tool. You most likely got this idea from the checkbox "Only show edits that are latest revisions" on Special:Contributions. I've requested this feature to be added to the developers backend for gadgets (API) as well, this was apparently forgotten. The ticket can be found at bug 26873. –Krinkletalk 07:55, 7 April 2011 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: redlinks

Type Feature
Setup unknown
  In the realtime recent changes I think it would be better to mark pages that does not exist with the "a.new" class. This will in Vector and Monobook turn the link to a red color indicating that the page does not exist. This help to show if the User making an edit has got a user-page or talk-page yet. This indicates if its a new user or not.

Atluxity 18:31, 7 April 2011 (UTC)

By default the MediaWiki API doesn't provide this information. For the benefit of speed I rather not make many additional requests to the API just to retrieve this information, this in return to preserve close to real-time polling of the events to improve simultaneous patrolling by multiple users.
However I agree that this would be a nice feature to have and could potentially save a bit of time. I will keep this in mind for the next major revision. –Krinkletalk 14:26, 8 May 2011‎

[ADDITION]: Support for gender magic word

Type Addition
Setup unknown
Tool Real-Time Recent Changes
  On this page this page the footer shows "Contribuições {{GENDER:{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|1|1}}|do usuário|da usuária|}}" instead of parsing the magic word to get "Contribuições do usuário" or "Contribuições da usuária" accordingly.

Helder 20:01, 25 July 2011 (UTC)

Not done. I assume you mean the link in the sidebar under Toolbox. That is part of MediaWiki core, not my gadget. If that is wrong, please contact translatewiki.net as they do the translations of MediaWiki interface. Thanks. –Krinkletalk 21:58, 10 January 2012 (UTC)
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The link must have been to this page. Helder 10:32, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
Okay, same thing though. The "User contribution" link is generated by MediaWiki core. If there is a problem with that, it is not related to this gadget and will happen on other pages as well. Note that RTRC hides the Toolbox by default, so those links aren't shown at all when using RTRC. It is either a bug in the translation or another gadget you're using besides mine. Can you provide a screenshot, perhaps I can recognize the problem that way (please upload somewhere not on the wiki). Thanks, –Krinkletalk 21:00, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
The error also happens when I open this link without being logged in, so it doesn't depends on my gadgets. The full content of line where the text is displayed is the following:
Abbreviations: T - discussão, C - Contribuições {{GENDER:{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}|1|1}}|do usuário|da usuária|}}
I've sent an screenshot to your email. Helder 22:32, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
Now tracked at GitHub: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/8. Will be resolved in the next release. –Krinkletalk 22:16, 30 September 2013 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Protocol relative would be nice

Type Feature
Setup unknown
Tool CUP User:Krinkle/Tools/Commons Upload Patrol
  • On Commons: The next-link next to the patrol-status (which goes to ts and then you are redirected back to commons) should respect the current server or at least protocol. This should be possible reading the referrer on ts.
  • On the Toolserver list: It should be also possible to change all links in the list of unpatrolled/new uploads (on toolserver) to https. Finally, it would be nice if next to each user-name there would be a link that I can click to filter by this user. When attempting to copy&paste you have the problem that the page sometimes is reloaded before you could click or images are loaded and the whole content moves around.

Rillke 21:45, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Untitled

Type Suggestion
Setup unknown
Tool unknown
  Hi. I have a suggestion. What do you think about a script (something like Cat-a-lot) for changing category of multiple articles? For example, if you want to rename a category with 200 articles you need to change manually the category name for all 200 articles. A script like Cat-a-lot would be very useful, IMO.

mickit 10:15, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Seems more suited for a bot than a gadget or user script (since you'd have to leave your browser open for a while and it would blow up your contributions overview). On Commons this is done by SieBot (Rename a category / commands) –Krinkletalk 22:09, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

[BUG]: User 'null'

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool Real-Time Recent Changes
  The "[my patrol log]" link has user=null if the user is not registered. The tool could get the IP from Geo.IP

Helder 22:44, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Thanks! I'll convert it into a different bug. Anonymous users don't have the patrol right, as such linking to their log is useless. That link shouldn't be shown unless there is a patrol token received. –Krinkletalk 22:13, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Indeed! That solution is also good. Helder 11:24, 5 October 2012 (UTC)
Moved to new issue tracker: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/12
Fixed in the latest master (will be released in v0.9.6). –Krinkletalk 00:05, 3 October 2013 (UTC)

Translator request

Hey, could I get to translate RTRC into hindi? I'd really like to get the translations done and then enable it at hindi wikipedia. Thanks and regards--Siddhartha Ghai 02:08, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

RTRC localisation has been moved to Translatewiki (under Intuition -> RTRC). You may contribute translations over there. Thanks! –Krinkletalk 23:15, 24 October 2013 (UTC)

[OTHER]: Use together with magic words

Type Other
Setup unknown
Tool InsertWikiEditorButton
  Before trying this out. I would like to know if it is possible to use this extension together with magic words? The feature I'm looking for is a button that creates a link to a new subpage. This by utilizing the magic word:
and a dummy name for the new subpage. It would in my case speed up the creation of links to new subpages.

Dafunq (talk) 17:16, 23 April 2012 (UTC)

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I think this is possible yes. Try it :) –Krinkletalk 15:56, 25 April 2012 (UTC)
Wouldn't be easier to use a subpage link such as this one (whose source code is "[[/this one/]]")? Helder 21:12, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
Indeed, [[/subpage|label]] will work too in that case. Although be careful, since subpages are not supported in all namespaces. If you use it in a namespace where subpages are not supported, it will link to a (likely inexistant) page in the main namespace named "/subpage". –Krinkletalk 22:45, 17 May 2012 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: Add link to "User:Krinkle/RTRC" on "Special:RecentChanges"

Type Suggestion
Setup unknown
  Consider adding a link to the default recent changes page of the wiki pointing to your customized version (i.e. your /RTRC subpage on that wiki), so users can find it more easily (just in case they are expecting the script to improve the existing special page, which is something I've seen...)

Helder 13:49, 15 January 2013 (UTC)

Moved to the new issue tracker: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/11. –Krinkletalk 23:59, 2 October 2013 (UTC)

[BUG]: parsed comment

Type Bug
Setup All All
  it should get the "parsedcomment" parameter from API:Recentchanges instead of "comment": parsed comments are easier to read, often shorter, and with useful links.

--Ricordisamoa 08:28, 1 July 2013 (UTC)

Fixed Moved to new issue tracker: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/13
And fixed in the latest master (will be released in v0.9.6). –Krinkletalk 00:34, 3 October 2013 (UTC)

[BUG]: links to IPs' user pages

Type Bug
Setup All All
  anonymous users cannot have a userpage, so a link to it is misleading. The script should use mw.util.isIPv4Address and mw.util.isIPv6Address to check if a user is anonymous, and then link to "Special:Contributions/123.456.7.8" instead of "User:123.456.7.8".

--Ricordisamoa 08:35, 1 July 2013 (UTC)

Fixed, tracked at https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/22. –Krinkletalk 14:15, 4 November 2013 (UTC)

[BUG]: MassPatrol not requiring a user filter

Type Bug
Setup unknown
  As a user reported on ptwiki, the MassPatrol feature is dangerous and, contrary to what is documented, doesn't seems to be requiring a 'Userfilter' to be defined. Is there a easy way to disallow this on ptwiki?

Helder 20:08, 1 September 2013 (UTC)

Fixed Moved to new issue tracker: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/15
And fixed in the latest master (will be released in v0.9.6). –Krinkletalk 15:08, 3 October 2013 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Option to disable Usertools

Type Feature
Setup unknown
  Also from ptwiki: could the Usertools (WHOIS) popup be disabled?

Helder 20:10, 1 September 2013 (UTC)

The Usertools feature has been removed in version v0.9.5 because it was too unstable, this should solve your problem. –Krinkletalk 23:36, 2 October 2013 (UTC)

[OTHER]: RTRC not working on Meta-Wiki (monobook)

Type Other
Setup Firefox 24.0
  I didn't want to create a github account, so I'll just post here. RTRC does not load for me on User:Krinkle/RTRC here on Meta, but seems fine on other wikis (e.g., commons, frwiki). It begins to load, and stops when the content is a visibly empty pink element. There are no relevant JS errors, warning, or logs.

PiRSquared17 (talk) 17:20, 23 October 2013 (UTC)

Working now, ignore this. PiRSquared17 (talk) 19:42, 24 October 2013 (UTC)
Thanks! I couldn't reproduce a "visibly empty pink element", however I did notice a weird conflict with the sidebar in Firefox. This has been resolved in v0.9.7 earlier this week, which I've promoted from beta to stable just now. –Krinkletalk 23:05, 24 October 2013 (UTC)

[MINOR SUGGESTION]: Window/Tab title notification

Type Minor suggestion
Setup not relevant
Tool Real-Time Recent Changes (v0.8.8-beta as of 2012-02-23)
  The RTRC tool is really a masterpiece of JavaScript here. I have a minor suggestion: I've mostly got the tool in a new tab in my browser. Would it be able to change the tab title to a sort of notification like: "(1 pending changes) RTRC: simplewiki" whenever an edit arrives? That would be very useful.

Intforce (talk) 19:34, 11 September 2012 (UTC)

Moved to the new issue tracker: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/26. –Krinkletalk 20:53, 11 December 2013 (UTC)

Firefox v27.0.1 breaks it

Following Firefox browser u/grade to V27.0.1 RTRC has stopped working. It momentarily displays the user page as before but options/apply does not appear and the page remains blank with just a RTRC page link top left. I've come to rely heavily on this tool. Cracking piece of kit it is and suddenly I haven't got it. Any ideas for a quick fix? --Sabretache (talk) 14:24, 16 February 2014 (UTC)

A few hours later and its working again. Connectivity issue?? - Anyway, sorry for false alarm. Please delete this if you wish --Sabretache (talk) 20:11, 16 February 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for the report. –Krinkletalk 02:19, 16 May 2014 (UTC)

[BUG]: RTRC not working through https

Type Bug
Setup noted with Firefox on Windows, confirmed with Chrome
  Going to nl:Gebruiker:Krinkle/RTRC, expecting to have RTRC start up, nothing happens (i.e., I see the same as when I'm not logged in, even though my common.js did not change since previous attempts when it did work). Clicking the "Installeer" button, results in the error message "Het is op deze pagina niet mogelijk om paragrafen te bewerken". The tool works normally when retrieved through http://nl.wikipedia.org rather than https://nl.wikipedia.org

Andre Engels (talk) 21:24, 12 April 2013 (UTC)

Some more checking makes me think it probably has to do with https. Could it be that the tool does not work/often fails when using https rather than http to connect with Wikipedia? - Andre Engels (talk) 11:38, 14 April 2013 (UTC)
More checking confirms that it's the https that causes the problem. The bug report has been adapted to reflect that. - Andre Engels (talk) 07:09, 16 April 2013 (UTC)
RTRC has supported HTTPS since before April 2013, so I'm not sure what issues there might have been at the time. Recently, RTRC has been reimplemented using more modern technologies, so whatever issues there might have been are hopefully resolved now. Be sure to let me know if you run into this problem again. Thanks! –Krinkletalk 20:57, 11 December 2013 (UTC)

[BUG]: Fix function test

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool insertVectorButtons
  Woldn't be better to use jQuery.isFunction( callbackFunc ) instead of "typeof callbackFunc == 'function'"?

BTW: when I opened this page in http to add this comment, I got two edit-intros above my edit box. Do you know how to fix that? Helder 20:34, 7 October 2011 (UTC)

Done. I removed the typeof check in the latest revision. The double editnotice was triggered by manually including it in the url, which is redundant since it is automatically included from /Editnotice. Removing it from the url fixes it. –Krinkletalk 00:41, 5 June 2014 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Add option to Show/Hide redirects

Type Feature
Setup unknown
Tool User:Krinkle/Tools/WhatLeavesHere.js
  I think it would be useful to have an indication of wich pages are redirects in the list created by your script, and also an option to show/hide them, as we have on Special:WhatLinksHere.

Helder 15:08, 17 January 2011 (UTC)

Now tracked at GitHub: https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-whatleaveshere/issues/5. –Krinkletalk 19:04, 15 March 2015 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: WikiEditor: It works and adding to the advanced section?

Type Feature
Setup unknown
Tool User:Krinkle/Scripts/InsertWikiEditorButton
  Thanks. I have it working for one, and now I will look to build for more. Some of the buttons that I will be creating for enWS would fit comfortably into the "Advanced" section, with the new script is there a means to place something into the subsidiary toolbars?

billinghurst sDrewth 09:04, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

Addendum, I am also trying to get it to run some of the js from proofread.js and I am presuming that it is the callback function (it isn't documented), but the useless toad at my end of the keyboard cannot work it out. Thanks. billinghurst sDrewth 12:51, 19 June 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for the work that you did on the upgrades to the script. Very much appreciated Sir Krinkle. billinghurst sDrewth 10:43, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

[BUG (?)]: RTRC and Twinkle

Type Bug (?)
Setup unknown
Tool User:Krinkle/Tools/Real-Time Recent Changes
  Hey, Krinkle. I'm not sure if it is a problem; perhaps it's something already predicted or maybe I just did something wrong. When I used RTRC on en.wiki it worked correctly, but all Twinkle tabs just disappeared and I could not use it. Is it normal?

Teles (Talk @ C S) 23:36, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

Did they not appear within RTRC, or did they stop working on regular diff pages? If they aren't appearing within RTRC, that's normal (Twinkle only adds them when a diff page loads, RTRC is not a diff page, and is flipping through them dynamically without refreshing) and will be possible once issue #9 is resolved). If they stopped working outside RTRC, please let me know. –Krinkletalk 00:43, 3 October 2013 (UTC)

[FEATURE]: Watchlist

Setup unknown
  A user requested a feature similar to the RTRC for use on Watchlists. Would it be feasible? Maybe the current RTRC could have an option to filter "watched pages only".

Helder 15:17, 30 July 2011 (UTC)

The RecentChanges API doesn't provide this ability, however once RTRC switches to using a live stream instead of API polling (e.g. wikitech:RCStream), it will be able to do client-side filtering based on your watchlist (and not just your watchlist, we can use any list, e.g. the CVN Watchlist, or a certain category or intersection that you could build on the spot). –Krinkletalk 02:16, 16 May 2014 (UTC)

[MINOR THING]: It comes weird on Minecraft Wiki

Type This script on Minecraft Wiki
Setup Google Chrome, Windows XP SP3
  I tried this script on Minecraft Wiki, but it comes out really weird. And I can barely click the buttons, and it is impossible to type in the boxes. Do you mind making a version which hides the User and talk tabs, and maybe even the user options type thing at the top? Thanks!!!

Numbermaniac (talk) 07:14, 2 May 2013 (UTC)

Seems to be fixed.

[SUGGESTION]: Storing options

Type Suggestion
Setup unknown
  It could be useful to store some preferences with MediaWiki's Options API; custom settings should be stored on Meta-Wiki and retrieved from there, starting with userjs- and with max. 255 bytes. For example, userjs-RTRC-filter-anons = 1 etc.

--Ricordisamoa 07:03, 19 June 2013 (UTC)


[FEATURE]: multi-wiki RC

Type Feature
Setup All All
  it could fetch RecentChanges from several wikis, and output them in a single window, allowing users (especially those at SWMT) a clean overview across many projects.

--Ricordisamoa 04:23, 2 July 2013 (UTC)

+2 if the list of wikis can be defined by the user. Helder 13:47, 2 July 2013 (UTC)
Tracked at https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-rtrc/issues/76. --Krinkle

[BUG]: Undefined delimiter

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool InsertWikiEditorButton
  Since the 'delimiter' and the 'position' are optional, I think $.extend({...}) should be $.extend(true, {...}), because if I specify
autoSummary: {
	summary: '<test>'

and click in the button two times, I get "<test>undefined<test>" in the summary, due to the missing delimiter. Helder 20:50, 7 August 2013 (UTC)

[OTHER]: Use new hook "ext.lqt.textareaCreated"

Type Other
Setup unknown
Tool InsertWikiEditorButton
  Could you add support for LiquidThreads by using this new hook?

Helder 13:32, 25 September 2013 (UTC)

[HELP]: help for translation

Type Help
Setup unknown
Tool whatleaveshere
  Hi, I am an Italian wikiquote user, and I would like to translate whatleaveshere gadget into Italian. Is it possible? Some words are already translated, how can I change them? Others are in English (leaves, categories, external links...) how can I translate them? Thank you!

FRacco (talk) 18:37, 31 October 2013 (UTC)

Once WhatLeavesHere has been converted to use the Intuition framework, you can translate it via translatewiki.net. Follow issue https://github.com/Krinkle/mw-gadget-whatleaveshere/issues/2 for more information. –Krinkletalk 00:33, 5 June 2014 (UTC)

[HELP REQUEST]: I get Blank Page when following the instructions

Type Help request
Setup Mac OS. Safari, Firefox
Tool Global_SUL
  I appear to be a new enWP user, but this is an account I have usuerped formall;y as an alternate account. I have, I hope, followed the steps User:Krinkle/Tools/Global_SUL, but don't discount idiocy on my part!

When I go to either https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:BlankPage/globalsul or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:BlankPage/globalsul I get:

Blank page

This page is intentionally left blank.

But the instruction line: "Now browse to "Special:BlankPage/globalsul" and follow the instructions." implies that there are instructions to follow. So I am rather lost. My home wiki is the English Wikipedia.

As you can imagine, I do not visit Meta much. I have arrived here after a conversation at en:User_talk:Timtrent#Your_usurp_request. That is my normal talk page and the very best place to contact me.

If I am being stupid/naive/newbie, I am not going to be very surprised. What I woudl like to know, please, is "Have I done it right?" Fiddle Faddle (talk) 15:51, 10 February 2014 (UTC)

[SUGGESTION]: line feed etc.

Type Suggestion
Setup unknown
Tool InsertWikiEditorButton
  perhaps it would be helpful to find informations about special characters for linefeed etc (I found out that is \n) or a link to a page explaning that

for example I used InsertWikiEditorButton in de:User:Kai.pedia/common.js for several description-buttons (inserting a wikipedia-link around the marked word in several languages)

or a button named {{}} (inserting e new description line/language - for this a looked for the linefeed-character...) Kai.pedia (talk) 15:51, 29 August 2014 (UTC)

[BUG]: The Tool Won't Work?

Type Bug
Setup Modzilla Firefox
  I have activated my preferences for RTRC, applied tags, activated Diff, applied type, and press Apply, but more than 10 minutes, I have got nothing. It says, "Downloading recent changes failed". What should I do? Thank you.

Andiazamuddin (talk) 17:56, 30 January 2015 (UTC)

[OTHER]: Using AnonymousI18N.js on Wikimedia Canada MediaWiki

Type Other
Setup unknown
Tool WMCA:MediaWiki:AnonymousI18N.js
  Hello Krinkle, first I would like to thank you very much for this tool. It's been many years that WMCA is trying to deal with this issue for anon users. Without a cookie French visitors were always falling back on the English version of the page...

Now, I'm not sure what I did wrong, I installed the script here... I clear & purge cache, but what else should I do to make it work ? Thank you again for your work. Best regards. Benoit Rochon (talk) 13:16, 1 February 2015 (UTC)

@Benoit Rochon: Hi! Thanks for using my gadget. You almost got it. AnonymousI18N.js depends on wpAvailableLanguages being defined in "MediaWiki:Common.js" on your wiki first. Right now, the following error is shown in the browser console when viewing ca.wikimedia.org:
Uncaught ReferenceError: wpAvailableLanguages is not defined
See commons:MediaWiki:Common.js for an example. You can install it by copying the contents of https://tools.wmflabs.org/intuition/wpAvailableLanguages.js.php to your wikis' "MediaWiki:Common.js". –Krinkletalk 06:39, 6 February 2015 (UTC)

[BUG]: Global SUL: force autocreation

Type Bug
Setup Mozilla Firefox & Google Chrome [privacy and cookie blocks removed when running the script on both]
Tool Global SUL
  Hi. I've used the Global SUL for my account MABot but it does somewhat "fail" on ~200 wikis. When running it, I set my browser to accept cookies and the like; but it still continues ignoring a set of wikis. Tested on Chrome and Firefox with the same result. Maybe the script should force to autocreate on those wikis. I can provide the list of wikis where the script didn't managed to create the account if desired. Thank you!

MarcoAurelio 09:38, 12 November 2016 (UTC)

[BUG]: GUC does not recognize test2-edits

Type Bug
Setup unknown
Tool https://tools.wmflabs.org/guc/
  Contributions made in [test2.wikipedia.org] are merged into edits in [te.wikipedia.org]. For example my contributions: https://tools.wmflabs.org/guc/?user=KPFC

KPFC💬 16:51, 15 December 2016 (UTC)