User talk:Jeblad/notes/2016
Add topicThe Signpost: 4 November 2016
- In the media: Washington Post continues in-depth Wikipedia coverage
- Wikicup: Winners announced
- Discussion report: What's on your tech wishlist for the coming year?
- Featured content: Cream of the crop
- Technology report: New guideline for technical collaboration; citation templates now flag open access content
- Arbitration report: Recapping October's activities
- Traffic report: Un-presidential politics
Wikidata weekly summary #234

Thanks to everyone who celebrated the birthday by organizing or attending to an event, letting a message on Wikidata or on the social networks, writing a story or creating a present!
Here's the list of the birthday presents from the community and development team:
- d:Template:User Wikidata birthday 2016 (Pigsonthewing)
- A new version of the map showing all the Wikidata items with geolocalisation (Addshore)
- Wikidata's 4th birthday logo (Incabell)
- A new release of the Wikipedia and Wikidata Tools for Google Spreadsheets add-on has made working with Wikidata a lot easier for Google Sheets users. (Tomayac)
- A guide to SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service (TweetsFactsAndQueries)
- Four new types of charts for the Query Service: line chart, bar chart, scatter chart and area chart! Read more and try examples in the documentation (Jonas)
, a new parser function is currently in development with better features: try it here! (Thiemo, Wikidata dev team and volunteers)- Search field added in Scholia, a tool to create scholarship profiles (fnielsen)
- Technical documentation about Wikibase for PHP and JS scripts (Ladsgroup and Jonas)
- new feature for the graph view in the Query Service: it can now browse the properties of items. see in the video (Jonas)
- graph builder tool for the query service to create and export graphs (demo video) (Jonas, [[d:user:Smalyshev (WMF)|Smalyshev)
- d:Module:PropertyPath and d:Template:Show Path Items (TomT0m)
- Everything is connected, a knowledge game based on Wikidata and Commons (list of levels) (Denny)
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Editing descriptions from Wikipedia Android app
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Music in Canada at 150 Wikipedia Project, a multifaceted campaign to increase the amount and quality of content about Canadian music in Wikipedia and Wikidata
- 400,000,000th edit was made.
- The average amount of statements per item became higher than five and is still growing.
- Wikidata entities usage on Wikimedia projects
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: DRÚSOP ID, code, encoding, BALaT image ID, DocCheck Flexikon De ID, DocCheck Flexikon En ID, biography at the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Cellosaurus ID, World Spider Catalog ID, Squash Info ID, MSC ID, Yahoo! Japan Talent Database ID, Bandcamp artist ID, French National Assembly Lobbyist ID, BanQ author ID, statistical leader, Sandbox-Monolingual text II
- Query examples:
- Continents on Wikidata (All eleven of them) (source)
- Sluices on the river "Vilaine" in Brittany (source)
- Countries with most cities named after saints (source)
- Disney characters who share name with their actors (source)
- 204 items that cite themselves (source)
- Statements with two references where one source cites the other (source)
- Development
- Stable interface policy update
- More work on federation in order to be able to use Wikidata's items and properties to describe media files on Wikimedia Commons in the future (phabricator:T149580)
- Worked on first version of Lexeme entity type (phabricator:T148139)
- Worked more on linking values in Lua and the property parser function instead of just returning the label (phabricator:T142940) You can test it here:
- Improved map layer colors in the query service (phabricator:T148022)
- Improved size of map markers in the query service (phabricator:T148496)
- Upcoming: quantity changes
- Worked more on automated sitelinks for Wiktionary (phabricator:T987) Test system is coming in the next days.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Victoria Coleman is the new Chief technology officer for the Wikimedia Foundation. [1]
- First release candidate for MediaWiki 1.28 is now available. [2]
for MediaWiki branches and extensions switched from targeting a specific branch to usingtrack=1
. [3]- Section numbers in Table of Contents boxes will use grey to improve readability. [4]
Changes this week
- The 2016 Community Wishlist Survey begins on 7 November.
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from November 8th. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from November 9th. It will be on all wikis from November 10th (calendar).
- Special:ActiveUsers will allow users groups selection. [5]
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 8 November 2016 at 20:00 (UTC). See how to join.
You can join the next meeting with the Architecture committee. The topics this week are Image Thumbnail API and allow SVG files uploaded on MediaWiki to have XHTML namespaces. The meeting will be on 9 November at 21:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- RevisionSlider will be enabled by default on all beta wikis, on testwiki, testwiki2, mediawikiwiki and [6][7][8]
- Upcoming holidays will impact deployments. The schedule has been published.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
23:01, 7 November 2016 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #235
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2016-11-12.
- Discussions
- Current request for comments: Editing descriptions from Wikipedia Android app
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata and the Chain of Death, by Karl Beecher
- Scaling multilingual name tags with Wikidata OpenStreetMap contributor blog post
- Wikidata and Persistent Identifiers was presented at PIDapalooza November 9th.
- Wikidata in OpenStreetMap
- Wikidata and the Semantic Web of Food
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new Wikidata PageRank dataset has been published. The dataset was computed in August 2016 and provides PageRank scores for 10,364,840 Wikidata entities.
- Due to a possible hack, please consider resetting your passwords.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: generation time, hazard on site, ACM Digital Library event ID, ACM Digital Library citation ID, HGVS nomenclature, ID, CIViC variant ID, measure ID, Réserves Naturelles de France ID, World Waterfall Database ID, Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1853–1899 ID, ID, opponent during disputation, Vlindernet ID, male form of label, board member, Patrimonio Inmueble de Andalucía ID, BDI ID, ICCF ID, chesstempo ID, 365chess player ID, plan image, muscle action, SummitPost ID, ID, Galiciana Author ID, ICAA rating, KINENOTE person ID, NGS pumping station ID, third-party formatter URL, Open Media Database film ID, broadcast by, musical conductor, Student register of the University of Helsinki 1640–1852 ID, Belgian Senate person ID, Flemish Parliament person ID
- Query examples:
- Map of educational institutes from all over the world (source)
- Current US Supreme Court justices by their date of birth (source)
- Death dates of people with Wikidata items (source)
- French towns that a street in Paris is name after(source)
- Statements with “reason for deprecation” rank that aren’t deprecated(source)
- Query examples:
- Development
- More work on federation (phabricator:T76007)
- Worked on first basic version of Lexeme entity type for Wiktionary support (phabricator:T148139)
- Test system for automated language links for Wiktionary (phabricator:T987)
- Analysed feedback prototype for editing on Wikipedia in order to refine it
- Worked on mapping Commons workflows and needs
- Analysed queries used with Listeria
- More work on making ArticlePlaceholder pages indexeable by search engines (phabricator:T117693)
- More work on enabling translations from existing articles in other languages on ArticlePlaceholder pages (phabricator:T124036)
- Link to local articles in ArticlePlaceholders (phabricator:T113955)
- Fix for bug that prevented editing (phabricator:T150401)
- Experimented with improvements for property suggestions (phabricator:T132839)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- When you edit with the visual editor you can use
to add a reference. The meta key is often the control key or command key. [9]
Changes this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from November 15. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from November 16. It will be on all wikis from November 17 (calendar).
- In Special:Preferences you can choose which language menus and buttons will be in. If there is no translation for that language, MediaWiki has a list of fallback languages. A fallback language is a language many will understand better than English. MediaWiki will now use English when there is no Ukrainian translation. [10]
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 15 November at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Magic links might not work in the future. [11]
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19:17, 14 November 2016 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #236
- Discussions
- New request for comments: How to make new languages enabled on Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Parlement & Politiek ID (P1749) has been completed in Mix'n'match. Over 5000 politicians from the Netherlands (and also Belgium) now have a link to this resource
- Two policies about abandoned tools on Tool Labs are currently voted on
- The Community Wishlist Survey is now closed and the vote phase will start on November 28. Here's the category for Wikidata
- Data import hub and Data import guide: feel free to give feedbacks on these documents!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: musipedia tune ID, Adult Film Database person ID, WHO international non-proprietary names ID, designed to carry, National Library of Greece ID, PermID, HKMDb person ID, RxNorm CUI, Vote Smart ID, ID, significant person, Kvikmyndir person ID, Kvikmyndir film ID, World Surf League ID, Encyclopedia of Surfing ID
- Query examples:
- Occupations of women, with French female-form labels (source, database report)
- Documents with most signatories (source)
- Filming locations of James Bond films (source)
- United States National Historic Landmarks not actually located in the United States (source)
- Items with VIAF, but no P31/279 (source)
- Newest database reports: List of Italian language films without articles in Italian Wikipedia
- Development
- Unit conversion has been rolled out for the first dimension for a short while now.
- Undo diffs now utilize language fallbacks for property and item labels (gerrit:315291). Thanks to Matěj Suchánek!
- Reworked database schema for Cognate (the extension that will do automatic interwiki links for Wiktionary). It is still waiting for security review before it can be deployed.
- Worked more on basic version of Lexeme entity type
- Fixed a bug where the links on action=info where wrong (phabricator:T149598)
- Getting close to finishing the groundwork for Federation so that in the future you'll be able to use Wikidata's items and properties to describe files on Commons.
- Added Innu-aimun as a language for monolingual text values (phabricator:T151129)
- Worked on linking to Wikipedia articles in the statements on an ArticlePlaceholder (phabricator:T113955)
- ArticlePlaceholder got a button to translate articles via the ContentTranslation extension (phabricator:T124036)
- Prepared a bot to fix quantity values after the recent changes to precisions (phabricator:T142087)
- Did user interviews for use cases and workflows on Commons
- Analyzed more Listeria queries in order to figure out steps forward for easier query writing
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help write the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Administrators, bureaucrats, oversighters and checkusers can now use two-factor authentication. This makes their Wikimedia accounts more secure. This can be turned on in Special:Preferences. There are discussions on how to best turn it on for everyone. [12]
- You can now search for file properties. For example you can search for media type, how big a file is or what resolution it has. [13]
- The latest Collaboration team products newsletter has been published. It has more details about their work than Tech News has.
- A hacker group is hacking Wikimedia accounts. They can probably do this because users have the same passwords on Wikimedia wikis as on other sites. Please have a password you use only on the Wikimedia wikis and nowhere else. This is especially important for administrators, bureaucrats, oversighters and checkusers. These users can also turn on two-factor authentication. [14]
Changes this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
- RevisionSlider will be a default feature on German, Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedia. This will happen on 22 November. It will come to other wikis later. [15][16][17]
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 22 November at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- It will be possible to do cross-wiki search. The developers who work on this are looking for communities that want to test this. [18]
- Hovercards will leave the beta stage. The Wikimedia Foundation Reading Web team wants communities to set Hovercards as a default option for readers who are not logged in. Communities that are interested can say so on the Hovercards talk page. [19]
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15:33, 21 November 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 November 2016
- Special report: Taking stock of the Good Article backlog
- News and notes: Arbitration Committee elections commence
- Traffic report: President-elect Trump
- Featured content: Featured mix
Wikidata weekly summary #237
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Semi-automatic Addition of References to Wikidata Statements
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikidata introduction by Pigsonthewing at DJUK 2016
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Items without statements is down to 5% for enwiki (source)
- Wikidata:WikiProject Biographical Identifiers
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Auckland Art Gallery artist ID, Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux ID, Géopatronyme ID, Prabook ID, GECD film ID, GECD person ID, Enciclopedia Treccani, stereoisomer of, Tennishof ID, operating income, PictoRight ID code, Nobel Prize People Nomination ID, negative prognostic predictor, positive prognostic predictor, negative diagnostic predictor, positive diagnostic predictor, negative therapeutic predictor, positive therapeutic predictor, National Recreation Trails Database ID
- Query example : List of sovereign state flags by proportion (source)
- Newest tool: Display the link to Wikiversity in the title of Wikipedia using Wikidata
- Newest database report: Unique films: film items with a link to a single Wikipedia
- Development
- Adding new wikis to interwiki sort order and move sort orders to WMF config. phab:T111023
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes this week
- When someone tries to log in to a blocked account they will be blocked by a cookie. This means their browser will be blocked even if they change their IP address. This makes it more difficult for returning vandals. [20]
- When you use Content Translation to adapt a template to a new translation it will work differently. You can adapt big templates such as infoboxes. Translators will have control over the template parameters. A first version of this is released this week. It is possible it will not work correctly with all templates. There will be more updates for this soon. [21]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 29 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 30 November. It will be on all wikis from 1 December (calendar).
Gadgets will have a new option called "hidden". This means you can register gadgets that can't be turned on or off from the preferences page. Hiding gadgets was already possible by using
. You should now use[hidden]
in old gadgets should be changed to[hidden]
. [22][23]
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 29 November at 19:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
Tool Labs could get two new policies. One would be to be able to adopt tools without an active developer. The other would be a right to fork. There is a request for comment on Meta.
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21:16, 28 November 2016 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #238
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Editing descriptions from Wikipedia Android app
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikidata workshop at Code for Germany with OKLabs, Jens and WikidataFacts. You can read a blog post by Riedelwerk (in German) More documentation to come soon
- How Wikidata could be used for biomedical knowledge (Benjamin Good)
- The Fossasia Opentech Submit in Singapore is looking for speakers. If you're in the area and want to introduce attendees to Wikidata, feel free to send your application!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Sitelinks for the new Finnish Wikivoyage can be added
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: French Sculpture Census work ID, Japan Sumo Association ID, film poster, GeneDB ID, File Format Wiki page ID, FAO 2007 genetic resource ID, Model Manual ID, Merck Index reaction ID, Bloomberg private company ID, Belgian Enterprise number, GECD Firmen-ID, endianness, sibling
- Query examples:
- Bridges named after women (source)
- Network of brands of some big food/drink companies (source, help improve it)
- Cities located next to most rivers (source)
- Nobel Prize winners on Twitter (source)
- French deputies who died during their mandate (source)
- Streets in the Netherlands named after people
- People burried in the cemetery of La Croix Rousse (Lyon, France) (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Politicians in France
- Newest database reports: list of films with multiple-language versions (Italian labels)
- Development
- Special:EntityUsage and Special:PagesWithBadges now are using OOjs UI (phab:T152046)
- RFC discussion on ways to allow visitors to choose a language without logging in (phab:T149419 and phab:T114662)
- Investigating performance issues with change dispatching (phab:T151681)
- Continued work on Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662), refining the Lexeme data model (phab:T151582)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- Some discussion on tracking usage of statements or statement groups on clients (phab:T151717, see mailing list)
- Investigating support for Linked Data Fragments (phab:T136358)
- We're participating in this year's Google Code-In with a couple of Wikidata related tasks
- Research for Wikidata for Commons and Wiktionary continues
- Added olo (Livvinkarjala), mai and tcy to interwiki sorting order. (phab:T151449)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can choose to see users from specific user groups in Special:ActiveUsers. [24]
- Everyone can now see Special:UserRights. Previously only those who could change user rights could. Other users got an error message. [25]
- ORES can now show how likely an edit is to be damaging to the wiki with different colours. This only works for languages that have trained ORES to recognize damaging edits. [26]
Changes this week
- You will now see categories with 0 pages in Special:Categories. Previously you did not see empty categories there. [27]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 6 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 7 December. It will be on all wikis from 8 December (calendar).
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 6 December at 20:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The 2016 Community Wishlist Survey will decide what the Community Tech team will work on next year. You vote for wishes on the survey page until 12 December. You can see what has happened to last year's wishes on the 2015 results page.
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18:07, 5 December 2016 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #239
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of User:Coyau. He was a very active editor on Wikidata and the other Wikimedia projects. He will be deeply missed by his friends and family but his great work on open culture will stay. Feel free to browse and share his work. Thanks Guillaume for this message.
- Discussions
- New development input: Avoiding breaking gadgets when developing UI
- Closed request for comments: Data quality framework for Wikidata
- Wishlist at What government data is of best interest?
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Open Gov Partnership conference in Paris, where Ash_Crow and other editors presented Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Have a look at PAWS, a tool to create Wikidata bots (and a cheat sheet from WikidataFacts)
- Item Q 28 000 000 is about to be created.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: CNC film rating (Romania), ID, CORDIS Project ID, JTWC tropical cyclone ID, Butterflies and Moths of North America ID, Guide of the French Church person ID, Guide of the French Church structure ID, heart rate, Järviwiki ID, LittleSis organisation ID, Surman ID, Verkhovna Rada MP id, Consolidated code of the electronic catalog of libraries of Belarus, Royal Swedish Academy of Letters member ID, LittleSis people ID, minimum frequency of audible sound
- Query examples:
- Map of people buried in the cemetery of Norra Begravningsplatsen (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Works of Musée Saint-Raymond (Toulouse, France) on Wikidata (source)
- Communes of France named after a river
- People awarded by a Theater World Award in 2016
- Upcoming creative works: films, TV series, video games… (source)
- Number of demonstrations per country (source)
- Newest database reports: Spanish-language films without an article in Spanish Wikipedia
- Development
- Continued work on Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662), we're discussing some details in the data model (phab:T152019)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- Rework translation/article creation UI (phab:T151858)
- Creating OOUI mockups as preparation for the dev summit
- Finishing touches on the extension for automatic generation of inter-wiktionary links (preparatory work for lexicographic data in Wikidata)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Users who have Yahoo email addresses could not use Special:EmailUser to send emails. This has now been fixed. Emails will now come from a address. Users who get an email from you will still reply to your email address and be able to see it. [28]
- You can now see how many categories and pages there are in the categories in Special:TrackingCategories. This is to help you find pages that could need attention. [29]
- Markup colours for reviewed and pending revisions in the page history and recent changes and logs now match Wikimedia standard colours. The "You have a new message on your talk page" notification will have a slightly different colour. [30]
- Because of work on cross-wiki watchlists global renaming is not working. The plan is to turn it on again on 16 December. Global renaming was turned off for a while in late November and early December as well. [31]
Changes this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 13 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 14 December. It will be on all wikis from 15 December (calendar).
You can join the next meeting with the VisualEditor team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on December 13 at 20:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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19:30, 12 December 2016 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #240
- Discussions
- Voting on Make family member properties gender neutral: replacement of mother/father with a new "parent" properties
- Switch Wikidata entities from http to https: T153563
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Blog post about the Wikidata workshop at Code for Germany (de)
- Wikidata people will be at the Chaos Communication Congress (Hamburg, December 27th-30th) on the Open Knowledge Assembly stand
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Basque language Wikipedia develops a most prominent basque and worlwide person born/death in this day for all the day related articles. For example, eu:Abenduaren 19. It also displays interesting red links for people born and dead that day that are not represented in eu:wp.
- WDQ about to be shut down (you can add sub-tasks for remaining uses to T153439)
- SQID now supports PrimarySources
- Project Grants program will fund 12 community-led projects, several of them directly related to Wikidata
- Citoid, a script for editing references that can automatically populate parts of the reference, is now available for testing!
- New parser function has been enabled
- Histropedia added new features to the Wikidata query timeline
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Yle Areena ID, Leopoldina member ID, Protected areas of Canada ID, Saxon Academy of Sciences member ID, Clergy of the Church of England database ID, Catalogus Professorum Lipsiensis ID, FINA Athlete ID, Klosterdatenbank, Saccharomyces Genome Database ID, Nederlands Soortenregister ID, The Vogue List ID, coextensive with
- Query examples:
- Timeline of the Christmas movies (source)
- All Theatre World Award winners, in a timeline with pictures (source)
- Birthplaces of people buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen (source)
- Planets, their moons, and the things they are named after (source)
- Items with no father or no mother (source)
- People born on Christmas day (source)
- Newest external tools: “short author name” resolver tool
- Newest database reports: hospital lists
- Development
- Statements will soon be ordered as specified in MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties (phab:T150788)
- Getting ready the basic Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662), we're discussing some details in the data model (phab:T152019)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- We removed the page property
, old entries will not be updated any more (phab:T146792) - Removed a visible jump while an entity page loads (gerrit:325924)
- Fixed a formatting issue in which the geo coordinate formatter may output "60 seconds" (phab:T153429)
- Fixed a bug in Special:NewProperty where it was not possible to provide the property type as part of the URL (phab:327496)
- Working on a major rewrite of Special:EntitiesWithoutLabel/Description, one of many steps to phase numeric entity IDs out (phab:T140891)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News
- Because of the holidays the next issue of Tech News will be sent out on 9 January 2017.
- The writers of the technical newsletter are asking for your opinion. Did you get the information you wanted this year? Did we miss important technical news in 2016? What kind of information was too late? Please tell us! You can write in your language. Thank you!
Recent changes
- Administrators and translation administrators can now use Special:PageLanguage on wikis with the Translate extension. This means you can say what language a page is in. The Translate extension will use that language as the source language when you translate. Previously this was always the wiki's default language. This was usually English. [32]
Wikis connected to Wikidata can now use the parser function
{{#statements: }}
to get formatted data. You can also use{{#property: }}
to get raw data. You can see the difference between the two statements. There are also similar new functions in Lua. [33]
- Some abuse filters for uploaded files have not worked as they should. We don't know exactly which filters didn't work yet. This means some files that filters should have prevented from being uploaded were uploaded to the wikis. and Testwiki have been affected since 13 October. Commons and Meta have been affected since 17 October. Other wikis have been affected since 17 November. [34]
Changes this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. There will be no new MediaWiki version next week either.
The next meeting with the VisualEditor team will be on 3 January at 20:00 (UTC). During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. See how to join.
Future changes
- The 2016 Community Wishlist Survey is done. It decides what the Community Tech team will work on during 2017. You can see the results.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
20:33, 19 December 2016 (UTC)
Nyhetsbrev fra Wikimedia Norge
Hello, Wikimedia Norge members and other contributors, here is our newsletter for the end of the year 2016.
We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Wiki Loves Monuments: The results from this year's edition of Wiki Loves Monuments are summarized on our blog. You can see the winners of the international part of the contest here. In 2017 we will be arranging Wiki Loves Earth instead of Wiki Loves Monuments. Please get in touch with us if you want to help organize it!
- Weekly contest: Join the weekly contests on Christmas or 2016–2017!
- #1lib1ref: With the Citation Hunt tool you will get suggestions about Wikipedia paragraphs in need of references, and in January we will be organizing #faktajakt as part of the international 1Lib1Ref project to get librarians to add references to Wikipedia. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact
- Meetup: There will be a wiki meetup at Litteraturhuset, Oslo, on January 17. You can register here.
- General assembly: Keep the dates! On March 24 and 25 Wikimedia Norge's general assembly and corresponding meetups will be held in Trondheim.
If you wish to become a Wikimedia Norge member and support our work, you can do so here, or support us by transfering money via Vipps to 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.
This newsletter is posted by a bot. Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe
Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 16:48, 20 December 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 22 December 2016
- Year in review: Looking back on Wikimedia's 2016
- Special report: German Wikipedia ArbCom implodes amid revelation of member's far-right political role
- Traffic report: Post-election traffic blues
- Featured content: The pre-Christmas edition
- Technology report: Labs improvements impact 2016 Tool Labs survey results
- Recent research: One study and several abstracts
Wikidata weekly summary #241
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Belvedere artist ID, Calflora ID, basic unit of settlement code (Czech/Slovak), Google Play Store ID, Quora topic ID, end period, start period
- Query examples:
- List of heads of state by Erdős number (source)
- Airports named after people (source)
- Graves with no grave pictures of people buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen (source)
- Graves with grave pictures of people buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen (source)
- Solidays occurring today (source)
- Streets in Paris named after current countries (source)
- Streets in Paris named after battles (source)
- Wikipedia articles (in any language) of paintings by painter (source)
- Sovereign state flags with no red, white, or blue (source)
- Graph of number of compositions over age at first composition (source)
- Development
- Worked more on the first entity type (Lexeme) for Wiktionary support
- Worked more on federation in order to allow using Wikidata items and properties to describe images on Commons in the future
- Fixed a bug with getLabelWithLang returning the wrong language (phabricator:T152241)
- Fixed an issue where some coordinate values displayed 60 seconds instead of rounding to 1 minute (phabricator:T153429)
- Adjusted language for simple English sitelinks (phabricator:T152915)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention