User talk:Francis Tyers
Add topic- De ce nu ma ajuti si tu Francis? --Brasoveanul 06:20, 19 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Salut Prietene! Ti-a fost dor de mine? Cand mai putem vorbi impreuna? Mi-e dor de conversatiile noastre, da-i pace la Node, el stie ca a pierdut. Nu se poate lupta impotriva unui popor intreg :) --Fratele lui Bonaparte, il cunosti? 10:48, 23 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit]for you support on --Baybak 13:30, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit]Possibly, you could reconsider your opposing the Requests_for_new_languages#Belarusian_.28Orthography_Revision_of_1959.29_.2810_support_.2F_3_oppose.29? The possibility of automated showing of Belarusian text in diff. orthographies is, by far, a myth. There are also significant and growing differences in lexics used, pointed out in meta discussion in request, and there exists nothing conceivable to handle them. Finally, there is talk on orthography, but diffs exist in syntax and morphology scopes, too. --- 08:11, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
Broad Public Media Re-Evaluation
[edit]Why did you delete my entry from Jimbo's $100 mil copyright list? (reply to
> How about a non-profit company (like Wikipedia?) that maintains websites to record detailed public voting on all
current issues:
> - Public rating of copyright, patent law, international issues
> - Public rating for the 'actual', ie. cultural-historical, value of works as opposed to their resell value
> - Public rating of video games
> - Public rating of specific areas of govt spending (arts, military, etc.)
> - Public rating for the value of specific research: biomedical, nuclear, arts, energy
> These would be comparative public ratings shown along with actual (relative) costs in each area. The idea being to help society redefine value in all areas. Minimal security similar to Wikipedia's "peer pressure method", and with user accounts asking users to register demographic backgrounds. Only one vote allowed per user per area per year. Viewers could view and filter the data based on income, region, ethnicity, etc. No debates (maybe in separate area), just straight voting data.
> Operated as a scientific service (ie. data-driven), the goal being to allow everyone to directly see the global social progress of what we actually value in comparison to how we spend. [rchoetzlein]
Padonki test
[edit]I beg your pardon for disturb you, but Padonki test, denied by community, is still not deleted in Incubator. The test contains only original research, abusive and humoristic "articles" whithout any encyclpaedic meaning. There are many protest of native speakers of slvaic languages against that: The test is almost inactive, only one teenager fanatic still write there. The test is abusive for many East Slavs, because the abusive words which are used there are indecent in books and encyclopaedias according to Slavic Culture. Are there any procedure to delete denied tests from incubator? --Yaroslav Zolotaryov 00:56, 1 November 2006 (UTC)
Please see my comment on Bot_aid. Thanks--Markie 21:58, 12 April 2007 (UTC)
machine translation
Here you have given a very interesting link. But I don't understand where is there the translation machine itself? Is it availiable for download? Don Alessandro 19:18, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
Gràcies/Thank you
35-hour edit-a-thon at Miró Foundation (April 2013)
Hola, gràcies a la teva firma donant suport a la nostra associació. El passat dia 5 de juny Amical Wikimedia (Associació Amical Viquipèdia) va ser reconeguda pel Consell d'Administració de la Fundació Wikimedia com a Organització Temàtica. Pots veure el comunicat de l'associació en català aquí o el comunicat de la WMF en anglès aquí. Per a la nostra associació és una fita molt important, portàvem 5 anys demanant ésser un organisme oficial. Nosaltres continuarem la nostra tasca de promoció al carrer i a les institucions de la Viquipèdia i els seus projectes germans arreu dels territoris de parla catalana.
Hello, thanks for your signature giving support to our association. Last 5th of June Amical Wikimedia (Associació Amical Viquipèdia) was recognised by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees as a Thematic Organization. You can read the news bulletin of our association in Catalan here or the WMF's bulletin in English here. For our association, this is a very important achievement: we have been pursuing the official recognition for the last 5 years. We are going to continue the task of promoting Wikipedia and its sister projects all around the Catalan-speaking regions.
Moltes gràcies, Thank you --Davidpar (talk) 20:42, 14 July 2013 (UTC)
Superprotect status
[edit]Dear Francis Tyers, since you are an administrator on a wiki from which no user participated in this discussion, I'd like to make sure you are aware of some recent events which may alter what the Wikimedia Foundation lets you do on your wiki: Superprotect.
- Request for comment: Requests for comment/Superprotect rights
- An open letter about its implementation: Letter to Wikimedia Foundation: Superprotect and Media Viewer
Peteforsyth 09:14, 12 September 2014 (UTC)
Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te
Gentile Francis Tyers,
oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.
Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.
Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.
Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.
Grazie ancora e a presto,
Lorenzo Losa (msg) 10:13, 26 February 2020 (UTC)
Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te
Gentile Francis Tyers,
oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.
Come piccolo omaggio avremmo piacere di spedirti una copia (tutta in carta riciclata) del libro di Carlo Piana, Open source, software libero e altre libertà. Fornisci un recapito per ricevere una copia del libro.
Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.
Se desideri una copia ma non puoi fornirci un indirizzo a cui spedirla, contatta la segreteria Wikimedia Italia e troviamo una soluzione insieme.
Grazie ancora e a presto,