User talk:Dream Indigo
Add topicit-N | Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano. |
en-4 | This user has near native speaker knowledge of English. |
la-2 | Hic usor lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest. |
ru-1 | Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне. |
Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2024: congratulation and certificate
Dear Dream Indigo,
Thank you very much for taking part in Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2024. We are always welcoming new participants in our annual campaign on writing about Ukrainian culture and people as it helps to constantly broaden the horizons of our contest. Did you know that this year we have recorded contributions in a record-breaking 66 language editions? It was certainly not possible without you!
As promised, we would be happy to award you with a certificate of participation. Please make sure that you have enabled email function, I will reach out to you soon.
Detailed results will be shortly published on our landing page and top-30 contributors will receive prizes, so stay tuned for that.
Stay safe, we appreciate you being the Wikipedian that you are . ValentynNefedov (WMUA) (talk)
Template: Collapse top
[edit]Ciao, se ritieni di dover modificare quel template per cortesia apri una discussione. Viene utilizzato in SRG che è una pagina ad alto traffico proprio per ridurre la dimensione delle varie sezioni, non mi pare una buona idea ingrandirlo. Grazie, --Mtarch11 (talk) 01:50, 15 June 2024 (UTC)
- Ciao, grazie mille per avermi dato una spiegazione! Stavo per chiedertelo io, ma tu sei stato più veloce. Quindi grazie per avermelo spiegato e buona notte (se anche tu vivi in Italia come me, altrimenti buon proseguimento). ✩ Dream Indigo ✩ 01:59, 15 June 2024 (UTC)
- Ciao, @Mtarch11. Ho annullato anche la modifica (fatta da me) a Template:Collapse bottom, altrimenti c'era un
di troppo. Dovrebbe essere tutto risolto adesso :) ✩ Dream Indigo ✩ 18:04, 15 June 2024 (UTC)- Ottimo, grazie mille :) --Mtarch11 (talk) 01:32, 17 June 2024 (UTC)
- Ciao, @Mtarch11. Ho annullato anche la modifica (fatta da me) a Template:Collapse bottom, altrimenti c'era un