User talk:Conquistador
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Latest comment: 16 years ago by Redux in topic SUL
[edit]Pravila su takva da moras da ides od projekta do projekta i da ja kao steward mogu da uradim nesto iskljucivo ako projekat nema birokrate (a, koliko vidim, u pitanju su veci projekti koji sigurno imaju birokrate). Usput, da li su nalozi na Commonsu i pl.wp tvoji? Ako jesu, mislim da neces imati nikakav problem prilikom trazenja naloga na projektima. Portugalac je potpuno neaktivan od vremena stvaranja naloga u 2005. godini. --Millosh 04:44, 5 January 2009 (UTC)
- Hi Conquistador. I have taken care of the issue on Because I'm a Bureaucrat there, I was able to resolve the issue immediately. You should be able to take over the username there as integrated to your SUL login. All you need to do is log in normally there. As for the other project, despite my past efforts in that regard, we have not been able to reach some form of unified procedure for multiple usurpations. Since all those projects have local Bureaucrats, I cannot act in them to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, the user still has to make local requests in each project. The one other thing I can do, if you'd like, is that I can contact the local Bureaucrats at the project, and see if they will consider usurping the username there for you (considering that the account has been inactive for nearly 4 years and all). Let me know if you would like me to do that, or if you would like to take care of this yourself. Sorry I can't do more. Redux 19:45, 9 January 2009 (UTC)