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User talk:Asaf (WMF)/African women not on French Wikipedia

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Latest comment: 8 years ago by Asaf (WMF)

Hi Asaf

I believe we already have the equivalent of your queries (see what I did here last year: [1]. We have such list for all countries for EN/FR languages, see there as well.

My problem is slightly different. I would like to get a list of "all articles being biographies about a women, born or living in Africa, of FA or GA quality, in English, or French or Arabic".

I can find out the first part in Wikidata (gender, country), but Wikidata does not have information about the quality of the article (FA or GA categories).

So my query may be more a category type of query than a simple wikidata one.

So, if I try on petscan... I can do a query with {{good article}}, {{Featured article}} in English (in French {{Entête label|AdQ}} and {{Entête label|BA}}), which I put in the templates/links area

then I add in the wikidata area Q5,Q6581072,Q1008 (human, female, cote d'ivoire) (for example). This one turns a 0 result of course

If I try it with Q5,Q6581072,Q1025 (human, female, mauritania), I get one result (w:en:Malouma)

Ok. So I have three questions

  1. is there a way to do that query with all african countries rather than adding their Q code country by country ? (is there a sort of overarching property that could somehow be used ? I think not, but do you confirm ?)
  2. how to differenciate the type of property in the petscan query. For example... ?item wdt:P27 wd:Q1008 . is about the citizenship. But P495would be country of origin. Still, in petscan, we seem to be only able to put the wd info (the Q code), not to specify the wdt info (the P code). Do you understand what I mean ? Is there a way we can select (or differenciate) both women who are african from "origin" and from "citizenship" ?
  3. is there a way to link to an url with the pre-fabricated query on petscan (so that someone can actually see the query we did and run it) ?


Anthere (talk)

@Anthere: Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't check what you already had before I made this page.
But yeah, the page now contains reworked queries (in pure Wikidata, i.e. without PetScan) that do what you want, with both good/featured and standard modes.
Let me know if this is what you needed. Asaf (WMF) (talk) 21:01, 30 January 2017 (UTC)Reply