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User talk:AbhiSuryawanshi/PEG/AbhiSuryawanshi/Hindi Wikipedia Meet Feb2015

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Hindi Wikipedia Meet Feb2015
This is first major small gathering of the Hindi Wikipedia Community.
targetHindi Wikipedia
strategic priorityIncrease participation
start dateFebruary 10
start year2015
end dateFebruary 20
end year2015
budget (local currency)197000
budget (USD)3196
grant typeIndividual on behalf of Hindi Wikipedians
contact(s)• HiWikipedian@gmail.com• abhinav619@gmail.com
created on22:15, 17 January 2015 (UTC)



Please briefly describe what will be accomplished if the project is successful (2–3 sentences).

  • The meeting aims to discuss topics and issues in Hindi Wikipedia.
  • Project plan discussion for programmatic work (Online as well as offline such as government outreach and institutional partnerships)
  • Identify areas of improvement for future meet-ups/conferences.
  • Bridge gender-gap on Hindi Wikipedia by recruiting female editors.




  • Two day meet-up of Hindi Wikipedians on 14th and 15th February.
  • Workshops to promote Hindi Wikipedia



Target readership


Hindi Wikipedia

Fit with strategy


What crucial thing will the project try to change or benefit in the Wikimedia movement? Please select the Wikimedia strategic priority(ies) that your project most directly aims to impact and explain how your project fits. Most projects fit all strategic priorites. However, we would like project managers to focus their efforts on impacting 1-2 strategic priorities. Examples of strategic priorities can be found at here.

Hindi is world's 4th most spoken language. Hindi Wikipedia is biggest Indic Language Wikipedia. We have 1,17,000+ articles and 258 million (258,000,000) people in India reported Hindi to be their native language. Hindi Wikipedia needs more offline activities (meet-ups/conferences) for improvement. During India Community Consultation 2014 Hindi Wikipedians requested special attention towards Hindi Wikipedia, everyone encouraged representatives to take lead and plan activities. This meet-up will be effort towards same.

Measures of success


Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used determine how successful the project is. You will need to report on the success of the project according to these measures after the project is completed. See the PEG Program Resources for suggested measures of success. Note: In addition to your project-specific measures of success, you will also be asked to report on some Global Metrics at the end of your final report. Please keep this in mind as you plan, and we'll support you as you begin your project.

We would deem these celebrations a success, if
  • at least 20 active Hindi Wikipedians and enthusiasts attend the meeting.
  • discussion about tricky wiki policies takes place.
  • a detailed documentation of ideas/issues/strategies/policies discussed at the meeting is produced;
  • project plan for programatic work (writing competitions, government outreach, institutional partnership etc)
  • if the feedback of the participants would be generally positive.

Resources and risks



We have years of experience carrying out local outreach and organizing events.
  • Abhishek Suryawanshi : Organising Team member, logistic manager - WikiConferenceIndia 2011. Ambassador - Wikipedia Education Program. Director - Wikipedia Summit Pune 2013 and local outreach coordinator at Wikipedia Club.
  • Abhinav Srivastva : Team Member - WikiConferenceIndia 2011, Outreach coordinator - India Education Program.
  • Syed Muzammiluddin : On-ground support - Train The Trainer Program 2013, Blog-writer for various outreach activities.
We are working together with help of Hindi Wikipedia community to plan the program and manage logistic.


Risk - Lack of interest
At the time of India Community Consultation, there was low response from Hindi Community, To ensure more interest participation, central notice on Hindi Wikipedia is active and we have requested all active editors to participate in meet-up.
Risk - Program Evaluation
We would like to learn from WMF Learning & Evaluation Team.



Please provide a detailed breakdown of project expenses according to the instructions here. See Budget Guidelines. Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.

Project budget table
Number Category Item description Number of units Cost per unit Total cost in INR Total cost in USD (approximate) Notes
1 Conference Hall Conference hall for two days + celebration space
50 people capacity
25,000 405 Discounted rate in same hotel for 'two days'
Another small conference room for 20 people complimentary.
2 Accommodation Twin sharing rooms for two day. 20 4,500 90,000 1622
includes lunch,dinner and free WiFi for both days.
3 Travel Travel scholarships 10 6000 60,000 975 For top contributors and interested participants across India
4 Workshops Before and after meeting. 4 1000 4,000 66 For new volunteer recruitment.
5 Felicitation / Gifts Memento for 10 active contributors recognising their contribution. 10 500 5,000 81 Thanksgiving to Administrators on Hindi Wikipedia
6 Print Material (Banners/I-Cards/Posters etc) 3,000 49
7 Miscellaneous 10,000 163 reserves and unexpected costs

Total cost of project


01,97,000 INR
~ 3197$

Total amount requested


Total amount requested from the Project and Event Grants Program.
01,97,000 INR
~ 3197$

Non-financial requirements


See a description of non financial assistance available. Please inform the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) of any requirements for non-financial assistance now.

  • Guidance from WMF about reporting and follow-up.
  • Help from Wikipedia Education Program team.
  • Supply of Wikipedia branding souvenirs like stickers etc.



Community notification


You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a village pump, talkpage, mailing list. Please paste a link below to where the relevant communities have been notified of this proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions. Need notification tips?

Hindi Wikipedia - Here



Do you think this project should be selected for a Project and Event Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.