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User:Zeki Mert Kuku

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«birth/ 01/05/2004» 16 years, 4 months and 12 days for 13th September 2020.

I was born 20 years ago in Karaman.

User language
tr-N Bu kullanıcının anadili Türkçedir.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf grundlegendem Niveau.
Users by language

আ Ǿ Hello, My name is Zeki and live in Ankara/Turkey. I think that I live in an excellent world and I can achieve to realise myself. Let's accompany me. We ought to help each other after we were born. We are homo sapiences . In my opinion, I'll encounter some people who may change my life and ameliorate the earth together. I hope, you will appreciate my purpose because of my narration.

Ỻ ổǼẞ I have some problems which I need to solve them. They stem from health due to using drugs(medical, the doctor (!) had written before it damaged my brain. However, even so, although my cognitive functions have been decreased, I haven't lost literally. Send me message. I'm awaiting.

₯₯₯ ₪฿ ǽ Please resque me. And heal the world.

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Zeki Mert Kuku, {{{job title}}}
Zeki Mert Kuku

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