I recommend Meta to all Wikimedia users looking for a more structural understanding and overview of: protagonists, contexts, resources and process within the Wikimedia ecosystem. WARNING: Meta is under-structured and under-maintained resource, with tons of strange and cute (deprecated) pages Wikimedians_with_slow_Internet_connections
I also recommend using Movement Strategy FORUM (discussion board) to people interested in following implementations of 2030 strategy plans.
- 2019 -- I was joining Meta primarily as a member of the organizing team of the QueeringWikipedia Conference.
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- 2020 -- I was busy with #femWikiRAINBOW #checkInEditON, #towardsQueeringWIKIPEDIA and preparations and some of the work for Wiki Loves Dalmatia and Kvarner (that still needs to scale)
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- 2021 -- I moved deeper into Meta matters with much work around Movement Strategy (especially the implementations CEE Hub and The Capacity Exchange), but also work in the region as a theme ExPatYUGOdiasporas as well as in the local and lingual contexts of Croatian Wikipedia and Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia.
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- 2022 -- I organize my and collaborative work for better overview, as well mark problematic aspects of Meta when possible and advocate for its refactoring and amending with other tools and services.
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- 2023 -- Presented at Wikimedia CEE Meeting