Hi, i am DreamLong
I speak Vietnamese ( Mother language ), German ( actually live in Germany ) and English.
Contact me: in Wikipedia in vi, en or de
Ask any Question if you want!
Hallo, ich bin DreamLong
Ich rede Vietnamesich ( Muttersprache ), Deutsch ( ich lebe aktuell in Deutschland ) und Englisch
Kontaktiere mich: in Wikipedia in vi, en oder de
Frage mich wenn du eine Frage hast!
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Template:User saxony |
Ask how to ask Userboxes like that? U can add by using this :
or if you want to create one yourself, write like this:
{{Userbox | (coloruwantleft) | (coloruwantright) | (pictrueortextleft) | (textright) }}
see too: Wikipedia: Wikipedia:Userboxes