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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

About me

I work for a technology start up company, which I co-founded in 2009, developing innovative lighting devices for artificial illumination. I worked as a volunteer for Wikimania Esino Lario, being in charge of the registration process and accomodation. Following this experience I have started editing wikipedia and organising diffent events such as editathons, wiki-excursions etc. in Como and the sorroundings. Since 2016 I am also a member of Wikimedia Italy, and in 2017 and 2018 have been assigned the role of coordinator of the activitives in Lombardy region.

My work

{{{about my work}}}

Contact me

  • email:
    • marta.pigazzini(_AT_)wikimedia.it
This user is a wikipassport holder.
This user volunteered at Wikimania 2016: , .
This user is involved in Wikimedia Italia.