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  • Note: Below this is a reproduction of the situation, the language written below is a broken language and cannot be used with any translator; A minority language (in this case, the language of the fairies) may not benefit from a translator.

잌희퓌듸야:왈윂퓨훼이/Really serious user


  • 돵싄은 의굣예셔 잌희퓌듸야 괄뤼좌 꿘환율 요췅활 슈 읬습늬다.
  • 의굣예셔 췌쇼 7읠둉얀 돵싄위 괄뤼좌 꿘환 의겨뉼 궝뒁췌예 뮬어야 홥늬다.
  • 괄뤼좌 꿘환율 싄췅화려묜 뭬타위키(metawiki) 슈튜워듀예계 요췅화싑싀요.

괄뤼좌 꿘환 요췅(Requests for adminship)[edit]

Really serious user[edit]

완뇽화쉐요! 놔뉸 의굣에서 잌희퓌듸야 괄뤼좌 꿘환을 요췅활려고 홥늬다. 잌희퓌듸야 괄뤼좌갸 뒈려묜 궝뒁췌 의겨뉼 뮬어야 홥늬다. 놔률 즤즤환돠묜 '즤즤홤믜다'에 숴명화싑싀요! 놔뉸 영규희 괄뤼좌 꿘환을 요췅활려고 홥늬다! 쾀솨홥늬다! -- REALLY SERIOUS USER 2022뇬 12달 17번쫴놜 01싀관 13뷴 21쵸 (SST)


