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  • Postering: Periodic Table (mind|sils) (http://home.erin.utoronto.ca/~jbonham/wikipedia + /wikiped, multilang-post zip)
  • Announcements: Save the date! (multi) | 1M enWP (en) | 100 langsx1000 (molto multi) | posterage (en/es/eur) | Wikimentary (en/it) |
  • News : Metanews; Metalog; Quartized essays. More independent team. Cleaner Found and Met.

  • Proper multilingualism : Meta talk:Namespaces is a start. Assign lang-values to every page, fix that in the next db revision. Implement transparent 'interlang' links more flexibly than "across db's with fixed names". Prevent message-passing trouble in the future.
  • Sound: Voice of America pronunciation collection. Their pronunciation guru donated copyright on its database of 5000 pronunciation files. Try batching the new RA --> Ogg converter. Modify Andre Engel's bot to upload pronunciation-files properly? 5k is a lot.
  • Sound, Book: Monty, Xiph founder, wants to help us work with Ogg formats and create updated, free documentation.
    Needs: Someone to migrate the Ogg manuals to Wikibooks; now freely licensed. Waiting for 'official version' of thir copy. Also want to officially sponsor the media competition this summer; needs reminder.
  • Wikt : Gruppo Logos collaboration: date set. Content now released under GFDL : Verba Volant (quotations) and dicologos (dictionary; 6-9M terms, depending). (see also wordnet)
    Needs: More crossover b/t the two communities. Work ongoing to incorporate VV and dicologos content, starting with it: and nap: (to attract local interest there). Sabine C. is working with Logos.
    Needs also software clarity; new design work by Erik & Gerard (this week, hey)
  • News : Moving personal notes and updates to the Metalogue, encouraging the same in others
  • Press: We need a better public Press kit; don't see one linked from the Press Department yet. A selection of headshots, photos, quotes, and stats; with references to the really great articles (Time, Newsweek, Librarian Notes, Arte piece, &c) that have come out. Help offered by Robert Harrison; check with elian.
  • Wikt : DanKeshet's proposal, coordination with Eloquence's work
  • Wikt : Fostering collaboration with standards experts and other LISA attendees
  • Collab : Working with LISA members (potential partnership, their own wiki project for aggregating cultural nuances affecting l10n)
    Needs: Someone to actively help them customize a wiki for their project.
  • Book : the Whole Earth Catalog donated copyright on its publications through 1975.
    Needs: scanning and processing. I have copies of the 5 relevant books.
  • Acad : The National Bureau of Economic Research wants to collaborate on statistics-gathering.
    See: WikiProject Wikidemia
  • Acad : Gathering experts who want to help verify the quality of Wikipedia content.
    Needs: A public list, and project page. I have a few names from the past week. J. Tobacman is considering coming to present his paper in person in Frankfurt.
  • Non-WP: Translating. German, Spanish and Italian need prufing. Chinese needs a staging server.


  • News : Quarto finalized, published in English, being translated and pdf'ed this week | translations
  • Mania: Abstract extraction from speakers, follow-ups on older invites, gathering of abstract-translators and proceedings.
  • WM sides : Elections delayed, underspecified, unannounced. New groups/teams non-parallel, founder effects. Mailing-lists quiet save for random troll threads. Open questions and other important meta-pages underaccessed. Embassies and other groups of enthusiastic users untapped. Solution: Breathe deeply; evolution by example.



random scribblings from my notebook. feel free to link to this log but excerpt and extrapolate from it with caution.

03:26, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
You can tell something about people by whether they put their money where their mouth is. Also by where they put their mouth. Since we judge voter qualifications for board elections by vote count, it's worth checking the projects on which various people would be eligible to vote. Sadly, I'm not eligible on nah:wp or sw:wp... leaving only 9. It would be interesting to see similar lists for others.

en:wp | en:wb | en:wn | meta | foundation | mania05 | mania06 | maniateam | spcom

02:35, 24 October 2005 (UTC)
A good and busy summer, since the last post here. To follow up on the last post; Schoenhof's is still interested, Logos has made major strides and now has a GFDL notice on the bottom of each dicologos page (though it seems to be in conflict with licenses elsewhere on the site), and Martin Mai is actively interested in helping develop a unified wiktionary. Ahh, and I finally got most of the VOA pronunciations converted.

PS - New content of this sort will generally be going into User:Sj/logue, once it is templated and categoried; with links to go back into the Metalogue or its successour(sic). Must decide how & if to separate meta/enwp and personal content; probably can keep them together as long as the flow is slow.

06:51, 28 Jun 2005 (UTC)
A good weekend. Finally sent out translation requests for the last half of the Quarto (now started in 13 languages); got five new submissions for the next ed (next month!): Fuz, Gerard, Quin, Ofer, Yann?. Wikimania confirmations from the key speakers; progress getting key flight tickets purchased this week. Week off; lots of chores to do — finding a Wikimania travel agent; vacating the house for exterminators; delivering de:CD to Schoenhof's to get them to order a case from Directmedia.

Retro, Calendar need finishing.  PDF draft needs to be reviewed.
Candidate statement written; needs heavy referencing.  
Initiatives need jumpstarting; coordinate with user survey?
Summer media & writing contest needs announcement, translation. 
  First entries submitted; first prizes donated.  Prize sponsor?  3D puzzle maker.

17:15, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Spoke with R. Vergara, head of the Logos Group. Delightful, Chilean. Has contacts in the Ch. Education ministry; along with my brother's contacts in UCL, we should be able to generate a practical conversation about working with schools. He plans to be at the whole of Wikimania; working on getting more Italians WPans in touch.

Wikimania acceptances sent out; more pingbacks trickling in from last month.  Limor; Atlassian.
Meeting Mike from the Confluence group today.
Quarto weighing on my mind...

18:17, 28 May 2005 (UTC)

Rusty is here.  On tap : directional long-distance wifi pickup, mesh antennas.
Beautiful weekend at last.  Unifying abstract format and layout on wikimania; parsing late submissions.  
Talking to translators again; starting the two-week ping-and-support process for a gross of great people.
Boyer RfC --> the Wattenberg, who remembers him fondly for chocolate indelicacies

21:37, 26 May 2005 (UTC)

Everyone is leaving Harvard as finals end.
Local weather: cold rain and highs in the 40s all week.
Highlights:  attended a couple hours of the local LISA conference this week.  
  Many people there were glad to hear about our progress with structuring Wiktionary, 
  and interested in supporting and working with a unified dictionary project.
  Specific ideas: A collection of cultural aspects of l10n (Arle).  
  Also: Incorporating a recent OED-sponsored national biographical dictionary (Andrzej)