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From a chat on 2020/2

The need for reliable knowledge


Understanding a many-step ecosystem of ideas, documents, claims requires layered ways to group, link, and evaluate.

Something we need for the entire web -- Knowledge provenance + Citation indexing

Discussed as early as initial Google chat: ways to know how much to trust claims. [S]

We need to recognize avenues for exploitation of society.

Most social constructs can be exploited or manipulated if one can control knowledge; a simple meta-exploit that can enable arbitrary other execution.

Similarly, any useful effort can be prevented or shunted aside by rendering the ground for those ideas infertile / saturating it otherwise.

We need a time to anneal for a given type of K. continuous streams only work for a narrow slice.

Worries about demagoguery, post-fragmentation


Discussion from 2012, worrying about the environment in 20y. Why so fast?

sense-making changing slower than mass production reputation intermediaries wear their levers on their sleeves, just a matter of time/focus/investment to control many

Role of different players:

philanthropy - somewhat anti-intellectual in places. [knows what to do, just needs to funnel funds into it]

mobs are independent of individual members. Institutions set the meta-structure.

Role of education:

Grounding for individual thinking: first 2 decades For collective thinking: shared sense of why people are important?

OER / Who we are:

Developing alternative practices (using the same tools w/ different neol outcomes) A community of activity, language, focus [as example]

Windows of perception:

Overton is just one of many (for discussion); there are similar windows for what concepts can be imagined as sustainable, attainable; and for what collective behavior or activity can be imagined. cf: how we now think of the pyramids as the result of slavery, in modern parlance; and strange ways we describe moai production

A few separable challenges: ideology at any generation tends towards use to cloak advances of small groups.

ex: neol., golden calves, simplistic [simplification] [markets] [trust the system]

ex: ethnic nat., fascia, simplistic xeno, scapegroup.

ex: each church at some point in a long cycle

General notes


News cycles focus on the top tier of emotion (disaster). Amplified in fast-news.

Economist is proud of slow cycles; not froth.

Trappings: to crystallize a large network, try a series of cooling steps that are each minimally divisive at that temperature.

Don't imagine there is a simple priority list of "language/tactics/approaches you must consider"