User:Saber Gohardehi
Saber Gohardehi

Saber Gohardehi (persian/Farsi: صابر گوهردهی)
Born April 12,2001 (Farvardin 23,1380 SH)
Sari, Mazandaran Province, Islamic Republic of Iran[1]
Currently student of Mechanical engineering at Golestan University
Wikipedia activities
I was using Wikipedia years ago but have had created my account on September 30,2016 to edit an article related to ,y studies at elementary school.
In 2019 I became a student in University of Gorgan known as "Golestan University" and a year later a restored my Wikipedia account to continue sharing knowledge with the world.
In September 16,2020 I've re-written my personal page on Wikipedia and started to edit articles on it.
I hope so i can do good enough so at least I myself could be proud of what I left behind a last.
- Creating and expanding this page
₪ Contributions in Wikipedia are separated by their language so every page of this user has its own list of contributions regarded to that wikipedias information.