< User:SQL
$version = "0.0.9";
$query = $urlbase1 . $argv[1] . $urlbase2 . $aurlq;
echo "Meta Countadmin $version\r\n";
echo "Getting list of stewards from meta.\r\n";
$stew_arr = file('');
$stewards_raw = unserialize($stew_arr[0]);
$stewards_lessraw = $stewards_raw[query][allusers];
$stewards = array();
foreach($stewards_lessraw as $steward) {
array_push($stewards, $steward[name]);
$ladmin = file($query);
$na = 0;
function getit ($query) {
$ladmin = array();
$input = fopen($query, "r");
while (!feof($input)) {
$line = fgets($input, 4096);
$line = urldecode($line);
$line = htmlspecialchars_decode($line);
array_push($ladmin, $line);
$g = 0;
echo "Processing list of admins on $argv[1]\r\n";
while ($alldone != 1) {
if($doneonce = 1) {
$query2 = $query . '&' . $addon;
$ladmin = getit($query2);
echo "G$g ";
} else {
$ladmin = getit($query);
$matches = preg_grep('/\<span style\=\"color\:blue\;\"\>\<allusers aufrom\=\"(.*)\" \/\>\<\/span\>/i', $ladmin);
preg_match('/\<span style\=\"color\:blue\;\"\>\<allusers (aufrom\=\"(.*)\") \/\>\<\/span\>/i', $matches[17], $match2);
$addon = $match2[1];
$addon = preg_replace('/\"/', "", $addon);
if ($match2[1] == ""){
$alldone = 1;
foreach ($ladmin as $line_num => $line) {
if(preg_match('/name/i', $line)) {
foreach($stewards as $steward) {
$sname = '/' . $steward . '/' . "i";
if(preg_match($sname, $line)) {
$na = $na - 1;
$doneonce = 1;
//Get # of crats
$query = $urlbase1 . $argv[1] . $urlbase2 . $aurlq;
$g = 0;
echo "\r\nProcessing list of bureaucrats on $argv[1]\r\n";
$alldone = 0;
$doneonce = 0;
while ($alldone != 1) {
if($doneonce = 1) {
$query2 = $query . '&' . $addon;
$ladmin = getit($query2);
echo "G$g ";
} else {
$ladmin = getit($query);
$matches = preg_grep('/\<span style\=\"color\:blue\;\"\>\<allusers aufrom\=\"(.*)\" \/\>\<\/span\>/i', $ladmin);
preg_match('/\<span style\=\"color\:blue\;\"\>\<allusers (aufrom\=\"(.*)\") \/\>\<\/span\>/i', $matches[17], $match2);
$addon = $match2[1];
$addon = preg_replace('/\"/', "", $addon);
if ($match2[1] == ""){
$alldone = 1;
foreach ($ladmin as $line_num => $line) {
if(preg_match('/name/i', $line)) {
$doneonce = 1;
//Get # of articles
echo "\r\nGetting number of articles on $argv[1]\r\n";
echo "Getting number of users on $argv[1]\r\n";
$urlstart= 'http://';
$urlend = '';
$urlname = $argv[1];
$url = $urlstart . $urlname . $urlend;
$input = file($url);
foreach ($input as $line_num => $line) {
preg_match('/good\=(.*)\;views/', $line, $matches);
$articles = $matches[1];
preg_match('/users\=(.*)\;admins/', $line, $umatches);
$users = $umatches[1];
echo "\r\nNumber of Admins: $na\r\n";
echo "\r\nNumber of Crats: $nc\r\n";
echo "\r\nNumber of Users: $users\r\n";
echo "\r\nNumber of Articles: $articles\r\n";