I am Ramesh Sharma, PhD. I teach Instructional Design at Ambedkar University Delhi, India. Earlier I have taught Educational Technology and Learning Resources at Wawasan Open University, Malaysia.
I am an expert in open and distance and technology mediated learning and have served as a visiting Professor at Universidade do Estado da Bahia, UNEB, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; Visiting Professor at University of Fiji, Fiji; Commonwealth of Learning as Director of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi; Regional Director of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), India; and Director of Distance Education at University of Guyana, Guyana, South America.
I have been a member of Advisory Group on Human Resources Development for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). While at University of Guyana I collaborated with UNDP for its Enhanced Public Trust, Security and Inclusion (EPTSI) project, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO) and United Nations Volunteer (UNV) to develop suitable educational opportunities for communities and youth.
I am the Editor of Asian Journal of Distance Education since 2003 and associated with several other peer reviewed journals including SSCI / SCOPUS Journals as Reviewer, Editor and Editorial Advisory Board member in the field of Open and Distance Learning.
An author/editor of several books and research papers on educational technology, educational multimedia and eLearning, I am an OER Ambassador for OER Foundation promoting Open Educational Resources (OER). I have been a trainer and capacity builder in the field of educational technology, and has supervised doctoral research in the field.
I have conducted workshops and evaluation activities for IGNOU, CEMCA, COL, UNCTAD, and Aga Khan Foundation, amongst others.