Outdated translations are marked like this.
Categories of love
- carnal
- Parental
- maternal
- paternal
- self
Voir aussi w:category:love et w:fr:catégorie:amour.
- admiration
- affection
- altruism
- friendship
- aspirations
- attitude
- authenticity
- beauty
- beauty
- kindness
- choice
- compassion
- trust
- contemplation
- satisfaction
- delicacy
- desire
- diversity
- softness
- emotion
- fertility
- generosity
- notoriety
- respect
- sensitivity
- solidarity
- splendor
- tenderness
- transcendency
- vivacity
- to accept
- to accompany
- to help
- to learn
- to wait
- to stroke
- to tickle
- to cherish
- to whisper
- to know
- to counsel
- to believe
- to discover
- to give
- to listen
- to kiss
- to embrace
- to teach
- to feel
- to embrace
- to be submerged
- to flourish
- to sprout
- to envy
- to come
- liberated
- override
- to share
- to penetrate
- to protect
- to receive
- to recognize
- to look at
- to feel
- to reunite
- to laugh
- to save
- to surpass
- to blossom
- to hold tight
- to absorb
- to heal
- to support
- taguer les murs et tailler les arbres
- to forge links
- to transmit
- to triumph
- to watch
- to live
- to see
- kisses
- beginning
- complicity
- devis
- exchange
- mischief
- furtive
- gesture
- question
- intimity
- games
- moment
- whisper
- look home all look plotocols all full profile page page all
- secret
- seduction
- suggestion
- mouth
- hair
- heart
- leg
- lips
- navel
- ears
- skin
- foot
- breast
- look
- face
- face
- eyes
- adventure
- paths
- together
- experience
- expression
- tie
- interior world
- passage
- renewal
- trip
- chant
- flower
- garden
- magic
- music
- God/ aware of all
- spring
- Colorful Emo
- life
- future
- childhood
- inter species
L'amour en profil inversé
- Defined
- illimited
- Defined
- Defined
- ageless
- without limits
- classless
- frankly
- borderless
- without pride
- priceless
Paradoxical couple
- action and vacuity
- other and self
- hapyness and fear
- calm and frenetic
- candor and maturity
- maintain and sweep away
- creator and the mirror
- dangerous and redeeming
- dance and zazen
- departure and arrival
- rooting and flight
- wanderings and destination
- excitement and appeasement
- strength and lightness
- crazy and just
- home and foreign
- fragile and unshakeable
- instantaneous and eternal
- invisible and inoccultable
- jealous and protective
- love drives us to run and lie down
- freedom and subjugation
- lack and plenitude
- mocking and comforter
- motor reaction
- mysterious and limpid
- nurture and consume
- nudity and pomp
- pain and consolation
- prodigious extroardinary
- prodigal and exigeant
- deep and frivolous
- powerful and affable
- reality and abstraction
- rest and agitation
- Rich and modest
- rire et sanglot
- wild and courteous
- ingenuous and wise
- silence and shouts
- solar and diluvian
- solitude and multiplicity
- sleep and wakefulness
- source and ocean
- treasure and banality
- universal unit
- vagabond and homebody
- blindness and understanding
- views and voices
- jewellery
- hairdressing
- make-up
- tatoo
- tatoos
- clothing