User:Psychoslave/Internaciigo de programlingvoj
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- ICT in Education Prize far UNESCO
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ICT in Education Prize
[edit]La prizo estas priskribita jene (Angle):
UNESCO is launching the call for nominations for the 2018 edition of the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education. Funded by the Kingdom of Bahrain and established in 2005, this year’s Prize will recognize projects and programmes that leverage innovative technologies to ensure education for excluded vulnerable groups. For the past years, the Prize has been promoting the use of new technologies to expand educational opportunities and increase access to quality education for vulnerable groups impeded by cultural and economic barriers, personal disabilities, gender inequalities, and/or crisis-affected situations. Indeed, ICT have a great potential to enable cost-efficient solutions to address these barriers, so that everyone can fully enjoy their right to education. This year the Prize will highlight projects that use integrated solutions that blend commonly used technology with frontier ICT applications, such as breakthrough technology to overcome infrastructure barriers; solutions to reduce the cost of access; online learning innovations; intelligent learning management systems; machine translation; big data; and imagery technology.
Petu de kreado de konto
[edit]Tie estas la teksto kiu estis uzita por peti la kontkreadon.
The main objective of this project is to create tools that enable and ease internationalization of programming languages and the software code base created on top of them, as well as tools to ease their localizations using other lexical bases. Programming languages are powerful user interfaces which are at the foundation of the digital world. However the vast majority of this interfaces are strongly tied to the English lexical base. Thus they often create a fundamental infrastructure barrier to a digital equity. People should be free to collaborate within and beyond linguistics frontiers while expressing themselves using whatever vocabulary they feel the most creative with for each situation they meet. Internationalization and localization of high level applications is already well established in the digital industry, however the compiler tool chains and language specifications that are underlying their production don't benefit such a flexebility. That ultimately impacts the whole societies adopting digital technologies, as any time a digital infrastructure issue occurs, English usage will resurface as a strongly integrated dependance towards its resolution, although from a logistical point of vue its often a dispensable requirement. Such a possibility is not just a convenience for advanced users of digital devices, it's an essential requirement to keep alive and foster diversity of languages, treasure of world human heritage.
Malfortune UNESCO nur akceptas Angla kaj Franca kiel lingvo por komuniki pri la peto, tiel la peto estis redakditita Angle, kaj la raporto ne estos ekredaktota esperante.
La kontkreado estas nun, 13:18, 17 November 2018 (UTC), akceptita!
Analizo de la listo de la portpermisitaj organizaĵoj
[edit]Nur organizadoj kiuj jam estas partenaro de UNSECO povas porti la projekto. Por loĝistikaj kialoj nur la Francia organizaĵoj estas taksataj, kaj nur la orgnazaĵoj kun projekt-kongrua temo estis elektitaj kaj kontaktitaj:
Done Kontaktebla per retadreso:
Done International Council For Science : secretariat
Done World Federation Of Engineering Organizations : secretariat
Done International Federation Of Translators : secretariat
Done Federation Internationale Des Ligues Des Droits De L'homme : CONTACT
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Done Kontaktebla per retformularo:
- Cultures Du Monde :
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- telefono +33 (0) 470 90 12 67 aŭ 0825 800 750
Done Union Internationale Des Associations Et Organismes Scientifiques Et Techniques : Formularo de kontakto
Done Patrimoine Sans Frontières : Formularo de kontakto
- Cultures Du Monde :
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- European Bureau For Lesser Used Languages : la oficiala retejo sâjnas okupita far spamistoj, neniu kontaktadreso estis trovita per rapida sercô
Retmesaĝo sendita
[edit]Sujet: Recherche d’un porteur de projet sur l’internationalisation des langages de programmation Bonjour, En vue de participer au prix UNESCO-Roi Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa pour l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans l’éducation, nous recherchons une organisation partenaire de l’UNESCO pour jouer un rôle de porteur officiel d’un projet d’internationalisation des langages de programmation. La date limite de candidature pour l’édition de cette année est prolongé au 22 novembre 2018, d’où le besoin rapide d’une réponse. L’organisme porteur n’aura pas à fournir de ressources spécifiques, la rédaction du dossier est assurée par nos soins, mais il aura évidemment droit de regard et de désengagement unilatéral si tout ou partie du projet lui semble inapproprié au regard de ses objectifs et valeurs propres. # À propos du prix Fondé en 2005 par le Royaume du Bahreïn, le Prix UNESCO-Roi Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa récompense les approches innovantes, qui emploient les nouvelles technologies pour accroître l’accès à l’éducation. Une attention particulière sera portée aux projets qui emploient des solutions intégrées mêlant des technologies couramment utilisées aux technologies de pointe pour accroître l’accès à une éducation de qualité et à un apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Deux lauréats seront désignés, et chacun d’eux se verra attribuer une récompense de 25 000 dollars des États-Unis, lors d’une cérémonie de remise des prix qui se tiendra au Siège de l’UNESCO à Paris en mars 2019. # À propos du projet Dans ce cadre et, en vue de faciliter l’acquisition de ces outils fondamentaux du numérique que sont les langages de programmation, nous proposons de réaliser de outils de traduction automatisée des codes sources vers des codes sources utilisant d’autres bases lexicales que l’anglais, et de coordonner ces bases lexicales dans une base de donnée. Le projet comprendra également une évaluation de la pertinence de l’emploi d’inférence automatisée (IA) en vue de l’état de l’art pour différentes langues cibles. L’objectif principal est de fournir des outils qui permettent et faciliter l’internationalisation des langages de programmation et des bases de code qui sont construites en les utilisant, ainsi que de faciliter leurs localisations dans d’autres bases lexicales Les langages de programmation sont des interfaces numériques puissantes qui constituent une fondation importante du monde numérique. Cependant la vaste majorité de ces interfaces sont fortement liées à l’utilisation d’une base lexicale anglaise. Ils créent ainsi une fracture conséquente dans l’infrastructure numérique. Les gens devraient être libre de collaborer en-deça et au-delà des frontières linguistiques, en exprimant pleinement leur créativité à travers la base lexicale qui leur paraît la plus propice pour chaque situation. L’internationalisation et la localisation des applications de plus haut niveau est déjà bien établie dans l’industrie du numérique, cependant les chaînes d’outil de compilation et les spécifications des langages qui en sous-tendent la production ne bénéficient pas d’une telle flexibilité. Au final, cela entraîne un impact sur toute les sociétés adoptant les technologies du numérique, étant donné qu’une problématique d’infrastructure numérique fera presque systématiquement resurgir l’usage de l’anglais dans les couches logiciels les plus fondamentales. Ces couches logiciels pourraient pourtant bénéficier de possibilités d’internationalisation et de localisation au moins aussi puissantes que celles disponibles pour les applications de plus haut niveau. Ce manque de flexibilité entraîne des prérequis superfétatoires à une maîtrise des outils numériques. Il constitue également un frein supplémentaire aux collaborations transculturelles pour des acteurs ne maîtrisant pas l’anglais alors qu’une autre langue commune pourrait favoriser le succès de projets réalisés dans de tels collaborations. Rendre disponible une telle flexibilité dans les langages de programmation ne constitue pas un luxe superflu pour les utilisateurs les plus avancés des outils numériques, il s’agit d’une condition indispensable à l’ère du numérique pour le maintien et la stimulation de la diversité des langues vivantes, trésors du patrimoine mondial de l’humanité. # Références - - Par avance merci pour vos retours, Mathieu Lovato Stumpf Guntz
- legu Grants:Project/Tutorial por vidi se ĝi providas interesajn konsilojn por ajna financpeta raporto
- determini la planon
- paroli pri la enfazo al la liberaj projektoj
In a nutshell
[edit]- (Problem) Digital Foundations are not optimized for cultural adaptivity and the promotion of fostering cultural diversity
- At least tacitly, people are discouraged to conduct an ICT project in whatever language they wish, as fundenmatal digital tools are strongly tied to a single lexical base, English. The lower level of digital technology a project relate to, the more signifanctly the issue apply. And all higher level projects being built on these foundations, the issue holds transversely on the whole digital infrastructure.
The larger context
[edit]Digital revolution. Mankind is going through a deep transformative experience, with an impact probably as huge as introduction of writing. This is also the time of lifelong education. And it's also the time of major challenges: global warming, massive extinction of biologic diversity and massive extinction of cultural diversity, including language diversity. This project focus on the later challenge, and how digital revolution can help to contain it, in a lifelong education era. Or dramatically accelerate it if nothing is done to strech the flexibility of its basic tools.
Providing digital environment that stick as most as possible to what people are already familliar with is a great way to make them confident in their acquisition of digital skills. Moreover giving people the possibility to leverage on their already acquired cultural knowledges is a great way to foster their creativity as well as maintaining and expand cultural diversity.
Moving toward digital infrastructure foundations that are friendly to cultural diversity is undoubtedly feasible. However it is a goal that involves a lot of different pieces of work, including:
- growth and coordination of supporting communities,
- analyze of the state of the art on the topic,
- adaptation and development of digital tools,
- synthesis of common opposition arguments and forces to promotion of this kind of cultural diversity, accompanied with the growth of the most effective answers to counteracts them,
- outreach toward technical communities, as well as actors and institution which are guarantors of cultural diversity.
Scope of the project
[edit]This project is going to focus on solving the lake of flexibility of existing compiler tool chains, the programming languages that they implement and their corresponding specfications when such a specification exists.
In particular, it doesn't aim at creating new programming languages or tool chains. The project aims at compatibility with existing code bases while allowing to switch the lexical base that is presented to users.
To be really useful, the project should also deal with reuse effectiveness. That is, previously established terminologic correspondances should be used to leverage the switch of lexical base in a new code base localisation, but it should avoid to fall in the trap of context blind translexicalisation.
The project also aims at documenting causes of reluctance to the adoption of this kind of practices. Especially when they are not directly hostile to language diversity, but nevertheless lake consideration to its integration to the point it favours an "unintended side effect" of language diversity decrease. This records of reluctances should be accompanied with propositons of argumentation aiming at better raising awareness of the seriousness of the issue and its taken into account, as well as respective actual effectiveness to achieve such a goal in concrete documented situations.
The proposed solution
[edit]To solve the stated issue, the project propose to empower people with:
- enhancement of fundemental digital tools to make them meet the flexibility required to support diversity of human lexical bases;
- facilities to switch projects built on top of these tools from one lexical base to an other;
- including tools to help create consistent context-wise gloassaries within and across projects;
- taking benefit of already published interlexical relationships while always allowing to introduce new terms and semantic equivalencies
- convincing argument to defend and promote the provionning of these possibilities.
To achieve that, the project will identify key tools that need changes, what changes will be needed, and…
Integrated code documentations should of course be translated when creating a new localisation. However for this part of the internationalisation process, the project assume the use of tools which are distincts from those providing switch facitilies for elements of code that are interpreted by compilers. The two process might of course be operated conjointly, but should at least be decoupled in way allowing to perform each one separetely.
The proposed solution in a nutshell: fostering internationalization practices in lower layers of the digital infrastructures and coordinatination of their localizations. The aim of the project in a nutshell: favore linguistic diversity through flexible harmonization rather than its impoverishment through a rigid uniformity.
The software solution, should couple this requirement with the avoidance of implementation relying on additional layers that raises less straightforward integration in the tool chains. For instance, simple transpilers[1] will often make more difficult debugging operations as the link between the source code produced by the user and the place where the error occures will be lost in the successive transformation processes.
This approach is taken as it will:
- let completely open the possibility to leverage on existing code bases, a crucial capacity in software development;
- provide an as equall as possible user experience, as opposed to a downgraded mode where localisations are less well integrated.
The project will thus:
- improve the current compiler tool chains and programming language lexical handling to make it easier to switch between different localisations of code bases,
- constitute a knowledge base of argument to defend and promote these possibilities, as well as frequently encountered technical issues in implementation of corresponding features.
[edit]- ↑ Compiler that transform a source code into an other language source code