User:Paradise Chronicle/Library
Some books accessible online:
[edit]About Kurds and Kurdistan
- Barbara Henning: Narratives of the History of the Ottoman-Kurdish Bedirhani Family in Imperial and Post-Imperial Contexts, Continuities and Changes
- Roger Lescot Textes Kurdes, Contes, Proverbes et Enigmes
- Roger Lescot Meme Alan
- Roger Lescot Le Kurd Dagh et le mouvement Mourud
- Jordi Tejel Syria's Kurds, History, Politics and Society
- Sakine Cansiz My whole life was a struggle
- Musa Anter My Memoires! His autobiography
- Ali Kemal Özcan A theoretical analysis of the PKK and Abdullah Öcalan
- Martin van Bruinessen: Agha Shayk and State The social and political structures of Kurdistan
Books accessible through Academia
- Trapped between the Map and the Reality, Geography and Perceptions of Kurdistan, by Maria T. O'Shea,
- Historical Dictionary of the Kurds by Michael Gunter
Documents on Turkish Kurdish politics
[edit]- Biographies on politicians from the Heinrich Böll Stiftung
- About the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung
- Also the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) this time by the Home Office of the British Government
- The view of the HDP on the Municipal elections on 2019 and the subsequent dismissal of their mayors published over Bianet, but a HDP document, excellent document to know for what to look for in secondary sources
- Information on Kurdish politics from the French Government published by the French Office de protection de refugies and apatrides
- Turkey: Kurdish Mayors’ Removal Violates Voters’ Rights on the removal of the HDP mayors by the Human Rights Watch
- the Peoples Democracy Party (HADEP) by Aylin Güney
- Political Representation of Alevi Kurds in Turkey: Historical Trends and Main Transformations by Cengiz Günes for Kurdish Studies
- Kurdish transformative politics in Turkey by Rosa Burç for the HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory
- Crafting Space, Making People: The Spatial Design of Nation in Modern Turkey by Joost Jongerden for the European Journal of Turkish Studies
- The Kurds in Erdogans Turkey by William Gourlay for the Edinburgh University Press
On the Kurdish Turkish conflict
[edit]- The PKK in the 2000s from Joost Jongerden
- Village Evacuation and Reconstruction in Kurdistan (1993-2002) by Joost Jongerden
- Sicherheit und Stabilität in der Türkeifrom the University of Zurich
- Reluctant Victims into Challengers - Narratives of a Kurdish Political Generation in Diaspora in Sweden
- The Dersim Massacre 1937 1938 by Hans-Lukas Kieser through
- Re-assessing the Genocide of Kurdish Alevis in Dersim, 1937-38 by Dilsa Deniz, University of California, Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal
- The Koçgiri-Rebellion by Elise Massicard trough
- Confessions without guilt: public confessions of state violence in Turkey by Yesim Yaprak Yildiz and Patricke Baert, from Springer
- Rome, 11/15/1998: Extradition or Political Asylum for the Kurdistan Workers Party's Leader Abdullah Ocalan? by the Pace International Law Review
- Rival Kurdish Movements in Turkey by Mustafa Gürbüz, Amsterdam University Press
- Non-Territorial Autonomy and Gender Equality by Rosa Burç
- Kurds in Turkey and in (Iraqi) Kurdistan: A Comparison of Kurdish Educational Language Policy in Two Situations of Occupation by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Desmond Fernandes
- Turkey’s US-backed War On Terror: A Cause For Concern? by Desmond Fernandes
- and Recommendations on the Kurdish Question in Turkey by the International Delegation of Human Rights Lawyers January 2005
- The Production of the New Man Within the PKK by Olivier Grosjean OpenEditions European Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (2008)
- The unspoken truth, enforced disappearances by Özgür Sevgi Göral for Truth Justice Memory Center
- Many articles about the life and oppression of Kurds in Turkish Kurdistan November 1992 Issue of 123 pages by the Kurdistan Institute in Paris
- Resurgence and Remaking of Identity: Civil Beliefs, Domestic and External Dynamics, and the Turkish Mainstream Discourse on Kurds by Murat Somer from the Koç University
- ‘Leaving the mountain’: How may the PKK lay down arms? Freeing the Kurdish Question from violence. Cengiz Çandar, TESEV
On Turkish-Kurdish music
[edit]- Musik im Geflecht der Identitäten
- The Invention of a Tradition: Diyarbakır’s Dengbêj Project by Clémence Scalbert-Yücel in OpenEdition journals
On Kurds in Turkey and Iraq
[edit]- Kurds in Turkey and in (Iraqi) Kurdistan: A Comparison of Kurdish Educational Language Policy in Two Situations of Occupation by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Desmond Fernandes
On Kurdish Turkish Peace Process
[edit]- The Kurdish Peace Process in Turkey: Genesis, Evolution and Prospects mainly by the Mercator Stiftung
- Ocalan issues roadmap to solve Kurdish question by Scotland Against Criminalizing Communities. Not so good source, but good to know that it existed and what to look for
- Roadmap for a democratization of Turkey and solution in Kurdistan by Abdullah Öcalan, not a good source, but good to know what to look for reported by academic sources
On Kurdish women
[edit]- Stateless democracy Jonas Staal, with Dilar Dirik, Joost Jongerden, David Graeber, Murray Bookchin
- The Rise of Feminism in the PKK: Ideology or Strategy? by Andrea Novellis in Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies
- Women in the Kurdish Movement, Mothers, Comrades, Goddesses Handan Caglayan, Bamberg University and published by Palgrave MacMillan, Springer
- Claiming the bodies of Kurdish women Kurdish women’s funerals in Northern Kurdistan/Turkey by Ruken Isik for the HAU: Journal of Ethnographic
On Gender Construction in the Kurdish movement in Turkey
[edit]From Kawa the Blacksmith to Ishtar the Goddess: Gender Constructions in Ideological-Political Discourses of the Kurdish Movement in post-1980 Turkey Handan Caglayan, open Edition, European Journal of Turkish Studies
Reports by Human Rights organizations
[edit]- “Birds or earthworms”: the Güçlükonak Massacre, its alleged cover-up, and the prosecution of independent investigators by Amnesty International
- Protesting as a Terrorist Offense: The Arbitrary Use of Terrorism Laws to Prosecute and Incarcerate Demonstrators in Turkey by the Human rights Watch
- The Cizre Curfew Report about the Curfew in Cizre in 2015, not a good source, but good to see what to look for in other sources, by Lawyers for Lawyers
- Death sentence after unfair trial: The case of Abdullah Öcalan by Amnesty International in August 1999
- Destroying Ethnic Identity: The Kurds of Turkey by Human Rights Watch report from 1990
On Yazidi
[edit]- Yazidi and Yazidism Şefik Tagay and Serhat Ortaç
On Kurdish politics in Syria
[edit]- Kurdish Political and Civil Movements in Syria and the Question of Representation by Mohammed Hasan in December 2020, London School of EconomicKurds in Southern and Eastern Kurdistan
- Iraq: Continuous and silent ethnic cleansing. Displaced persons in Iraqi Kurdistan and Iraqi Refugees in Iran by the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)
- Autonomy as a third mode of ordering: Agriculture and the Kurdish movement in Rojava and North and East Syria Joost Jongerden over Wiley Online Library
- The Democratic Union Party (PYD) and People's Protection Units (YPG) in Turkish Official Discourse also here by Azad Dewanee, World Affairs over SAGE journals
- The ‘Rojava Revolution’ in Syrian Kurdistan: A Model of Development for the Middle East? by Cem Camgil and Clemens Hoffman for the Bulletin of the Institute of Development Studies
On Kurds in Syria and Iraq
[edit]Les Kurdes de Syrie et d'Irak : dénégation, déplacements et éclatement by Jean Francois Perouse of the University of Toulouse, 1997
On Kurds in Iraq
[edit]Human Rights Watch report of 1993 on the Anfal campaign against Kurds 1993 HRW report on Anfal
Limits of Trauma Discourse, Women Anfal survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq Karin Mlodoch for the Zentrum Moderner Orient
Documents on the Armenian Genocide
[edit]- Documents of German, British and Danish Diplomats edited by Taner Akcam and Wolfgang Gust amongst others
- The Extermination of the Ottoman Armenians by the Young Turk Regime (1915-1916) by Raymond Kevorkian through
- State Identity, Continuity, and Responsibility: The Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey and the Armenian Genocide by Vahagn Avedian at European Journal of International Law, Oxford
- Raymond Kevorkian L'extermination des déportés Arméniens ottomans dans les camps de concentrationde Syrie-Mésopotamie (1915-1916)
Articles and papers provided by JSTOR, (free to join, one has 100 papers a month to read)
- Michael Gunter Iran's Forgotten Kurds
Graduation papers to learn what to look for in secondary sources
[edit]- Maps into Nations: Kurdistan, Kurdish Nationalism and International Society Thesis by Zeynep Kaya, an often cited author in the field and a senior teaching fellow at the SOAS University of London
- Between Gift and Taboo: Death and the Negotiation of National Identity and Sovereignty in the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey Dissertation by HDP politician Hisyar Öszoy
- The Mobilisation of the Tribal Kurds Under the PKK Ph. D thesis by Ali Kemal Özcan the author of an often cited book for the PKK and one of the few who had actually access to Öcalan while in detention
- Young Turk social engineering : mass violence and the nation state in eastern Turkey, 1913-1950 Ph. D. thesis by Uğur Ümit Üngör from the University of Amsterdam
- Framing of Pro-Minority Political Parties by Mainstream Media:A case study of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (Halkların Demokratik Partisi – HDP) and the Turkish Press Masters thesis by Arjen Celebi
- Vom System zum Netzwerk, Medien, Politik und Journalismus in Kurdistan by Kerem Schamberger from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich,
- Die kurdische Frage in der Türkei / Über die gewaltsame Durchsetzung von Nationalstaatlichkeit Dissertation by Ismail Küpeli for the University of Cologne
- The Kurdish nationalist movement (in-)between Turkey and Europe. Transnational political activism and transformation of home through the EU. Ph.D thesis for Marlies Casier later Co-Author with Joost Jongerden
- Theatre and Cultural Nationalism: Kurdish Theatre under the Baath, 1975-1991, PhD Thesis in the Kurdish Studies for Mahroo Rashidirostami at the University of Exeter
- An Analysis of Iraq’s Sequenced Crimes of Genocide Committed against the Kurds of Iraq PhD thesis in Arab and Islamic studies by Mohammed Ahmad of the University Exeter
About the after life
Evliya Çelebi
[edit]On Turkish left politics
[edit]The Roots of Anti-Americanism in Turkey 1945-1960 by Tuba Ünlü Bilgiç of the Middle East Technical University, on the NATO membership and immunity of American military personell in Turkey
On the Ottoman Empire
- Derviş İbrahim Paşa: Views on a Late 19th-Century Ottoman Military Commander
- The Governors of Ottoman Bilād al-Shām. The Reconstruction of Individual Biographies by Looking at Groups of Governors Sharing Some Common Features. Bayt al-ʿAẓm as an Example
- A Young Turk from Lehistan: Tadeusz Gasztowtt aka Seyfeddin Bey (1881 -1936) and his Activities During the Second Constitutional Period (1908 – 1918)
On Tibet
- The Tibetan Rebellion of 1959 and China’s Changing Relations with India and the Soviet Union by Chen Jian
On Switzerland
[edit]Opera Omnia Leonhardi Euleri Correspondence between Leonhard Euler and Colleagues.
Opera Omnia Leonhardi Euleri Correspondence between Leonhard Euler and Christian Goldbach
Opera Omnia Leonhardi Euleri Correspondence between Leonhard Euler and Johann II and Johann III and Daniel Bernoulli
Zum 300. Geburtstag von Leonhard Euler. Die Bedeutung seines Werkes für die heutige Zeit On Eulers work and its influence
Die Amerbach-Korrespondenz, 1. Band Die Briefe aus der Zeit Johann Amerbachs by Alfred Hartmann for the University of Basel
Die Amerbach Korrespondenz, 10. Band Beat Rudolf Jenny