User:Oliezekat/Miwiki logo 5
I launched an artwork group project : Miwiki... It is an ant's picture that will be submitted as a wikipedia mascot and/or logo. I drew the picture but it will be a french group submission because i'm only 'the single hand' driven by the discussion :o)
See all our products on fr:Utilisateur:Oliezekat/Miwiki and discuss about them fr:Discussion Utilisateur:Oliezekat/Miwiki
All logo 5 variants
Submit for final voting. Click to see more large picture.
Votes for Miwiki
French workgroup had voted for several logos, and this one (n°5) was preffered. It is submitted under number 132 on International logos (126-150) and was finalist with number 9 on International logo vote/Finalists.
Miwiki the ant is also submitted on Wikipedia mascot and Wikipedia mascot/name
Thank for using the discussion page to provide feedback (idea, criticism, etc). You can also help to design variant while using questions-tag. Discuss page !!!
Technical infos
I used a scalable vector drawing but I don't know how to generate SVG format... Thank to help me.
Text effects are simple, and I use popular font : Arial Bold
I also offer to design specials logos for localized versions. Oliezekat
Like Anthere for her logo n°3 (n°7b for final) & 17, or Paullus with his logo n°4 (n°1b for final), you can use Miwiki mascot to make a variant of your logo.
Contact me (Oliezekat) for technical help or take hires picture of Miwiki (with another colors) at fr:Utilisateur:Oliezekat/Miwiki
Variant of Paullus logo (n°1b)
Variant of Anthere logo (n°7b)
Support Miwiki
A mascot or logo ? Votes for Miwiki ! | | |
Help us, copy-paste the Miwiki banner in your personal discuss page :
<table style="float:right; background-color: #FFFFFF;border-width: 1px;border-color:#000000;border-style: solid" WIDTH="250"><TR><TD WIDTH="250">A mascot or logo ? [[meta:User:Oliezekat/Miwiki logo 5|Votes for Miwiki !]]</TD></TR><TR><TD HEIGHT="50" COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="BOTTOM" STYLE="padding: 0px; margin: 0px"> </TD></TR></TABLE>