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SubnetCalc extension, is a subnet calculator. This extension is mostly based on the calculation functions of this open source subnet calculator.


<subnet align=left|center|right allhosts=1>

INPUT should be substituted with any of the following formts

1. IP & CIDR Netmask: 
2. IP & Netmask: 
3. IP & Wildcard Mask:


<subnet align=left>

<subnet allhosts=1 align=left>


# SubnetCalc is mostly based on the code of open source PHP Subnet Calculator
# Source of PHP Subnet Calculator can be found at http://sourceforge.net/projects/subntcalc/

# To use this extension, create a file named SubnetCalc.php inside extensions directory
# Paste this code inside the file
# Insert require_once("extensions/SubnetCalc.php") to LocalSettings.php

# [[Wikipedia:User:Oblivious]]
# http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Oblivious/SubnetCalc
# January 29, 2006

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfSubnetCalc";

function wfSubnetCalc() {
    global $wgParser;
    $wgParser->setHook( "subnet", "CalculateSubnet" );

# The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function CalculateSubnet( $input, $argv ) {

   $my_net_info = trim($input);
   $align = $argv['align'];
   $allhosts = $argv['allhosts'];

   ##Validate input
   if (! ereg('^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(( ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|(/[0-9]{1,2}))$',$my_net_info)){
        $error = "<pre><font color=red>Invalid Input.<br> <b>Use</b> IP & CIDR Netmask: <br> Or IP & Netmask: <br> Or IP & Wildcard Mask:</font>< /pre>";
        return $error;

   ##Determine the input type
   if (ereg("/",$my_net_info)){  //if cidr type mask
        $dq_host = strtok("$my_net_info", "/");
        $cdr_nmask = strtok("/");
        if (!($cdr_nmask >= 0 && $cdr_nmask <= 32)){
                return("<pre><font color=red>Invalid CIDR value. Try an integer 0 - 32.</font>< /pre>");
   } else { //Dotted quad mask?
        $dqs=explode(" ", $my_net_info);
        if (ereg("0",rtrim($bin_nmask, "0"))) {  //Wildcard mask then? hmm?
                if (ereg("0",rtrim($bin_nmask, "0"))){ //If it's not wcard, whussup?
                        return("<pre><font color=red>Invalid Netmask.</font>< /pre>");

   //Check for valid $dq_host
   if(! ereg('^0.',$dq_host)){
        foreach( explode(".",$dq_host) as $octet ){
                if($octet > 255){
                        return("<pre><font color=red>Invalid IP Address</font>< /pre>");


   $host_total=(bindec(str_pad("",(32-$cdr_nmask),1)) - 1);

   if ($host_total <= 0){  //Takes care of 31 and 32 bit masks.
        $bin_first="N/A" ; $bin_last="N/A" ; $host_total="N/A";
        if ($bin_net === $bin_bcast) $bin_bcast="N/A";

//Determine Class
   if (ereg('^0',$bin_net)){
        $dotbin_net= "<font color=\"Green\">0</font>" . substr(dotbin($bin_net,$cdr_nmask),1) ;
   }elseif (ereg('^10',$bin_net)){
        $dotbin_net= "<font color=\"Green\">10</font>" . substr(dotbin($bin_net,$cdr_nmask),2) ;
   }elseif (ereg('^110',$bin_net)){
        $dotbin_net= "<font color=\"Green\">110</font>" . substr(dotbin($bin_net,$cdr_nmask),3) ;
   }elseif (ereg('^1110',$bin_net)){
        $dotbin_net= "<font color=\"Green\">1110</font>" . substr(dotbin($bin_net,$cdr_nmask),4) ;
        $special="<font color=\"Green\">Class D = Multicast Address Space.</font>";
        $dotbin_net= "<font color=\"Green\">1111</font>" . substr(dotbin($bin_net,$cdr_nmask),4) ;
        $special="<font color=\"Green\">Class E = Experimental Address Space.</font>";

   if (ereg('^(00001010)|(101011000001)|(1100000010101000)',$bin_net)){
         $special='(<a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1918.txt">RFC-1918 Private Internet Address</a>)';

   $address = $dq_host;
   $addressBin = dotbin($bin_host,$cdr_nmask);
   $netmask = bintodq($bin_nmask);
   $netmaskBin = dotbin($bin_nmask, $cdr_nmask);
   $wildcard = bintodq($bin_wmask);
   $wildcardBin = dotbin($bin_wmask, $cdr_nmask);
   $network = bintodq($bin_net);
   $networkBin = $dotbin_net;
   $networkClass = $class;
   $broadcast = bintodq($bin_bcast);
   $broadcastBin = dotbin($bin_bcast, $cdr_nmask);
   $hostmin = bintodq($bin_first);
   $hostminBin = dotbin($bin_first, $cdr_nmask);
   $hostmax = bintodq($bin_last);
   $hostmaxBin = dotbin($bin_last, $cdr_nmask);
   $hostsNet = $host_total;
   $special = "<br>" . $special; //just for the sake of doing it :)
   $starthost = ip2long($hostmin);

   if($allhosts) {
        $allhosts = generatehosts($host_total, $starthost);
        $allhosts = implode('<br> ' , $allhosts);

   $output = "<table class=\"wikitable\" align=\"$align\">
                <th colspan=\"3\"> <b>Subnet info for $my_net_info</b>
                <th> Address
                </th><td> <font color=\"blue\">$address</font> </td><td> <font color=\"brown\">$addressBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\">$netmask</font></td><td> <font color=\"red\">$netmaskBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\">$wildcard</font></td><td> <font color=\"brown\">$wildcardBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\">$network</font></td><td> <font color=\"brown\">$networkBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\">$broadcast</font></td><td> <font color=\"brown\">$broadcastBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\">$hostmin</font></td><td><font color=\"brown\">$hostminBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\">$hostmax</font></td><td><font color=\"brown\">$hostmaxBin</font>
                </th><td><font color=\"blue\"><center>$hostsNet</center></font> </td><td><font color=\"green\">Class $networkClass network</font> $special $allhosts

    return $output;


##Calculation-specific funtions
function binnmtowm($binin){
        $binin=rtrim($binin, "0");
        if (!ereg("0",$binin) ){
                return str_pad(str_replace("1","0",$binin), 32, "1");
        } else return "1010101010101010101010101010101010101010";

function bintocdr ($binin){
        return strlen(rtrim($binin,"0"));

function bintodq ($binin) {
        if ($binin=="N/A") return $binin;
        $binin=explode(".", chunk_split($binin,8,"."));
        for ($i=0; $i<4 ; $i++) {
        return implode(".",$dq) ;

function bintoint ($binin){
        return bindec($binin);

function binwmtonm($binin){
        $binin=rtrim($binin, "1");
        if (!ereg("1",$binin)){
                return str_pad(str_replace("0","1",$binin), 32, "0");
        } else return "1010101010101010101010101010101010101010";

function cdrtobin ($cdrin){
        return str_pad(str_pad("", $cdrin, "1"), 32, "0");

function dotbin($binin,$cdr_nmask){
        // splits 32 bit bin into dotted bin octets
        if ($binin=="N/A") return $binin;
        if ($cdr_nmask > 0){
                $offset=sprintf("%u",$cdr_nmask/8) + $cdr_nmask ;
                return substr($oct,0,$offset ) . "   " . substr($oct,$offset) ;
        } else {
        return $oct;

function dqtobin($dqin) {
        $dq = explode(".",$dqin);
        for ($i=0; $i<4 ; $i++) {
           $bin[$i]=str_pad(decbin($dq[$i]), 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        return implode("",$bin);

function inttobin ($intin) {
        return str_pad(decbin($intin), 32, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

function generatehosts ($host_total, $starthost) {
       return $ip_range;
