My real name is Marc Donner. I am a computer scientist living in New York City. As of this writing (25 February 2014) I am the president of the board of 205 West End Owners Corporation, a Cooperative corporation that is responsible for 205 West End Avenue, an apartment building that is a component of Lincoln Towers. I have edited the Lincoln Towers entry extensively. I have edited various other entries, mostly to correct minor spelling and wording errors. I have worked in the financial services industry for fifteen years, mostly at Morgan Stanley, and at Google for seven years from 2007 to 2014. I expect to start at MSCI, a provider of indices and portfolio analytics, in the near future. I am a member of the founding editorial board for the IEEE Computer Society magazine "Security & Privacy" for which I wrote a number of editorials and a column on science fiction called Biblio Tech. The editorials and Biblio Tech articles are reproduced on my Blog