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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
use strict;
use warnings;
use Xchat qw( :all );
my $name = 'Regex stalkwords';
my $version = '1.1';
my $description = 'Regex stalkwords';
Xchat::register($name, $version, $description);
Xchat::print("Loading $name $version: $description");
foreach ('Channel Message', 'Channel Action') {
	hook_print($_, \&channel_highlight, {priority => PRI_HIGHEST, data => $_});

my $highlight = qr/\b(?:one|two|three)\b/i; # These are normal-ish stalkwords
my $stalkwords = qr/!(four|five|six)\b/i;   # For !admin@mywiki or whatever
sub channel_highlight {
	if (defined get_info('away')) {return EAT_NONE;} # Don't highlight if we're away
	my $event = $_[1];
	my $nick = $_[0][0];

	my $msg = ($_[0][1] ? strip_code($_[0][1]) : '');	# We override colours etc because it's a highlight (and that can mess up matching)
								# If $_[0][1] is undefined, use a zero-length string for safety
	$_[0][1] = ($_[0][1] ? strip_code($_[0][1]) : '');	# We also want to strip it from the value in the array, for display purposes
	if (get_prefs('irc_no_hilight') ne ''){
		my $ignored = '(?:' . get_prefs('irc_no_hilight') . ')'; # Grabs your pref for who not to highlight, and excludes them
		$ignored =~ s/,/\|/g;
		$ignored = qr/$ignored/;

		if (($nick !~ m/$ignored/) and (($msg =~ $highlight) || ($msg =~ $stalkwords))) {
			if ($event eq 'Channel Message') {$event = 'Channel Msg Hilight';}
			else {$event = 'Channel Action Hilight';}
			emit_print($event, @{$_[0]});
			command('gui color 3'); # Change the tab colour
			return EAT_XCHAT;
		return EAT_NONE;
	else {
		if (($msg =~ $highlight) || ($msg =~ $stalkwords)) {
			if ($event eq 'Channel Message') {$event = 'Channel Msg Hilight';}
			else {$event = 'Channel Action Hilight';}
			emit_print($event, @{$_[0]});
			command('gui color 3'); # Change the tab colour
			return EAT_XCHAT;
		return EAT_NONE;