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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

The user page below is kept for historical purposes and wouldn’t be edited anymore unless I am active again.

This user is a member of the Small Wiki Monitoring Team.
User language
yue-N 呢位用戶嘅母語粵語
cmn-3 This user has advanced knowledge of Mandarin Chinese.
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
lzh-1 此君粗通文言也。
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
Users by language

The time now is 2025-03-01 15:00 UTC (Purge), and there are 153,252 pages in Meta now.

Hello, I am Matttest . This is my global user page. If you want to know more about me, please go to the wikis listed below. I am no longer active on those wikis, but there are local userpages at these wikis about me.

Wikis that have my own userpage:

You may go to these wikis to see my contributions. For global contributions, see my CentralAuth, I have around 3000 edits globally. I don't focus on any local projects now, but instead, reverts edits at small wikis that are harmful.

Finally, wish you have a good day on wikimedia projects!

My plans


I am currently focusing on reverting harmful edits in small Wikimedia projects where admins are not active. I will sometimes go back to my home wiki Cantonese Wikipedia, patrolling pages and improving contents, but it won't be much. Also planning to apply for global rollback rights when I have 10000 edits globally.

Me on other wikis


Local Rights

Project My User Rights
Cantonese (yue) Wikipedia rollbacker
Chinese (zh) Wikipedia patroller, transwiki
Chinese (zh) Wikiversity transwiki
English (en) Wikibooks autopatrolled
Simple English (simple) Wikipedia autoconfirmed
Cantonese (yue) Wiktionary editor
Wikimedia Commons autoconfirmed
Wikidata autoconfirmed
Meta (here) autoconfirmed

Global Rights

Global ipblock-exempt