Shaping a new direction for Women & Young talent | World citizen | Baha'i | Passionate about Sustainable Development & Technology
Who Am I?
[edit]I am passionate about technology and empowering women to achieve the impossible! I have started a journey to combine my work with different volunteering aspects to follow my passion.

What I am doing?
[edit]Currently I am a University Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in Quito.
I hold a Masters of Psychology of Excellence in Business and Education from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, LMU.
I am an Industrial / Organizational Psychologist by training from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. During the last couple of years I have been a Lecturer and Researcher in Gender Equality, Wikipedia as a Learning Tool, Skilled Labor Migration of Professional Latinas.
I am an AIESEC Alumnus, EBBF member and founder of the Ecuadorian chapter, and a volunteer working to empower Junior Youth Groups!
Me & Wikipedia
Together with the Wikimedistas in Ecuador in 2015 we lanched the first pilot project using Wikipedia in the classroom at university level. From that more than 200 college students have been involved in using wikipedia in the classroom editing and creating content both in English and Spanish.
In November 2017 we organized the first edit-a-thon in an Academic setting in Ecuador to create content related to Gender Equality and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
We will be creating new and exciting projects, feel free to contact me to know more about it.
Twitter: maritzafigueroa
There is more to my profile, but as I work in Wikipedia in Spanish, perhpas you would like to check my direct involvement in partnering together with the WikiEducation project and PUCE in Quito, Ecuador.
Papers Published
[edit]2017 - Short paper - Draft - Wikipedia as a Tool for Learning. (official publication soon to be released).