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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki



Landing page: d:Wikidata:Events/Coordinate Me 2024
for Canada, Nigeria, Australia, New Zealand, India, Malta

Join the Wiki­data contest and help improve geo­graphi­cally located items in 16 coun­tries!

Coordinate Me ❭  MAY 2024



Landing page: d:Wikidata:Events/Coordinate Me 2024/fr
for France, Niger, Senegal, (Québec if possible)

Rejoignez la compé­tition Wiki­data et contri­buez à améliorer les élé­ments contenant des géodonnées dans 16 pays !

Coordinate Me ❭  MAY 2024



Landing page: d:Wikidata:Events/Coordinate Me 2024/de
for Austria, Germany

Nimm teil am Wiki­data-Wett­bewerb und hilf mit, geo­grafisch ver­ortete Items in 16 Ländern zu ver­bessern!

Coordinate Me ❭  Mai 2024



Landing page: d:Wikidata:Events/Coordinate Me 2024/es
for Spain, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina

¡Parti­cipa en el con­curso de Wiki­data y ayuda a mejorar los ele­mentos loca­lizados geo­gráfi­camente en 16 países!

Coordinate Me ❭  MAYO 2024

Nederlands (no translation planned)


Landing page: d:Wikidata:Events/Coordinate Me 2024/nl
for the Netherlands

Join the Wiki­data contest and help im­prove geo­graphi­cally located items in 16 countries!

Coordinate Me ❭  MAY 2024