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Liudmila (Jade) Kalina, Outreachy 2021 intern
Liudmila (Jade) Kalina
Outreachy 2021 intern

About me

I'm aspiring student who wishes to make knowledge available for everyone. My main interests are math, computer linguistics and storytelling via different forms of media.

My work

I'm working around analyzing community functions to find similar or redundant code and detect most popular functions to host in a more centralized way. That is one of the tasks connected to huge and astonishing project - Abstract Wikipedia.

Contact me

Work timeline

Week Timeline Work report
Week 1 01.12.2020 - 08.12.2020

Community bonding period. Setting up accounts on Phabricator and Wikimedia. Setting up 2FA, setting up and testing MediaWiki-Docker. Reading initial onboarding material: Wikimedia values, Guiding principles, Engineering Architecture Principles etc. Joining mailing lists. Reading 'Debugging Teams'. First blog post: here

Week 2 9.12.2020 - 15.12.2020

Setting up Toolforge project. Working with Toolforge planning. Creating parser for Special:SiteMatrix(deprecated). Changing from parsing web page to query meta table in database copy, fetching both links to the projects and names for their corresponding databases.

Week 3 16.12.2020 - 22.12.2020

Finalizing parser to refetch everything only when there was a database update. Setting a cron job the parser. Creating a database in Toolforge env for storing fetched information and starting to implement working with database in scripts. Second blog post: here

Week 4 23.12.2020 - 29.12.2020

Finishing moving all saving and loading from csv to database. Planning with Aisha, which exactly database information could be helpful and how. Implementing a variant to work with scripts and databases through ssh tunnelling, so the code can be run on local pc.

Week 5 30.12.2020 - 05.01.2021

Working onto updating commentary, ssh scripts; updating README with the instructions on how to deploy the project. Third blog post: here Days off: 1st, 4th, 5th.

Week 6 06.01.2021 - 12.01.2021

Analysis of the Lua functions with the same title, fetched from different wikis, looking at the uniqueness and sourcecodes for some of them.

Week 7 13.01.2021 - 19.01.2021

Looking at Lua AST builders and modifications needed to implement comparison between the trees. Testing out Levenshtein distance as a measure of closeness between the sourcecodes; looking for different modules, implementing this feature and deciding on the fastest ones.

Week 8 20.01.2021 - 26.01.2021

Fourth blog post: here

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