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Context Setting and Follow-up Questions
[edit]Hello @Kizhiya,
Thank you for putting in a rapid fund grant application. We connected on a few occasions discussion your grant applications on email and over calls.
We noted that your rapid fund application is planned for 2 months from May to June 2023 and the General Support Fund application is planned for 12 months from July 2023 to June 2024. Reading the rapid fund application on its own, it's may be challenging for readers to understand what you require the fund for and what you plan to deliver. Hence, I am also attaching the relevant links for General Support Fund application that would provide more context to this rapid fund grant application.
Context Setting
- General Support Fund Application (Japanese)
- General Support Fund Application (English):
- Activity Plan for 2023/2024 (Japanese):
- Activity Plan for 2023/2024 (English):
- The activities relevant to the rapid fund grant are tagged May and June 2023
- Preliminary survey that you conducted (translated to English) -
- Diff Blog that provides more information on your intention (in Japanese) -安全で活動しやすい日本語版ウィキのために/
Follow-up Questions on your Rapid Fund Grant
- During the term of the rapid fund, I understand you plan to do the following:
- Activity report after every two months or so
- Plan and design interview content for the qualitative research
- Produce a draft of the interview format and content based on your readings
- Identify and test out a preferred way to communicate updates to the Japanese community (e.g. newsletter)
1) Would the above be correct? Please feel free to add and elaborate on additional items or tasks you will work on but were not captured above.
2) At the end of your rapid fund grant, and in your learning report that you submit one month after your grant ends, you will be able to include the following content -> activity report, draft of interview format and content, sample newsletter/blog etc. In addition, you will also be able to document your progress in some ways online. This could be a project page on meta, blog etc. Would that be correct?
3) In your budget sheet, could you provide more details related to personnel related cost? For example, how do you assess the unit cost, who will be paid and specifically what task will be completed for the paid work? You also requested for learning and evaluation budget in general support funds budget for materials and book costs to cover the topic of learning and evaluation; prepare enough copies so that users can take home and read. How does it differ from what you have budgeted for rapid fund budget?
4) If you were to do a risk assessment of your project, what are the areas that you are most concerned about and how do you plan to mitigate these risks? What type of additional support (beyond grant funding) do you foresee requiring?
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
Regards, Jacqueline JChen (WMF) (talk) 08:49, 5 May 2023 (UTC)
- @JChen (WMF), since your sincere advice, we made this decision:
- almost budget will be spent to construct our user group.
- It means to figure out the roles you have mentioned, and others.
- I ll add sentences here within 12 hours. YShibata (talk) 02:18, 7 May 2023 (UTC)
____ まずはじめに、私たちがRapid Fund期間中に行う活動はすべて、ジェネラルファンドで示した戦略と活動の基礎を作るためのものです。 以下は、一般助成金申請書に示した私たちの目標と戦略です。
3. Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective.
- 大きな戦略 「日本語版wiki利用者グループ」をつくる。
- 戦略
- 1.「変化を嫌う方」とは別のルートから、新規参加者のサポートをする。
- 2.問題を特定するために、さらなる調査を行う。
- 3.財団や他のプロジェクトからのお知らせルートの確立(そのための調査)
- 4.日本語Wikisの、日本での社会的な立場をはっきりさせる。そのために、利用者グループをつくり、財団公認になり、東京都連携の公認団体になることを目指す。この規模のサイトで責任者がいないのは無責任すぎる。同時に、利用者が対外関係を行う際の身分証明としての働き(財団公認となり、名刺や会員証、メールアドレスなどが発行できる)
- 5.顧問弁護士の依頼
- 3. Describe your main approaches or strategies to achieve these changes and why you think they will be effective. 3000 character limit. Required.
1. The larger picture for our strategy: Create a "wikimedia Japanese user group". However, we need not to rush and establish it hastely. By 2024, we will prepare for establishment. 1. Our strategy Support newcomers from a different route than those who dislike change. Further examine and research to identify the issue. Establish routes to convey announcements issued by WMF and non-jawp projects (Carry out surveys for that purpose.) Clarify the social position of Japanese Wikis in Japan at large. To that end, we aim to create a user group, become an WMF affiliate, so that we will register as an official NGO with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It can be reasoned that a citizen’s group of our size could be blamed as irresponsible for not having a responsible representative. At the same time, that User Group will function as an issuer of identity forms/documents when a user works with external entities or public relations works. (WMF can authorize our User Group so that we will be able to prepare members of ja wikis IDs such as business cards, membership cards, e-mail addresses and so forth.) Oursource advisory Lawyer (s)
上記の戦略は変わっていません。戦略4は、YShibataの協力と助言により、予定より早く、大きく進める予定です。The above strategy has not changed. Regarding Strategy 4, we plan to make great progress with YShibata's cooperation and advice.
以下は以前書いたものです。 _____
- Thank you for connecting our visions of rapid and general Applications.
- 1)Your understanding is correct. However, I would like to explain in more detail, including the items that have added.
- A) I have three surveys scheduled. Kizhiya is in charge of these.
- 1. Request a relatively large-scale qualitative survey "about 200 people" survey company.
- 2. Install text mining software. Learn how to do text mining and how to use software more. I plan to use this in the next term to investigate reading back the logs at the Village Pump. To do→Changes in consultation of newcomers at VP and so on.
- 3. Preparation for qualitative interviews and surveys.
- Learn how to ask questions from books and think about questions more.
- B) Identify and test preferred methods of providing information to the Japanese communities.(e.g. Newsletter)
- Syunsyunminmin is in charge of this work. Syunsyunminmin often translates Meta and participates in various non-Japanese wiki projects. In the Japanese version of the wiki-projects, informations such as events from the foreign language version is casually thrown into the header banners. And the Japanese ignore those. It is because foreign users do not know the interests of Japanese users.
- A Japanese user like Syunsyunminmin, who is familiar with information on foreign wikis and projects, select what is important to us from a large amount of information from foreign countries. And to send it in a way that Japanese people can easily read it. It is very meaningful for us and Wikimedia Movement.
- A survey of about 30 people that we have already conducted has shown that e-mail magazines or newsletters seem to be a good medium.
- For now, We are going to try it from the email magazine.
- C) Find reliable (a) lawyer(s), accountants, and judicial scriveners. Also, ask them for advice when the group becomes an NPO corporation which certified by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
- YShibata is in charge of this.
- 2)はい。その方法は良いと思います。現在、私たちはメタにユーザーグループのページを作っている最中です。
- そこには、グループの方針や進捗状況を記します。そこは、あなたがたへの報告の場です。
- 同時に、私たちのグループに賛同してくれるかもしれない人たちのための、ランディングページにする予定です。私たちは、活動のためのメーリングリストや情報を受け取るメールマガジンにもそこから登録できるようにします。
- 2) Yes. I think that method is good. We are currently in the process of creating a usergroup page on Meta.
- On that meta page, We will describe the group's policies and progress. That are the place to report to you.
- At the same time, we plan to make it a landing page for jawikis users who might join our group. We also allow them to sign up there for our mailing list and our newsletter.
- 3)人件費について。予算表にコメントを記入したのでご覧ください。
- ほとんどは時給での支払いになります。働いた時間は自己申告になります。
- 3) Regarding personnel related cost.
- Please check at the comments I made on the budget seat.
- Most are paid on an hourly basis. Worked hours will be calculated by self-calculating.
- Kizhiya will pay them salaries and expenses from the bank account for grants. If possible, we will ask an accountant to check.
- 以下に、rapidとgeneralの資料費用の使い方の違いを説明します。
- 私たちは「参加者どうしのトラブル」を避けるために、主要な分野ごとに担当者を決めました。たとえば私は調査について、現在より知識を身につけるために学ぶ予定です。いくつかのソフトの使い方も学ぶ必要があります。おそらく読むだけでは理解・覚られないので、パソコンの側に置いて何度も読み返す必要があります。
- これは他の件の担当者も同じです。
- rapid fundのときは、私には特に定量調査のための本やGoogleワークスペースの本、syunsyunminminにはデザインの参考書、YShibataには行政書士やNPO法人に関する本が必要です。
- Below is an explanation of the difference in how rapid and general materials are used.
- In order to avoid "troubles between participants", we decided on a person in charge for each major area. For example, I am currently planning to learn about researches. I also need to learn how to use some softwares. Perhaps I will be able to little understand by reading one time, so I need to put on the book next to my computer and read it over and over again.
- Other staffs are need books and materials just like me.And we have to get another knowledge.For the rapid fund, I especially need books for quantitative research, how to use Google Workspace. Reference books on design for Syunsyunminmin, and books on administrative scriveners and NPO corporations for YShibata.
- Generalでは、私は定質的な調査のためのさまざまな種類の本が必要になります。私は心理的安全についての参考書、質問の作り方などについて読みます。組織論、良いコミュニティと悪いコミュニティの差について、グループのまとめ方についての本を読むでしょう。USSR-slavは、Discordの効果的な使い方の本が必要です。私たちの国では、インターネットでたくさんの情報を見つけることができますが、書物のほうがさらに詳しく書かれている場合が多いです。
- 他には、非営利団体のさまざまなトラブルについての本、組織論、ニューロダイバーシティ、コレクティブ・インパクト、レポート作成、など。
- In the general funding period, I will require different types of books for qualitative research. This includes psychological safety reference books, books on how to ask questions, and more. I will read books on organization theory, the difference between good and bad communities, and how to organize groups. USSR-slav needs books on how to use Discord effectively. In our country, you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but books are often more detailed.
- In addition, books on various troubles of non-profit organizations, organizational theory, neurodiversity, collective inpact, report writing, etc.
- 4) I think the biggest risk is the reduction of staff. Perhaps the current core members can do some of the work of other member in charge. I will ask other members "Please keep records and schedules in your area of responsibility for others to refer to." Also, to increase the staff, I will try to talk to users who are active in the meta etc. . I will also look at freelance introduction sites that I can ask for in case of emergency.
- Thank you very much.
- Regards, Kizhiya (talk) 04:51, 6 May 2023 (UTC)--Kizhiya (talk) 06:17, 6 May 2023 (UTC)updated
- What will USSR-slav do using Discord? Is that part of the grant plan here? I think it was never mentioned before. I see "10,000 or 20,000 JPY per month, user: USSR-slav, as moderator of Discord jawikis-Server" in the budget, but is there any planned activity like an online editathon in the coming months? whym (talk) 07:00, 6 May 2023 (UTC)