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The U4C is voting on a proposed draft charter. It will be responsible for organizing the annual review of the Universal Code of Conduct and its Enforcement Guidelines. Below are my proposed changes to the UCoC for the next annual review, with additions in bold and deletions striken through.

Policy:Universal Code of Conduct § 2 – Expected behaviour[edit]

"In all Wikimedia projects, spaces and events, behaviour will be should be founded in civility, scholarly inquiry, logical discourse, collegiality, respect for verifiable truth and for eachother. solidarity and good citizenship."

These changes are proposed for the reasons stated by Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics to justify his abandonment of the Platonic theory of forms: While both are dear, piety requires us to honor truth above our friends. --Book I chapter 6, 1096a.16. The phrase as currently formulated in the official UCoC neglects to mention scholarly discourse, inquiry, or logic as valuable behaviors. It offers instead 5 synonyms for civility, which taken together may be used to imply and enforce "compliance" with a group consensus, which is a recipe for w:groupthink.

I removed solidarity because our wiki projects are not a labor union or a political party, and we are not supposed to be here primarily for purposes of advocacy. I removed good citizenship because we are not a city, state, or country - and as far as wiki-citizenship is meant by the phrase, it is already subsumed under the concepts of civility and collegiality. There is in wikimedia no distinction of status between foreigner,resident-alien, native, naturalized citizen, so the concept is not useful as it would be in a real country where such distinct statuses exist.

Commentary and Analysis[edit]


... more suggestions will be forthcoming in the months ahead.