User:HDothiduc (WMF)/Leadership Framework
Movement Learning and Leadership framework
[edit]This big layout works well for desktop. For mobile the lists (next 3 sections) below work better.
Learning and Leadership Development
Design for Access
- Provide guidance & tutorials to become familiar with Wikimedia
- Direct volunteers to consolidated resources and wikis/projects related to interests and languages
- Create awareness of the benefits of volunteering and the many ways to contribute
- Connect to communities a newcomer can learn from
- Identify and make it easier for newcomers to find and connect to local community
- Increase translation of learning and support resources
- Provide internet/device support
- Offer a Question/answer hotline or group
- Create list of movement trainings and events and make visible to all users
- Increase WMF onsite support to create more access for development
- Create awareness and encourage participation in movement trainings & workshops
- Prioritize conference attendance/scholarships to those who have never been
- Require event scholarship recipients to conduct a share out of learnings with their community
- Increase support for unaffiliated communities and communities where English is not prevalent
- Validate wiki involvement with certifications to support working with partners and establish recognition of volunteer work
- Provide grants/stipends for mentors to train others
- Support Affiliations or former organizations in creating access or direct to resources and opportunities in the movement
- Create an easier to navigate resource system/ make it easier for people to ask Questions
- Advertise/ broadly recruit for roles and opportunities
- Rotating roles and responsibilities/ creating role term limits
- Create thematic open calls and public postings to invite new people who may be engaged through various topics
- Define and share the ways you can engage in movement
- Provide connection to other projects in the movement
- Increase invitations - invite others to events, conferences, chat groups, Facebook pages, community meetings, editathons, talk pages, etc.
- Direct volunteers and encourage them to apply for scholarships
- Publicize trainings and events where people can get more connected and emerged
- Direct volunteers to notice boards, sign posts, places to stay up to date and connected
- Record/document trainings, conference learnings to share with others and serve as a resource to the community
- Pseudonym support for those in dangerous politic areas
- WMF support for issues of censorship - provide guidance to people in these circumstances and connect them with similar communities
- Less restrictions around grants
- Designate tasks and responsibilities to others
- Invite others into discussions
- Broaden opportunities for others to get involved
- Do not limit engagement by setting unrealistic experience requirements
- Invest in conferences to form, train, and support leaders in the movement
- Create ladders of engagement that can serve as guides for how volunteers can engage and gain experience
- Provide support for graceful exits and wiki-breaks
- Offer off-boarding interviews to share knowledge, networks, and ongoing work with community
- Create templates for off-boarding
- Designate tasks and responsibilities to others
Build for a Community of Practice
- Provide clear direction of what to read, groups to join, where to go for help, etc.
- Hold regular community meetings and opportunities to engage
- Plug volunteers into local and relevant chat groups
- Use supportive and welcoming dialogue
- Offer newcomer meetups
- Assign experienced editors to new editors
- Participate in mentoring (mentor/mentee)
- Share best practices/ values/ behaviors
- Provide encouragement
- Encourage newer members to help teach others to engage and prevent burnout
- Offer local community gatherings to build connection
- Define and promote ways to give back to community and help others get where you are
- Create accountabilities/ hold people accountable for their actions
- Create safe spaces to ask questions and provide answers
- Connect people based on interests and ideas
- Create an environment of enablement and empowerment
- Create terms for roles to prohibit burnout and expand opportunities to learn and grow
- Create opportunities for repetitive learning and spaces to show what they learned and how they've applied it
- Create communication (chat) groups to answer questions and foster community and volunteer connection
- Elevate great community work to show recognition and also allow volunteers to learn from other communities
- Be inclusive
- Send messages that show others their contributions are important
- Recognize people’s skills and how they work best
- Learn from other organizations/ communities
- Create space for new voices/ don’t hold onto power
- Bring online and offline communities together
- Reach out to other groups with aligned themes to collaborate and expand the reach and scope of a project.
- Guide and motivate others
- Adapt a train the trainer model to avoid burnout and increase knowledge sharing
- Nurture cooperation
- Recognize and fill gaps in content, community, leadership representation, access, etc.
- Broaden community participation
- Build space and process for knowledge sharing
- Create clear role definitions, expectations, and regular reviews
- Set terms for roles to create accountability and allow opportunity to step back and make room for others
- Offer certifications or more formal recognition systems
- Support volunteers by creating opportunities for others to learn and grow
- Celebrate wiki-breaks by showing support for their next steps or new chapters
Develop skills and capacities to support the Movement
- Communicating on wiki - what, where, how
- Tutorials of the wikis, editing basics, policies, etc.
- Recognizing and reporting harassment
- Using Sandbox
- Understanding Open source
- Creating wiki categories
- Referencing
- Balancing time when volunteering
- Friendly interactions
- Wikipedia Adventure
- Outreach
- Getting connected to the movement
- Running events
- Apply your skills by teaching others - fully grasping what you are studying
- Building partnerships
- Onwiki technical skills
- Writing reports
- Supportive + welcoming dialogue
- Project Management
- How to be a mentor and transfer skills/ offer support
- Community Organizing
- Grant proposals
- Retention strategies
- Public relations
- How to manage a team
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Representing the needs/ voices of community
- Fundraising
- Lobbying
- Negotiation
- Training for specific roles
- Impact Evaluation
- Functionary coaching
- Screen editing
- Bias training
- Transparent communication
- Problem solving
- Code templates
- Building healthy communities
- Articulating wiki experience into resume/ professional experience
- Report writing
- Community assessment
- Retention strategies
- On/offline facilitation
- Avoiding burnout
- Data informed decision making
- Participatory decision making
- Policy
- Civil discourse
- Governance
- Skill assessment and development of others
- Succession planning
- Mediation
- Journey reflection (reviewing your journey to think about what you could replicate or do to help others)
- Influencing change
- Strategic planning
- Conflict management
- Storytelling (communication
- Power/privilege training
- Developing ladders of engagement for newer volunteers
- Contextual awareness
- Sharing power
Could be replaced with another icon
Design for Access - List
[edit]- Provide guidance & tutorials to become familiar with Wikimedia
- Direct volunteers to consolidated resources and wikis/projects related to interests and languages
- Create awareness of the benefits of volunteering and the many ways to contribute
- Connect to communities they can learn from
- Identify and make it easier for newcomers to find and connect to local community
- Increase translation of learning resources
- Provide internet/device support
- Offer a Q&A hotline
- Create list of movement trainings and events and make visible to all users
- Increase WMF onsite support to create more access for development
- Provide more grants for participating in movement trainings/workshops
- Prioritize conference attendance/scholarships to those who have never been
- Require event scholarship recipients to conduct a share out of learnings with their community
- Increase support for unaffiliated communities and communities where English is not prevalent
- validate wiki involvement/ certification to support working with orgs and recognition of their work
- Provide grants/stipends for mentors to train others
Affiliations or former orgs create access to resources and opps - need more support for this process
- Create an easier to navigate resource system/ make it easier for people to ask Qs
- Advertise/ broadly recruit for roles and opportunities
- Rotating/ creating role term limits
- Open calls and public postings inviting ppl to participate in conferences, events, etc - advertise topic may bring in new ppl
- Define and share the ways you can engage in movement
- Provide connection to other projects in the mvmt
- Increase invitations - invite others to events, conferences, chat groups, FB pages, community meetings, editathons, talk pages, etc.
- Direct them and encourage them to apply for scholarships
- Publicize trainings and events where ppl can get more connected and emerged
- Direct to notice boards, sign posts, places to stay up to date and connected
- Record/document trainings, conference learnings for others to learn
- pseudonym support for those in dangerous politic areas
- WMF support for issues of censorship - how to guide ppl in these circumstances or connecting with similar communities
- Less restrictions around grants
- Designate tasks and responsibilities to others
- Invite others into discussions
- Create templates for off-boarding
- Broaden opportunities for others to get involved
- Do not limit engagement by setting unrealistic experience/ requirements
- conference to form, train, and support leaders
- create ladders of engagement - ways for ppl to gain experience to progress
- Support for graceful exits and breaks
- Off-boarding interviews to share knowledge, networks, WIP with community
- Create templates for off-boarding
- Off-boarding interviews to share knowledge, networks, WIP with community
- Designate tasks and responsibilities to others
Build for a Community of Practice - List
[edit]- Provide clear direction of what to read, groups to join, where to go for help, etc.
- Hold regular community meetings/ opportunities to engage
- Plug volunteers into local/ relevant chat groups
- Use supportive and welcoming dialogue
- Newcomer meetups
- Assign experienced editors to new editors
- Participate in mentoring (mentor/mentee)
- Share best practices/ values/ behaviors
- Provide encouragement
- Encourage newer members to help teach others to engage and prevent burnout
- Offer local community gatherings to build connection
- Define and promote ways to give back to community/help others get where you are
- Create accountabilities/ hold ppl accountable for their actions
- Create safe spaces to ask questions/provide answers
- Connect people based on interests and ideas
- Create an environment of enablement and empowerment
- Create terms for roles to prohibit burnout and expand opportunities to learn and grow
- Create opportunities for repetitive learning and spaces to show what they learned and how they've applied it
- Create communication (telegram) groups to answer Qs and foster community and connection
- Elevate great community work to show recognition and also allow ppl to learn from other communities
- Be inclusive
- Send messages that show others their contributions are important
- Recognize people’s skills and how they work best
- Learn from other organizations/ communities
- Create space for new voices/ don’t hold onto power
- Bring online and offline communities together
- Reach out to other groups with aligned themes to collaborate and expand the reach and scope of a project.
- Guide and motivate others
- TtT model to avoid burnout and increase knowledge sharing
- Nurture cooperation
- Recognize and fill gaps in content, community/ leadership representation, access etc
- Broaden community participation
- Building space/ process for knowledge sharing
- Clear role definitions, expectations, and regular review
- Set terms for roles to create accountability and allow opportunity to step back/break and make room for others
- Offer certifications or more formal recognition systems
- support others by creating opportunities for others to learn and grow
- Celebrate wiki- breaks/ show support for next steps or new chapters
Support for skill development/learning - List
[edit]- Communicating on wiki -what, where, how
- Tutorials of the wikis, editing basics, policies, etc.
- Recognizing and reporting harassment
- Using sandbox
- Open source/the world of Open
- Creating categories
- Referencing
- Balancing time when volunteering
- Friendly interactions
- Wikipedia Adventure
- Outreach
- Getting connected to the movement
- Running events
- apply your skills by teaching others - fully grasping what you are studying
- Building partnerships
- Onwiki technical skills
- Writing reports
- Supportive + welcoming dialogue
- Project Management
- How to be a mentor and transfer skills/ offer support
- Community Organizing
- Grant proposals
- Retention strategies
- Public relations
- How to manage a team
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Representing the needs/ voices of community
- Fundraising
- Lobbying
- Negotiation
- Training for specific roles
- Impact Evaluation
- Functionary coaching
- Screen editing
- Bias training
- Transparent communication
- Problem solving
- Code templates
- Building healthy communities
- Articulating wiki experience into resume/ professional experience
- Report writing
- Community assessment
- Retention strategies
- On/offline facilitation
- Avoiding burnout
- Data informed decision making
- Participatory decision making
- Policy
- Civil discourse
- Governance
- Skill assessment and development of others
- Succession planning
- Mediation
- Journey reflection (reviewing your journey to think about what you could replicate or do to help others)
- Influencing change
- Strategic planning
- Conflict management
- Storytelling (communication
- Power/privilege training
- Developing ladders of engagement for newer volunteers
- Contextual awareness
- Sharing power