About me
Hello! I'm Gautham (he/him), a student and developer based in Amritapuri, India. I am a second-year undergraduate at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and a member of amFOSS.
My interests include Android development, data analysis, networking,and artificial intelligence. I'm actively contributing to open-source projects and love exploring innovative solutions for technical and societal challenges.
My work
Scribe is a community of language enthusiasts, learners, and developers creating tools to help people communicate with confidence. I contributed to Scribe-Android
Urbanalyse is a project I developed during the Evolumin Hackathon, which focuses on analyzing urban trends and patterns to provide insights for sustainable city planning.
I contributed to the Wikimedia Commons app as part of my open-source journey, enhancing its features and functionality for global users.
Bunk Mate is an app I developed to address the problem of not being able to bunk classes while keeping track of attendance. The app helps students manage their attendance and find ways to efficiently skip classes without affecting their academic record.
Contact me
Would love to collaborate and connect!