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User:Fareeha Takanashi

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zh-N 中文是这位用户的母语
zh-Hant-3 這位使用者有進階水準的繁體中文知識。
en-2 This user has intermediate knowledge of English.
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
zh-Hans-4 这位用户的简体中文达到接近母语水平
The time of this user now is: 2025-02-28 00:58 UTC+8
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This is the user page. Please do not edit
這是用戶頁面. 請不要編輯
If you want to say something to me, please edit My talk page

Welcome to my user page


If you want to say something to me, go to my talk page
Also, if you find out what I'm doing wrong, please also let me know in my talk page
Some parts of this page use Google Translate, please forgive if there are any mistakes. For more information, please check at Here



Good at and caring about ACG, electronics, electrical automation, computers, etc., is a DD who often looks at VTuber, and most recommends Natsuiro Matsuri,わっしょーい!



如果你想對我說些什麼,請去 我的討論頁面
本頁面部分英文使用Google翻譯,如有錯誤請諒解。更多資訊請在 中文維基百科用戶頁 查看。




Contact Information聯絡資訊

This user chats on Telegram.
This user chats on Discord as FareehaTakanashi#3636.
Tel +1(978)958-2285‬