User:FBorges (WMB)
About me
I graduated from the 2016 Northeast Cultural Managers Course, in an agreement between the Federal Universities of Bahia and Pernambuco, where I completed my training. I have extensive experience in the area of cultural production, having executed several projects in the most diverse areas. In 2024, I continue to integrate teams in important events such as the Concha Negra Festival and Melanina Acentuada Festival in year 6, recently working as a master producer for the Future insider YouTube #VozesNegras, within the Salvador Capital Afro 2024 program.
My work
I am responsible for the production of WikiCon Brasil 2025, the second Wikimedia conference organized by and for the Brazilian community, which takes place in Salvador on July 19th and 20th.
Contact me
My e-mail is