User:EpochFail/Journal/PEF 1
Wednesday, Aug. 22nd
[edit]I'm loading in the log data from rfaulks initial load and filtering out weirdness. This seems to be common practice. Check out RFaulk's log for details.
CREATE TABLE halfak.pef1_assignment
SUBSTRING(e3pef_event, 33) as assignment,
count(*) as logged_revisions,
min(e3pef_timestamp) as first_edit,
max(e3pef_timestamp) as last_edit
FROM rfaulk.e3_pef_iter1_log_data
INNER JOIN enwiki.revision
ON e3pef_rev_id = rev_id
INNER JOIn enwiki.user
ON rev_user = user_id
WHERE e3pef_event LIKE "ext.postEditFeedback@1-postEdit-%"
AND rev_user != 0
AND user_registration BETWEEN "20120730220000" AND "20120813060000"
AND rev_page = e3pef_page_id
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_idx ON halfak.pef1_assignment (user_id);
Query OK, 5282 rows affected (0.26 sec) Records: 5282 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 Query OK, 5282 rows affected (0.03 sec) Records: 5282 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
Most of these events should be right. Hopefully we can learn something from them. First things first, I need a table of all of their revisions that happened within an interesting timespan. I'l going to go two weeks from registration since that should (1) include the experimental period and (2) negate any right truncation effects since it has been over a week since the end of the period.
CREATE TABLE halfak.pef1_revision
rev_user as user_id,
rev_timestamp as timestamp,
rev_comment as comment,
rev_sha1 as sha1,
FALSE as deleted
FROM enwiki.revision
INNER JOIN halfak.pef1_assignment
ON user_id = rev_user
ON rev_page = page_id
WHERE rev_timestamp
BETWEEN user_registration
AND DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(user_registration, INTERVAL 14 DAY), "%Y%m%d%H%i%s")
ar_rev_id as rev_id,
ar_user as user_id,
ar_page_id as page_id,
ar_namespace as page_namespace,
ar_timestamp as rev_timestamp,
ar_comment as comment,
ar_sha1 as sha1,
TRUE as deleted
FROM enwiki.archive
INNER JOIN halfak.pef1_assignment
ON ar_user = user_id;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rev_idx ON halfak.pef1_revision (rev_id);
Query OK, 44752 rows affected (14.92 sec) Records: 44752 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 Query OK, 44752 rows affected (0.25 sec) Records: 44752 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
OK. Now time to look at reverts. I think the best way to do this is with a script.
Tuesday, Sept. 4th
[edit]I just got back from WikiSym and got back to work on this problem right away. It looks like some differences I had previously observed were due to data anomalies. First things first, lets talk about data.
I re-aggregated my dataset based on a set of users generated by re-hashing user_ids during the experimental period. I pulled them from Dario's db.
CREATE TABLE halfak.pef1_assignment
bucket as assignment
FROM dartar.e3_pef_iter1_users
INNER JOIN enwiki.user u USING (user_id)
GROUP BY u.user_id;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_idx ON halfak.pef1_assignment (user_id);
Then I pulled in the first couple weeks of revisions as I did before:
CREATE TABLE halfak.pef1_revision
rev_user as user_id,
rev_timestamp as timestamp,
rev_comment as comment,
rev_sha1 as sha1,
FALSE as deleted
FROM enwiki.revision
INNER JOIN halfak.pef1_assignment
ON user_id = rev_user
ON rev_page = page_id
WHERE rev_timestamp
BETWEEN user_registration
AND DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(user_registration, INTERVAL 14 DAY), "%Y%m%d%H%i%s")
ar_rev_id as rev_id,
ar_user as user_id,
ar_page_id as page_id,
ar_namespace as page_namespace,
ar_timestamp as rev_timestamp,
ar_comment as comment,
ar_sha1 as sha1,
TRUE as deleted
FROM enwiki.archive
INNER JOIN halfak.pef1_assignment
ON ar_user = user_id
WHERE ar_timestamp
BETWEEN user_registration
AND DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(user_registration, INTERVAL 14 DAY), "%Y%m%d%H%i%s");
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rev_idx ON halfak.pef1_revision (rev_id);
Then I ran a script that used the sha1 checksum in the DB to look for reverts based on the previous table.
CREATE TABLE halfak.pef1_reverted (
rev_id INT(8) UNSIGNED,
rvtg_id INT(8) UNSIGNED,
rvt2_id INT(8) UNSIGNED,
distance INT UNSIGNED,
--mysqlimport --local -h db42 halfak pef1_reverted.tsv
Ok... Now back to plotting.
Hmm... this doesn't look like much of a difference. I ran a chi^2.test to check.
None of the conditions are significantly different:
- e_1 vs control: p=0.1083
- e_2 vs control: p=0.2239
If this is the result of a few power-users, we should be able to see a difference by collapsing the value of each user. It's hard to measure success-rate -- even given a high amount of error -- without having a lot of revisions to look at. I limited my dataset to users who make at least 10 revisions and took the mean success-rate for each group.